>Draw a card Edition: I foresee bad things for this thread. >If an effect an opponent controls gave you the choice to let both players draw a card, would you draw? No.
Luis Miller
What can I replace to make this even better / faster. Price is not a concern.
it warps the format. the fact that creatures with less than 4 toughness are literal canon fodder is ridiculous.
reprint brainstorm
Jaxon Bennett
Of course removal warps the format. So does Fatal Push. If you ban bolt, then the next most efficient burn spell just takes its place. Go back to legacy
Aiden Reyes
It's in my sideboard. This was a budget deck so I was wondering if there are more expensive cards that are direct upgrades. For example I considered Pendelhavens but they're of no use because they dont give mana if you tap them for the buff, and I need 1-2 mana quick on the first turn
Maybe ditching some of my 4 Larger than Lifes and Apostle's Blessings to incorporate 2 Blossoming Defences and 2 Vines of Vastwood? Blight mamba is in my side deck as well, maybe better than Necropede since it can be regenerated any time
Levi Bennett
Holy fuck I love that thanks a lot.
It's quite different from my deck, I'll make it as well.
Brayden Johnson
Anything under cmc 4 is now fodder and useless because Push is printed.
Luke Reed
Ban Push.
Benjamin Kelly
We going to ban Path too?
Connor Reyes
And Condemn, Terminate, Abrubt Decay. Oh, and Dreadbore.
Ayden Cruz
The next logical step is to start banning creatures. After all, the existence of good creatures pushes bad creatures out of the format.
Josiah Scott
Go for the Throat is also too oppressive. It clrealy warps the format in favor of nonartifact decks. How did this even get past Testing?
Colton Flores
Doom Blade is too good as well. No wonder Death's Shadow is so powerful.
Camden Perry
And how did Deaths Shadow get through R&D in the first place? I mean, a 13/13 for ONE MEASLY MANA? Too strong for Modern.
Justin Kelly
>burn >nothing really. Tron is annoying but people should be able to play what they want >mono green stompy with ghalta Thread q >nah. Fuck yalls card draw
Juan Walker
Anons, you can bait, goad into creating all kinds of shitposts. And there's nothing like a good shitpost to keep a thread bumping.
Nicholas Lee
Well the through the breach experiment was fun but it made my long game a lot worse. Lost me matchups I should have won. So I dropped it in favor of more beef.
Cooper Wilson
>Draw a card Edition How'd I do.
Zachary Diaz
hi tg, i want to buy my brother a modern deck for his birthday. he's huge into wrestling/bjj; are there any decks that have a similar theme or something? what would a wrestling deck look like?
Ryan Stewart
Well the only time it's a 13/13 is when you have zero life so ....
Deathshadow is a fine modern card. Sure it's efficient, but that's the format as a whole. It can still be blocked, pushed, pathed, terminated.
Isaac Turner
How is this deck? I have been wanting to play it for a while, but not totally sure if it's worth the price tag.
Gabriel Carter
Goblins I guess? I know there's a card called goblin piledriver.
Or go the WWF route and play really handsome/muscley humans. May turn your bro gay.
Blake Ross
Are you experienced in magic? EDH has a deck called Judo/Aikido, premise being you use your opponents resources against them. You could try and modern-ize it.
Colton Kelly
Wizards should fuck off with their mentality of balancing Masters boxes for limited. No one who buys Masters sets gives a single fuck about that, they buy them to get good cards.
Literally think-of-the-children-tier.
Camden Peterson
Read the thread, we're just joking Death's Shadow is literally a 13/13 for 1 mana. It's right there on the card. It doesn't even die to Doom Blade.
Isaiah Nelson
If you don't want to draft them, just buy singles.
Oliver Morgan
You should fuck off too. If there were less shit cards for mongoloids I'd buy 10 boxes.
Oliver Moore
Master's sets usually sell out anyway, so who cares?
Jeremiah Moore
Print more and sell more and make more money? Masters sets don't sell out, more than half of them never reach the end consumer. How fucking naive are you exactly?
Ayden Baker
So you didn't like being an ape annon?
Jayden Watson
Good use of color but it could use some more detail
Jacob Collins
Good use of color but i feel it could use some more detail
Nathaniel Collins
It's worth it. Super fun. Sometimes you get gross hands that donkey roll people on t2 or 3, but it can also grind out a long game very well. Has the tools to beat most decks. It struggles a bit against opposing combo decks but it can race and it's very tweakable so you can adapt it to a local meta easily. I see lots of burn and midrange, thus the maindeck baloth/thrag/skull. But there are tons of other things you could play in those slots.
Lucas Hernandez
>Print more and sell more and make more money? They are intentionally limited run items. >Masters sets don't sell out, more than half of them never reach the end consumer. There's a difference between "not reaching the end consumer" and "not selling out" >How fucking naive are you exactly? I don't know, how naive are you? Wotc does these sets like this for a reason.
