How would the forces of 40k react if something like pic related was moving about and eating away at them from within? Would they even notice It at all at first? And if they did, what forces would they bring it bear against it?
How would the forces of 40k react if something like pic related was moving about and eating away at them from within...
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exterminatus the general area
We had dozens of threads about this when the movie was still in theaters.
tl;dr IT operates at a higher power level than anything in the 40k setting, the Deadlights are basically the warp but cranked up to 11, and IT would annihilate and consume the Chaos Gods. Unless the Turtle also exists in 40k, no amount of Grey Knights will be able to kill it, or even drive it off.
Now comes the part where 40kids who haven't even read the book get mad because their setting isn't the strongest, and other memers start shitposting about underage gangbangs.
If a group of kids can figure out the ritual of chewd and more or less pull it off, it's a safe bet that a team of inquisitors can figure it out and pull it off eventually.
>If a group of kids backed by one of the supreme powers in the multiverse can do it, then anyone can
Hey, it's an user who didn't read the book, right on time.
>We had dozens of threads about this when the movie was still in theaters.
And we shall have many, many, many more when the second half finally drops. So it's really best to just get all misconceptions on the character and Dark Tower metastuff out of the way now.
But at the same time, no one will even notice, because IT isn't a particularly ambitious godlike monster from outside space and time. It was just laying around doing nothing for millions of years until humanity evolved, and even then it only kills a couple dozen kids every thirty years. It could destroy the Chaos Gods, but it won't, because that's not something it's interested in. And a hundred kids every thirty years isn't even going to trip anyone's attention, in some parts of 40K. So IT will just quietly enjoy itself, and have no impact at large on the setting.
A giant turtle that was apparently died a few years later isn't what I'd call the supreme power of anything. Nice try though.
Maturin gave them the initial boost to fight against IT the first time around, but it took Can Himself (aka: God) to help power the blow that sealed the deal.
*Meant Gan*
How do we know that they're even incorporating the DT stuff? Because that movie bombed fucking hard.
I'm going to assume I'm supposed to be impressed by a turtle that choked to death and laugh at your lesser daemon.
Isn't IT essentially a localized, somewhat typical Warp entity? Certainly below a good, but more powerful than a demon.
Friendly reminder that power level jerk off 'who would win' contests are literally the utter nadir of autism one can achieve on the internet.
IT was confined to one small town in Maine. I loved the book and 40k is over the top ridiculous, but come on.
>box office 700 million
>"bombed fucking hard"
user what the fuck are you smoking
>the utter nadir of autism one can achieve on the internet
I have arrived.
>Didn't even read my post.
user, let me make this incredibly simple for you. Maturin (that mere "Turtle", who by the way, vomited up an entire universe due to stomach pains)
>so powerful it's stuck in a small town in Maine
It's not stuck. It could leave any time it wants.
It just doesn't want to. It's a lazy, apathetic, hedonistic demon-dimension. All it wants is to gnaw on a few souls (spiced with fear) every few decades.
Laziness is weakness
Dude, you're being delusional.
It's not "stuck" at all. In fact, IT could very well just take the entire town, and just plop it down wherever It wants. That's because Derry is more or less a part of IT, an extension of its being that exists solely to sate It's hunger. It doesnt NEED the town necessarily, It just likes it because there's free food to be had.
>no guys really it’s totally like super duper strong and stuff! It really is! It just doesn’t WANT to show it! Why won’t anyone believe me!?
My friend, the book itself basically states and verifies pretty much everything we've said so far. I can even bring up some of the necessary pages and feats if you're -THAT- fucking desperate to be proven wrong (Again. For like, the billionth time).
The Imperium couldn't continue existing if it exterminatus'd a planet every time a few dozen children died horrible deaths. C'mon, this is 40k.
>IT operates at a higher power level than anything in the 40k setting
IT is the physical form/avatar of a being that is in turn an piece of a fuckoff powerful entity living inside the deadlights, IT is not the deadlights or that uber being, this has already been hashed out too many times. IT would probably be a match for mid tier daemon princes simply due to how hard it is to kill and the extremely versatile ways it can alter reality, but IT cannot dominate entire planets with its powers like a greater daemon prince can.
See above.
>A giant turtle that was apparently died a few years later isn't what I'd call the supreme power of anything.
