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Threadly question: Would you marry your blood related sister if she were best waifu?
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Threadly question: Would you marry your blood related sister if she were best waifu?
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>No OC
I would play with her and fuck her, blowjobs, explore new stuff and fetish, etc. But not marry or procreate obviously. I'm not a sickfuck
Mystery Box!
This one was posted a few days ago. But the thread closed before I posed my... build for it.
So I am going to re-post the CYOA along with some cometary.
For example, I have noticed that in Page one the image reference for the "frigate" appears to be a Galleon.
This is Page 02. I don't have much to say about it, this time, except that I think it's weird that they have put the crew selection so near the start.
If you Chose to be Human and then select "resist weakness" are you "physical and metal abilitys" automatically impressive, even if they otherwise would not be?
Forgot to include the Image.
I think maybe the only good commentary I have is the Galleon vs Frigate thing.
Posting a CYOA this long can be a bit tedious when you have to deal with the spam restricting timer thing.
>Would you marry your blood related sister if she were best waifu?
What do you mean by "best waifu" I think you might be begging the question.
Canon ending is being a immortal lich alongside Yuri while you fight your imouto who wants to pull a murder suicide, only to be spared and sealed away for another hundred years and you can't prove otherwise.
Due date for CCC Collab submissions is February 5th. If you haven't started one yet, there's still plenty of time! Here's where you can submit yours:
Be sure to save the link and keep an eye on these announcement posts after submitting.
To the author of Iron Abyss: You're good to go, thanks for the submission!
To the author of Zlatbisa, for the fifth time: You need to shorten your descriptions. I cannot include your submission at its current length and I will not shorten it for you. If you lost the link to edit your city, you can just submit a new one.
Try not to step on each other's creative toes:
I did a quick sketch for the guy in the last thread who wondered how you can hug and hold hands and kiss with someone at the same time. It's a one sided hug, but I'm pretty sure this is the best you are going to get.
Kissing is also pretty awkward in this position, but I'm a big guy, so maybe it's different for you.
>a quick sketch
>tfw practiced art for years and the only thing I can draw well is a stick figure
wow, gay?
Do you also paint? I feel like my painting skills really improved my drawing ability. I've been drawing for 2 years and I was pretty abysmal for the entire first year, but when I picked up painting I improved quite a bit.
Also, try studying masters if you mainly practice with photos. Well done paintings are a lot easier to analyze because they remove a lot of noise.
It's just a really muscular girl. You're not saying liking Buck Angel is gay, right?
I tried painting a long time ago but never really kept on with it. I might pick it back up though if it might help me improve.
Thank you.
Why isn't there a CYOA with Android 21 yet?!!
How would you be able to do this if the girl were shorter than you?
longer arms
Stop being a pleb.
What's the objectively correct reaction to someone posting OC in your favorite cyoa genre when said OC is shit? I mean hopelessly bad, so bad that no amount of feedback would help the guy improve it to acceptable level.
Do you
>A give him a short (You) to encourage him to keep makong cyoas but don't comment on the substance
>B straight-up tell him his OC is shit
>C give him feedback on all things he should fix
>D give him feedback on just one thing to let him know he needs to work on his cyoa skills but stay silent about the rest so he won't feel like you're lecturing him
>E ignore his OC
I usually pick option E but I'm guessing it feels bad when your stuff gets almost no reaction from the audience.
Correct answer: Have a patrician taste for tall women and musclegirls!
If the girl is the one hugging, they would have to raise their arms a bit. If the guy is the one hugging, the would have to lower their arms a bit.
Unless you're talking about really drastic differences in height or unnaturally short arms, this shouldn't be much of an issue.
C. Even if he doesn't improve one jot, it might help anyone else looking to make a similar CYOA. Also, I don't want people to post stuff and get no reaction at all.
>B & D with a subtle hint that there are more issues then just that one.
a CYOA Author needs to know how to improve themselves and not just listen to everyone else.
Why do fantasy cyoas usually turn out better than sci-fi cyoas?
