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Snek Aelves Confirmed Edition

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>Hey look new death campaign!
>All centered around nagash and his hijinks.
>New armies released for the death campaign are.... wait for it... nurgles boys and some elves!
>Haha hope you like all the new armies! >Maybe next year will be the year of death when it comes. ;^]

Wowwie, thanks gee dubya.

I'm pretty sure the music in the teaser trailer is from the Witcher Wild Hunt

>Oh yeah, have some Death soup.

I could mention that all signs point to the only death release being stormcast but piling on seems needlessly cruel at this point.

I dont want gutrot and deepstrike, I want a big fatty GUO

Quick rundown on what happened to morathi


why not both?

I hate Morathi, she’s a THOT

It's from Total War: Warhammer your retard.

Because its a 1k list

So I'm considering getting into Tzeentch, but I want to stay away from using Tzaangors, Acolytes/Mortals and Skyfires and do mostly daemons. Couple questions.

Exalted Flamers or regular Flamers?

Are Chariots worth it vs. Flamers/Exalted?
Is Pinks spliting largely worthless in matched play? To that end, should splitting Blues be used as your objective cappers, over Pinks?

What role do Pinks have then?

Will I be expected to be any kind of competitive without Skyfires?

This is my example list, using the idea that an Exalted is better than a regular 3man Flamer squad, and that Blues/brims will be better for my dudes. The gaunt summoner will be on the balewind, of course. I have to summon it in game, right?

Allegiance: Tzeentch
Herald Of Tzeentch On Disc (120)
- Staff of Change
- Lore of Change: Tzeentch's Firestorm
Gaunt Summoner (120)
- General
- Trait: Illusionist
- Artefact: Wellspring of Arcane Might
- Lore of Fate: Treacherous Bond
- Lore of Change: Fold Reality
10 x Pink Horrors Of Tzeentch (120)
- Lore of Change: Treason of Tzeentch
10 x Pink Horrors Of Tzeentch (120)
- Lore of Change: Bolt of Tzeentch
10 x Blue Horrors Of Tzeentch (50)
10 x Brimstone Horrors Of Tzeentch (40)
10 x Blue Horrors Of Tzeentch (50)
10 x Brimstone Horrors Of Tzeentch (40)
1 x Exalted Flamers of Tzeentch (120)
1 x Exalted Flamers of Tzeentch (120)
Balewind Vortex (100)

Total: 1000 / 1000
Allies: 0 / 200
Wounds: 78

It’s like GW is doing this on purpose to piss off as many people as possible, holy shit

But nobody cares about death???

Is that not already their business policy?

>playing 1k points
well thats the problem

bump it up to 1500 at least

He still use that ugly keyax as weapon. Better pose than normal Runefather tho.

Morathi is one of the purest girls in all Warhammer. She has been faithful to Malekith for aeons

fuck no, 1k is nice and fast

I am thinking of starting Fyreslayers after I finish my Dispossessed build. I want to have an actual AoS army that will actually get support The biggest thing turning me off of them though is painting flesh. How can I make flesh look good?
Right now I do Bugman's glow and then cover that with Kislev Flesh. Am I doing it right?

Watch the Fyreslayer video on WarhammerTV.

Didnt get any response last thread so I'm reposting
Anyone else think that the Rictus clans would make a great mortal faction for death? I just started reading the undying king and they seem pretty neat. You could have 1 kit of basic living clan troops with handaxes or maybe a shield wall, elites of undead troops, and a bunch of heroes. Maybe the faction abilities could be synergistic based on the proximity between units of mortals and undead? Plus it'd be a good way to add a new faction that can ally with most of Death without just redoing one of them and neglecting the others
Was maybe thinking of making my own with some warlord games Celts. I figure it could work if I ran the mortals as something like count as tomb kings because it's not like they interact mechanically with the rest of death anyways and plus I'd get access to stuff like chariots and archers

It seems ok user, but just wait for the Death book before you go crazy. You won't have much longer to wait.

well honest man, at 1k points you should really consider not taking a behemoth like the GUO.

I'm out of the loop, what's this about snake elves?

Watch the trailer in the OP.

the sculpt is too good not to take man

Can I take Chaos Spawn in a Tzeentch allegiance? They have the Tzeentch keyword, and seem like a steal at 50pts a piece, even as a dumb tarpit.

Yes, they just need Tzeench keyword. They are trash though.

Ah, I see
>Snake elf
>Crawled out of the map of the dark prince

She's either going to replace Slaanesh, or still really wants that dick

There are many way to paint skin, depend on the tone you want. The most important bit to make the flesh pop is the shade. Watch all WarhammerTV tips on painting skin should give you the direction to come up with your own mix.

Alright, /AoSG/, after last thread, I want to know why you choose AoS over 40k, aside from Asthetics and faction variety; presume that for this, you could transplant any faction of your choosing over into 40k.

