Can orcs be Wizards?
Can orcs be Wizards?
Sure, a high Constitution helps you with concentration checks.
>people donated to his patreon for that
Damned right they can
I did not think it was possible to cringe as hard as I did in the first few seconds. Then comes the fucking Monty Python reference...
beat me to it
what's wrong with Monty Python?
Oh get the stick out of your ass. No one is impressed with your "i only like mature humor" act.
>I prepare.
Best wizard in Winterhold
Yep, very possible, one of my players is an Orc wizard, specialising in necromancy. Not the whole raising dead thing, that's disgusting, he's a debuffer and support wizard. Rays of enfeeblement, blindness/deafness, that sort of thing. He also has this very inventive way of keeping the party alive that he has christened "buffer-tanking" (anyone who plays EVE Online will understand).
All in all, I'm very happy with how he's playing his character, he's definitely an Orc but also a Wizard at the same time.
Okay, but who smoked his meth?
Read that in his voice.
Can medieval wizard orcs make meth?
Nigga, he a librarian
Wizards can be orcs. Polymorph and shit.
How do you think the wizard made a living
Worth every cent if you ask me
What else would they make?
magic soup?
Wow, that was fucking retarded. If this is seriously funny to you then you should probably stop posting until you graduate middle school.
>no fun allowed
I really hope that you don't honestly think that this is fun or funny. I've met German dentists with a better sense of humor.
No, but they can be Psions/Psychics.
It was one of the whores in the background at 3 seconds, on the right.
he smoked it, then forgot he did because of all the meth
treshtog's existence is an endless miasma of meth induced confusion