Why aren't female necromancers more of a thing?
Does the live-giving aspect conflict too much with what necromancy is all about?
Posting bone butt to get discussion going
Why aren't female necromancers more of a thing?
Does the live-giving aspect conflict too much with what necromancy is all about?
Posting bone butt to get discussion going
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This thread was just an excuse (and a poor one at that) to post a picture that makes your dick hard.
>Why aren't female necromancers more of a thing?
because the generic "evil magic woman" is a witch
Not sure. Isn't it? Posting pics just to keep the thread alive.
You're better than that, OP.
Now think about what you really want from Veeky Forums, and go make a decent thread.
I believe in you.
>This thread was just an excuse (and a poor one at that) to post a picture that makes your dick hard.
Well, duh. OP started it with a blanket universal assertion.
>Why aren't animals that are given human form by wizards and sent out into the world to learn about themselves more of a thing? Here are a pair of yuri loli catgirls to get discussion going.
Why can't my necromancy teacher look like that.
They are. Now sit down and admit that you made this thread for fetish reasons.
That's a witch
Because raising the dead is a male thing. Sowing seeds, massed hordes.
Female necromancers would raise fewer undead, but they'd be more powerful and trained.
It probably also varies by how each setting views necromancy.
The more accepted and understood and more about renewal/rebirth it's about, the more likely it'll be viewed as a female profession. There are obviously exceptions across the board and this only really applies to necromancers that aren't just strict evil cackling villains, but it's mostly true.
You could save it gave op an erection
I'm tired of all this pugna r63
Sht, man, half the necromancer pics in my RPing group's shared Setting Inspiration folder are women or Sabriel references. You just gotta realize the dead don't care what junk you got so much as how willing you are to lead them to people they can kill/recruit for their crusade against all things living.
Descent has a female Orc necromancer. I play a female necromancer any time I get the opportunity.
OP this thread was just an excuse to post wonderfully exaggerated physical feminine features just because you heard George Kamitani likes to juxtapose wonderfully exaggerated feminine features with necromancy and shit
And I can't blame you, gotta spread the good news that is Vanillaware stuff.
Man, Greenmarine turned out to be a pretty fantastic drawfag.
Came here for that. Was not disappointed.
Practice makes perfect.
>bone highheels
That's good, that's really good
Because of the bone puns. Ya see, in necromancer school, its just an accepted thing that you'd end up dealing with a shitton of skeleton puns. But if a woman shows up, all the puns that would go to everyone else in the class would go to the woman. Because boning.
Most women necromancers give up and just become vampires to MAKE IT STOP
I don't see why you can't, that's actually a good question, a lot of female BBEGs are spell casters afterall
Literally what the fuck are you even talking about. There are MORE female necromancers than there are male ones. Try to come up with a better excuse to post pictures next time.
Best female Necromancer, coming through. The Abhorsen does not approve of all these dumb bimbos fucking around with Death. It's serious business.
Remove Necromancer propaganda wherever you find it.
Women get the oracular part of Necromancy in their general witch package. Female minionmancers tend to use the living or corrupt the living because feminine wiles. It's a sex allegory, whereas using skellingtons is an ownership/overwork allegory.
eat your necromancer, Apollo.
Dominion over death=/= power of life
Threadly reminder that necromancy is communicating with the spirits of the dead for divinatory purposes.
Animating corpses isn't a school of magic.
still best girl
Citing archaic definitions with a smug sense of superiority isn't clever, it's just pedantic. Language changes as it's used, it always has and it always will, and what a word meant at one point in time is irrelevant compared to its modern, practical definition.
I want to fug the smug off her face.
While reminding her that her boy toy left her for a gorgon who is ten times more pleasant than her.
Ignoring the actual modern definition is literal willful ignorance. Next you'll claim you were just pretending to be retarded.
Necromancy (/ˈnɛkrəˌmænsi, -roʊ-/[1][2]) is a supposed practice of magic involving communication with the deceased – either by summoning their spirit as an apparition or raising them bodily – for the purpose of divination, imparting the means to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge, to bring someone back from the dead, or to use the deceased as a weapon, as the term may sometimes be used in a more general sense to refer to black magic or witchcraft.
>tfw Gideon will never whip you for being a degenerate fujo
I was put in this world to suffer.
Yeah, no. Dictionary definitions are irrelevant if you're working in a specific context, which we are, where the general understanding differs. Modern fantasy fiction has changed what the word means, and quibbling over what some old fucker thought it means is hilariously pointless.
>Dictionary definitions are irrelevant if you're working in a specific context
As in, the context of you being right and other people being wrong.
Of modern fantasy fiction, where that word has a commonly understood definition that quite clearly everyone else but you in the thread was aware of and happy to work with. All you're doing is being a pedantic cunt.
