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>Unearthed Arcana: Three Subclasses

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Previously on /5eg/:
What is your favorite wondrous item and why is it Deck of Illusions?

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Please let this thread be better

hey guys. first time DM here. I'm wondering if this is long enough for a session? Any suggestions on how to stat out "The Ambition?" Any suggestions on the story?


party is 4 2nd level players by the way

I'd be cool to have a "Deck of" which summoned creatures to fight for you.

no matter how much of a session you plan, your players will ignore everything and fuck off elsewhere

I want to start giving my players wonderous and artifact items. what are your favorites?

also i want to try deck of many things but i want to mitigate its maximum amount of fuckery. is it feasible to give them, say, 3 cards?

I tend to let my characters decide who gets what. It helps that items are frequently clearly the best for certain characters. However, the less stuff a character has, the more likely I am to give the party an item that is specialized for that character.

how often should my party take short rests?

I let one of my players buy a number of uncommon magic rings last session.

Ring of Water-walking, Ring of Warmth, and a Ring of Swimming.

He, of course, put them all on, and proceeded to goof off down at the harbour until a passerby berated him and got into a petty argument.

I like those weaker rings that don't necessarily require attunement. They can be fun.

>deck of several things

i'd say after every 2-3 encounters

There's a lesser version of the Deck of Many Things that only has 13 cards. In fact, the DMG says that most "Decks" only have the 13 cards. It's less likely to torpedo your campaign (but still totally could).

Good planning, but expect player to not follow your plan.

If they follow your notes to a T somehow, it would be maybe 3 hours. But they won't.

I always plan three sessions in advanced with the last session pre-planned and I changed them on the fly as things change. Sometimes the players will block through the contents of all three sessions I pre-planned, and I'm grateful I knew what lied beyond the tower, in your case.

>What is your favorite wondrous item and why is it Deck of Illusions?
I don't have a favorite, because there doesn't seem to be very many books/tomes to choose from.

I need one. What would it do of comparable uncommon rarity?

it'd be like a Bag of Tricks on mega-steroids

Give them singular, individual cards?


Why aren't there any decent character creators!?

Reposting from old thread so I can get answers cuz I'm sad

I'm a new ass DM that's finally ready to move on from modules to self written stuff. I had a fun first session, but I'm having trouble making the next session.

How do you guys usually plan out sessions? Do you make maps? Should I do theater of mind? Should I plan far out?

One of my old favorites was Boccob's Blessed Book. Just a durable waterproof free-to-scribe-in thousand page spellbook

Character creation is pretty damn simple, why bother?

One of my dream campaign ideas has the party find a full deck at the start. They each draw one card, but then a calamity happens and the deck gets sucked into a portal. It's up to them to use their single cards to find and reassemble the deck.

Orcpub2 you dip
Look on the orcpub subreddit for orcbrew files.

I agree there could be more magical books, so I've just made one.

>Tome of the Hedge Mage (or would Tome of the Apprentice be better?)
>Uncommon wondrous item, requires attunement
>A book filled with shifting text that gives explanations of common and uncommon magical phenomenon
>May be used as a lore book for any Arcana check
>while attuned to it you know the cantrips Prestidigitation and Minor Illusion

because you would have to be a retard to not be able to throw together a decent character in 15 minutes or less without assistance


what about a monk book?

Eldritch Knight, Fiend Warlock, Nature Cleric

How's the party composition?

Ooh, wait, wait, shoulda been Prestidigitation and Mage Hand.
Or choose two of those three.

Glamour bard background?

There was some but when they made Beyond they decided that the competition was just too good and DMCAed all the competition instead of making Beyond actually usable.

Thanks. Any way I can prepare for going off da rails? I dont think my party will be too wild, but any suggestions will help. Seems like I'll need to plan for the party heading back to the place or exploring the area around the Tower instead of heading into it, but anything else?

Charlatan or Entertainer might be a bit on-the-nose. I like Inheritor, your DM can do interesting things with it.

Noble, make the peasants grovel before your fey ass

How is that OP?
Anyways, what sort of Monk-ish stuff would make sense to be granted from an Uncommon book?