You should start shitposting in the Lovecraft threads too, start telling them that Cthulhu is a basic bitch of a god because he's dead/asleep all the time. You're retarded.
>Cthulhu is a basic bitch of a god
He kind of is, comparatively.
You morons do realise that while the clown might be 'ooooh look it's super powerful', all that power is on the OTHER SIDE of the reality hole, right?
Yeah, if the whole of it got in, it'd fuck 40k. However, it's just a tiny bit that would get curve stomped.
>lazy, apathetic, hedonistic demon-dimension
Yeah, but it's not like we have chaos gods that get people to do what they want using that/sink deeper into it...
Oh wait
Hey nice thread but could goku beat superman?
Could scion beat madara?
Nah, it took some kids chewing on its tongue to run it off and them doing it a second time to make it go somewhere else.
Even lesser daemons are laughing at this joke of a monster.
Eh, IT is a bit of a push-over. In my campaign, we permanently killed him off as a monster of the week sort of thing. It wasn't all that difficult, it just took some smarts.
>Nah, it took some kids chewing on its tongue to run it off and them doing it a second time to make it go somewhere else.
>"You have to understand that our chances of success are impossible to predict. I know they're not good, just as I know they would have been a little better if Stan was here, too. Still not real good, but better. With Stan gone, the circle we made that day is broken. I don't really think we can destroy It or even send It away for a little while, as we did before, with a broken circle. I think It will kill us, one by one by one, and probably in some extremely horrible ways. As children we made a complete circle in some way I don't understand even now. I think that, if we agree to go ahead, we'll have to try to form a smaller circle. I don't know if that can be done. I believe it might be possible to think we'd done it, only to discover-when it was too late-well... that it was too late."
>by the bonding of seven extraordinarily imaginative minds, It had been brought into a zone of great danger
You need exactly seven minds (or five, but that's less likely to work), and most importantly, they need to be -imaginative- and near-childlike. Pretty much no one in 40k has those last two, and absolutely no one in 40k knows the Ritual Of Chud. So unless Gan is feeling extra merciful, anyone that tries to start shit with IT is going to die horribly.
Stop fanwanking so hard. IT is comparable to a decently powerful Greater Daemon or Daemon Prince, that's really about it. generally has the right of it.
I'm not even "fanwanking", user, I'm actually posting what the book itself states. So unless you're willing ot dismiss the book wholesale (and judging by your post, you probably are), then you don't really have a point here.
>one side or the other. And beyond him, coming up fast, Richie could see/sense something that finally dried up his laughter. It was a barrier, something of a strange, non-geometrical shape that his mind could not grasp. Instead his mind translated it as best it could, as it had translated the shape of It into a Spider, allowing Richie to think of it as a colossal gray wall made of fossilized wooden stakes. These stakes went forever up and forever down, like the bars of a cage. And from between them shone a great blind light. It glared and moved, smiled and snarled. The light was alive.
>More than alive: it was full of a force - magnetism, gravity, perhaps something else. Richie felt himself lifted and dropped, swirled and pulled, as if he were shooting a fast throat of rapids in an innertube. He could feel the light moving eagerly over his face . . . and the light was thinking.
>This is It, this is It, the rest of It.
>they need to be -imaginative- and near-childlike
Bone'ead ogryns. Childlike and somewhat imaginative. They'll just tell them there's cookies or something in it for them if they do it right.
>and absolutely no one in 40k knows the Ritual Of Chud
Given enough time, the Blade of Antwyr or
a servant of Tzeentch will give them the knowledge to do it, assuming he's actually more dangerous than his pitiful body count indicates, and since the knowledge to do it was bestowed upon a mortal, Tzeentch will also know.
This is like when /tv/ kept me in about Darkstar.
Not the person you're responding to. IT is made of deadlights, IT is not the entire dimension of deadlights nor is IT the creature that IT is an aspect of, IT is a mere fraction of that being. There are people in 40k, children and adults, who are imaginative and childlike enough to meet the requirements for the ritual, it's not as though every planet is constantly under siege. There's more of a problem in that the setting runs on the logic that Everything Must Be Terrible because it's grimdark. Still, IT could be fought with the Ritual by children and without the Ritual by Grey Knights, Ordo Malleus personnel, and pariahs. Fucking culexus would really hurt it.