How do you defend;
>Random Turn Order
>Charging having no impact on initiative or combat order outsode of a few buffs
>Characters being able to be shot at with pinpoint accuracy by any Unit
>Lack of Toughness/Strength
>Magic being narrowed down to about 3 spells per wizard
>Shooting out of combat/into Combat
>Overlapping Auras

Personally, my biggest offense still sits with the idea of Heros being utterly worthless of they aren't sitting on a beast or huge mount of sorts. Somebody last thread said that if they had the same rule as 40k, they'd be over powered. But at the same time, these same heros can be easily killed by MW or Ranged units blowing them off the field with a round firepower. I want to be able to create these fun and intresting narrative like battles, but its frankly frustrating to have my Heros 360° noscoped by a unit of Freeguild Handgunners or a Cannon of all things, not to mention Longstrikes or Kurnoths. And cover barely helps, due to LoS still fucking over my units.

The more I play AoS after returning from 40k, the more flaws I see in the AoS system, and the more I see those same problems fixed in 40k.

The only thing I really don't have a problem with are Battalions; they seem fine, although I still think CP offer a better tactical tool box that is flexible mid-game, rather than a Battalions fixed bonus.

You act like 40k has no problems whatsoever when, after 8 editions, it's just now 'playable'.

40k is in a pretty shit state right now.

I don't want that for AoS

People are going to call me a casual faggot, but I prefer the ability to easily make narrative more than "good" rules.

40k is so bad as to have entire armies unplayable, even the ones with a Codex update. Others are absolutely shoehorned into taking super special units or cookie cutter lists to even try to stay competitive in any sense.

I play both, though I honestly prefer AoS. To me, all of the things you point out as issues that need to be "defended" aren't issues at all. I could go into further detail but honestly pretty much all of those have been discussed ad nauseum and I don't think my explanation would be half as good as any of the others already given.

In the end though, its a personal preference, and if you like one system over another I can definitely see why you would.

As to transporting a faction into AoS, I would have to choose the Grey Knights, as their style of combat fits the more melee focus fits the game better than other, more shooting focused armies.

some of the common sense changes in 8th

the charging units go first thing would be great because now it feels like you are punished for declaring more than 1 charge in your combat phase

also shooting out of combats and into other combats is pretty dumb

targeting characters on the backline because you can see their hat is also bonkers

also random turn order needs to go

and mortal wound spam needs to go or be replaced or something, at least in 8th their isnt nearly so much cancerous mortal wound spam

also I am a in favor of bringing back the strength vs toughness chart flat to hit values can stay but wounding seems better with that comparison

overlapping same name auras needs to go

and stratagems are cool reward for building not totally skewed army compositions.

not sure on the psychic/magic phase being split off from the hero phase and put after movement, that seems better because its more like shooting anyways but i could go either way on that one

the "no you cant move within 3 inches of me during the movement phase" thing is worse than the way 40k does it

>plays shooty-gun game
>insists on being able to punch everyone to death

Don't get Fyreslayers because your army will just be a hideous blob of samey looking dudes.


Stop it.

/aosg/, which Death unit is the most fun to paint? I'm not having fun working on Ghouls.

Are you telling him to stop refusing to serve or to stop ruling?


My skin is a basecoat of bugman's glow, then a wash of reikland fleshshade, then a layer of cadian fleshone, another wash of fleshshade, and a drybrush of Kislev flesh.

I like the black knights because they're a bit more unique than skeletons, although the shadespire ones are really nice so I can't wait to paint them

Bump? Anyone got any answers for me?

Hey guys i'm new to AoS and I bought the empire/stormcast eternal starter pack. Now I was wondering how I should setup an army.

What are the strongest empire units (as I like them more than stormcast) and then what stormcast units should I use to flesh out the army? We're thinking 2000 point army. I'm happy to buy more pieces as most of the starter stuff doesn't seem amazing.

You mean the Hammerhal box?

Free Peoples is the new name of the Empire faction of old. You'll want to take a look at their allegiance abilities. Typically your army will have at least one general on griffon, one on foot, probably an allied wizard or hurricanum, greatswords, a bunch of handgunners or crossbowmen, and 2 40man bricks of Guard with swords/shields.

thoughts on the black coach?

Useless, ugly model, waste of points, poor excuse to not add the Mortis Engine.

It's shit.

> ugly model

"Why is there shit taste coming from your post?"

Yeah the Hammerhal set.

I was thinking of picking up karl franz model which is now general on griffon.
I have a general on foot.
I have the hurricanum - was thinking of getting the mages on foot too.
No greatswords, will have to buy those.
I've got a group of handgunners.
Damn, that's a lot of guard. They're so hard to paint too :(

uh its bad bad

Freeguild are largely a horde army if you run a Free Peoples allegiance. You're going to have a lot of dudes, in massive bricks of 20+ at the very least.

