Game designer for wotc still here. Ask me anything about Mike Mearls and his upcoming loss of employment...

Game designer for wotc still here. Ask me anything about Mike Mearls and his upcoming loss of employment, or just spam the thread with reports even though it is on topic and breaks no rules.

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C'mon man, share details about his ass getting fired. IF YOU ARE THE REAL GAME DESIGNER.

I feel bad that salty cucks got this genuinely butthurt about Mearls' tweet desu. I feel like even on Veeky Forums you should have better things to do with your time.

I also don't know why people keep interpreting it as "women are too stupid to understand rules" when it's actually "people invested in gatekeeping gatekeep however they can"

6e when?

How aggressive is the alphabet agencies' project manchild at Hasbro these days, and how many of your colleagues can you trust to not be a part of the Magdalene or Skull and Bones societies?

If you really work for WotC then why did Veeky Forums delete your last threads

He was already being replaced (by me) before this recent shitstorm but phrasing it the way I did is more dramatic.

Q4 2020, just in time for Christmas

Because someone is using a bot to spam it with reports for illegal content until it gets automatically removed.

I smiled

Post your dice or GTFO

Believe it or not, I do not own dice or play with the product.

>Because someone is using a bot to spam it with reports for illegal content until it gets automatically removed.
That's not how Veeky Forums works, faggot

You're probably just a WotC intern!

Nobody is "gate keeping"
It is just a retarded excuse people use whenever they refuse to admit that women tend to have different interests on average.

>even though it is on topic

>Traditional games
Playing and discussing a variety of games.

>This topic
Pointing out a demi-celebrity's misstep and morale stances on gender.... Who happens to be related to a game.

Try. Again. Op.

The whole interns thing is just a meme, companies haven't used interns since everyone got slapped fines for using unpaid labor in the late 90s

>Game designer for wotc still here

bro, do us all a favor and release all the employees names for us. thanks.

>Q4 2020, just in time for Christmas
Will the other humanoid monsters even be made playable by the time that happens?
I em still waiting for my playable Thri-Kreen and Derro.

Youre a fucking idiot

>Plays a "Complex" game, and is very into lore density.
>Play with two women.
Wow. So bias that he brings a sexuality argument to fight against a system preference- or down cry that a preference is wrong at least. Jesus what a bottom feeder.

He doesn't seem to think rules complexity and lore density are a problem to male players.

No. The powers that be are very specifically avoiding making monsters playable because they are completely out of touch with what is and isn't an important balance issue. They still think level adjustment was an important issue that needs to be "fixed" with a lack of content.

Unlike the blatant thirstposting threads which are totally on topic, and the filename threads which are high-level tg discussion.

They interpret it like that because they love accusing anyone who supports social justice ideas of being an evil hypocritical monster. Usually their accusations depend on utterly insane perspectives that they also love to falsely accuse said people of believing.

gatekeeping is a good thing

Provide proof of employment

>replying to yourself again
It must be so liberating for you not to have to log out and log into another reddit account to support your (non)argument that everyone ignored.

>Provide proof of employment
He's already made three threads about it today

What more proof do you want

You write like a low level social manipulator. Fuck I am so tired of this shit. Fuck any company that employs shills.

>Magdalene Society

what do workhouses for victorian hookers have to do with the fbi

Holy fucking shit, my sides

lol angry SJW detected.

Okay, lemme ask you something.

If this is a problem, it surely impacts both men and women. Why then does he specifically mention women? This reveals his underlying thought process.

Women are either too fragile to handle gatekeeping OR they are too intimidated by complex lore or math to resist gatekeeping. Because if women were as likely to resist both, as much as any man, then there'd be no reason to single out women in the tweet.

Sorry, dude. Either way this reflects poorly on his view of women.

I don't think Mearls worded his tweet very well but you don't seem to be understanding it. He is specifying two different issues:

>gatekeeping via rules complexity and lore density
>having a problem with women in tabletop gaming

He is saying people who do one tend to do the other, which is pretty baseless IMO, but he isn't identifying them as the same. He isn't saying the first IS the second, he's just not been very clear much like when he was writing the 5e rules lmao.

Regardless of the accusation, or the stupid political shitflinging, or whatever the fuck - I don't think people are getting this. They are reading it incorrectly. ok user?

He's implying women are too dumb to learn rules or lore. Not conciously, but he thinks we think that. which isn't true, the rules and lore are there to keep Normies away.

Because normies aren't into RPGs

Just see .

I'm not putting any trust in Mearls' view of women or anything, he's probably a massive shit, but I'm just frustrated by people not parsing the tweet correctly. And obviously a lot of /pol/fags have gone rabid over this but whatever, that happens with some new thing every hour.

>still doing desperate damage control
Gee I wonder what his motivation might be?