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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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So, what would you all like to see in a high-powered version of the Doctor Who Jump? Hypothetically speaking.
Sure. Wild_Card abandoned this community, and everybody's irritated with his jump.
The whole advanced math that's like magic thingy.
Oh, your own tardis. I wouldn't even care if it's nerfed to only be transport through space, that things cool and nostalgic as heck.
user said hypothetically, user.
Time lord style regeneration might be nice.
Not sure how'd it work though. A fixed number of 12 over your whole chain or just a standard once per jump?
What's your favorite style of armor, /jc/?
Jumpers are like Orks, their powers only work because they think they should.
Extravagant and wildly impractical, of course.
My resplendent nudity.
Kamui from Kill la Kill, then the Cloths from Saint Seiya and the Life Cloak from UQ Holder, in no particular order.
So I guess we don't want an FFXV jump, looking at last thread?
We don't want claim theft and skeevy shit, yes.
You’re thinking of the Doctor Whooves Jump.
You could probably do twelve times a Jump if you kept the canonical limits. You know, anti-Regeneration tech, getting shot during Regeneration, getting smacked in the face by the Thames, and so on.
Didn't Val explicity drop the claim though? What part of it is theft?
I haven't been keeping up with all this,
so I'm very confused.
Heroic and Just whiles still being practical
An ability to contain a paradox and temporal vortex within yourself without being hurt.
Did anyone make a Suikoden Jump yet?
Archive is your friend, user. Don't fear it.
Don't think so.
Every part, because we don't want an FFXV jump that isn't made by Valeria. End of story.
Yes, she did.
But apparently undeniable proof isn't HYGIENIC in the JumpChain community.
But that wouldn't make sense for any but the Time Lord background, and all Time Lords can do that naturally anyway.
Do symbiotes count?
How about fuck you, you still don't get the claim, end of story. Stop wasting your time, SBer.
>You’re thinking of the Doctor Whooves Jump.
Then Time Ponies!
People who are Valfags and people who are pretending to be Valfags are stirring up shit.
Cross-Background Perks exist to let you do shit you couldn’t do otherwise.
And people who are pretending to be dirge-fags.
>Muh Kingsglaive
It was like half of why Rose was an important character, as a companion she did basically nothing else. Also I meant like the time vortex inside the tardis, not the one they make young time lords stare into that drives most of them mad. The one in the tardis will at a minimum take a regeneration out of a time lord if they try to contain it.
Why don't we just remove Valeria, then, as she seems to be the root of nearly all of our problems?
Being really, really good at running down hallways.
Thwarting aliens invasions with nothing but cleverness and plot armor.
Making things that are bigger on the inside.
I don't remember hearing that before, but I guess if you're willing to shell out for an undiscounted perk from another background you might as well get your money's worth. The problem is, for the Timelords themselves it would be worthless as a perk because they could do that anyway.
Wasn't that because 9 ejected it rapidly instead of embracing time godhood? Also Rose wasn't that bad. At least in comparison to Clara
Because your samefagging and shittery is obvious.
I'm pretty sure the first two are already perks in the jump, actaully.
We don't we remove you, the one that tries to make other people the root of the problems you either create or contribute to?
>Val specifically posts on dropping a jump
Maybe you fucks sucking her dick and chasing others off is why she dropped the claims?
Fabulously stylish, of course.
I mean, you could always make Time Lords 1000 CP, and give them all the Time Lord perks and TARDIS for free.
>At least in comparison to Clara
Oh, user. We agree on that point so freaking much. Worst companion ever, and shit if she didn't get the best outing of the show for any companion. Urgh.
All I want is to punch the Doctor. Even if nothing else happens in that jump, I can be happy if I knock a few of his teeth out.
The show is fun enough, but I don't think I could tolerate the character in real life.
Hey man. Hey.
I'm trying to PICK UP the claim here.
Hey Ricrod I don't get the Ars Nova perk. What does it do, really?
Also your jump is good and got way better since the last time I took a look at it so congrats.
Well, that's how Twilight did it with sparklepires... that's a terrible example though isn't it.
