2018 crypto is about to explode
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It's about to implode.
Once normies boomers and women are in its all downhill from there
Does this mean I'll be rich no matter what lel
You got dropped as a child didn't you?
Why you hold your precieved good coins. They will clamour toward shitcoins.
kek enjoy your worthless internet money once the fad wears off
>internet money
Salty nocoiner, your ignorance and refusal to research means you will always stay poor.
youre right. im always telling these "its a babble u fool" monkeys that we are still in the year 1995 of the internet bubble.
many years to go. selling crypto today is like selling apple in 1995.
I actually probably own more crypto than you and have most likely owned crypto longer than you.
We're due for a big crash any day now
lol show me your blockfolio
I doubt you have more than me
>any day now
lol do you know how stupid u sound
my dad... he works for...
Don't have blockfolio
As someone on Veeky Forums said the other day, it's time to start getting worried when your "paw-paws" starts asking about TRX. Until then, chill the fuck out.
Why the fuck would you block the price you paid out on an anonymous forum?
>he owns litecoin
my dad still thinks all crypto is bitcoin, he even thinks they're called bitchcoins no joke.
You missed the last two words of my question
Lol because he's a self-conscious pussy
Also LMAO at thinking you have more than me with that bitch boy portfolio
You're severely retarded if you think the IRS currently has the resources to track people on an anonymous image board.
I dont trust Hiroshimoot and the amounts could be traceable
And the Proof of this issssss?????
But THEY ARE called bitchcoins
ODN KEK stay poor pajeet
300 ODN. Thats like 0.2% of my portfolio nigger
>coinlets, when will they learn?
lmao, my mother does the same, mostly because of a native accent. she was worried about me because she read that bitcoin price was dropping.
>no mom, i sold most of my "bitchcoin" at the peak, i invested most of the profit in the newer stuff.
>oh...ok, i'm glad
does your dad work for bittrex
Do you work for reddit?
Your un-originality and group think attitude leads me to believe so
>website tribalism
lololololol loser
I can tell by his posting habits that hes used to a group think environment, thats all.
And I can tell by your posting habits that youre a friendless cuck with nothing going for you but your crypto
Two weeks ago my dad came into my room all smug saying "Did you see what happened to the bitconne? I told you, back in my day [talk about the dotcom bubble and tiscali]"
Yeah, he still doesn't know I'm making money off this, one day I play to make him retire though, but once I have good stable gains, otherwise I'll have to face him smug "I told you" face.
>using dashes
>thinking it makes you look smart
go back, faggot.
LOL we have an armchair psychologist here
Ya you can definitely assume what my life is like by random Veeky Forums comments hahaha
You just can't help yourself can you?
>fucking tribalists
3 seconds later
>black lives matter!
>feminism! women first!
>team democrat
You are very poor compared to most of the people claiming to be in crypto for a long time on this board.
Korean volume has grown because of the trading bans in China. Chinese investors are investing through Korea. Misleading article makes it look likes its all Korean growth
jeez looks like I hit a nerve with you two. Dont go killing yourselfs when the only thing in your lives evaporates like the fad that it is
Dotcom bubble got so big because it was over huge technological innovation: the internet.
Crypto is bigger than the internet, so this bubble hasn't even gotten started.
Not even 1% of the world is in the market yet. It's a 24/7 market, it never closes, money can be pulled out or put in at any time.
Yes, there'll be a crash, but it'll be very minor, because the amount of people that can access it will soften the crash.
>crypto is bigger than the internet
crypto does not exist without internet. The internet on the other hand doesnt need crypto currency.
The internet revolutionized everything. Crypto will revolutionize things even more.
lay off the dark eyes
This has to be a joke.
>The internet revolutionized everything. Crypto will revolutionize things even more.
Within two months, Amazon's sales were up to $20,000/week
Gimme 1 crypto product that is generating positive revenue?
Growth can be analyzed scientifically. We didn't go exponential yet.
cuck coins
So what? I went in with 40$, now got 90$. Lambo incoming
pick litteraly any exchange and it make tons of revenue
>We didn't go exponential yet.
>Sees BTC go 1300% in 1 year. 50% in just 1 month
>Sees every shitcoin, increase 2-10x in a single month, 4x in a single weak
>Sees internet filled with moon lambo memes
What more do you need to see before you realize we're in a massive bubble?
Look at BTC price. It should have crashed to 12k, 2 days ago but whales keep pumping it at 13k. This is end times.
Kek my mom did this too. "user, bitcoin is dropping! I told you it was a scam! How much money did you lose?"
"Ma I sold my bitcoin at the top and bought other stocks with it."
"oh OK as long as you don't have drug dealer or terrorist money"
It's just easier to tell her crypto is unregulated stocks.
>This is end times.
Is it really though? It feels like it's just the beginning for this technology and the companies developing it. Can't Bitcoin fuck off without bringing all of crypto down with it?