Steven wrote more powerful beings than IT.
Its just a low-powered reality warper.
>Given enough time, the Blade of Antwyr or
a servant of Tzeentch will give them the knowledge to do it, assuming he's actually more dangerous than his pitiful body count indicates, and since the knowledge to do it was bestowed upon a mortal, Tzeentch will also know.
Tzeentch would have to find Maturin or an equivalent being if he wants to gain any truly relevant knowledge about the Ritual, and considering the nature of Maturin and his fellow Beam Guardians, Tzeentch probably wouldn't even be noticed by them for the most part.
why are half the threads in this fucking place 'what if such and such thing was in 40k lmao'
IT is just a personification of everything bad in the world
Tzeentch wouldn't be noticed by this demon but a bunch of kids would?
This is bait.
You didn't understand what he was trying to say, re-read his post.
Actually I wasn't talking about IT there, friend. I was referring to Maturin (it's "sibling" Beam Guardian) and the other Beam Guardians, who most certainly wouldn't notice Tzeentch at all. They're duty is to protect the Beams of the Tower (The nexus of absolutely everything) and ensure that the spawn of the Red don't devour all existence. They wouldn't give two fucks about Chaos or it's forces.
This is the problem with smashing two pantheons together. They would notice Chaos because Chaos has the same motivations as the Red. Oh, and they are both Gods.
What is the point of putting them in the same universe if you're going to write them off?
>You should start shitposting in the Lovecraft threads too, start telling them that Cthulhu is a basic bitch of a god because he's dead/asleep all the time.
Dude. Cthulhu is a basic bitch of a god in his own setting. He is a herald of the actual gods of the setting.
Aren't the Orks literally psychic fungi who work off the power of their imagination and make their insane contraptions work with just sheer force of will? Sound plenty imaginative to me.
Assuming IT ever became enough a threat to the Imperium to pay attention to it over the trillions of aliens and demons annihilating entire star systems an inquisitor would exterminatus the planet, IT would be like "really bro? had to kill everyone to stop me? lmao pussy" and then go to some other universe to eat. IT doesn't have to be there and from the way it is characterized in the book it would probably just find somewhere else it could be a lazy asshole.
>They would notice Chaos because Chaos has the same motivations as the Red
Same motivations, sure. But do they function on the same level at all? No. At best, Chaos would weaken a single reality that one of the Beams holds up. Sure, it's a shitty situation for everyone within that reality, but the rest of the Beam will still be fine for the most part. And sooner or later, someone will come about, and likely cut that whole reality off into Todash Space anyways.
>Oh, and they are both Gods.
Comparing the Ruinous Powers to the Beam Guardians would be like comparing a bunch of goldfish to a whale. They might inhabit similar domains, and they might have some pretty great ease of movement within those domains, but the raw scale is completely different between them.
That's pretty old fluff and isn't mentioned in modern books to the best of my knowledge, but most people accept some degree of it to explain why things like strapping rockets to an asteroid works as a space ship.
>Ya wanna balloon Thrakmosh?
>IT proceeds to get pulverized by an Ork because the Ork believes he can pulverize IT.
This user is correct.
Ugh, you missed my point. The fact that a god is dead, asleep, or somehow fucked up doesn't mean that god is weak or irrelevant. Yes, Cthulhu is 'merely' an extremely powerful sorcerer and priest, he is not the embodiment of a physics concept like Yog-Sothoth is. He has still managed to tether his lifeforce to the physical fucking configuration of the universe somwhow and is functionally unkillable, only going dormant when the stars are wrong and he's been harmed enough. He will rise from R'Lyeh and exterminate humanity canonically. He's a big deal.
>He's a big deal.
Only as far as humanity is concerned. There's also nothing canon stating he will rise and exterminate humanity.
IT is at about the level of a demon-prince in 40k. I say this as someone who thinks 40k is silly (because it is silly). Seriously man, just stop. You're looking ridiculous.
>He will rise from R'Lyeh and exterminate humanity canonically. He's a big deal.
No he isn't. You completely missed the point of the entire Mythos. Humanity is completely irrelevant. The fact that we are destined to be wiped out by Cthulhu does not matter to the setting one bit.
Humanity matters to the gods of the Mythos setting less than an anthill in your yard matters to you because you might at least notice the anthill before stepping on it.
