It's Da Curated Archive™! It Will Be The Best 3d6 Hours Of Your Gaming Career!
STEP 0: Please exhibit good manners. This thread will be automatically archived after a certain number of posts. More posts wasted on being rude means fewer posts available for sharing.
STEP 1: Go to the last thread if you haven't looked at it. There is lots of stuff, including filled requests posted directly to the board. Files posted directly to Veeky Forums are not added to Da Archive, so go grab them now. More archived threads can be found here: share/
STEP 2: Grab your documents. Da Curated Archive, Da Archive, and Da Archive Annex comprise the collected efforts of countless contributing anons and are attatched to the first three posts.
STEP 3: Get comfortable and browse through the blasted things. Combined they are over 200 pages long! If you skim over the Personal Collections without looking you will miss 7,654 PDFs.
Remember, we are better than all of the rest of the horrible internet and good manners ALWAYS gets more results. Wise up or please go elsewhere.
Extra Special Thanks to the user Brigade who do ALL of the digging, loading, and posting.
Please ONLY POST OPEN SOURCE PDFS DIRECTLY IN THIS THREAD. Link the others from elsewhere. Excessive infractions could cause TPTB to remove the ability to post any pdfs at all. Check for copyrights before you post anything directly.
Please be patient with the Irrepressible Urchins™ who request without looking first. They are always a regular feature here. They help bump the thread, and they want to look at something that's not porn. They might even read it. You don't have to answer them, although that also bumps the thread. I understand your frustration (they used to drive me crazy), but you don't kick a puppy for not being housebroken. If they upset you, punch a teddy bear or something.
Please give as much information as you can when you make a request. The more information you give (cover, a link to product, name of designer/writer/publisher) the more chances someone might recognize it and upload it.
Please post dead links and I will remove them to keep the archive up to date. Be specific - include a page number. There are dozens of copies of some PDFs.
Please be respectful and don't belittle others' requests because you dislike the game. Imagine the horrific RPGs I've run across; 'Dragon Dildo Warriors', ‘Cheeto Fingered Gods of Angst’, and 'We're All Little Girls (Frilly Dresses Are Mandatory At the Table)' spring to mind.
If you have a fancy pdf that has unwanted clutter on it, one way to clean it is to contact our resident Transmutation Wizards and ask them politely for their assitance. [email protected] [email protected]
CityofCarse is responsible for many recent scans from private collections. If you have a rare or obscure book, he may be willing to convert your dead tree into digital bits. He may also be available to clean your files. [email protected]
Okultek resides in the UK and may also be available for scanning or cleaning. [email protected] or $nip /CleanedByOkultek
Ayden Robinson
Why 1337 5p34k? A Paraphrased Message from TheWiz!: To guard against rapid takedowns by bots, we suggest encoding links thusly:
The above link is easy to decode but does not show up as a working link to the lurking T-888's. Obfuscation becomes most important when filling requests. Posting a full link right out of a large Trove/Collection risks the whole thing. Just post a page reference for Da Archive or Da Annex, with a short instruction and let the document do the job of guarding the links.
|-|0\/\/ †0 1337 5|O34|
Aaron Powell
Some games draw more attention than others and will not be added to Da Archive. Please seek the following elsewhere:
Fall of Magic A Sundered World (including the Dungeons and Delvers primer) Microscope or Explorer Kingdom Follow Ten Candles Zweihander Ebonclad
Still can't find what you're looking for? Anything might be available on IRC. Try it out!
server: channel: #rpg-books "@find GameYou'reLookingForGoesHere" should net you plenty of DCC responses to sift through.
Just do the text. If you use mIRC, you're going to have to go into your options and turn off the option that denies a whole bunch of file formats, as well as the check box that turns them on again after a couple of minutes (genius design there). Hexchat is sometimes recommended above mIRC for this reason, and IceChat 9 has been touted as another easy alternative.
3rd Party Publishers - all are available on rpgnow Little Red Goblin Games Aug -
Rising Phoenix Games Mecha: A Field Guide -
Frog God Games Tome of Aliens Token Set - Starjammer: Races of the Void Book One (Starfinder Edition) -
AAW Games Future's Past: Edge Station - Future's Past: Paying Forward - Star System Set: Muinmos- Star System Set: Querritix- Star System Set: Salutian -
anyone have any of the following to share? Dawning Star: Fate of Eos Dead Reign 6: Hell Followed Ultraverse
Jason Cox
Any Mike Schley maps?
Especially singles or collections other than Phan or Tomb or SwordCoast?
Gabriel Hughes
Looking for the Blight/Lost Lands line for Swords & Wizardry. I have a few items, and was initially collecting for PF, but now I need to go back and get for S&W..