"Oh no I said bad bad, thats what I call good looking models."

>wants to run a horde army
>complains they're a horde army
Dude, you're not playing Freeguild if you have less than 120 models minimum on the table at 2000 points. I leaned back from the handgun cheese and even swapping over to more cavalry, my average list is still 136 Freeguild on the table, and that's with 340 points of Ironweld.

>outdated horrible undetailed model
>its good user, here's a meme because I think you're wrong tee hee

I'm triple gay!

"You know these deflecting arguments are quite similar to the ones they use on reddit."



Not who you're arguing with, but it is a pretty old and shitty model. The rider's awful, the carriage itself is just boring, it doesn't have any real sense of mystery or dread to it, and the realistic horse skellingtons just look silly.

Add on the fact that its rules are so broken that it was so unplayable in its own faction that they had to give special rules to the Allegiance traits just to make it capable of activating, and it is shit in every possible metric.

please stop, the Simpsons stopped being funny 20+ years ago


"No mother it's just an autist!"

what are you getting out of this? Posting unfunny memes based on a show nobodies given a shit about in at least 10 years on a Vietnamese wood-carving image board is beyond sad. Are you just trying to make yourself laugh?

what's next, posting le troll face and rage comics?

>Grecian Witch Elves.


I've been avoiding Veeky Forums for the past month due to the malware added by hiroyuki but I don't know where else to ask. Since GW moved the Chaos Warshrine to online only and the ebay pro painted warshrines are selling for more than MSRP what are some other support units for a chaos mortals army? Could do with a bloodstoker and then piddle away the remaining points on something killy I suppose, but I might be better off with ten chaos warriors to sit on some objective? Maybe an exalted hero with a battle standard and 5 blood warriors? I've got a bloodsecrator, ten horsemen, 40 marauders, 40 bloodreavers, and one of the 80 point khorne heroes for a total of 820 points

Uh... is there a reason you can't just... order off the internet?

shipping off gw's site is not free unless you spent a large amount and moving it to online only suggests they are sunsetting the unit and I don't want an army dependent on legacy units if I can avoid it.

>Sunsetting the unit.

No it means they're prioritizing space in the stores for easier selling boxes.

Get more heroes.

>large amount

Its 50 bucks you fucking cheapskate

how does an exalted deathbringer and aspiring deathbringer sound? A second bloodsecrator would help in case the first one gets sniped, but that leaves 60 points and not very many useful things are 60 points. There are not very many non-legacy chaos totem units...

and if GHB2018 is missing points values for warshrines what then? It happened to me with one unit in GHB2017 vs GHB1 and I don't really want to take chances given how slow I am to get things painted


So, where do they go from here? There are the other two Stormcast and Khorne bands that had been namedropped, but other than that, we're back to pre-release levels of Shadespire information.

>Literal fucking ghosts.
>Some nurgles dudes

Not that hard for em.


hell no, she's the roastiest roastie in all the rosters

I was fishing for wishlists and the like, if I'm being honest.

So, with your suggestions
Gobbos- obviously a wimpy horde force, right? So Skeleton style number rush, but less resurrection and more "haha, that one is actually the Fanatic?"

Elves- Synergy says Morathi Snekaos Elves? Glass Cannon, high mobility?

Nurgle - One hard to kill Blightking and a retinue of weedy gits?

Night gobbos
>Lots of dudes
>Maybe like a shaman
>also one shroom fueled berserker swinging a fucking rock flail.

Snek elves
>blood magic
>able to get health back on attacks
>super quick but super squishy

>One fat fucking puss dripping rotten tank of a dude and his lil' puss posse.

I just read the most recent MP story. Fucking brutal.

They could literally take any unit and turn them into a warband, it's not hard : shadow warrior, blade dancer, Spite revenant, Kairic Alcolyte, Arkanaut Company, maybe even some Demons.

>Year of Death
>Nurgle and Aelves

As much as I think Stormcast are pushed way too hard by GW, that story made me honestly want to start a Knights Excelsior army.

Are the knights excelsiors /our stormguys/?

Are there better stormhosts? fluffwise and lookwise?

Did they change the name or is it a different army?

Just check the mega for the Stormcast battletome.

>knights excelsiors
>/our stormguys/
Only the faithful!

Pic related is first founding grey knight
KE are second or third (different iconography on the shield - they have an upgrade sprue)

That's a different army.
Knights Excelsiors are the best host.
They don't fuck around.

>Stormcast discussion


>Can't decide to make my Ironjawz green, or do some Realm of Shadow Orruks that are grey, with Purple armour
I mean green is good, but i want some OC

The grey with purple armour sounds cool

Stormcast are an army of power metal album covers come to life. What's not to love?

Hallowed Knights for sure

I think i'll defo keep the skin grey, or at the very most a very pale green.
I think i need to see how the colours would work - after all i imagine Ulgu has a very muted tone to it
Like a Synder film