Pot, kettle
>not a boner
You fucked up. Back to the grave with you.
>Does the live-giving aspect conflict too much with what necromancy is all about?
Yes. Every woman posted in this thread is a caricature of a young fertile woman.
Not unlike how trannies are flesh and blood caricatures of young women, except they'll never have a womb to be fertile
They're plenty of a thing - as long as you have handsome vampires everywhere.
>what is an Astral Corpse
Wonder what she likes to do on a date
That's a very androgynous pelvis. The wide pubic arch says female, but the narrow vertical ilial alae say male.
I'm glad at least somebody knows what necromancy is.
Netflix and chill
I've always thought of necromancy as a girl's school of magic.
>definitions are irrelevant
>words only mean what I want them to mean and nothing else
At least show the Damn video before boners
Nope. Definitions mean what they're understood and commonly used to mean. 'Necromancy' meaning 'Death magic' is a more widely used definition than the classical one, and is thus a more useful one.
funny how everyone here uses it correctly except you? but keep trying to paddle against the stream
>Everyone here
>Two people in the thread clinging to the archaic definition, every other post accepting the term as 'Death magic'
Funny how that works
see the modern practical definition or choose to keep sticking your fingers in your ears and pretending super hard
Okay. Now point me to a work of fantasy fiction or a fantasy RPG that actually uses that definition. Because I can find a dozen which don't.
>I have no facts or arguments, please provide them for me
You're the willfully ignorant one. Word definition changes over time. Do you really think we sit here and call each other a bundle of sticks as an insult?
Not that guy, but as far as I can tell that definition does actually cover all uses of death magic.
I think OP was referring to the female ability to give birth when he mentioned the "life giving aspect," not necromancy.
I think a strong point to make is that a good number of people realize that any [word] + 'mancy' does not equal "I can control [word]. Since 'mancy' means to communicate or something similar.
So pyromancy isn't controlling fire, it's using fire for divination. What you actually want is pyrokinetic. Necromancy isn't raising the dead, you want resurrection magic or some other more appropriate word.
This isn't the days of OD&D where people aren't aware of how the word got used incorrectly anymore.
Where do these shitheels come from? You need to have an OP image, and there's nothing wrong with that one.
These are the days when definitions of words have changed, and that's not a bad thing.
Because traditional necromancers are fuckhard to sexualize, and for some reason, fantasy designers love sexualizing women
Not an sjw, just tired of seeing scantily clad fapbait everywhere because you can't control your fucking hormones
You'd totally have a point if he was using an older definition of the word instead of the modern one found in any encyclopedia, dictionary, or even wikipedia.
The new janitor is a tranny and threads that remind him he'll never be a cute girl trigger him, check him out in passive agressive action
>when definitions of words have changed,
Yes, pyromancy is the outdated term and more accurate ones exist. Same with necromancer as it doesn't mean what people had been using it for.
Words mean what they're commonly used to mean. Practical definitions trump academic ones because otherwise you end up with a formal language nobody actually speaks. 'Mancy' is now a plural for describing a form of magic. 'Theurgy' might be more appropriate, but 'Mancy' sounds better, and being pedantic isn't going to change people's minds.
*Prefix, not Plural
Damn crossed wires in the brain
Mancy is a suffix. This is why education is important, and the user in mocking you had the right idea.
They're incapable of having a boner.
>and being pedantic isn't going to change people's minds.
I'm not being pedantic. This is not an uncommon school of thought to redefine these types of magic and your the one arguing that we should stick with the older and more innacurate one.
Alternatively, it's 6AM and my brain isn't working right. Night shifts suck.
Evil Women are stereotyped as petty and will lash out over slights, and so are portrayed as witches
Evil men are probably going to be motivated by ambition, of which cheating death or conquering death would fit in, thus male necromancer. If you do see a female necromancer I bet she'll be tied to some story about a dead lover.
>Because traditional necromancers are fuckhard to sexualize
Can we call it necrothaumaturgy then?
>tired of seeing scantily clad fapbait everywhere because you can't control your fucking hormones
In other words you don't like seeing attractive women everywhere?
user, you're gay. I'm sorry.
>Not an SJW
>Tired of seeing scantily clad fapbait
Choose one.
Either you're fine with other people drawing what they want to draw and watching what they want to watch, or you're trying to police media on their behalf and tell them their sex drive is wrong because you decided so.
That, my friend, is a false dichotomy, and that's not even getting into SJW = "sex drive is wrong."
You're right
SJW = male sex drive is wrong
My bad
>not wanting fem!pugna to lifedrain you until you are dead
What is wrong with you, man?
This is how you sound right now
>You want to hunt deer? well then you're a mass murderer because you want to shoot living things!