The bitch would run before the hiver gangs skull fucked him.
>Implying Chaos wouldn't want to destroy whatever they think is the Order of the setting
Not only would Chaos win metaphysically, they would win Physically because they tend to make million-man armies of not just barbarians but giant monsters, mutants, sorcerers, kings, conquerors, messiahs, ect.
You argue that the Chaos gods are too small, but it simply isn't the truth. Their influence takes up a large chunk of their galaxy. Stephen Kings setting is a giant plate on a giant turtle. Stephen King's setting is notably low-magic until you get to the pantheon, which is characteristically hands off. The Gunslingers are underpowered Inquisitors.
If you smashed them together in one book, everything would go up in flames until someone writes up a hand-wave to make everything better.
IT is a bitch against the Crimson King
Cthulhu notices humanity to an extent, ergo the cults he spawned telepathically. But that honestly could have just been a side effect of people picking his dreams by accident.
Literally everything Evil is a part of the Crimson King/The Outer Dark/Dis, so of course IT is a bitch before it. Nearly everything else is a bitch in comparison though, if we're being fully honest here.
Pennywise is basically just a mid-level daemon who chooses to exert influence from the warp subtly and slowly, with limited ambitions.
He would be a job for an Inquisitor and his team, not Exterminatus or even Grey Knights.
Also this, except it's "curb-stomped". All you would need is to shut the portal, assuming anyone even notices Pennywise at all since it could probably set up shop in a shithole-tier of a hive city and everyone would just assume the kids fell into toxic sludge pits or died of coal-lung.
>He would be a job for an Inquisitor and his team, not Exterminatus or even Grey Knights.
If an Inquisitor where to try and face IT without any of the necessary backup (at the very least, a couple Space Marines), he and his team are getting eaten. Do remember that IT doesn't bother to wear "clotges" when It's at home.
>Before the universe there had been only two things. One was Itself and the other was the Turtle. The Turtle was a stupid old thing that never came out of its shell. It thought that maybe the Turtle was dead, had been dead for the last billion years or so. Even if it wasn't, it was still a stupid old thing, and even if the Turtle had vomited the universe out whole, that didn't change the fact of its stupidity.
>inquisition is alerted
>inquisitor and the crew go in
>the kill it
>they get out
*Clothes* Bleh.
An inquisitor team doesn't need a space marine chapter. The team just has to have a psyker with unnatural willpower x3. He would just flick the thing away.
Five times over.
>The team just has to have a psyker with unnatural willpower x3. He would just flick the thing away.
>Sending someone who's own abilities literally push them to the very edge of insanity due to their fundamental nature, and who is always at risk of b4ing consumed by their power up against something whose true form can cause one's mind to pop like a balloon from a simple glance at it, and is possessed of a mind larger than the entirety of the universe
I sense a flaw in this plan.
>pure faith
>favoured by the warp
>WP score of 80
>fettering the rolls
Nigga could fuckp up Greater Demons en masse. A high-end inquisitorial psyker has the will to wrestle a fucking demon prince into the ground and make weaker demons piss themselves just by looking at him. It ain't go shit against his mind.
Dark Tower bombed you fucking twat.
It's sad to see America's reading comprehension had fallen this far.
Dont try to compare anything to 40k
It never works, let this thread die
>goku beat superman?
Yes. Current feats goku is immensely more powerful then baseline superman but there are several Superman variants that beat goku and even variants that can Solo the dragon ball multiverse easily (Thought robot)
>Could scion beat madara?
Wowzers. A worm reference in the wild.
Yes scion can beat Madura. He can kill Madura with casual ease the least interesting of which is simply shooting at madara with a (dozen) continent destroying golden beams while camping out in another universe.
>Skaven vs The Locusts from gears of war.
>Skaven vs Locust
Oh lord...
>"Kill-kill Bug-thing!"
>hoses down hundreds of skaven
>and fucking the corpses
could Roland beat IT?
Why, dat does sound roight proppa Orky...
He'd be running at the ganger kids out of desperation after being outcompeted by the underhive mutants and genestealer cults.
