>Due to overwhelming societal pressure, demons are now allowed to take on positions in education and public service
How would this affect a kingdom?
>Due to overwhelming societal pressure, demons are now allowed to take on positions in education and public service
How would this affect a kingdom?
Other urls found in this thread:
Depends on what demons are.
Presumably not very much? If there's overwhelming social pressure, then clearly demons are an accepted part of society and don't pose a risk, and should therefore just become happy and productive members of said society in those roles.
Your own question kinda answers itself, since the assumptions that lead to the situation are inherent in the premise.
I think the kingdom would need their blatant /pol/ threads bumped so everyone can enjoy them.
Where did we go so wrong that Slaanesh deamons started popping into reality?
I don't care that a tranny is reading to kids, but that thing is genuinely terrifying.
I always wanted to hear the story of Snow White from the perspective of the wicked witch.
It's helpful that OP cropped the picture so you can't tell that all the kids are wearing Halloween costumes.
Reminder that that photo is specifically religious and that is an avatar of a corrupted version of Inanna preaching the joys of transsexuality to children. It is highly unlikely that such an individual is two spirited or blessed by any gods with multiple genders, and they are instead literally performing a religious oblation farming psychic energy from children and attempting to soulforge a goddess, according to their own beliefs.
>so you can't tell that all the kids are wearing Halloween costumes.
I've seen the full picture, and most of them are not. Some children are, however.
Really? I've seen this picture several times, usually with some text implying the poster is terrified the LGBT will castrate them, and I've never seen that.
Oh, okay. It must not have been taken around Halloween then, because not every one of the kids is wearing a Halloween costume
I mean, that was the point of your post, right
Otherwise you would just be making a pedantic non-statement
Once upon a time, there was a term called the "slippery slope," and during Obama's first term everyone was cooing to the concerned that such a thing does not exist.
We decriminalized homosexuality, and the worst has happened: LGBT people are being openly gay.
That's because he's bullshitting. This demon has done several readings, even if one was on Halloween it wouldn't change that the goal is to introduce children to sexual lifestyles.
I thought the goal was to introduce children to a weird hobby practiced predominantly by gay men in the 70s and facing a weird resurgence today thanks to RuPaul.
Yeah, well I don't like it!
>That's because he's bullshitting.
Nope, OP just cropped the picture. Here's an uncropped version.
>if society says demons are good then we have to accept them
Who is society? How can you possibly ever accept the embodiment of pure evil into your every day life? Are you that much of a passive cuck?
>just a weird hobby
>there's no sexual aspect to it I swear!
I remember this photo popping up last summer actually, so no it wasn't around Halloween.
>How can you possibly ever accept the embodiment of pure evil into your every day life?
It's a game of inches, and demons have eternity.
Have you ever read a history book
I read that as
>I will just roll over and take it up the pipe
Plenty. Op said demons tho, there is simply no way you can ever justify a literal demon being part of your society.
>there is simply no way you can ever justify a literal demon being part of your society.
I've seen entire threads devolve into people arguing that Lucifer - the literal "Great Enemy" Lucifer - was a pretty okay guy, and God is an asshole.
You'd be shocked.
>I remember this photo popping up last summer actually, so no it wasn't around Halloween.
>Los Angeles drag queen Xochi Mochi took part in Drag Queen Story Hour at Long Beach public library in October 2017.
Now is the part where you dismiss this factual statement because ((((((snopes)))))). The photo was taken on Oct. 14, 2017.
Jesus Christ shit threads on a fucking roll today.
I stand corrected then. Let the Tranny read to your children!
Men who feel responsible for letting this happen don their war masks and swear to eradicate these demons from this world for the sake of their people's souls or die trying.
>Jesus Christ shit threads on a fucking roll today.
I'm surprised this one's still up. Most of the others have been deleted and remade a couple of times already.