Brayden Carter
Being an ape was fun but it honestly made the deck worse. In grindy games I would topdeck TTB and wish it was a threat. It made me worse against midrange and control which felt bad since those are geberally good matchups for the big mana combo deck.
Benjamin Walker
>black green and colorless did eldrazi come to tarkir?
Hudson Russell
Elder Eldrazi Dragons are coming.
Joseph Nelson
>They are intentionally limited run items. No they're not. Not anymore. They're at Wallmart. Proves what I'm saying is correct. Print more, make more money. Iconic didn't sell because the cards are shit for the price. >There's a difference between "not reaching the end consumer" and "not selling out" It's basically the same when distributors are the ones withholding the product from the market. Wizards doesn't distribute. >I don't know, how naive are you? Wotc does these sets like this for a reason. Embarrassing.
Evan Green
>Iconic Iconic Masters is an anomaly that didn't follow the formula of other Masters sets on multiple levels. It doesn't prove anything for you. >Wizards doesn't distribute. Exactly. As long as what wotc prints is sold to the distributors, it doesn't really matter what happens from there. >Embarrassing. If you don't understand reprint equity, I don't know what to tell you.
Michael Ross
>big corporation makes changes >it doesn't prove anything HAHAHAHAHAHA. Dear god. It obviously proves they thought they could make more money.
They don't do it for "equity", they do it for shekels. If it was for them they wouldn't even support Modern, let alone reprint cards outside of Standard sets.
Ethan Campbell
>They don't do it for "equity", they do it for shekels. Equity leads to shekels you buffoon. >If it was for them they wouldn't even support Modern Except they would and do, because shekels. >let alone reprint cards outside of Standard sets ...am I being trolled here? Have you not noticed that cards of real value are rarely reprinted in Standard sets?
Kevin Campbell
>Looking at building Affinity >Mox Opal is third of the cost
Once I learned about the rules of +1/+1 counters on Manlands my interest in the deck grew a bunch.
Alexander Barnes
If they wanted equity staples wouldn't be 80-40 bucks a card. Hasbro forced them to make more Masters sets. >...am I being trolled here? Have you not noticed that cards of real value are rarely reprinted in Standard sets? That's the fucking point, genius.
Gabriel Perry
>not 0 land Goblin Charbelcher mumi, pls
Levi Ross
>If they wanted equity staples wouldn't be 80-40 bucks a card. Yes, yes they would. That's the point. >That's the fucking point, genius. So you are just a troll. That's good to know.
Zachary Collins
The Opals are not optional either. You need them.
Juan Kelly
Shit you're right. This shit is busted. How did this pass wizard?
Landon Johnson
What do you think of the builds with lotus blooms?
>not playing Wx deck with all lands being Plains of some sort, and using Endless Horizons to thin out your deck of all of them to set up for Charbelcher
William Smith
Rate it.
Elijah Richardson
>opens MSPaaint
Matthew Anderson
> not playing Channel fireball combo and killing your enemy turn 3
Alexander Gonzalez
>not somehow forcing Legacy combos to work in Modern
Justin Russell
Jack Diaz
I win.
Matthew Green
I mean, Modern does have kinda watered down versions of (some) Legacy combo decks.
James Miller
Better Ornithopter is OP.
Daniel Morales
>not Channel Fireballing turn 1 on the play It's like you don't even play Vintage.
Oliver Thompson
He wanted a theme of wrestling. No offense man, but I don't see how that event deck is related.
I got just the deck. Grappling is all about hitting massive throws, and using your opponent's force against them, right?
If he wants something more competitive, goblin piledriver and fling are both wrestling-sounding cards. Could make a budget goblin tribal and throw in some flings.
Jayden Parker
I haven't played the Bloom version as much but it always felt worse to me. It has a slightly better game against fast combo because you can make land drops and hold up interaction on the early turns and wait for a bloom to come off suspend, but i think it grinds worse. Scout is a better lategame topdeck simply because it blocks, and the deck wants to get utility out of its utility lands by bouncing them and replaying them. The instant speed land drops are sometimes useful too.
Brandon Cox
I'm currently playing Grixis Control and it's actually going pretty well so far. My current creature suite is:
4x Snapcaster 2x Tasigur 1x Kalitas 1x Scarab God
I've found recently in quite a few matchups I will have Kalitas or Scarab God in hand but don't want to play them as it'll use all or most of my mana and stop my ability to respond to anything my opponent does. I was considering replacing them with 2x Torrential Gearhulk, as while they're less able to grind they do provide immediate value, and can be cast on my opponents turn (casting them and flashbacking back a Cryptic also costs the same amount of mana as doing the same with a Snapcaster, which is nice). What are peoples thoughts? Should I try out the Gearhulks or should I stop being such a pussy and tap out once in a while and keep living the dream of making 4/4 Zombie Snapcasters?