>Why are you considering making a jump of it when Kingsglaive already covers it?
Really? Because that's what people were saying, user. In addition to the bullshit with the dropped claim.
So I've got the First Year and the mid-point of Second year done for the Harry Potter write-up. Do you folks want a spam or a bin? Or are you busy right now?
We're busy shitting on someone, come back at another time.
I don't even think it's people who actually like Val. Shitposters have tried to pretend they're acting out on behalf of someone as an excuse to post shit, I'm pretty sure these ones just think other people think Val's a sacred calf so they're hoping they can fool people long enough to get (you)s by namedropping her.
Personally I'd find that terribly dull because it means Time Lords themselves would have much no choices to make, and the Whoniverse is broad enough it'd be a shame not to give every background worthwhile perks of their own to buy.
Which one, and why? I can't think of a version of the Doctor I couldn't stand to be around and I'm not even a yaoi fangirl, at worst I'd think some of the older ones (and 11) seem oddly anachronistic if they showed up today.
>All I want is to punch the Doctor. Even if nothing else happens in that jump, I can be happy if I knock a few of his teeth out.The show is fun enough, but I don't think I could tolerate the character in real life.
Yes, oh god, yes. There are some really horribly stupid pretentious and self-righteous shit he gets up to in multiple incarnations that make me want to punch the real Doctor right in his smug face.
At least until they brought her back for the finale. I was been genuinely moved when they killed her in Face the Raven, even though the way they set up her death was some of the stupidest bullshit I’ve seen on that show in years. But no, they’ve gotta bring her back and have her become the Doctor’s double until she gets bored, because of course they do.
Spam pls.
I want a spam! I'm not busy. I never look at the drama.
Pastebin, please. The wait between posts isn't much but it feels like ages.
All you have to do to pick it up is say you claim it. Doesn't matter what people think, they can't do shit. They might try rejecting the jump, but that rarely ever happens unless it's blatantly shit, like the absolute travesty that was Romance of the Three Kingdoms. But you seem to know your grammar well enough, so far likely won't be a problem.
Spam me, writeman.
Come back in 30 minutes
I never understand why some people here are horrified that the thread about jumpchain sometimes contains many many posts about a jumpchain.
Hey, the bad guy of Harry Potter is wizard Hitler, right? And one of the themes is that eugenics and racism are bad, right?
Aren't wizards objectively superior to muggles though? I'm getting mixed messages.
Spam it is. Taking it from the top:
Jump 3: Harry Potter
Origin: Drop-In [1050] - Going back to my talk about attachments, would be great to not have to worry about family.
Wealth: Poorfag - Par for the course!
House: The dice say Slytherin, which...heeeeell noooooo. So I'll go Hufflepuff.
Just and Loyal - Got a good sense of fair play that promotes FRIENDSHIP in folks who think like I do. Long as I act decent, other decent folk will support me. Which is nice!
Occlumency - My mind's not a nice place to be. No tells, stronger mental defenses. [950]
The Only One He Ever Feared - Able to look magically scary and powerful at will. It's the ultimate party game! [750]
Most Potente Potions [450] - I need a hobby. Potion-making, Harry Potter style. Won't screw up, and will think of innovative formulas and uses for potions.
Memory Spell Specialist [0] - Good at memory-erasing charms. I think I get why this is sitting snugly in the Drop-In tree...
Wand - Dragon heartstring for a core because I am an aggressive fuck.
Potion Reagents - Because ingredient hunting is for squares and Elder Scrolls protagonists! No extremely rare ingredients, though. [150]
Dark Arts Cache - Because sometimes you have to bend the rules to enforce them...right, old lady? [50]
I remembered something. It was during the time of my training at Kamar-Taj. The skies were a bit overcast and there was a breeze in the courtyard. I was finally getting the hang of using a sling ring - I was forming a complete portal in a few minutes, and was practicing so I could eventually form one in just a few seconds. I think one reason I had rushed learning that particular technique is because I didn't want to be the latest victim of the ‘Mt. Everest Magical Training Sink-Or-Swim Special Patented Ancient One Technique.’ Speaking of the old lady, she was watching me curiously. I think the conversation went something like...
