Who has the most recent pdf? Has anybody ACTUALLY played it yet? What are your thoughts. I'm not the shill/anti-shill, just interested in mech systems and wanted to see how this one holds up.

I'm trying to learn how to play 7th Sea. I ain't got time for no Lancer.

Also the cover doesn't evoke anything from me. Playing busted up mechs isn't a fantasy of mine.

That being said, a story about a busted up mech could be fun to read.

Talk about judging a book by its cover...

Would also be interested to hear about this, as the size and aesthetic of the mechs in this case are something I quite enjoy.

Here's the pdf from the shared google drive, dont know how much they have updated it though

In a world with 100s of RPGs, you gotta do something. I don't have the money to buy every RPG and I certainly don't have the time to read them all.

That's why you read some sort of summary.

Plus if you are looking for a mech RPG, it's not like you have hundreds coming out every week. But if you are just looking for RPGs in general, I guess I see your point.

Reading through this now. Decided to build a character for giggles to see how the system works. Like the idea of playing as a hillbilly frontiersman.

>Outlander (Survival: Frontier)

Okay, so what kind of mech pilot should I be? It might be hard to find bullets on a frontier world, so maybe something melee-focused-

>Grease Monkey
Well yeah, they'd definitely need to be able to jury-rig up repairs whenever something gets damaged.

Same thing, kind of. Being able to fix things up makes sense. Wait, what's that in the second rank?

>Nuclear Cavalier
HOLY SHIT Well it'd be wrong NOT to run a hillbilly flying around in a stripped-out junker bristling with highly unstable guns. Now I just need to build a mech.

I am pretty happy with Mekton Zeta. I'm also not above just using Mech Warrior and slapping Savage Worlds on for out of mech stuff.

Mecha is a pretty niche market outside of Japan, and I'm pretty sure Japan has their own mecha rpgs.

The overexcitement makes this feel like an amateur shill post.
>"WHOA NUKES XD! MUCH RADIATION ROFL! NOW I GOTTA PLAY (and purchase when they release the non-beta version) THIS GAME@!"

Eh, I see enough people be pretend jaded that I'll let shit like that slide.

I love KSBD and Abbadon to death, but god damn that guy can't make a decent RPG if his life depended on it

1.5 is out? Neat. I was waiting for an update to try running a short campaign of it, now I can see whether it's actually any good.

>When you level up, you can now move all points from a single talent to other talents if you so choose, and you can move all points from a single license to another license with GM discretion, as long as you keep your licenses and talents legal (must have preceding ranks)

Huh, that's an interesting shift. It makes it a lot easier to experiment with different setups, even more than the Rental Licenses suggestion that was going around a while back.

Reading over the changes in general, they seem to have really been thorough with testing and tweaking stuff. It's basically what I was hoping to see after 1.4. Of course, this only matters if the changes actually make the game fun to play, which I'll find out shortly.

>Rephrased a lot of talents to work no matter the weapon load out of your mech. The way a lot of talents were phrased was restrictive and penalized melee especially. The new talents are phrased so that they work no matter the loadout of your mech.

This is also nice to see, it should make chargen a lot more flexible, the talents were way too pigeonholed before.

I do like the changes to Shackled AIs. Or at least, clarifying what the fuck 'Shackled' is and why the AI going unshackled is bad. It's less the slavery implications it had initially and more 'Will I still be myself' if unshackled. Gives a lot more room for your friendly buddy AI.


I'm still mad about the fat porn. And The Pit. The Pit is shit. Fuck you Abbadon.

Newfag, you can't shill for something that doesn't cost money.

Uh? Fat porn? The pit? What.

Does anyone have good battlemaps, or resources to find them, for a game at Lancer's scale? Natural environments are good, urban environments are better, sci-fi or apocalyptic would be fantastic.

I actually am enjoying broken worlds desu, didn't think I would but decided to give it a go.