I literally learned by myself
Its like really fucking easy

Can confirm, am DMing for retards.

This is fucking perfect. Thank you.

I don't even hate DND Beyond, I just wish that content itself wasn't locked.

looks good.

Here's mine:
Life Cleric
Redemption Paladin

Orcpub will also print out spell cards for your casters. Should save you and them the trouble of looking through the book constantly.

dunno, imagine something to do with their monastic tradition

>that composition
meaty AF

Is there a proper undead player race yet? Revenant is okay, but the 2 year lifespan and byilt in terminator goals are kinda shitty and limiting.

>How is that OP?
those cantrips are probably the most powerful, specifically minor illusion which can instantly provide at least 3/4 cover at the cost of the enemy investigating it

Flat bonus to unarmed damage? Some low level buff spells like Jump, Blur, or Spider Climb?

A couple of bonus ki points if you meditate on your readings for an hour in the morning?

You can always apply the DMG's NPC race templates from the monster customization section to player characters, but it'll certainly chafe a bit.

this is well-planned, I'm gonna borrow some of this

Does anyone know where I can get a CC3+ torrent? I managed to get the regular CC3, but I can't find Plus anywhere.

you should format this in a way similar to how an adventure is presented for modules. they specifically put what you read aloud in textboxes

No because WOTC is scared of undead characters

What creatures have your players fought?

>3/4 cover
Assuming the enemy believes it's real and that they can't shoot through it, and also assuming that the enemy doesn't miss, hit the cover and then hit you anyway.
There are rules for hitting cover that would make illusionary cover utterly useless except for avoiding shit like things that require line of sight.

A lot. What level and location are you looking at?

All of them!

Scroll of Meditation
Uncommon wondrous book
Once per 24 hours, when you complete a long rest, you gain 1d4 temporary ki points.

Psalm of Steel Body
Uncommon wondrous book, requires attunement
Once per long rest, as a reaction, you can make your body hard as steel. Until the start of your next turn, when you take nonmagical slashing, piercing, or bludgeoning damage, you can roll a 1d10 and reduce the damage by that amount. f you roll higher than the damage, the difference between the damage and your roll is applied to the enemy who attacked you.

boy do I have a treat for you!

>A target with three-quarters cover has a +5 bonus to AC and Dexterity saving throws. A target has three-quarters cover if about three-quarters of it is covered by an obstacle. The obstacle might be a portcullis, an arrow slit, or a thick tree trunk.

so how should I referee this: if they beat your "cover" ac they hit you in the face, if they beat your normal AC they hit you through the cover and realize it's fake?

>so how should I referee this: if they beat your "cover" ac they hit you in the face, if they beat your normal AC they hit you through the cover and realize it's fake?
putting way too much effort into this, just say "disadvantage" and call it a day.

That Psalm is absolutely terrible, even for an uncommon item.

Evocation is the best Wizard School

And School of Enchantment is underrated

Let's say you have a party of 4 or 5 individuals and everyone of them must be from the same class

What's the best class to take?


Honestly, I'd say minor illusion provides illusionary cover. When enemy archer decides who to hit, unless he knows it's an illusion, he'll be reluctant to hit somebody with good cover because "fuck that +5 AC ain't worth it". But if for example the wizard behind cover has proven to be unable-to-dodge-cripple, he might still make the call to attack him. And when he does, the extra AC doesn't apply because the cover doesn't really exist.

Imo it's both reasonable and fits the power of a cantrip.

Cleric. With so many domains to choose from, you can emulate almost any class you want.

Yeah I wasn't sure how much it should be used. Maybe it's got a random amount of charges determined by a d6 or something.

And you also get to make crusade lineup with bunch of deities being worshipped, and every cleric arguing about why his god is the best, and keeping missionary results leaderboards for whenever the party enters a village. I want to play in such a campaign once.

Thanks. Feel free. Any parts you particularly liked? Any parts you didnt like or want to leave out? I'm curious to hear how you plan on using it.