>crypto market still has room for 30x increase
>the numbers will be higher if you count inflation and how accessible internet is compared to the dot com bubble
>some good coin you hold might pull a 60x-100x
>It feels like it's just the beginning for this technology and the companies developing i
says 9 yr old technology is just developing,
9 years and the only use for blockchain was Silk Road.
I'm trying to shill crypto on everyone and they literally think I'm just tripping. Even guys that are technically smart, but most likely constrained mind. Honestly I'm not worried yet. However, inside the crypto community you really feel like time is running out.
I'll sidestep your question because the industry is in its infancy.
ICO's have surpassed VC funding, and democratized startup investing. That's a big disruption in the fundraising world.
Crypto tech has the potential to radically disrupt many industries like the internet did. Look into daos and everything surrounding blockchain. Things like real estate deeds be tokenized and traded like securities, meaning anyone around the world can buy ownership in your house. We haven't seen the beginnings of what's to come.
Time is relative. You won't have 10 years to make it, but I'm absolutely positive we'll at least have 2018 and 2019 still. If you didn't start it, there's still time.
Pretty much yes. I have no idea about investing, I just bought what people here say to buy and with cool logos and I'm 1000 to 30 000$ since september
Again, we're not exposed to unsustainable growth yet. Zoom out and use a logarithmic scale. You will see.
Pretty much yes. I have no idea about investing, I just bought what people here say to buy and with cool logos and I'm from 1000 to 30 000$ since september.
This. Everyone that can look at it objectively knows it. If you werent able to hand your bags to the normies I honestly feel sorry for you.
>9 years and the only use for blockchain was Silk Road.
It's not like people are going to stop buying drugs anonymously online anytime soon
Blockchain isn't just about buying and selling things and even if we're just talking about that then the tech is nowhere near finished.
Thanks user, this is the most encouraging things I've seen in some time
you forget that the tech bubble actually had some substance / value / use for the real world lol
> Once normies boomers and women are in its all downhill from there
The experienced among us will eat them for lunch and go back for seconds. Bring on the normie money!
I appreciate the honest conversation. Most people here only care about the lambo and not the tech so It's nice finding someone that can think.
ICOs. SOX regulation crippled startups by making IPOs difficult. So co. turned to easier money, VC funding. ICO is even easier than VC hence I'm not surprised we're seeing all this fundraising.
Here is the issue. Both SEC IPO and VC funding require disclosure of key information (like financial health, business plan, etc). And this data will be read and interested by business analysts. With ICOs, there is no required disclosure, it's just a white paper and the people reading it at NEETs online. So right now shitcoins are the most disgusting, sub-prime, penny stocks.
Is there a future for ICO? Maybe. What will happen is people will get burned on these unregulated stocks. SEC will enforce securities regulations. Once that happens, ICOs will be much more expensive to issue. I think they will still be cheaper because you can go to an exchange directly, without a bank. With that said, there are still problems with the network itself so I'm not convinced that it's safer than a bank.
>Things like real estate deeds be tokenized and traded like securities, meaning anyone around the world can buy ownership in your house
You can remove the tokenization part and sell it as is. What's the value add of the token?
>What's the value add of the token?
It lets you transfer value of anything. You can't transfer the deed to your house like you can with a stock. Tokenizing lets you do that.
For example David Bowie sold bonds in the 90's that distributed album revenues. It was only available to wallstreet and wasn't easy for small artists to pull off.
SingularDTV is doing the same thing with the blockchain, and the dj Gramatik already raised $9 million that way.
I can already sell a house to another person. I've sold plenty of cars too. Instead of the DMV verify the transaction, miners on a blockchain verity it. What is the value add here? Just doing it digitally instead of physically?
If this type of system was developed, it would have be sanctioned by government agencies. Why would the govt. want a bunch of miners verifying these transactions instead of them doing it themselves? I don't see the need for blockchain in this.
>SingularDTV is doing the same thing with the blockchain, and the dj Gramatik already raised $9 million that way.
When you have a centralized platform like this, there is no advantage to blockchain over a regular database.
>once the general public finally starts using something it drops in value
are you fucking retarded?
Remember when he finds the apple shares in Forrest Gump and it was already like oh wow would have been so good to invest in it back then, that shit has already peaked for sure
The value is massive cost savings. Selling a house is a long and expensive process. Automating it through a smart contract would pass the savings to its users.
A small artist can't offer celebrity bonds because it's too expensive and doesn't have enough reach. Through the blockchain it's now affordable and accessible.
>The value is massive cost savings. Selling a house is a long and expensive process. Automating it through a smart contract would pass the savings to its users.
1. You don't answer my questions.
2. You go into speculation.
We can speculate forever with buzz words like "smart contracts.' I want to know in plain English 1) how this shit works, 2) why it provides consumers value, 3) why it needs blockchain technology vs a SQL server.
Explain to me how a smart contact for a house will work? I send a the token to someone else and that's it? Govt. automatically trusts the transaction?