>>D give him feedback on just one thing to let him know he needs to work on his cyoa skills but stay silent about the rest so he won't feel like you're lecturing him
You're a cunt for picking E user. Get your shit together.
sci fi is shit
This cyoa is missing words.
(C)onstructive criticism (that is, not just "x is shit"). Unless it's really long, nobody who isn't insecure af, is going to mind. If they're garbage, they should be lectured.
I know everyone else will give their true opinions and even if they didn't, he would eventually improve on his own (in theory).
Cinstructuve criticism is when you point out what is shit, point out the posrives, and then tell them what they should try and improve on.
Only the most chad reviewers do this.
See People only learn when they find out they're wrong.
C is the only true option if you can properly do so
Because people are used to it
For instance, look at It's your generic fantasy setting
then It's a sci-fi one
Most people will pick the first one because people are used to it, also because most of them are afraid of space.
It's time to post that CYOA now boy!
you can just say "it's magic I ain't gotta explain shit"
>It's science I ain't gotta explain shit!
Fantasy is also generally a lot more homogeneous. And it's also a lot easier to imagine how to live in a fantasy world. Being an adventurer or ruler is a lot easier to imagine than anything in space.
>it's time to post a cyoa you just called garbage
that would be mean
>this cringy thread question
This is why they're stupid. Always horrible like edition tagging.
You want to toss it out instead?
No. I wouldn’t.
Mikon is best girl, as she’s chaste and moral. Her desire to open the floodgates to her land is bad, but I’d be able to stop it through marriage. It’s a win-win, I get a traditional waifu, and the isolationist policy of Aon remains.
New Italics cyoa when?
You give him feedback on the single most thing that would improve his work that he won't develop through sheer practice. You also preface it with either praise for even the tiniest aspect you think has potential, or acknowledge the aspect that they put the most work into.
>Opening up your country is bad.
>Aon is literally not!japan
>He doesn't want a Aonese Empire
Shit thought senpai
Is it just me, or would this make a really good play-by-post/forum RP setting? It has enough structure to prevent *teleports behind you*-tier dumbassery, has scheduled PvP for those who prefer that, the base premise allows for varied PvE encounters... The main weak point, I think, would be the demand on mods/admins to keep things rolling PvE-wise.
Blood and Soil. Aon for the Aonese.
>literally l*ddit tier "humor"
Except the Ship CYOA is considered one of the best and Italic's quick-shit waifu CYOA is considered a quick-shit waifu CYOA.
Neither is this even remotely true. Generic science fiction is certainly as stodgy as generic fantasy, as is generic post-cyberpunk and generic post-apocalypse. Where do you people pull this stuff from? Your arses? They must be chafing pretty badly by now.
>It has enough structure to prevent *teleports behind you*-tier dumbassery
That's what happened when people tried before.
What is Italucs new cyoa? Is it an update to Apocrypha?
it's "not a waifu cyoa"™ about vampires
>anything I don't like is a spook
>Not writing your own magic system
>close country
>rest of the world moves on
>eventually some other country sends battleships to force Aon to do something
>they tried before
When and where was this? Also, nice dubs.
I had a really odd dream about this very large cruise ship that where your ticket would be for a 20 year journey but the chances of the ship ending back in your port for the next 100 is vanishing small. Maybe it's time to get back in the CYOA game. Hope my Venezuelan friend will rejoin me in making content by then.
>marry sister
>become fantasy Habsburgs
>dynastic marriage everyone else in the next few generations to get claims
>pray the dynasty doesn’t split
>I get a traditional waifu, and the isolationist policy of Aon remains.
The only thing you're getting is double suicide with your sister if you ever leave your Kingdom, user
you still haven't posted your build you know
>marry sister
Like, when the cyoa was updated? To be three pages.
I miss Dragon Wrestler, or whatever his name was.
You should! It's good. I started on one yesterday and I felt motivated before starting, like I was looking forward to it.
It is daunting though. It's already super fat, and there's still companions and fun lore/extra options and stuff to include. It's already 7k words and that's pretty much just the spells
I'm not DSA though.
