As a DM, how do you tastefully include transexuals in a setting?

As a DM, how do you tastefully include transexuals in a setting?

And as a player, how do you tastefully play a transexual PC?

The presence of perfect magical transformations means transsexualism should not be an issue for anyone the PCs could conceivably meet. A man that becomes a woman, and wanted to be a woman, is now biologically and potentially even spiritually a woman. For all intents and purposes, it doesn't matter.

>how do you tastefully include transexuals
Don't mention that that's what anyone is unless it specifically comes up.

Well, unless there are cultural or religious reasons in the setting for someone to be an asshole about it.

Suicide is always an option


The same way any good work of fiction does it: they dont. If something is not relevant to the story dont bring it up.

Contrast the many retarded virtue signalling works that feel the need to bring the plot to a screeching halt to let the audience know how inclusive they are.

Whichever way allows you to appeal to the target audience faggot

If you want this to regarded as anything other than bait, please write more about why you want to and how you want to explore sexuality in your game.

Oh, you are playing with fire here btw. Bad idea as a lithmus test or an overture to coming out to your players. Worse if you in it for sexual gratification and the rest of your player is not into it and/or sexual gratification.

This. If being transsexual IS your character, you don't have a character.