Bretonnian edition

Bretonnian edition

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Does anyone know a good review for Fireforge Games' Albion Knights? I'd like a better shot of them before I decide to go all in with them for Bretonnians.

I'd like this as well. I want them as my reiters.

Fireforge's middle age range ia perfect for peasants and knights too. I use their medieval knights as errant and realm (with different helmets) and albion for grail and questing (lance v sword). The only thing they don't have are trebuches and ladies which I use mom and non(?) miniatures.

3rd for hugeass swords on horseback are practical

As the Orc and Bloodthirster provider I am saddened that a stupid stunie killed them both but if brought tears of righteous joy that Bretonnians won.

What does it fucking mean?!

Chaos Daemons and N'kari Legendary Lord in TWW3.

What does Arkhan get for winning?

Part of me wondered why they didn't give Questing Knights huge axes or picks. I guess it looks less knightly, but you can understand how those can really be useful as a cavalry weapon.

Then again, apparently the Chinese used halberds.

How the hell would anyone around Arkhan know what the air smelled like. None of them have noses.

Is there anything stopping a questing knight from using a greataxe?
Doesn't the questing bow only forbid lances?

That N'kari either doesn't know how to pronounce Nagash or N'kari.

So what was the winning Bretonnia load out.

Not really - if you wanted to greenstuff one with one, feel free.


So how DO the Tomb Kings generally feel about Lizardmen, anyway?

I know back in the day (i.e. when they had skin) they hunted Lizardmen occasionally and made cloaks out of their scales. Nowadays they're mostly just wary of the Southlands tribes, but I think aside from some ancient Nehekharan treasure being made out of Old One tablet gold, they don't have that much contact.

>get off my lawn, lizardboy!

>where older than you gandpa shambles.

>get off my lawn, damnit!

Lizardmen don't steal their gold though, and Tomb Kings don't usually go anywhere without a reason so unless their paths cross by chance I don't think they have much reason to fuck with each other generally.

Alright boys I must settle this debate

Is the Red Duke a Blood Knight or just a Blood Dragon? Is a Blood Knight only a member of the Order of the Blood Dragons or can Blood Dragons in other knight chapters be known as blood knights?

blood dragon is the type of vampire that the unit type blood knights in the armybook is made up of.

I never read that as there being anything resembling knighly orders amongst them.
I just read that as a bunch of lesser blood dragons riding together in formation.

Those roads through Athel Loren cannot be safe.

Probably about as safe as the trade routes heading to Cathay.

If you don't step on any branches you might be fine.

I'm making battle maps for my WFRP campaign (that's taking place in Averkand) in the Divinity Original Sin 2 Engine.

What are some real world places to look to for inspiration for scenery that'd likely be common in Averland?

So far I'm thinking of Bavaria.

No dwarf would ever lose to your kind, hold-robber.

I remember him having heroic killing blow, asf sword, potion of speed, 4++ tallisman and maybe something more. The tournament guy has it written down of course.

Can't say anything but a good fucking idea!

Anyone know where to get quality armoured orcs? Not black orc level but more like WOW orcs

Daemons have many names. N'kari is just the one it uses in the mortal world.

So my group sorta shares and switches armies (although we usually have one that we are 90% responsable for) and have a new member joining. This new member is a good guy but doesn't have the means to collect a new army himself. As such I thought I'd give him a hand and collect a new army for the group that he can lend a hand in painting.
The three of us in the group already have O&G (me and mainy Crooked Moon), Skaven and Dwarves. We like this trio because it is very thematic and gives us many narratitive options. Because of this the new army is one we want to fit in with the others and one that can ally with the dwarves since Gobbos and and Skaven ally nicely.
I have narrowed the options to Ogres, Bretonnia/Empire Cav-heavy or Wood Elves. These were also chosen for their unique playstyle.
So what do you think Veeky Forums? What would you all do (what kind of list too) and how would you justify it?