What if I claim my wallet key was stolen by a friend or a hacker and they sent the transaction. What recourse do I have? Let's say I sue and win in court, how can the transaction be reversed?
I'm not going to get into all the details, so just call it magic. But there's identity added to the blockchain (Civic), governance like a supreme court (Aragon), decentralized exchanges to lower transaction costs (0x), etc. They all handle the things you're asking about.
>why it needs blockchain technology vs a SQL server.
No one would trust some entity to not alter transactions on a SQL server. The point of the blockchain is to transfer value between untrusted parties securely.
>'m not going to get into all the details, so just call it magic. But there's identity added to the blockchain (Civic), governance like a supreme court (Aragon), decentralized exchanges to lower transaction costs (0x), etc. They all handle the things you're asking about.
No. get into the details. Everything is smoke and mirrors. Tell me how this supreme blockchain court will work?
>No one would trust some entity to not alter transactions on a SQL server. The point of the blockchain is to transfer value between untrusted parties securely.
We already trust the centralized government database and centralized bank database with our information. You need to convince me to trust the decentralization database.
which btw is easily susceptible to a 51% attack because it's running on Chinese miners
Someone needs to tell this user unironically about req
I invested about 30K. I hope I can also x30 it.
scam mate
Bitcoin ETF will come out in 2018, that will be the biggest thing.
>only use for blockchain was silk road
thats like saying databases only use was Microsoft SQL Server 2000
you can do more with blockchain than currency ya mong
Here's a simpler example that would benefit customers: Virtue Poker. This coin lets you play poker online without the risk of government shutdown like with Full Tilt Poker. So that's real value to the customer.
The coin runs on an ethereum smart contract, programmed in solidity which can be verified by anyone. So there's no way to cheat users.
>We already trust the centralized government database and centralized bank database with our information.
The government and banks don't move fast enough to handle all these new use cases.
Also they have resistance to change and other survival interests that wouldn't support these new use cases.
>which btw is easily susceptible to a 51% attack because it's running on Chinese miners
That risk is low since everyone is watching and it's in there interest to not sabotage the coin's integrity. There's probably some development on minimizing these kind of attacks I'm not aware about.
You didn't answer any of my legit questions about blockchain house titles and switch subject to virtual poker.
>This coin lets you play poker online without the risk of government shutdown like with Full Tilt Poker. So that's real value to the customer.
The coin runs on an ethereum smart contract, programmed in solidity which can be verified by anyone. So there's no way to cheat users.
Are you kidding me? You know normies are paranoid about the govt shutting down their online poker and want to inspect the blockchain in case someone cheated in a game of blackjack? This is ridiculous.
>You didn't answer any of my legit questions about blockchain house titles and switch subject to virtual poker.
That's because it's way out there in development and I can't give you clear details. The poker one is already coming out.
>This is ridiculous.
I actually know people who lost money when pokerstars was shut down. So they would be interested in something like this. I'm not even in this coin, but the benefits seem obvious to me.
> "I didn't make money; therefore, its a scam"
I dont' thhink it's that simple. The dotcom boom was able to get so good because all middle class people were investing, and so was all institutional money. I find it hard to imagine my upper middle class aunt going to her wealth advisor to buy monero and raiblocks. I see ETFs with bitcoin and ripple is a possibility, but that won't be enough to make crypto 10x.
Am i wrong?
Crypto is too early. People dont know enough about how technology works outside of using an smartphone.
If you really think blockchain has reached its limit, you are extremly foolish.
This is just the beginning of an amazing future. Crypto will keep on growing as it gets more and more attention. We still need about 5-7 years for it to probably reach the limit.
Have you ever tried explaining someone how a blockchain works?
>Have you ever tried explaining someone how a blockchain works?
That's exactly how the internet was before everyone got on. I remember when computers were nerdy and uncool. It didn't take long for society to be overcome by it.
The rate of market penetration is speeding up. I believe blockchain will become adopted faster than the internet even did. The young generation is already spending in it and the geezers are starting to take notice.
>I dont' thhink it's that simple. The dotcom boom was able to get so good because all middle class people were investing, and so was all institutional money. I find it hard to imagine my upper middle class aunt going to her wealth advisor to buy monero and raiblocks. I see ETFs with bitcoin and ripple is a possibility, but that won't be enough to make crypto 10x.
>Am i wrong?
Correct. Which is the big problem with the bubble growing in 2018.
There is 1 big difference. Crypto is global and being fueled by money chinks. Hard to tell how close we are to the end without speaking to money chinks directly.
yes, bitcoin is due for a crash any day now, and I'm all in ETH
How does Veeky Forums feel about Kucoin as an exchange?
They seem to be pretty serious about it, and have a pretty neat referral system so that those who start up now make money off transaction fees of their referees. That means the more we use it as a board, the more we all make, at no extra cost. They seem to have a decent selection of coins too.
Here's a link to the site, with my referal code below it too. It would be nice if we all shared, my account was made with someone else's referal code too:
referral code: 1reK6