>I don't even think it's people who actually like Val.
Well, obviously. I mean, is there anyone who actually likes Val? Like, as a person and not for her jumps. It's probably just NuBee.
“Your first instinct is always to run away. To escape.”
I didn't deny it. That's why I was out here in the first place. I knew the world would always keep spinning without me, no matter what I chose to do...so I just focused on myself and what was in my arm's reach. That's why the sling ring portals were my first priority. So I could escape from any more trouble.
“Mr. Strange believes his world is the be-all, end-all...but it seems you have the opposite problem.”
...opposite problem? Isn't this just humility?
“Believing you should carry no burdens and bear no responsibility is no different from believing the world lies on your shoulders. It carries the same sense of self-importance, just from a different perspective. The Multiverse is vast, and you have been given an opportunity very few ever reach, or even come close to grasping.”
I know, I know that...I didn't really do anything to deserve it. So I shouldn't flaunt it or act too big for my britches?
“It's not about your pride or what you perceive as hubris, user. It's about what you choose to deny or turn your back on. When you released Circe, your first instinct was to turn around and fight, wasn't it?”
I couldn't stand the idea of someone dying because of my screw-up.
“You immediately risked your life and the gifts you were given in the name of strangers, and yet you devalue your own actions. There will come another time, I think, where your conscience calls you to do something you wouldn't have imagined before then.”
...and when it does?
“That is your choice. But the more you fight your own nature, the more suffering your journey will bring you. I hope that whatever choices you make on your quest, you do so with an open mind and a clear heart. If you cannot overcome yourself, then you cannot overcome the enemies and the darkness you are bound to encounter.”
I just nodded and accepted it, even if I didn't quite internalize it at the time.
If any time lord could contain that time vortex then the master would have done it, instead he built a machine to contain the paradox for him. As where the only issue Rose had was that she couldn't keep it up, but it didn't actually leave any lasting impact on her, and she even retained some memories of it. If Rose was a time lord I expect she could have kept it going. Mind you I don't actually care about the time godhood, I just think being able to withstand the thing would be a nice immunity that should hopefully never come up.
I didn't realize what she meant until I tried and failed to save her life.
The sound of the train whistle woke me up from where I was resting, my head leaned against the window of the Hogwarts Express. It was in the dead of night and the train was slowing to a halt. I blinked and looked in front of me...Hobbes was napping in the seat across from me, with me having setup an illusion of him being an ordinary dog. I don't remember if non-Owl pets were actually allowed here, but that's what the Pokeball was for. Besides, it had been too long since my canine companion got some fresh air. I could hear Hagrid - Hagrid, imagine it! - calling for us all to start leaving the train. I quietly returned Hobbes to his Pokeball, his sleep undisturbed as he turned into a red beam of energy once again, placing it away into the pocket of my robe along with my Sling Ring.
I wonder why I remembered that moment, of all things...?
“Stop fighting my own nature...” I mumbled it thoughtfully to myself, my fingers fidgeting with the Sling Ring in my pocket as I stepped off the train with many other students. I blended in, just another face in the crowd, no one really acknowledging my presence. Maybe it was just from my mental age or my attitude, but I felt more like a background prop that one of the new First Year students. I tried to see if I could spot Harry or anyone else I recognized, but it was a bit too dark aside from the lamps around the train station.
It was going to be a long decade.
First Year:
Hogwarts felt suitably archaic as we were all herded into the Great Hall. The boat ride on the way over was incredibly boring - while everyone around me was watching the castle with slack-jawed awe, I just wanted the cramped ride to end. After having your soul sent screaming into the Multiverse as part of an exercise and even just Pokemon before that, your sense of wonder is a bit tempered - not gone, but tempered.
Yeah, they mixed some awesome with some terrible in that.
The bit with Clara's own arrogance and excessive faith in the doctor getting her killed was wonderful and a recognition of her character's flaws and the Doctor's imprisonment in that creepy castle and how he manages it was amazing.
