As a DM, how do you tastefully include transexuals in a setting?

As a DM, how do you tastefully include transexuals in a setting?

And as a player, how do you tastefully play a transexual PC?

The presence of perfect magical transformations means transsexualism should not be an issue for anyone the PCs could conceivably meet. A man that becomes a woman, and wanted to be a woman, is now biologically and potentially even spiritually a woman. For all intents and purposes, it doesn't matter.

>how do you tastefully include transexuals
Don't mention that that's what anyone is unless it specifically comes up.

Well, unless there are cultural or religious reasons in the setting for someone to be an asshole about it.

Suicide is always an option


The same way any good work of fiction does it: they dont. If something is not relevant to the story dont bring it up.

Contrast the many retarded virtue signalling works that feel the need to bring the plot to a screeching halt to let the audience know how inclusive they are.

Whichever way allows you to appeal to the target audience faggot

If you want this to regarded as anything other than bait, please write more about why you want to and how you want to explore sexuality in your game.

Oh, you are playing with fire here btw. Bad idea as a lithmus test or an overture to coming out to your players. Worse if you in it for sexual gratification and the rest of your player is not into it and/or sexual gratification.

This. If being transsexual IS your character, you don't have a character.

>The presence of perfect magical transformations

Shit setting

THAT IS FUCKING IT. I'm sick and tired of these shitty threads with their shitty bait. I'm going going back to the crusades, I'm bringing you all with me, and fuck anyone who gets in our way. Now, somebody roll me a 1d3 for our leadership and motivation.

>tastefully include transexuals

If that was possible in reality then i would be possible in fiction. Alas it is not possible to butcher your nads either chemically or surgically and then call it 'tastefull'.

Get over yourself.

Rolled 2 (1d3)

Please! Take me with you!

I bet you don't complain about things being shoehorned when the movie is brought to a screeching halt just to let the audience see how straight the protagonist is.
The sequel to 300 comes to mind, with the most flimsy and forced excuse for a sex scene ever conceived. I saw nobody complaining about it, not anywhere. But if two gay guys kiss? You have a shitstorm of 'fans' suddenly finding it 'unnecessary'.
When it's about being white and straight, it's a given. But in order to include non-white, non-straight or non-cis characters, no amount of justification will convince you and your type that it's not just 'forced' there to be representative. Your requirement of something having to be 'important' to the story to be feature only applies to things you don't like. And then, whatever justifications they have for it, regardless of what it actually is, will always be insufficient and just an 'excuse' in your head. Admit your prejudices and hatred instead of hiding like a coward behind the "When it makes sense/is relevant" excuse. Because you know as well as I do that for people like you, it will never be relevant. Because it doesn't affect you so you don't care about representation.

Let's play out a scenerio, you go out to get a drink with your freinds, you know, have some fun. You walk into a bar, and behind the bar stands a woman, she is the one selling drinks. Now when looking at her, can you tell imidietly if she is heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual? Without any additional inofrmation can you tell what she is into and what she likes in a partner? No, and you would probobly not think about it much. Do the same with trans people, make every trans cherecter as passing as you can get, and dont mention it unless a PC has found some files on said person and reads them, or barges in while trans person is in the restroom and sees a big old dick/vagina. I did not meet many tranies in my live but from what i talked to them, they all said that the moment they start passing as the sex they want to be, they dont mention the fact that they are trans to anyone unless they have to

Rolled 1 (1d3)


Fucking trips speaks the truth

Oh wow, you really made this tranny mad.

It could still be an expensive procedure and one of the NPCs you meet might be willing to lead your party into great danger so they can try to grift some of the loot after you clear the dungeon in order to pay for their fancy new tits/dick.

im in, where is the commie batalion?

If assuming d&d then even getting cantrips like minor illusion get considerable effort to get

Is this bait? Pointless sex scenes are regularly criticized, but most people are dumb and don't mind things they like, and most people are straight and like seeing straight sex.

It's that pile of emaciated corpses over there. For some reason they didn't have any rations.

>Gold, GOD, and Glory.
Our glorious leader is a warrior priest of our faith, a pious man who's divine guidance has sent us on this glorious mission to appropriate wealth and fame for our faith, cleansing the nation of heretics, infidels, and blasphemers. He is truly a man of God, upright in his gaze, and confident in the Will of our Lord.
If we die, we die in God's name. Praise Be!

Roll 2d6 for our target.