Nathan Long
I'd say Gearhulk. Scarab God is an awkward finisher compared to what you have access to in Modern.
Jaxson Cooper
>Well the only time it's a 13/13 is when you have zero life so .... lmao look at this pleb not playing Phyrexian Unlife Death's Shadow :^)))
Leo Diaz
you need glasses m8, he has both gray and white in the mana cost too easy to recognize the card
Thomas Morales
>Or go the WWF route and play really handsome/muscley humans You rang? Imagine slamming down a playmat with this guy printed on it, turned facing your opponent.
Brody Gonzalez
You're hired, welcome to WotC
Brayden Williams
yeah, like burn
David Ramirez
Sneak and Show becomes U/R Breach, Storm exists (albeit looking a lot different), Reanimator kinda becomes Goryo's Vengeance, Elves exists (though becomes more aggro-combo than just combo).
Gavin Miller
>but it can also grind out a long game very well Unless your opponent plays bloodmoon.
James Edwards
Yeah but fortunately blood moon is not a significant portion of the meta, and you can play 3 basics, and you can also just combo out before moon comes down. It's not unwinnable by any stretch.
Jordan Robinson
>fortunately blood moon is not a significant portion of the meta Which I still think is funny, because blood moon hits a good portion of the top tier decks.
Christopher Lewis
If blood moon ever got big, I'd probably play a 4th or potentially even 5th basic and add some extra board slots to kill moon.
The biggest problem I see is that Frogmite dies to everything (push, bolt, etc) if I try to make him useful by putting plating on him, but if I don't do that he's just a bear that the opponent probably cares little about. Might not be as big a weakness as I'm expecting.
I have 2 Dusk//Dawn in the sideboard. Pretty useful against Humans, Death's Shadow, and Eldrazi since it affects their creatures and not mine. Also allows me to scoop up my sacrificed or murdered Spirits into my hand afterwards. Would Settle the Wreckage be better, though? I also have 2 Blessed Alliance in the sideboard.
Would Cast Out be recommended as well, or should I stick with the not-slow Disenchant that are in my sideboard?
Josiah Reed
Gearhulk is better than Scarab God, but the fact is there's going to be lots of situations like you're describing where you either can't or just shouldn't play him. Also, when I used him, I found the best part about him to be his 5/6 stats, not so much the ability to replay an instant.
Aiden Wood
I mean... why? If the point is to run actual affinity cards, why not run Thoughtcast instead of Paradoxical Outcome?
Also yes, Frogmite isn't good and desu neither is Myr Enforcer with things like Gurmag Angler and Reality Smasher running around. One of the appeals of Affinity is that most of its threats are evasive.
Aiden Reyes
I'm not really interested in the affinity (the one without affinity cards) deck itself, I just want to use the shell as a starting point to make a modern Paradoxical Outcome deck. Looking for advice on if the shell can be better adapted.
I think Paradoxical Outcome is a lot better than Thoughtcast if the stuff you're calling back to hand is recast for free. The cards I draw might be free, too.
Lincoln Campbell
It's too cute, and slow.
Lucas Hall
I don't have a mouse
Sebastian Turner
Play Vintage. It's like Monastary Mentor, a dope-ass card that modern is a hair too weak for it to handle.
Levi Gutierrez
>If an effect an opponent controls gave you the choice to let both players draw a card, would you draw? Sp if it was the only card in his hand he'd go to +-0. If I didn´t have cards I'd go to +1. Would only draw If I had nothing and was losing.
Hudson Gutierrez
Chase Garcia
Can someone present to me valid reasons why mox opal should be banned?
Blake Cook
Luis Russell
i didnt think so.
There have been talks that lantern control will force the ban to be real. So i am seeing what you all have to say about it.
Evan Sullivan
To go into more detail, cards are banned for one of the following reasons: 1. They enable a consistent kill (in actual matches) before turn 4. 2. They reduce competitive diversity. 3. They cause logistical problems at tournaments.
Mox Opal does none of these things.
Colton Lee
No way. Lantern doesn't commit any bannable offenses. Even if it did, Mox Opal wouldn't be the card I would immediately think to ban to bring it down.
Eli Thompson
thank you kind sir
on a second note. What do you guys feel is the future of magic the gathering? alpha investments said it could be sold within a few years?
have you guys noticed a downward trend in quality through all facets such as quality of cards, gameplay, overall confusion and chaos, and a somewhat teeter totter like feling?
I started playing in dark ascension first booster rare ever was a vexing devil. i love this game but idk recently it just seems to be a chaotic mess..
Josiah Flores
I think it's the plane. Amonkhet was more consistent, but Ixalan is random shit, the plane