Bretonnian Lord

M 4 / WS 6 / S 4 / T 4 / W 3 / I 6 / A 4 / LD 9

Grail Vow: Always 6+ Wardsave, 5+ vs S5+
Heavy Armor + Shield: 4+ Armor Save

Virtue of Heroism(40p): Killing Blow that also applies vs non-mansized targets
Sword of Swift Slaying(25p): Always Strikes First
Gromril Helmet(30p): +1 Armor, AS becomes rerollable
Potion of Speed: +3I one use only

Questing Knights had lances in the 5th edition.

What do the guy want to play?


He couldn't make up his mind but narrowed it down to ogres, wood elves or a cavalry heavy army. He's the accomidating kind so he was intentionally vague however I can tell he probably would want an elite force over a horde one.

I'd say ogres but I'm biased. Go monster mash.

Well, the ogres work best in that case because they have access to their whole range whereas empire/bretonnia would be limited to specific units and wood elves make uneasy allies.

You have a clear mountain theme and ogres are cave dwelling creatures. Since they have few/expensive units you'll be done in no time if you 4 are painting.

Where's the shill-guy? He might know of a company that makes them.

I'd say an empire army fluffed as a Border Prince one. Ogre unit-fillers are mandatory.

Anyone know of a good primer for the Old World to get newbie players into the right mindset for WFRP?

Probably Chaos Black but I'm not an expert. You should probably ask your local abo.

>mfw I'm soon done with an assignment and can start painting again

Brethren from another methren.

>tfw painting commissions has completely sapped any motivation to paint again

Blood Knights are generally the Blood Dragons from Red Keep. The Red Duke was dead before then, so I would say he isn't.

>still one month away from free time

That's why I'll never do commissions, I have barely enough motivation and inspiration for my own models

How hard/ lost is it to make rune lamps? I had an idea for a dwarf character that became a Runesmith because his grandfather's prized rune lamp got smashed because he had to save him as a child and he wants to make him a new one.

Dunno but if done right glowing minis look baller.

>you will never have enough skill to hollow out an abomination or verminlord and have glowing warpstone and glowing scars
I can hardly paint well let alone do this. Those lights look sweet

Not flat enough.

Tbh that doesn't seem too challenging.
All you need is to cut a hole for the lamp, place the wire so that it goes down the inside of a leg and out through the underside of the feet and base into a 'underbase' in which you store the battery. When that's done you greenstuff or whatever over the lamp so that the light forms whatever you want and doesn't stand out from the model. The bigger the model the easier it should be.
If you're uncertain about handling green stuff there are loads of useful guides on the internet.

dunno man, you just need an led and a battery.
You can even buy kits specifically made for lighting up miniatures. And I don't just mean the stuff for h0 you could buy anyway, I mean people slinging this stuff over KS and whatnot.

The biggest skill you need is really drilling the holes without fucking up.

Still a lot more work than just painting them though.

Looks like the new elven release have a couple of minis that would make for neat Slaaneshi Daemon Princes and WoC unit fillers:

I don't think the brets can get killing blow.

>ask for aelves
>GEEDUBS gives us medusai and harpies
>also that horrible morathi voice

Fuck me though.

Those eyes though.

>taking postgrad classes
>assigments during the week
>return to hometown during the weekends to paint my newly started bretonnian army

I can't wait to take the boys out of the jar of brake fluid.

>Those eyes though.
That armadillo-cow though

Looks like a brass bull to me.

I don't know what you're talking about. Morathi's voice actress is great.

Eh, too rough for me.

It sounds too much like kathy griffin and I just can't imagine her whispering intrigue esq secrets into malekiths ear for years on end.

Noone asked for Aelves.

You look like a brass bull

I for one have been wanting official slaaneshi elf-models since 6th edition.
Pic related is the latest one we got and it's not only OOP but is also ugly as fuck.

The fact that she will hopefully be fairly easy to convert from the revealed snake-elves should be a joy to any Slaaneshi player who aren't satisfied with Sigvald.