Alright, what is the sci-fi equivalent to the endless LOTR and DND clones?
The generic sci-fi setting as founded by Asimov and equally shit pulp writers. Think Stardust, the various space pirate CYOAs. This isn't some secret.
>C'mon, stop crying already, they called off the warning.
>For reals?
>Yup, there was another notice, false alert, see?
>Awesome! Wait, that was... two hours ago. Why...
>Oh, shut up, you dummy!
Anyone know how hybrids deal with weaknesses?
Also anyone know how to get captcha working? Was using legacy but now that it's not supported I can't load the regular version. Have to use a different browser to post.
Foundation for galaxy epics, Starship Troopers for military stories, probably Flash Gordon/or John Carter for space hero adventure. Star Trek as space exploration.
You know the Epcot center in Disney world? Imagine if an ocean going ship looked like that but perhaps was a dozen times bigger. It felt normal to us all. Somehow a pier fit to service the ship appeared. Of course it would the ship came every year I think... When it was announced that the ship would be taking on passengers for a cruise it felt normal and no one said anything when the passenger list was made up of all the high school students in the city. But once the ship set sail the reality sunk in. Nothing in this ship was normal and very layout seemed impossible. An ocean beach laid behind one door but to swim out too far meant you would collide with a wall, yet even then nothing could be felt as fake. The sun felt real, the wind, the birds, the smell, the sand. All of it in a room the size of a few bunks. Rumors began to spread of towns of stowaways hidden away and shops that sold boons thought impossible. Food and ship scrip was provided enough to pay for delicacies never heard of before. The shops themselves ran by children of former passengers who looked at us with envy greater than that of the beggar children of my city. Yet still there were greater attractions remaining that offered entertainment and competition with technology that far surpassed our home. Things were so happy until we found the schedule for future port stays. In all the pages there was only one mention of our city showing that we just left. So now this is our home.
This is what I wrote after I woke up.
Oh, and BLaderunner/Neuromancer for cyberpunk,
And probably Ivan Efremov books for other side of the ocean in addition to others.
Are you saying asimov is shit?
Technological development can proceed without compromising the nation.
I’d have her executed for trying. If she’s crazy enough to go through with it, I could just bait her into attacking me publicly, so there wouldn’t be any public backlash.
>torn between yanyan sister and fluffy tail
>neither are willing to share
don't worry, neither actually exist either, so you're covered
Yes. Read that story where the detective ERPs in front of three guys in order to see which one gets an erection (all while he's trying to cheat on his loving wife, the scamp). His prose is shit, his ideas are shit, he's a hack and nothing more.
Breaking your sister's heart then executing her, what a horrible brother.
>he's a hack and nothing more.
well he must be then because a random brainlet on Veeky Forums said so
My mistake. He must be a good writer, because a random brainlet on Veeky Forums said so.
>because a random brainlet on Veeky Forums said so.
or maybe because its very much the critical consensus that he was a huge influence on science fiction and far from a "hack"
you don't need to take my word for it
>or maybe because its very much the critical consensus that he was a huge influence on science fiction and far from a "hack"
lmao what the fuck kinda critics are you reading
tokhaar never really posts other CYOAs other than his own huh
He is the only one who posts his cyoas.
He's special, don't be mean.
Not my problem she’s an incestuous degenerate.
>if she were best waifu
possibly yeah, only thing is shes shit
ill go with Toll of Soldat because shes a warriorfu with cute hobbies and it adds to my nation and shes adorable and shes not a psychopathic ho bag with no personality
Once in a while he posts a bunch of other people's stuff he's grabbed from Reddit, mostly because it makes people here REEEEEEEEE
To be fair. Italics was right about it not being a waifu cyoa. Apocrypha is more of an adventure cyoa with "waifu" elements.
Your partners are fenale and you can make your Spirit female, but they aren't romantically attracted to you unless you make it so in your story. Italics also stated he couldn't get male companions because the artist didn't have that many male pictures.
>bathes with male soldiers
>not a ho bag
Pick one.
What's wrong with bathing with others? Would you also be offended if she went to a beach?