I HAVE: Lost Lands - Bard's Gate Lost Lands - Bard's Gate Player's Guide The Blight The Blight - TB4 Crucible The Blight - Tomb of Blighted Horrors
Anything else available for Swords & Wizardry in this setting?
Thank you!
Camden Murphy
Humbly requesting any uploadedable Campaign Cartographer Annual issues.
Would be rocked if could get the Jan 2018 issue since it has a really nice style in it.
Dominic Cook
Amazing Adventures Book of powers in Da Archive, links to a damaged file, any chance someone could repost.
Jordan Edwards
Requesting Pyramid #3/111. Thanks in advance.
Austin Butler
Humbly requesting Megadungeon 1 and/or 2 from Hack & Slash...thanks!
Austin Torres
/TSRArchive is down.
Caleb Sullivan
/TSRTrove has been the link for a looooong time
Jaxon Moore
I'm pretty sure that's a separate thing, as the Trove is D&D only and I thought Archive had other TSR stuff too. Da Curated Archive lists /TSRTrove under D&D, and /TSRArchive is filed under TSR. In any event, the PDF up top should be updated to remove it if the owner doesn't show up.
Jack Nelson
Reposting my request for a copy of CoC 7e that has proper hyperlinks instead of these busted placeholders.
Jason Hall
Requesting "Lucid Dreams Role-Playing Engine". Thanks in advance.
Wyatt Rodriguez
Can someone find Game masters guide to kaidan?
Logan Allen
Any of the MTG art books would be nice to have.
Sebastian Richardson
I'm still hoping to get the version of Theorems & Thaumaturgy that has art, can anyone share it? TIA.
Noah Ward
You can get it at /rpnbJ
Ayden Adams
You could start out by going to the Frogs' homepage and see what's available for S&W. Then go to the OSR Trove and look under S&W.
Ayden Taylor
Looking for
The "Quests of Doom 4" scenarios The Savage World of Flash Gordon + Kingdoms of Mongo The Old School Fantasy scenarios for Fantasy Craft
Colton Perry
Gabriel Kelly
Age Past: The Incian Sphere Revised Edition
Game Design: How to Create Video and Tabletop Games, Start to Finish
Great Hall Burning (Two Hour Wargames)
Jace Diaz
Uploading now: v0la /r/fzup89aw
Uploading: Borderland Provinces - Alternate Encounter Tables Borderland Provinces - Journey Generator Northlands Saga Complete Player's Guide Rappan Athuk Razor Coast Razor Coast - Heart of the Razor Razor Coast - Freebooters Guide to the Razor Coast Stoneheart Valley Sword of Air The Lost City of Barakus Player's Guide The Lost City of Barakus
Still missing a lot of the S&W stuff. My Pathfinder collection of Lost Lands stuff is almost complete.
Isaac Garcia
Checked the Ponyfinder trove and Dawn of the Fifth Age is gone.
Anyone have it?
Also missing are: Griffons of Everglow Races of Everglow
Plus these don't seem to have ever been on there: Blood of the Elements Forgotten Past Grown from Steel Through the Smoke Beyond Everglow Tactics of Everglow Hidden Draft
Landon Torres
a couple anonymous donations:
Magnum Fury /RuS7
Paragons! /vtd8G
Eli Stewart
What are you missing for PF, I think I have it all?
Ayden Ramirez
Nathaniel Murphy
Requesting Golden Age Champions Secret Files, the Algernon Files 3.0 and Deluxe Edition, Villains and Vigilantes: Homefront, WWII Super-Soldiers and Peril in Panama. Please, if anyone can help (especially with the first 2) i will be forever grateful!!!
Justin Perry
Hey there, I noticed my stuff coming up here quite a bit, so I made you guys a 50% discount code if you want to use it. I used to post here doing the big quest threads where we sketched out villages and space colonies.
It's fine I already got a 100% discount. Thanks though.
Easton Butler
Looking for:
Mythic Battles: Pantheon
Through the Breach - Penny Dreadful - Fire in the Sky
SOTDL – False Lies
Blood and Bone – Sellswords
Pendragon – Book of Feasts
Thanks for any assistance.
Adam Thompson
Anyone have Triniton? Link in archive doesn't work.
Carter Young
Trust me, you don't want it
Jason Evans
Anyone got codex slavorum? It was posted here but the link expired.
Sebastian Davis
Humbly requesting Kult Madness Beta pdf. Thanks.
Jackson Young
Anyone happen to have the following supplements for Sorcerer? (they don't appear to be a part of any of the Sorcerer collections in the archive):
-Charnel Gods -The Later Blue Tome of Amaxathroth the Cursed -Dictionary of Mu
Thanks in advance.
Jaxon Adams
\TSRArchive is temporarily down, as it was caught by Mega changing from a free 50GB down to a measley 15GB, leaving it 34.9GB over-quota. It'll be back once it finds a new home.