Commies are always the ones pushing for tranny shit, retard

>but most people are dumb and don't mind things they like, and most people are straight and like seeing straight sex.
So, exactly the point of the post you are responding to.

good, more rations, who wants a foot?

Rolled 6, 6 = 12 (2d6)

Lookz like we'z in for some fun times boyz!!

>how do you tastefully eat shit
joking aside, you don't bring this up ever unless it is specifically mentioned, at which point it is no longer tasteful at all and will leave half the table on edge

ill give you the trannys fi you give me the turks

>Commies are always the ones pushing for tranny shit, retard
Comrade, that is clearly a Russian commie!
They are most certainly not pushing for the tranny shit you speak of!

This issue has become that instead of simply pushing for more representation and such which is a good thing, it went to far and people demanded quotas or they'd slap anyone they could with consequences.

Unfortunately the push for something good went too far and handed the opposition a perfect tool to bash them with. At this point it's too late and instead of it being a discussion about being equal, it is a win or loose fight.

>whiney fag accuses poster of not liking pointless lgbt pandering but approving of pointless straight pandering
>bases this assumption off of seeing less general public criticism of straight pandering
>this is obvious because most people are too dumb to form coherent complaints about anything
go shave, you're not passing.

Im not surprised the reply came, I just didnt expect so much butthurt. Must be bait.
Youd lose money on that bet, crybaby. I rolled my eyes just as hard when the star trek reboot dedicated a minute just to spock and uhura together in the normally super fast elevator just to remind everyone he is straight.
Pretty sure the problem in this case is your kind--the mentally ill attention seeking cunts that look for any excuse to accuse me of a hate crime then cry when someone calls you out for doing the very things you accuse others of.

Not gonna lie that bait was tasty. Thanks for complaining, real or not.

Sorry, user, but that's called "not including transsexuals" by anyone who cares about the subject.

Now, do I think that's how it's done tastefully? Shit yeah. But hey, how would we live in a world where hot-button social issues can be responded to in an appropriate way by anyone who isn't the one making a big deal out of the social issue?

So, long story short, the **real** answer is that you are mtf trans.

>36. The enemy is the True Anti-Faith, Demonic Worshippers, and those most worthy of being cleansed from the earth, roll again for Nation/Species.
DEUS VULT! Truly we are doing the lord's work, Roll again so we can find out what their Locale and Race is.(The table is a grid of 36 options, 6 x 6 being the above option)

Rolled 3, 1 = 4 (2d6)

Ere we go ere we go ere we go...

>straight pandering
>Reflecting the overwhelming majority of society is somehow 'pandering'
>doing what most of normal humanity does is now considered pandering

Literally wat.

This whole thread is bait, but frankly has some of the right idea. If you're going to include a trans character, think about first if them being trans is relevant at all to the plot or anything like that. If it isn't, you can still keep the character trans, but know that their status as a transgender person isn't going to be a big deal and shouldn't be. That shouldn't be their entire character, similar to how a gay character should be more than just their orientation, or an elf character should be more than just their species. It's a factor sure, but a lot of the time it's not going to come up.

Furthermore, if you've decided that a trans character identity as a trans person is going to be plot important, make sure to handle it with tact and actually make it important for reasons beyond just wanting to include a trans character. Heir to a kingdom hiding out disguised as a housemaid in an estate, realizes that they want to stay that way? Fine. Leader of the bandits tribe is less of a man than the rumor say? Sure if you can tie it in to the actual story. Just remember to do so with tact, and actually think about it. Most of the time, a character being trans isn't going to be actually important.

Include them purely as incredibly perverse/insane villains.

Use whatever word you want, fan service, shit writing, etc. Regardless of the fact that sex is very normal and everyone does it, it can be inappropriate or jarring or out of place in the context of a story and can be seen as just trying to give viewers a cheap thrill.

>Subhuman Species, the enemy is not human, and so is even less worthy of god's mercy, Roll 1d10 on the species table.
>Neighboring Nation, the nation of the enemy is practically at our doorstep.
Egad! Unholy abominations, worshippers of God's true enemy, and right at our gates too! How have we not rid the earth of them already!

1d10 please.

Good trade.

Almost no trans people actually pass though.

So do you have a table or what?

Rolled 8 (1d10)


Wait a second...

