arms and armour thread vol. 2.
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arms and armour thread vol. 2.
and also calling each other autists
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This is such an aspie way to start a thread
Yeah, that's pretty much how Veeky Forums goes.
good, you already got the hang of it
One of the problems with that theory is that the inner layer should be still tight fitting, and the outer layer should be bigger to get that desired look.
But that's a later thing when these stuff started to get more and more fashionable among the soldiers.
Another problem is that slashing up your cloths this way doesn't really give you more mobility as the cloths wasn't restrictive to begin with. And if you got a too small cloth and slashed it up then you would need to cut the inner layer too which won't give you this look at the end.
I would say there is no evidence how it all started and we have only educated guesses, but I vote for the theory that this was more of a "soldier got back from battlefield with slashed cloths, he looks hardcore as fuck, let's mimic him to look also hardcore as fuck" fashion thing. But obviously it's more complicated than this.
I do like that gambeson. Is that outfit period or a fantasy mishmash?
>But obviously it's more complicated than this.
Most things are, in the long run.
yeah, that's why it's hard to talk about these things in a pseudo-mongolian cattleherding tips sharing videobard
Everything in that picture is completely fictional. Still nice, but thats all it is.
Or anywhere, really.
Love me some katzbalgers.
That's what I thought. Nice aesthetic for it, though. Fantasy-practical.
It's historically inspired but fictional. They make LARP stuff that fits, but isn't an exact match.
face to face you can shout very loudly, which as empirical evidence shows, make you more right about a subject.
also, this is the last pic for standard bearer user
>face to face you can shout very loudly, which as empirical evidence shows, make you more right about a subject.
anyway, any specific request?
I'll take all the katzbalgers you've got if you're bored. I've never gotten around to making a collection of them despite how much I like the design.
I'd reciprocate but I have nearly nothing from this time period. It's just not one I've looked into too heavily.
Is that a kat? The handle looks long enough for two hands, like a great kat of sorts
there were two handed katzbalgers. Also dagger katzbalgers too.
Look at this guy for example
I knew about the daggers. I didn't know that there were two-handed versions, though. Cool.
well, basically it could come in any size. As with nearly every other swords.
Whatever works. I just never came across mention of them in my research on the design for some reason.
Loving the images, btw. Thanks.
these pics so far are from KM's stash to tell you the truth, but I will get around for others soon
It's all stuff I don't have.
merry chirstmas user
This one is a modern interpretation, if you're interested. This one is a recreation of a real basket hilted kat.
and so that you should have KM's archive I will get to other pics that isn't there (these ones are in the knektar folder)
>This one is a modern interpretation, if you're interested
to tell you the truth it was kind of obvious that it was a modern interpretation. I mean probably it's a good sword but somehow lacks little details of originals.
While this one captures it right
>to tell you the truth it was kind of obvious that it was a modern interpretation. I mean probably it's a good sword but somehow lacks little details of originals.
Yeah, plus it just looks new. Still a fairly nice design. though
Fucking hell captcha is getting on my last damned nerve. It absolutely won't accept anything but cars no matter what it asks for. I don't know how you're putting up with it.
here is another modern interpretation
>I don't know how you're putting up with it.
I bought a 4chanpass because I hate captcha and I do a lot of pic dump. Plus it's lets me post a little more frequent
Not bad. Tip is a bit too blunt even for a kat, but overall I like it.
Ah. I didn't know the pass let you skip captcha. I don't dump enough to make it worth it so I never bothered really looking into it.
>Not bad. Tip is a bit too blunt even for a kat, but overall I like it.
mostly because it's a training blunt. that's how it was ordered. Anyway the guy makes better stuff nowdays but mostly messers
>Ah. I didn't know the pass let you skip captcha. I don't dump enough to make it worth it so I never bothered really looking into it.
It's a few dollars for a whole year so for me it totally worth it. Saved me countless hours so far.
>training blunt
That would make sense. That would also explain the strangely hard edges and corners on the pommel.
I thought the pass was more expensive than that. I might have to get one.
Anyway, it's getting to be bedtime. Thanks again for the pics and the information. I'm going to have to start reading up more on the period. Have a good one.
no problem. I also ran out of sorted katzblagers, the rest are in the unsorted folder and most of them are modern ones anyway
For whomever posted the mindhost tumblr link, thanks, its full of info and stuff
>also, this is the last pic for standard bearer user
thanks hungarian
any new request?
Foot soldier or grunt armor, pre-reinassance if possible. Holy cow this thread is silent,
just five people...
It just me or leftmost guy's keetle helm is too big for him? Looks like its blocking his sight.
Woah, niggers, slow down there.
