Do you set/discuss the lines and veils with your players on session 0? What lines and veils do you usually put in place? Also what are your thoughts on the use of x-cards? I'm starting to think I should add them to my campaign.
Do you set/discuss the lines and veils with your players on session 0? What lines and veils do you usually put in place...
I consider it a win when I make one of my players cry.
>Do you set/discuss the lines and veils with your players on session 0?
As in, ley-lines, and the Veil between our world and the realm beyond? Only with mages, priests and the like.
>I'm starting to think I should add them to my campaign.
No you're not. You don't even have a campaign.
Or friends.
The X-Card was designed for convention games where a group can't easily discuss boundaries and establish what's expected or off limits, especially since people with difficult experiences might have trouble discussing them with a group of strangers. For a convention game with strangers, the X-Card has a purpose.
For any other context, it's entirely pointless and just damages communication between a player and the GM. In a long running group context, you need to be able to discuss these things and to explain at least a basic reason why to be a functional member of a gaming group. It is a minimum threshold for being able to participate in RPG's. Communication is everything, and if you can't communicate you won't be able to actually engage with and enjoy the game.
If a player isn't mature enough to raise their complaints vocally, then I don't want to play with them. The concept of an X-card implies that players feel intimidated or threatened by their GM, to the extent that they're afraid to talk to them out-of-character. If the players and the GM are on good terms with each other, an X-card serves no purpose. If they aren't, then there are clearly underlying problems which a piece of card won't be able to fix.
>Do you set/discuss the lines and veils with your players on session 0? What lines and veils do you usually put in place?
Depends on what game I'm playing. If it's dark fantasy or grimdark or shit like that, then I'll make sure all the players are on board with a game with graphic detail. Plus, there's selling the campaign in the first place, which often dredges up any issues before the game starts
>Also what are your thoughts on the use of x-cards?
Just about the gayest shit a DM or player could do. If there's an issue in the campaign, use your words like a normal human being. You don't need a fucking prop.
>I'm starting to think I should add them to my campaign.
You sound like a faggot.
>For a convention game with strangers, the X-Card has a purpose.
No it doesn't. For a group therapy session maybe, but not for a game.
>Do you set/discuss the lines and veils with your players on session 0?
>What lines and veils do you usually put in place?
Depends on the game, the setting, and the plot, as well as the players in question.
>Also what are your thoughts on the use of x-cards?
If yopu think I'm crossing a line nud discussed in session 0, or someone else is, you talk to us as a group. If you can't handle that, you need to be nowhere near my group because you're not mature enough to cope with human interaction above a kindergarten level.
Not just engaging. If someone uses the x card they're still going to have to end up discussing the issue anyway, the dm needs to know what specific thing in a scene that was just described is the problem.
Lines and veils are good. They imply you're talking to your players about expectations for the game and what sort of thing you want to see come up. The Same Page Tool is similarly useful,
The X Card is stupid and doesn't work, since it actively reduces communication: as written, user waves the card about and the group has to guess what about the scene was so bad, and user doesn't have to explain.
Just talk like adults.
No, since we've been friends for a couple years already so it doesn't matter.
If people keep telling you that your blatant shitposts are transparent and obviously phony, that probably means you should either stop shitposting or start working to get better at it so people can't easily spot your fibbery. Making screencaps about your butthurt just shows how you don't have anything to counter attacks against your BS.
Don't play with randos.
1: Not really, no. I play almost exclusively with adults or late-teens who can act like mature adults.
2: Generally the basics. Sex is a fade-to-black scene. Violence is described in whatever terms the one inflicting it feels comfortable with. Torture and mutilation is discouraged but not forbidden. Anything else is fair game.
3: Trying to bring up 'x-cards' is a sure-fire way to get banned from my table. If you have a problem with something in the game, you nut the fuck up, shut the fuck up, and bring it to me afterwards in private (Don't expose your weaknesses to my regular players or they will exploit them, and try to keep your shame private). We'll discuss the problem and then, if I think you're not just being a wuss (fair warning, as a former rape victim and the recipient of extensive physical trauma and abuse, there's a good chance I'll just tell you to man the fuck up) I will make an announcement to the group about what lines got crossed and why they should be avoided going forward. No retcons, no re-dos. Live with the consequences.
Literally no one in the history of Veeky Forums has ever brought these up, unless it was to stir up shit. Fuck off, stormfag
X-cards are good for people with ptsd
No, talking about things that can trigger prexisting trauma before the game fucking starts is good for PTSD. x cards are good for todlrs and/or hipsters.
Pretty sure completely avoiding your PTSD "triggers" actually makes it worse. If you have real PTSD that is.
Yeah, that means "talking to a therapist about your triggers in a controlled environment," not purposely running into them in your day to day life
>Do you set/discuss the lines and veils with your players on session 0?
No, I make as much effort as possible to keep my players in the dark. I feel it improves the game if my players have no idea what system their even playing before session 1, I would try to obscure my identity if possible.
>What lines and veils do you usually put in place?
depends on the playgroup
>Also what are your thoughts on the use of x-cards?
Nobody uses X-cards, they're not even a fucking meme. Just some random bullshit people who don't play /tg can't let go of like the spined rape-defense vagina insert that doesn't even exist.
Actually I know a marine who deliberately goes to monster truck rallies and fireworks shows to try to forcibly normalize the loud noises that trigger him, so he gets desensitized. He was always super-confrontational, so he took one look at the PTSD diagnosis and said 'bring it on'. He's doing pretty well, now. Still a monumental dick, but that hasn't changed since he was ten.
I dont play with pussyholes. Safe spaces after nursery school are a sign of mental illness, they should be medicated not pandered too