You don't, including a tranny in your fiction is sjw shit

God damn, this quote is on the nose

It's almost like Atlus has a history of not being very good at writing sex stuff

There's a reason why Erica is the best waifu in Catherine. At least until Full Body comes out

>Almost no trans people actually pass though.
To be fair, ftm trans probably have an easier time passing than mtf trans do.

Just board the helicopter, it'll take you where you need to go

So? We arnt talking real world. What i said is one of a few ways to make a trans cherecter and at the same time not force in gender politics. So it keeps both the commies and the fascists happy.

You don't because you shouldn't put degeneracy and mental illness into your games

Just small character traits and quirks and mannerisms. How they refer and present themselves also can tell a lot without being blatant about it.

It's part of their identity, so will colour their actions, but they don't need to be some kind of flamboyant or butch stereotype.

>As a DM, how do you tastefully include transexuals in a setting?
You don't.
Let's be real, anyone who uses any NPCs besides straight white male humans is a fucking faggot and a shit DM. This is objectively true and nobody can prove it wrong.

Even lower than the Rats, Dogs, and Pigs they resemble, and likely the result of degenerate breeding, these wretched curs will perish by flame and by sword!
Who knew we'd be purging the earth of Satanic Furries in the name of God when we woke up this morning? Today is a good day.

Roll me 1d8 for our enemy's armaments, and 1d6 for our own.

>lumping in using skin colors/women/other fantasy races with trannies

Literally no different. A DM using female NPCs is being a gender confused faggot, aka a wannabe tranny. A DM using other race/skin color NPCs is a multiculti soyboy cuck, and a shit DM by default.
Fuck off nu-male.

I would handle it like I would handle any other character with a mental disease.

Rolled 1 + 1 (1d8 + 1)

Oh dis will be good!

Well, do tell. How do you handle NPCs with PTSD, depression, or schizophrenia?

0/8 m8.

t. cuck
how do those dildos feel up your ass, you pathetic faggot

That's rich. Have you *been* in a game store or comic shop in the past twenty years? Without degeneracy and mental illness there wouldn't be any players.

I've come to realize something.

Veeky Forums doesn't play the games it screams about, because if they did they would see how much of a non-issue the things they complain about are.

It's pretty sad how much of Veeky Forums screams about shit for the purpose of screaming about it.

So... /v/ then?

The same way you tastefully include gays don't bring it up unless someone specifically asks for some reason, don't drag it out beyond a yes or no and don't make that their only trait

t. literal faggot

The Empire has fixed it's society by quickly and quietly dealing with degenerates via death penalty.
I neck myself because that's what trannies do and why would I want to play one.

I don't include them because I know I'd probably do a bad job of it. Even if I could do an accurate rendition of a person suffering from a mental disorder it wouldn't even be fun for me or my players, so there's still little reason to include it. The exception for this is depression, but only because the system I use has (very simple, but medically inaccurate) rules for it as a flaw that PCs can have.

What if it's just a character that's trans?
I've encountered people that become so livid based on whether a key NPC is shaggable or not in their eyes.

are you the only myfarog player in the world?

>The same way you tastefully include gays
>don't bring it up

I'm sorry, but I can't accept this argument anymore after seeing it be the go-to for almost every display of homosexuality or transsexualism in every form of media in the past decade. In fact, I can't accept it on it's own terms. Everyone agrees that Alien was cool because the characters were written first, and given genders later, but Aliens was even better because they tastefully explored femininity and motherhood through a character that was originally (and for all intents and purposes) genderless.

Homosexuality can be done well, even when the homosexuality is a core aspect of the character. Blame shitty writers.

>It's pretty sad how much of Veeky Forums screams about shit for the purpose of screaming about it.

Now that we don't have quest threads on Veeky Forums anymore, bait threads are the only source of immediate entertainment left here.

>I've encountered people that become so livid based on whether a key NPC is shaggable or not in their eyes.

That's because they thought they'd have a chance with that key NPC, only to discover a fact about them that destroys the image they had in their mind. It's no different than a player crushing on the redheaded baker's daughter, only to get angry when they find out she's got a half-orc baby at home.

Not sure what the problem is. A hormonal & gender change takes a few days. If you want a full body change, a new clone will take care of that.

If you still wanna play a "transsexual" and be a laughingstock, be my guest. Don't expect any understanding beyond "it's your personal whim, deal with it"

Like they are in real life, I don't give a fuck if it's "tasteful". I won't go full /pol/ and make them spawns of Satan but I'm not going to go "lol look at this plain woman?, she's actually a man :^)" either.

