What is some essential tabletop revolving around nuclear weapons and nuclear war (be it the lead-up, the act itself, or the aftermath)?
What is some essential tabletop revolving around nuclear weapons and nuclear war (be it the lead-up, the act itself...
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There is a pretty good card game called Nuclear War.
Just make your own setting or plotline and use any system you want.
Also I fucking hate the Doomsday clock. It's completely arbitrary and all it accomplishes is fear-mongering.
but its 5am
Twilight 2000
Midnight is a nuclear holocaust. We’re apparently 2 “minutes” away from one with the current geopolitical climate. Mostly because of N. Korea and the Pakistan/India conflict
>the Pakistan/India conflict
The what now?
Ah, I don't think N.Korea will do shit but that's a /pol/ conversation
Aftermath the fallout system I would say is always an option, even if you don't use the setting the system is in place for radiation and such. I don't know about lead-up and the act itself.
Twilight 2000 for sure. I'm about to run it next week. I was surprised after a re-read how well it holds up after all these years.
Twilight Struggle is a great game about the cold war
I can't wait to be dead.
where have you been the past half century
This game lets you play a nuclear bomb.
There was a DC HEROES supplement but I'm not sure how good it was.
>Also I fucking hate the Doomsday clock. It's completely arbitrary and all it accomplishes is fear-mongering.
Cold War in a nutshell
>I don't really have an answer to OP's question, but I do have an unrelated opinion that this seems like an excuse to post
>So I'll give a completely pointless non-answer to OP as a pretext to post what I actually came here to post.
Twilight Struggle.
No, mostly because the people who run the thing want to make Trump look bad. We are not as close to large-scale global thermonuclear war as we were during the fucking Cuban Missile Crisis, and anyone who thinks we are (such as the scientists behind this statement) are fucking retarded.
OP is literally baiting a discussion about the Doomsday Cock and 21st Century nuke scares, user. The pic is the most recent "setting" of the Clock. This was always a thinly-veiled /pol/ thread.
Have to agree with you user. We are very, very far away from a nuclear war...but that stupid clock was always a political weapon that lefty scientists used to attack Republican presidents, so that part at least hasn't changed since the Cold War.
Also, Twilight 2000 and Cold War/Hot War are my recommendations.
The board that runs the doomsday clock long ago said climate change is a bigger existential threat than nuclear war, and have openly said again and again that their settings take into account climate change.
I'm not saying they're not lefty fucks, and I'm not commenting on whether or not climate change is really an existential threat, just pointing out it's a misnomer to claim the clock's setting is due specifically to fears of nuclear war.
The last two times they set the clock (including the most recent one) they explicitly said it was because of Trump and his shitposting.
see >I'm not saying they're not lefty fucks
Their most recent post explicitly addresses "insufficient" action on climate change as well as their dislike of Trump.