Sebastian Morris
Im looking for a Xanathars Lost notes PDF, can anyone help me out?
Ryder Brooks
Looking for Ravaged Earth: Revised Second Edition
Julian Price
snip li /WOTCTrove
Parker Scott
Anyone have Tiny Dungeon 2e? All the links are dead, except an SS one and that is just the basic no-art player's guide.
They got you, too, huh? Dinks. I found a huge list of file hosting services I've been poking through lately for a replacement, but haven't found one that'll cover what Mega did so far.
Anthony Rodriguez
I have a question regarding the different versions of the Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition Keeper and Investigador Handbooks out in the wild... In some of them the Call of Cthulhu logo is larger than the name of the book on the cover, while in others the name of the book - such as "Investigator's Handbook" - is larger and the "Call of Cthulhu" is placed above it in a different font. From what I can gather, the content layout, fonts and a few of the graphic elements inside are also a bit different from one version to the other. My question is, which version is the most up to date? There's nothing within the books that I could find to say what's what and I couldn't find this information anywhere on the web. Could anybody who knows for sure provide a link to the most current version of both of these books?
Thanks in advance!
Jaxson Lopez
seconding this. Any Cthuluhu sages?
Adrian Ortiz
CityofCarse re: Judges Guild, last thread. I added 3 Journal issues and an adventure from my collection which seem to missing in your trove. JG 103(16) JG 200(20) JG 280 (21) and JG 118 Sword of Hope (two versions).
Thanks for maintaining the trove.
Jason Edwards
Hi, am looking for "Castles & Crusades A7 Beneath the Despairing Stone" please
Only copies I can find are corrupt. Thank you
Matthew Rodriguez
I already have Journal 20 & 21 and am currently working on those.
But, I did NOT have Sword of Hope (either version) or #103 (Journal 16), thank you very much! They will go in the stack to go over.
Blake Morris
Just went through both of the Swords of Hope. Exactly the same item with slightly different page alignments. I will post the best version later tonight.
Does anyone have the necromunda files? The captcha for their website doesn't seem to be working.
Tyler Martinez
Ayden Wilson
u$er$cloudcom emloheulB : namyenruoJ seluR /lah6tzhjskkz Character Sheet /xxypxzdhgf64
Matthew Hall
>JGuildSubmissions I found a Folder with "Judges Guild" Files. Maybe you find something from your "Missing List". I post it in your "JGuildSubmissions" Folder...
Jace Hughes
I'm looking for:
Faith: Sci-fi RPG - the new 2.0 and old 1.0 editions
Corvus Belli's INFINITY.
After my group gave up on Starfinder, I'm checking out some of these other new sci-fi games.
Jordan Hall
I have all of these already, but thank you for your effort!
I pre-label all of mine with the JG# to save search time.
Zachary Johnson
Looking for Codex Germania
Thank you in advance
Angel Phillips
I honestly have three different versions of the Keeper Handbook and two different versions of the Investigator Handbook. I'm really interested in knowing which ones should I keep.
Maybe someone who has purchased the books could go through the trouble of re-downloading a current, up-to-date version of those books and share them, if it isn't too much to ask?
Austin Morris
HAH... I found another folder with JG Stuff... and the have JG-numbers. I have checked the Numbers and found JG116. I put it in your Folder...
Mason Brown
Ayden Morris
Is there a decent reader for viewing suihpidoM's (or 02d2 metsyS) PDFs? It seems that using the standard Adobe it takes forever to switch pages.
Is this a known issue? It it the reader or a PDF issue?
Jordan Fisher
I use acrobat pro 11, haven't had problems
Luke Brown
Double nope
Luis Cruz
Aww sorry Daddy I'll be a good boy next time
Bentley Roberts
Triple nope
Leo Morales
Looking for Metahuman Martial Arts 3E for Mutants and Masterminds just in case someone picked it up on sale today.
Jaxon Green
I had all of those already as well. Again, I appreciate the effort.
for the person who wanted $ettlers of C@t@n from last thread, here's several versions I found, english or spanish, your choice. on $$c0m /filegroup/qhi6O9bZqX%2FyGPYfx%2BuNuJV3USJN7wMu
Here! on $$ /file/3kgl41
Mu on$$ /file/xq7773
on $$ /file/eivk76
Jaxon Ward
Updated Judges Guild Missing list
Jacob Richardson
What happened to the guy who was going to post Lovecraft's Revenge in the last thread?
>Please try again
Fuck you, new captcha!
Julian Baker
Thank you very much!
Parker Green
Seconded. He said he would post it shortly and then vanished.
Jayden Parker
It's a thing. "I have this thing. I will post it soon." Then they ghost.