Share some of your favourite horned fantasy races. Be they bull-like, deer-like or whatever. Or just use it as an excuse to share nice art of horned races.
Horned Fantasy Races
Varl are criminally underrated.
Goatmen are so generic that I feel like they've never really been playable or given any kind of personality.
They'd make a good pacifistic nomad race.
Always a fan of branch-like horns. Well, horns in general, really, but you get the idea.
The Satyr.
The Banner Saga's got such a good setting.
I've always wanted to use/play them in a game, but I never quite know how to stat them out. Goliath in 5e? What about the whole limited numbers and crippling fear of fire thing?
Hell yeah, and there is so much left unexplored. I wish the game would boot from steam for me. After one of the latter patches that shit won't run.
Kind of curious how they solve the helmet problem.
Filing off the horns seems like the only option. You could maybe do some multipart workaround, but that'd significantly weaken the integrity of the helmet and so the race in question would neet significantly more robust skulls and strong horns to not get fucked.
Those aren't things that need solid stats. Just say there's not a lot of them and that they're afraid of fire. You're not gonna break anything major.
Suppose so. I guess my concerns come more from a standpoint of people ignoring the natural weak parts of the race if they're RP focused rather than mechanical but that's a player problem rather than a solvable one
Were the fuck are the Charr?
No one like those big kitties?
Who's our lord Say-Tyr's favored race?
Ram horns are the most aesthetic horns.
Albino doomgoats. 10 squares of them.
So then just like regular rams then?
It shouldn't be that hard. If the orientation is at the forehead level just cut slits that you'd slide the horns between and then slide the lower facial plate on, if they're full helms. If the orientation is from the sides cut slits for the helmet on the sides with metal shutters and when properly on just close the shutters.
If their skull is sporting horns the bone plates would definitely be thicker than a normal humans so the slight loss of durability in the helmet shouldn't be an issue as it's now there for protection from slashes and the like instead of impact absorption which bone is damn good at especially when it gets thicker than the paper mache humans have to work with compared to others.
I have a homebrew race of horned folk and one of my BBEGs has a helmet in the shape of a goat's head. What I did with that is I had the helmet fold around the horns, using them as something to ground the helmet in place.
I started off using a sallet as a base; the neck and face cover is one large piece, and for the aesthetic of my goat-themed villain, I had that face cover extend and morph into the lower half of a goat's jaw. The second half is where things get weird. The visor of the helmet is connected to a piece of metal that connects to the lower plate on a circular rail that's around the horns that allows it to rotate up and down, acting as a standard lifted visor rather than a sallet.
Pic related is an old image I whipped up years ago that I could probably do better but am too lazy to.
They're just big humans with horns. What's so special about that?
>that motherfucking keyblade
>complete with chain
>No one like those big kitties?
What's up with the keyblade?
My fellow hedonist.
>Playable qunari could have looked like this in DA:I
>Instead we get the awkward looking big humans with shitty looking horns
To be fair everything about that game was shit, not just the qunari.
Ram Horns and skulls can already take enough force head on to kill a person. All they need is for the helm to cover the non-horn part
Goats of war
Horned races are my favourite races but there's still something I can't figure out about them, how do they sleep without tearing their pillows to pieces?
Horns that go front to back you sleep on your side and horns that jut to the sides you sleep on your back.
Once situated you won't be able to roll anyway so it becomes a non-issue.
Shit, I read the book he comes from
Wouldn't sleeping on your side with horns cause your head to be twisted into an awkward position if the horns were large enough?
Depends. Do the horns go straight front to back like pic related then your best option would be to lay on your side or have a bed you can hang the horns off into open air.
You'd probably end up sort of falling forward sleeping on your arm so you don't end up sleeping on your belly, which could also work.
I could see a staight back horned human sleeping with their arm under their cheek (I do it all the time)
But what about ram horned humanoids or humanoids with just massive fucking horns like the OP, are they pretty much forced to sleep sitting?
Who is out there drawing weird anime characters experiencing the horrors of WWI trench warfare? Why does that image exist?
If they jut out to the side like a rams you'd just need pillows that support the head between the horns and you'd be fine. As for fuck huge horns like OP you could have something like a short backed chair to hang them off the back off while still being comfortable or a forward sitting position with the head down and forward.
There's also the lesser evil of a strawbed or something similar where it wouldn't matter if your horns stabbed into what was technically your pillow.
>Were the fuck are the Charr?
Off playing golf
I dunno why they're so bulky in Inquisition, Qunari can be slim, they're just tall.
I want to fuck that deer.
Tfw dragon-elves are !notOttomans. Dragon age in general is just shit now.
Quaggan is not for bully!
Quaggan should have paid the dues at Charr-a-Lago.
Slim or bulky?
Where are all cowtits?
That and the fact that they basically just became a mouthpiece of biowares SJW idea's, outright retconning Sten's "why would a woman wish to be a man, that makes no sense" speech
dat bulk
Every single one of them are handmade by their god. Since the gods in the setting have died, there will be no more Varls.
Also they have long lives. No one knows how long they live because they tend to die in battle before they get old
I find the Ootsutsuki to be aesthetic
Not a horned person per se but can easily be imagined as one
Hey no one said a giant couldn't be a keyblade master
Did someone mention Sheepfolk?
They use hinged helmets that spli5 in half. The cleft goes right through the middle of or holes for horns.
I got sheepfolk in my current campaign setting. They used to be hill dwelling humans but were changed by a new god looking for followers. His plan didn't work out quite the way he expected but now there are sheep people. They're under protection of a nearby kingdom in exchange for wool and wool goods and are borderline slaves, but it's better than the alternative because the local orc tribes think they're delicious and want to eat them and the elves want to use magic/domestication to turn them into slightly intelligent animals because they produce more and higher quality wool than normal sheep and are easier to care for. (also to eat because they're supposedly fucking delicious).
Both, obviously. Twinks and bears so everyone has something to their taste.
This looks liks DF fanart
i'd get kneecapped if I said this to his face, but there's something both badass and adorable about this picture.
I think they're cool conceptually but look really shitty in-game so I can never bring myself to make one over a Nord.
I'd die beside him.
I rethemed D&D 5e Minotaurs and Goliaths into Varls, even worked well with the nautical theme of them being vinkesque in my settings.
I like QT 3.14 horned girls.
They deserve the most love
That wasn't a retcon at all, it fits entirely into what Sten talks about in Origins. People seem to forget that, because the Qun ordains that men are better suited to combat, and because a female Warden is good at fighting, Sten reasons that she must in fact be a man. Gender, and the things people associate with it, are secondary to the physical and/or mental traits individual people possess that can prove useful to the Qun.
Why would a bipedal evolve to have horns ? Not knocking the idea or anything I fucking love horns just asking so I can know how to world build
Because the gods made them that way
Oh deer...
Thats not a tiefling user
label better
This art is pretty nice, but I just noticed the enormous difference in size between the left and right hand.
Thats not a troll
its a night elf
keep trying I believe in you
Thank you for labeling properly
Technically, all Warcraft elves are just mutated trolls. It's in the Chronicles books.
I always thought centaurs with horns look cool.