Probably not Roland, but Jake Chambers could probably do the Ritual of Chud. The turtle helped their Ka tet in the Dark Tower so I imagine it would help Jake if it needed him to face It. Jake is also psychic, so I think this probably increases his odds vs It, somewhat.
i think Roland probably could stalemate It, at the least. his guns are practically weaponized symbols of Gan.
I agree on this, he might not kill It, but it would probably fuck right off back to the Deadlights after Roland shoots it in the face.
>WP score of 80
If you mean this to come fromm Unnatural WP - that's not how it works.
chuck norris beats them both hurr
As someone who paid attention to both settings instead of just fanwanking over one or the other, IT would be right at home in 40k but wouldn't be able to defeat the setting.
> Inquisitors gather a fuckload of knowledge and are willing to do whatever it takes
> There are children in the 40k setting and if being touched by daddy makes them brave enough for IT to be unable to scare them the kids of any deathworld will be just fine
> Tzeentch knows and will give the knowledge to anyone necessary
40k is an intentionally OP setting where everything is OP, even against other OP things so that every man child can feel like they have the most powerful faction.
IT is meant to be a horror for actual human, in a setting where magic is all but unheard of and the antagonist itself is intentionally the only OP character until right at the end.
It makes it hard to compare the two when everything in 40k is competing with star gods, warp gods, galaxy devouring monsters, unbelievably powerful sorcery and technology, and hell itself, while IT is competing with a group of misfit children, a group of emotionally damaged adults, then gets defeated by something else whose power level is never measured against anything else.
Who knows, maybe IT could defeat the 40k setting, but I'd bet on 40k simply because IT was never written to compete with other OP forces, while the man children who write the 40k fluff intended exactly that.
*I meant to say the turtles power level isn't measured against anything else on a similar level.
Who would win;
A perfectly ordinary house cat with no powers whatsoever,
or a perfectly ordinary house cat with no powers whatsoever but it comes from the 40k universe?
>65 from DH
>15 from ascension
>can go even higher up to 85 if you become an inquisitor
>that's WP bonus of 8
>take unnatural willpower x3
>your WP bonus is now 24
It's more like a 3rd dimensional protrusion/separate entity of a ??th dimensional entity/energy.
The dead lights themselves are higher than any chaos god but the entity IT is moderately above a demon.
>somebody saved my picture
>could Roland beat IT?
Roland almost got eaten by a lesser version of IT in DT7, and the only thing that stopped him from dying was literal literal author fiat.
He didn't have Jake with him at the time, so it's possible they might have been able to escape, at least.
Well seeing as Terran animals are extinct, I'm going with the one that isn't already dead.
What is the origin story of both cats and their breed?
>Routinely loses against barehanded humans
Yeah no.
Literally every single fucking human in 40K is childlike. It's the setting where belief matters more than actual physical reality.
You are a fucking moron. Every single human believes praying to the Emperor kills demons, xenos, and heretics. IT is established, very clearly in the book, to be vulnerable to someone "believing" something strongly enough can hurt and/or even kill it.
IT is fucked, and you clearly did not even understand what you were reading anyways, as a lot of the metaphors about the rituals and what the turtle and god are in there clearly went over your head.
>people arguing about one of King's drug induced fever dreams
It is funny considering how he makes it up as he goes.
I’m fairly certain the Departmento Munitorum equips even the most basic Guardsmen conscripts with better armaments than an inhaler, a slingshot, and a pneumatic bolt-gun :^)
Not him but it wouldn't mean shit.
The unrelenting support and love of the kids for each other is what hurts him, not the slingshot.
If you Nuke It nothing happens unless the man pressing the button is doing it with the pure intentions of a child.
>IT is the physical form/avatar of a being that is in turn an piece of a fuckoff powerful entity living inside the deadlights
No, IT is made of deadlights, and comes from Todash Space.
The imperium would just found a new space marine chapter full of autistic child like space marines specifically to defeat this type of enemy. And then Veeky Forums would claim that this obscure faction had traitor geneseed.
So the Sisters of Battle would kick his ass?
Not that user, but forgot the SoBs. The IoM could pull off the same stunt with better results with a bunch of decently pious kids.
This thread got me wondering
Why DID the Kids end up chosen to fight It?
I mean, It is "according to Keikaku: The Novel" since everything was scripted by Gan.
But why did Gan decide to wipe It after so much time, why didn't it do it sooner, and why those Kids in specific?