First off, the movement towards abstraction in art began during late antiquity already, with the first seeds of later styles being laid during the Hellenistic period, so by that time, the christian avant-garde of art (the Byzanthine Empire) offered nothing but abstract styles which the less developed parts naturally copied.
Second, painterly realism and individual likeness were not themes they cared about. The first surviving actual portrait from the middle ages dates to around the same time we starte dicking around with perspective again.
Generally this was not a culture where people were identified by their faces but by their livery and their public context. As in Jesus is the big dude in the middle with the halo, the other apostels alway stay in the same relative places in relation to him, ect. or the king's the dude with the big crown, the others with smaller to no crowns to his left and right have that status and their livery identifies their family relations and person.
Likewise, they didn't care about architecture and the built enviroment at all. It was, at best, a vessle meant to carry other meanings, so its accurate depiction had no priority and backgrounds in medieval art are, as a result of that, kinda random or even nonexistant.
It's best to think of medieval art as an art of infographics meant to make teaching and retaining the contents easier. Art imitating life or artists creating totally novel and unseen things just wasn't a thing they paid or cared for.
nah, it's perfectly good, he just positioned it this way because obviously it's a posing picture.
We also know that if somebody actually started throwing money, artists were perfectly capable of going from abstract art to realism within months.
The most extreme example of that is the First Emperor's terracotta army, with faces that are individualized and have identifable naturalistic depiction of the various ethnicities of the period, which has no counterpart in Chinese art of that or any later period.
Ah, that makes sense.
Is pic related a plaquart sitting on a gamberson or a brigandine? I've seen other examples, but it sounds insane to just have a exposed chest like so.
it's sitting on a gambeson or something along that like. IIRC there are a few examples for it but isn't that many.
But then again, he is covered the parts that are most likely to get hit if you are actively defending yourself, so whatever
>tfw flags never flow so nicely when I carry them
a catalog of surving pieces of armour from the 14th century, if anyone is interested and dont mind the all the rust.
got any early mediaval?
Thats bizarre, this sounds like some dangerous arrow/spear bait,then again, he might just defend aginst the latter
well it's obviously not ideal, might be even sub-optimal but workable. Not everyone had perfect equipment, and some people might even had bad ideas. Though the bad ideas died out after a while.
you need a silk flags and a hell lot of awesomeness to make it work
ehh. I have but it's not my strong point. How early are we talking about?
dont bother then, the stuff that you are posting is very good, keep it coming
>Though the bad ideas died out after a while.
This makes me feel bad we don't much records of it, I wanna know European meme weapons
here, take a look at this site
If you find something interesting I might have a photo counterpart of it.
not just meme weapons but armors too. But here is a meme weapon (alos, nearly every "X + gun" weapon is a meme weapon. And X contains guns too)
>pic related
Wow, I never thought we had those and I thought gunblades were useful, boy thats embarassing....
well, the main idea behind this was that it will be a naval weapon that can fuck up other guys like a sword but ALSO good at cutting ropes and shit when you board the other ship and just want to fuck shit up. Obviously it wasn't that great of an idea as you it died out pretty fast
>not just meme weapons but armors too.
does these ridiculous maximillian era helmets counts as meme armour?
>rope cutters
Weird, I thought it was a swordbreaker, I didn't know rope was difficult to cut.
nah, that wasn't for use. That's at best for a hearty kek and that's all, like with every other parade armour or some paintings on shields and stuff
Anyway here is a meme armour. It had a run of ~30 years before it disappeared and was mostly in the region of switzerland/lower germany.
it's only difficult if it's thick as fuck. Like on boats.
Combining a decently large bishop's mantle with a bit of steel for the belly isn't the worst idea. Should be cheaper than a full set of either plate or mail and should offer a lot more mobility than a badly fit arm harness too.
It's allegeldy a venetian marine's sword, with the saw meant to cut rope.
Rope can be very hard to cut, especially heavy nautical rope that's being constantly compacted by being stretched/pulled tight, and hardened by being soaked in water and sun. It'll also chew up your edge real quick, as anyone familiar with boating can tell you.
the guy on the pic is too early for proper bishop's mantle though
now i remember this, do we even know what was the idea behind the karstenburst(is that how is called?) design?
>Anyway here is a meme armour.
Wait, a sallet/kettle helm is meme armour? I was about to ask why some helms lack nose guard, such as with the visor raised, but this leaves me even more confused, a meme that lasted for 3 decades
think he refers to the cuiriass
it's the breastplate that is meme armour, not the helmet.
technically speaking that's not a kastenburst (on pic, a proper one), but a bastard child of it. Little later too.
The main idea that pikes and other pointy stuff would slide off of that angles