You're a retard

>even when the homosexuality is a core aspect of the character
Not really if homosexuality is all there is too you I have no desire to be around you and I'm literally a homo, you have to have character traits other than being gay/trans otherwise you're including them just for the sake of being gay/trans and gaining nothing from it

So what're you supposed to do then?

I don't think it's entirely my fault that a player decided to fall for a grungy sky-piratet hat is explicitly stated that they involve themselves in all sorts of debauchery and criminal activity.
Lo and behold, are you really surprised that "he" doesn't have a penis?
She could've seen and smelled that a mile away.

>So what're you supposed to do then?

Same way you'd act when a player comes to a session grumpy - not your problem. If it's really troubling you than maybe craft another NPC for the next story arc that's right up their alley, but otherwise just continue doing what you're doing.

Unless you're jk Rowling and fishing for goos girl points after the fact.

Actually no, that's complete bullshit. Boondocks saints has gay stuff in it but literally no one cared. The black guy from the scorpion king was badass and literally no one cared. Victim politics have triggered identity politics, and you have only yourself to blame for that

You don't.

Russian commies killed more trannies and fags than Hitler did. Learn your place, untermensch.

I don't include them.
I wont play them.

You don't.

Remember kids, the most entertaining part of a bait thread is always the poster count

It's Warhammer Fantasy, so everyone confuses you for a faggot but mostly doesn't give a shit, they've got the rape-goats to watch out for.

The clergy might take exception, and an especially zealous witch hunter might see it as some manner of chaos taint.

It's all about whether or not that character trait is meaningfully affecting the character's development.

If this is a society where gender has no politics and sex is a meaningless distinction, then a trans person would just be one in any two hundred characters, and that's where you could end the characterization. You could then focus on your trans character's more interesting qualities, like their proficiency in magic, or their skills at triceratops polo.

If this is a setting where sex and gender DOES influence treatment and upbringing, then treat it on a case-by-case basis. It's not clean or easy, but it wouldn't be "Queer" if it was standardized.
In a contemporary setting, transwomen would usually be the subject of a lot more social ostracization by their peers and elders than any other person with that kind of deal. So, just imagine a character that was disliked from a young age for something they truly don't believe they have control over, but others believe they do.
A transman has it a bit easier, fewer people are grossed out by them, but the lack of general awareness of the concept of even being a transman would probably lead to them often being shown around as a weird curiosity, or being asked a lot of too-personal questions all the time, or other things like that.

The only thing I know about intersex people or nonbinary sexual identity is that Asu-Shu-Namir helped Ishtar escape from Erishkigal after she had trapped her in the underworld. Erishkigal then got so mad that she cursed Asu-Shu-Namir, and anyone else with a similar biology, to be social outcasts that get called faggot a lot and have dildos glued to their lockers. As thanks for the rescue, Ishtar tried to compensate by giving all intersex people an inherent skill at magical healing and oracle-ing.

Trans here.
Don't be Bioware.
Idk about including it as a GM, I don't think there's really a way not to fuck that up. If you're playing for trans players and you're also trans, it becomes a lot more viable, but otherwise I wouldn't do it.

If you're playing them as a player, the way I'd handle it is to treat it like a plot hook in the character's backstory. That's it. Flesh out the character like you would anyone else, don't have them announce their status to the other characters, just make it a tool the GM can use to make the story more interesting. And make sure everything else about the character isn't gonna make them unlikable.

Also, be wary of your audience. Obviously, if you play with /pol/ it's not a good idea. Honestly, I wouldn't play with Tumblr either. Just regular people who aren't transphobic and can handle it with maturity is the way to go.

>Trans here
Are you cute?

Would you say that there's any "common experience" that would influence the development and characterization of trans characters that would transcend most differences in setting?

Considering your post is almost verbatim the same bitching I saw in a thread yesterday, I’m going to go ahead and assume you’re the one making the bait threads/replies. And even if you’re not, then kindly go fuck yourself anyway.

It's another one of these fucking threads

>Hurr traditional socially inept nerds are all mentally I'll to the same extent as trans
Gtfo with that shit, mild Asperger's != Rampant degeneracy and "acceptance, but only if you're not a white cis male"

>mild Asperger's != Rampant degeneracy
You're right, if only because the former is an actual mental condition and the latter is a buzzword for use whenever something makes you feel icky.

That's not Trisha