>Scroll of One Thousand Koans
>Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
>This weathered scroll contains the collected meditative riddles of a dozen enlightened monks
>This item has 4 charges. You may spend a bonus action to consume one or several charges and fill your mind with the profound writings of the scroll, as the words within grant you purity of form.
>You may spend two charges to gain advantage on the next Athletics or Acrobatics check you make, or multiple charges to gain 5 feet to your speed for each charge consumed. This bonus lasts until the beginning of your next turn.
>If a Monk is attuned to this item they may consume this item's charges in place of Ki for their class features
>This item regains 1d4 charges each day at dawn

Im creating an infinity gauntlet (crown)

I have a party of 6, so 6 gems. There are 6 stats, so Ill probably make them artefact tier

what are some ideas for the crown and attribute stones?

My idea for the crown:

All powers of each of the gems
All creatures, constructs and undead must do as you command.
You may reshape, move, manipulate any material in any way.

Is there any kind of Sea fey of sorts?

Sea hag

An actual wall provides cover because if the arrow hits it, the wall stops the projectile. Guess what happens when an arrow hits your minor illusion wall.

>What's the best class to take?
Druid or Paladin

Nereid, Sea Hag, Siren

Remember that you must use your action to make an intelligence check if you want to see if andillusion is just that.

Newbie here...

Is there any way that I could play as an undead soldier with a sword and shield?

Also how would it provide cover against effects that require dex saves? Let's say a fire ball explodes near you. That box is not real enough to prevent you from being cooked.


What's the nastiest spell requiring a Str or Dex saving throw to cast at a stunned target?

>Is there any way that I could play as an undead soldier with a sword and shield?
yeah, suck your DM's dick.

No. Ask your DM and he may be willing to adjust to you, but using official content released up to now there is nothing like that.

Undead races are currently a huge contention in this version due to the specific mechanics being weird to 5es design philosophy.

Besides that...simple refluff a tough race like orc/hobgoblin/half orc into an "undead" or work with your dm to make an acceptable homebrewed one.

disintegrate lol

Not if it becomes apparent through physical interaction, e.g. shooting an arrow through it

I have a player who is using the spell exactly like that. Once in a while I'll let him get away with it, but for most creatures, they're probably just going to try to bash it, or push past it, or something like that.

In straight combat, it's pretty much worthless except to provide cover from spells that require sight. Which can be valuable, but is still pretty limited.

Prismatic Wall

The albino dwarves are weird and I don't like them.

Okay, so take away the Undead idea - I'd love a defensive warrior but I have no idea what'd work best.

But why would someone attack it if they didn't know it was an illusion?

Make sure to theme it on what each of them do, then add the natural escalation from possessing all of them.


Two best approaches imo are 1) bear barbarian with a 2-hander, you resist all damage and still deal plenty. 2) sword & board ancients paladin, literally unkillable in most circumstances.

right, so but it might make them think twice because of +5AC?

I beleive hs is imagining the followiing:

>Man with hat illusions box/cover
>Man with hat is presumably in cover/perhaps hiding with levels of rogue
>man with hat attacks on some turn
>return fire from arrows or shot at man with hat earlier hits "cover" and hits man with hat in groin
>difficult to believe the cover is real.

If you're shooting at someone that's hiding behind, say, a barrel, you have a pretty good chance of hitting the barrel if you miss them.

1) Is dual wielding as Ranger a trap option? The class seems to have more bonus actions than it knows what to do with.

2) What about a Greatsword ranger?

Sets their affected attribute to 23. Will, Int and Cha should probably have charges and thematic spells to go along with them. Either Will or Int should probably give Truesight

Str should give some sort of substantial boon to related skills, and maybe go full ham and give a score of 29 since Str is a bit niche in 5e (like cloud giant belts). By giving a straight up larger bonus you allow all the crazy strongman shit without any fiddly rules.

Likewise with Dex and its skills, probably give the benefits of the Mobile feat if the character doesn't have it.

Con should make the user ageless, immune to poison and disease and maybe give some regeneration

If it's only 3/4 cover you can try to shoot somebody behind it and 'miss', by enough to have the attack go through the illusionary cover.

>If you position the wall so that it passes through a space occupied by a creature, the spell fails, and your action and the spell slot are wasted.

Totem (Bear) Barbarian, Fighter (Battle Master), Paladin or Ranger (Hunter)