The bit where he without force outs Raisllion (sp?) was just contrived junk and the last bit with Clara was facepalming.
Not horrified, I just like to binge and read all the way from beginning to end. It's a person preference, which I was asked for. Don't read more into it than that, 'kay.
~~le sad~~ Oh, well. Reading!
Harry Potter is actually about people Rowling hated in her childhood and how nouvre riche strivers like herself feel excluded from high society
Also because sitting on a wooden boat on a lake in the middle of night is FUCKING COLD. I ended up in the middle of the crowd in the back, taking in the environment. I was a bit antsy since I knew I'd be stuck on the grounds for most of the year since my ‘boss’ made it abundantly clear I wasn't allowed to let everything be someone else's problem. After all, I was their entertainment.
...this train of thought made me wonder if they were watching me all the time, though. Including moments where I would GREATLY appreciate privacy. I slapped myself a few times to banish the thought.
Harry's first meeting with Draco happened in front of us, with everyone except me being impressed at the presence of The Boy Who Lived, since I was too busy spacing out and thinking about something else. Something I noticed is that the conversation felt...different from how I remembered it. Maybe it was just the difference between the movies and the books, but while the same thing happened - their rivalry beginning at this moment - the lines felt a little bit different. I couldn't really tell at the time due to how fuzzy my memories of ‘canon’ really were.
When I got sorted, the Hat got really quiet for a few moments. Everyone looked at me a bit curiously before the hat's ‘mouth’ creased into what looked like a frown. Then he let out an exaggerated sigh and then unenthusiastically said: “Hufflepuff.” In a quiet, almost dejected voice. Like someone reading lines from a script they only wanted the paycheck for. I shrugged and went on over to the Hufflepuff table, who gave a round of applause like they did for anyone else sorted in. A few people in the Ravenclaw and Slytherin tables were snickering at me, like it was some indicator I was probably an amazingly dumb student. My absent-minded expression didn't help much. Doesn't this usually go a lot more smoothly in fanfiction...?
See, this is what I mean shitposter. You're obvious. When you get called out, you're willing to do a 180 just to get attention, like a thirsty camwhore.
Protip: Daddy doesn't actually love you when he bent you over and spanked you raw. You're not cute, you're just being a brat. And neither did all those important men he forced you to entertain.
It depends on if you believe the idea that wizards trade magic for brain damage
Funny thing about being a time elemental, if you can be one for a split second then you are one for a heck of a lot longer. Remember Bad Wolf?
Anyways, learning in Hogwarts...I wanna say it was a mystical, enchanting experience but the fact of the matter was that I had just finished learning a combination of kung fu and magic from drawing power from the Multiverse from a century-old teacher just previously. The lessons at Hogwarts felt really sluggish and droning in comparison, and the Defense Against The Dark Arts class in particular felt...I don't know, toothless? Most interesting thing that happened there was when Quirrel asked me what I should do when confronted at wandpoint by a Dark Wizard? The ‘correct' answer was to run or hide behind something, since most spells needed eye contact or a projectile. My answer was: “Well, I'd grab his wrist and move the wand, then deliver a quick punch in the windpipe so they couldn't recite a spell. Then I'd hit the groin or the stomach and then--” Some of the class started chuckling, and Quirrel said in his usual nervous stutter, “Y-yes, I'm sure that would be wise to do if you were a grown adult. But the fact is, most dark wizards wouldn't let you get close enough to use such...hamfisted s-self defense techniques.”
Remember this moment.
Despite the fact I came off as a weirdo who tried too hard to look tough, with my ‘Monkey’ nickname resurfacing during an incident I was climbing a bookshelf instead of waiting for a ladder, I did manage to make a few friends in-house. Nervous and slightly-gullible Justin Finch-Fletchley actually took my self-defense tips seriously and asked me on ways to fight a wizard without a wand. Fact is, we were both kids and most of what I said wouldn't help him in a serious fight, but we were both kids and I was just happy to have someone who would listen to me. The other was Susan Bones, who would eventually hold the world record for ‘most orphaned person next to Harry Potter’.