>we got real life Slaanesh daemons instead of awesome Tzeentch birdies
That's just an understanding of the myth of the morning star and the origins of the god Yaldabaoth. Those arguments would not be about the nature of good and evil being different, but that the core religions were written as lies to control and obfuscate an even older religion. History is complex, yo.
I'm still wondering why you would get yourself up as a Keeper of Secrets before going to read picture books to children. It's like showing up to a church Halloween party dressed as Charles Manson.
And how does that matter at all?
The kids wearing costumes isn't objectionable, the kids having a drag queen show up and read literal transgender propaganda to them is objectionable. Some parents object to that kind of thing being marketed to their children without their knowledge and prior consent, and they're not wrong to think some beliefs about gender and sexuality are not rightfully the school's decision to pass on to their children.
I don't understand what the children wearing Halloween costumes have to do with it. If you're trying to imply that the person reading to them is also just in costume, then you're wrong - they're a drag queen. Look it up for your fucking self.
Please fucking stop
>LGBT people are teaching your children what to think and feel about their own gender and their own bodies, and teaching immature children who don't yet know who they are their own personal political and social values.
Yes, why would those evil bigoted nazis possibly have any issue with this?
Demons are literally (if we go by D&D rules) made of chaotic evil bad mojo from the Abyss. They are literally incapable of being good.
(and don't start the debate on if they can only do bad, can they really do bad?)
Because you really are a Keeper of Secrets?
>education and public service
You are now imagining only the most homosexual bara jockstrap locker-room daddy fetish coach on student porn with the addition of corruption, with Balrogs, Balors and Demon Chads.
Pazuzu is the happiest bird ever, because the 21st century is the world he dreamed about, and he goes about doing what he did in the Exorcist to local households for shits and giggles.
this is such a hilarious bogeyman concept i'm gonna run it as a Dark Heresy campaign
What if he's right?
Horseshit. I have no problem with gay people fucking each other, that's their business. I have no problem with gays getting married either, because it's not like the institution of marriage wasn't a fucking joke before Obergefell too.
I do have a problem with transgendered people forcing their pants-on-head retarded reality distortion field "women can have penises too" logic onto other people's kids.
OP posted a photo of this exact thing happening.
This is such an unbelievably frightening nightmare scenario that I'm going to run it as a Call of Cthulhu campaign
Barring succubi. Who have turned good on multiple occassions.
It's actually part of this little enforcement system (Subtypes, and an actual layer of CE enforcement in the abyss, as well as the Plane's actual 'will')
Doesn't fucking matter
Pic related
We've gone from
>Gays are people too
which is fine, to
>Women have dicks too
which is fucking /d/-tier.
And you're telling me the people saying gay marriage was a slippery slope never had any sort of point, now that we've slid several steps down that slope and are at a point where thinking men have penises and women have vaginas gets you called a Nazi and punched by blackshirts in ski masks.
Thanks Obama
>At least based Trump is doing his best to get society back on the right track
>muh /pol/ boogeyman
>while posting your political opinion on Veeky Forums
Wow I guess you guys really do always project, that's funny to see irl.
If a trans person read some books about gender being not straightforward to your kids at a school one time will suddenly turn them into a RuPaul candidate then either:
>You are a poor parent who cannot discuss and educate their child, relying solely on strangers in a school to inform them
>They actually are self-expressing and your lack of love and support because you have a problem with your own child being trans is a root cause
Alternatively your child won't actually have any of the above happening but also won't be a sheltered shut-in with no understanding of trans people and how they think and work and, whilst not trans themselves, understands the world a bit more.
Regardless, this would make a great DH campaign.
When the fuck did I post my political opinion you little shit?
You're in no fucking position to say that I'm projecting
you're proving his point you furfag yiff in hell
anyway back on topic
Mail Daemons are actually demons and have to process thousands of emails every minute.
One of them goes loco and mails everything to the Pentagon, slowing down their network to a crawl, allowing a demonic rebellion whilst the country's military is blissfully unaware due to lag.
>fuck I got busted better start screeching
Not an accurate comparison.
t. mentally ill tranny