What does tg think of this elf?
What does tg think of this elf?
i would play this in standard in a GB rock deck
I was sad when it rotated
Then they printed this guy ;)
As far as Nekrataal variants go, you could do worse, but it fails to hit enough targets that I'm not going to be excited about it.
For Modern it's pretty useless. Not even Elves wants a 5 cmc, double black, 3 toughness elf.
Reminds me of the Lorwyn/Shadowmoor Nazi elves.
Nooooooo? You don't say, genius?
I thought WotC was deeply ashamed of Lorwyn/Shadowmoor.
I have no idea how card games work.
Flick your cards as loudly and quickly as you can until your opponent gives up.
Where did you hear that?
I inferred it from their never talking about it or referencing it aside from this one card.
I forgot where I saw this but apparently the ascendancy of Reveillark in standard got R&D in hot water for not foreseeing it.
If that's the case, then I guess Kaladesh block is going to get blacklisted too.
It won't be, because Maros pet mechanic is in it.
5 cmc for a 4/3 is a bad deal
5 cmc for a one use casual ability is a bad deal
Menace is a disadvatage, since it will die with 3 toughness
And it's 2B, Hardly useful in an elf deck which at most can pump one B and the rest G
Superior nazi elf coming through
General assessment is right, but menace isn't a disadvantage. It's always good to give your opponent fewer options.
Best Nazi Elf, coming through.
I thought Elves that actually see play weren't allowed in this thread?
>Menace is a disadvatage, since it will die with 3 toughness
Thank you for trying, please refrain from commenting on future cards until you have a basic understanding of the game,
They don't want to dedicate an entire block to the plane because players just didn't like it. They're willing to reference it in other material. Such as in Origins, where it was one of five different planes that were represented in the cards, and in supplementary products like Commander decks. Just as they are with Kamigawa.
>players just didn't like it
Buncha plebs you ask me. Ravnica/Time Spiral/Lorwyn/Shadowmoor was the high point of card design imo.
The issue wasn't one of card design (well, yes, that was an issue too but a separate one). Please remember that most of the people playing this game as 13 and 14 year old boys who want their cards to depict muscular heroes (no homo tho) doing awesome shit. They don't want their cards to depict to goblins stealing pies.
>They don't want their cards to depict to goblins stealing pies.
definitely plebs
It's a great combination of game mechanics and flavor. Not having equal power and toughness implies asymmetry = lack of harmony = ugliness, and so it makes sense that it is killed by an elf obsessed with beauty.
>Ravnica/Time Spiral/Lorwyn/Shadowmoor was the high point of card design imo
Pleb detected. Everything went downhill after odyssey
Actually, Shadowmoor elves aren't Nazis. The plane is a twisted image of Lorwyn in every respect, so the cruel, insular Elves of the Gilt-leaf become the Wilt-leaf, brave guardians of beauty in an ugly world.
That's part of the reason, but it doesn't tell the whole story.
In your opinion, sure. But Magic has to turn a profit in order to continue existing, and the extreme complexity of those sets led to a steep decline in new player uptake.
Also, very complex board states aren't fun for most players. Lorwyn-block limited was miserable to play - turns took forever, and it was easy to miss interactions and play incorrectly.
Kamigawa as well but that set only works in itself not mixing with others.
Kamigawa was top tier flavor. Mirrodin was good as well. So was 10th and onslaught etc...
>can't kill Ravenous Chupacabra
>killed by Ravenous Chupacabra
In the bin.
I like it
My elven nig-nog!
>That's part of the reason, but it doesn't tell the whole story.
>well, yes, that was an issue too but a separate one
Mirrodin nearly destroyed the game due to being broken but was sort of fun.
Kamigawa basically did. R.I.P then magic playerbase.
That's why the print run was so low for the following dark age sets. Time spiral - Shadowmoor.
Eventide, Shards and M10 sort of saved the game in an odd way.
The only real fail was Baneslayer Angel.
The worst part is that mouth-breathing neckbeards have no standards at all when it comes to flavor. All they want is their 5/5 for 3 and good removal. They don't care if the picture is some generic CGI human. All that work of research they did in Kamigawa, all the weirdness wasted on pigs who just wanted their animu characters.
That is the reason why Amonkhet was so bland - it only had surface level shit that even the most secluded asshole would get. Even in the "Inside R&D", Maro blatantly said: "We were trying to find things people associate with Egypt - mummies, sphinxes, pyramids, animal heads". If you can't find it on a cereal box or in the brain of the average Ameritard, it is too complex for Magic.
It would be fine, if atleast the game wasn't dumbed down, but you can look at which sets are played in pauper to see nWo in full effect.
are you still playing a G/B rock deck?
>at random
>we will never get another well researched settings ever
it hurts
Don't worry, user. We are returning to Dominaria soon #nostalgia #nerdgasm #Jace
dominaria's just typical fantasy
i had stupid hopes for kaladesh, amonkhet and ixalan having new and interesting flavour
instead of indian plane and all the fascinating stuff that could be borrowed from such diverse place i got dwarfs in turbans and architecture based on european art nouveau
instead of ancient egypt i got WE WUZ KANGZ
instead of conquistadors and mesoamerican the spotlight goes to strong female pirates who magically never get killed or dirty or ragged or their ass-kicked
We're gonna get more kavus, and they're going to be dogshit because interesting mechanics are a HUGE no-no for fear of overstimulating the brains of retards.
Kaladesh didn't have infect.
Gilt-Leaf Winnower is one of my favorite designs.
In case people dont grt it, the winnowers are Lorwyn are a caste of elves, usually impeefect themselves, tasked with seeking and destroying other ugly creatures. Thats why it cares about non swuare stats and why it it doesnt have square stats itself.
Its a great design. I really wish it had been a constructed player. It wasnt that far off but eh.
He means prowess and menace.
no dummy he means fabricate
Don't forget we were only on Lorwyn for 5 minutes and Origins retconned Nissa.
I actually run 2 of them in a b/g elf deck I made from an Origins booster box. The set has cards that make it easy to cheat out early. With an ideal summon it comes in, destroys a chump blocker and can freely attack for 4 because of menace.
Mechanically its a 7/10, 10/10 for a card that is good without being outrageous.
No, they will put in one sided slivers, so the 12 year-olds can brainlessly win at draft.
Green Kavus with Banisher Priest effects. Only difference is that they need to have higher power than the creature they want to eat.
Screencap this.
Pet resource then if we want to get pedantic.
It's also a demonstration of the hypocrisy of Elves.
>kills asymmetrical dudes
>is asymmetrical itself