What's the best learning perk that includes growing strength and such? Excluding Medaka Sue and Training Takes Time.
I figure he could have contained it, but it's just the Time Lord equivalent of indigestion. Then again Time Lord technology is kinda inconsistant and basically a plot device at the end of the day, so I just accepted that stuff like Rasilon lobotomising Borosa to weaponise the Time Vortex is just the writers throwing out their old notes.
She was a little bit dour and depressed as a result of her parents being dead, so I found myself unable to resist the urge to try and cheer her up with a few dumb jokes and puns. She didn't appreciate it, but seemed disappointed when I acted serious. It was a weird friendship.
I tried not to think too hard about the fact I was technically older than everyone else there.
Second thing was Professor Snape. I was a little bit prepared for the worst time of my life considering how vividly I remembered he was a bit of a sadist as a teacher...though I had forgotten it was mostly directed at Harry and the Weasleys most of the time. I was worried doing well in Potions would make him direct his ire to me in some way. But when I handed in my first test, he just looked at the paper, frowned, but then nodded once and just said: “Acceptable.” And that was it.
I felt kind of cheated, honestly.
Once I had adjusted, though, First Year was really uneventful for me. Sure I had to relive school again, but it wasn't too bad. That said, I came off as a bit of a late bloomer when it came to magic - the biggest problem was the crossed wires when I tried sorting out ‘this’ magic from the magic I learned in the last world. It didn't help I'd regularly sneak off into my Dojo to read the many, many collection of spellbooks I still had from that world instead of actually studying for tests in this one. Ironically, the only class I consistently aced was potions, and I came off as a dullard at nearly everything else.
And then Second Year happened.
The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir, beware.
Fuck us.
What do you want?
Not him but I want a FF15 jump.
In terms of classes, I had originally figured the reason the lessons felt so slow and dumb was because of me having to adjust and the fact they were literally geared towards kids. But I started noticing a trend in the lessons - we would learn about individual spells but not touch on things like how to make your own or even safety tips that weren't incredibly contextual. It was just repetition after repetition, and having peeked at the textbooks of some of the older students, it didn't change much between grades. Oh, and Snape apparently interpreted me as only being a potions savant and a moron at everything else last year as a challenge, especially when it looked like I was spacing out in class. He assigned me ‘extra credit’ work that he would deduct points for Hufflepuff in if I didn't complete it, but didn't actually give me any extra grade or points of my own if I completed it. It was the ‘write out the same formula by hand multiple times’ sort of work, too.
Of note, I had been keeping Hobbes under an illusion most of the time to look like an ordinary dog, but when I found out Hogwarts didn't really care about exotic pets as long as they didn't attack other students, I gave up on maintaining it and let the dog out whenever we got a moment's rest. We ended up running into Hagrid while he was heading out to apply Flesh Eating Slug Repellent to the fields, and was completely fascinated by my Lucario, especially when it became obvious he was completely sapient and could understand what he was saying. He practically begged me to let him spend a day with Hobbes, and I reluctantly agreed on the condition I chaperoned them both - I knew Hagrid liked to play with fire a bit too much when it came to magical beasts. I had to tapdance around questions like where I found Hobbes or how we met, which made the big guy a bit sad, but we ended up talking the entire day about the school and our respective experiences.
I want one day of drama. AND A FUCKING MARTINI, WHILE WE'RE AT IT.
Yea but Rose had to stop, because she was going crazy because human minds can't handle that, while time lord minds handle 4 and more dimensions including time quite naturally. Also she was both time god for a very short period of time, and all of time, because narrative restrictions.
I did my best not to sound too pessimistic, but he empathized with how difficult Snape was making class for me and that I didn't seem very good at magic in general. Hagrid's the sort of person it's hard not to want to be friends with, even knowing the man has ASTOUNDINGLY horrible safety judgment.
Then, while I was having a conversation with Justin on the way back to the Common Room, my sharp ears overheard something. A venomous hiss and the slithering of something against the surface of the castle. The soft dripping of water as it emerged from the metal of a pipe. My blood ran cold and I could hear it approaching behind me.
