What's the fantasy-setting equivalent of a cardiobunny/gymthot?
What's the fantasy-setting equivalent of a cardiobunny/gymthot?
What a fantastic excuse to make a thread solely because you wanted to share an image that makes your dick hard.
Pretty sure this is just the dedicated incel shitposting thread for the morning.
A martial. Doh.
a phony adventurer?
>nice and pristime armor
>deeds told but no witnesses of it.
>always bragging of his/her greatness but doesn't accompany anyone on an adventure.
A knight who never experienced combat.
sounds about right
Boy do I hate women
You shouldn't come out and say it like that user.
At least you're secure in your misogyny
Could you stop?
Clearly you incels don’t know what either of these things are. It’s not that they don’t exercise, it’s how and why they do.
She only does cardio. Elliptical, stair master, and that king of tedium, the treadmill. She thinks that if she even touches something associated with strength training, she’ll immediately bloatmaxx into a monster. She is skinny and would say she is “toned” (a nonsense word that means nothing) but there’s no muscle so she’s still flabby. She thinks people are staring at her yoga-pantsed ass, and they are; but only to try to figure out where it is.
This girl actually does do both cardio and strength training. The cardio is fine, but every time she does a lift routine or uses a machine, she lordosis’ her ass so hard you’d think she was part snake. Every movement is calculated to be done in the exact wrong manner to push her ass out and risk injury. She uses the abduction/adduction machines while standing. Probably does have a pretty nice ass, but god damn if she knows how she actually got it. Wears gym shark attire or maybe the next best thing to just a sports bra and compression shorts.
It works for amazon and ladyknightfags
So, bards. Pretty people who pretend to be valuable in order to get all the dick.
Not until they fuck they won't
>not valuable
Yeah okay sure.
A real comparison would be that party member that either only does the bare minimum or powergames incorrectly
Elves, obviously.
fuck off Koebel
Sorceress that buffs herself with Eagle's splendor (and maybe other spells from the same family, like Bear's endurance and Bull's strength to look buff) and then uses some kind of Send spell to send nudes to her friends?
>deeds told but no witnesses of it.
Probably hired a bard to write an epic poem about their deeds.
Let's be honest: would you really trust a bard to tell the truth and not the "embellished" truth?
Don’t you mean Koebeld?
Orc girls? They are the most muscular
Female orcs, duh
Well, duh. All threads outside of generals are at this point basically either "You don't even need other boards" fetish threads, or Veeky Forums-flavored AskReddit threads. I've spent some time on other boards, with other Veeky Forumss, and they don't allow this Shit.
But Orcs workout tho.
They're swole maidens, priestess of Iron, valkyries of Brodin, the ultimate wheyfus. No cardio there.
Just fuck off already you fucking troglodyte manchild
Lady knights.
And no gymthots either seeing they actualy care about working out.