“Justin.” I said, firmly.
“What?” He asked, turning to face me, looking a bit confused. He didn't hear what I did. He didn't have Enhanced Senses.
“Start running.”
“What, why...?”
“I SAID RUN YOU FUCKING IDIOT!” I said, giving him a hard shove. That was enough to convince him and he started running off towards the Common Room. I hadn't really raised my voice before then, so I guess that was enough to convince him. I could feel it getting closer, moving more quickly after hearing me yell. I looked at my hands. Eye contact was instant death. And I couldn't trust myself to not be clumsy. Two hexagram circles formed in my hands, glowing orange, before I shoved them against both of my eyes. I felt a sharp pain as everything around me turned white, before becoming just a hazy black outline I could only see shapes of. Like everything that moved was a black shadow against an endless snowstorm.
I had crippled my own senses, but also opened them up to something else...something I couldn't see eyes in.
I turned around, and sure enough, I saw a gigantic serpent poised for attack. Aside from what my sharp ears could pick up, it was deathly silent beyond a barely-audible hiss.
Go make one then, just keep it to yourself.
I can help you with one of those things, and you already have the first.
The Doctor also couldn’t handle it, though. Remember him regenerating?
That was probably how it was able to stalk the castle without anyone being able to scream for help...not that it helped much in this glorified deathtrap. I had left the Heart Staff and my guns in the Warehouse. Really wish I had remembered to carry them.
“Hello, beastie.”
>Hey, the bad guy of Harry Potter is wizard Hitler, right?
Not really, Voldemort kills the actual wizard Hitler
>And one of the themes is that eugenics and racism are bad, right?
Racism yes, but there isn't any eugenics going on. More like old timey nobility intermarriage to keep the bloodline "pure" with the inbreeding that resulted
>Aren't wizards objectively superior to muggles though? I'm getting mixed messages.
Yes but muggles sometimes have wizard children and they aren't really any worse than other wizards
I really like Golbez's armour from FF4, or the Overlord armour from the Overlord games. You know, really over the top, thicc, encompassing badguy armour.
>Aren't wizards objectively superior to muggles though?
I mean...
... define "superior".
Val is great. She's really patient answering all those questions and fun to talk with on the IRC. I don't understand anti-Val fags.
Definitely fantasy knight armour.
You mean this?
Fuck it.
Claim is made right the fuck now.
WIP work begins when I get back home.
Lovely writefagging, Heavens. Thank you. Looking forward to the next bit. Such cliffhanger, much snek!
Wizards are objectively superior to muggles, but the difference is one mutation that can occur within the muggle population resulting in a perfectly capable wizard. A muggle born wizard is no worse than a pureblood wizard, and a pureblood Squib is no better than a muggle.
Hell yes, that shit is my jam.
What jump could I go to make myself look like this?
Alternatively, what are some good settings for getting the floating limb look in general?
Followup question. If this version got made, how much would you want to see a Companionization perk cost? Or are those still totally off-limits?
>Ars Nova
Let's you kill spirits and such.
Here's the latest version. With a "replace the MC" +0 drawback as requested.
His mind handled it fine, not his body, Rose's mind couldn't handle it, but her body was fine.
Pastebin is best.
Its only Val, it can wait.
I personally like the 50 CP encounter & convince model, although I'd understand 200-300 CP for a Timelord-like being and maybe more for the really bullshit eldritch locals
>... define "superior".
Different user but: Wizards can in theory do anything a muggle can do, with the right time effort and mindset, while Muggle can't do everything a wizard can do even with the right time, effort and mindset.
From a certain point of view Muggles are crippled compared to wizards. Wierdly this sort of terminology isn't used in story even by dark wizards and supremacists.
Of course if you factor in things like opportunity cost and muggles tendency to accomplish large scale things more than wizards given wizards tendency towards individualism things get a bit more even.
Megaman Legends.
Where's the pic from? Please.
I mean a perk that lets you just invite people to be your Companions from now on.