>Herakles the Bretonnian
The result of the tournament makes so much more sense now.

Speaking of mark-specific Chaos champions; why haven't GW released more mark-specific Daemon Princes or atleast a Daemon Prince with optional mark-specific customizable bits. Wouldn't the latter have made quite a bit of economical sense? People apparently like large monsters and a customiseable DP-set would not only fit two different armies but would also have plenty of alternative uses such as a Greater Daemon, or possible even a Chaos Giant.

Mark-specific DPs seems to me atleast to be one of most common types of third party minis.
The least they could have done was to keep pic related in stock.

I think those are rivers. the dotted lines are roads.



>Fantasy scourges
>no boobplate because its 2018
I bet when they release mew wyches and banshees they will have this awful "non-objectified" breast armor.

When you're reading WFB stuff, playing some of the games or just idling with some of your minis, what do you listen to? Is there any WFB-appropriate music?

Honestly, all I got is either Summoning or Emyn Muil.

You should do a check up on your eyes. The middle char is a guy and two others both have boob plate/ plate bikinis.

I tend to just listen to podcasts. Currently I am all about the History of Byzantium.

Reaper. Atlantis Miniatures.

>but more like WOW orcs
isn't that exactly what GW is pushing with AoS' Ironjaws?

If you are talking about being shirtless with big pauldrons then you could just use GW savage orks and the pauldrons that come with the normal ork/ork kits.
You can also get naked torsos for regular ork warriors from various third party sites.
That way you can just get the regular orc warriors shirtless.

I play music from the various whf vidyas, especially while playing matches. It's real thematic/autismal but I like it

Or Iron Maiden.

Ironjaws are like Orkmarines. WoW is the cartoony aesthetic that is heavy on color and theme. Sigmarines stray close to that, but are still different.

People call AoS WoW because the “plot” resembles Burning Crusade and is closer visually than Warhammer was, not because it actually matches well.

Consider how the mundane comes into importance a lot in WoW. We don’t even know how society functions in AoS, it just does because reasons.

My characters are chilling in a comfy inn-tavern in Middenland, on the road to Carroburg

The needs of the world do not concern us

Yeah, I was just asking cause after the frozen throne and the night elf expansion i didn't play any of the newer warcraft games.
I honestly don't know how WoW orks are supposed to look.
I'm thinking of the grunts from wc3 when i talk about shirtless orcs with big pauldrons.



These clearly are not boobplates.

In Cataclysm, Grunts were replaced with Kor’kron Guard since the new Warchief wanted to be Ghengis Khan. They have legit plate armor, but it looks clean and uniform unlike Ironjaws. More like TES characters.

AoS is cartoony, but not cartoony enough and still to high a scale to be WoW. In WoW, even the NPC badguys need supply chains and merchants, and anything not involving a main character is likely comedic or tragic.

According to Morathi she crawled her way out of Slaanesh and escaped after being eaten, but was changed to be more like him.

Shit sucks that all she has is wings, seeing her with more Slaaneshi Daemon traits like six boobs and four arms would be neat.

>mfw can't see nipples in 2018

I'm butt-fucking devastated and I want everyone to know it.

Read my post again

>What are conversions

Solid plate is not boob plate which shows distinct breasts.

No shit sherlock, however what has that got to do with my post?

>two others both have boob plate/ plate bikinis.

The ones on the left are leadup End Times shit from 8e. That means both are AoS trash.

Post REAL Warhammer Fantasy, made of metal.

user is complaining that nü Witch Elves are wearing sports bras, while old ones were wearing bikinis that stop at the top of the areola.

user is fuckinh trash mind you, because he’s referencing plastic garbage from 8th edition. Pic related, real Witch Elves, are actually closer to AoS Witch Elves. Barring the stupid wings and mcfuckingkillyourself round base subrace.

For even better irony, pic related was sculpted by Based Diaz, who gave us the bare Daemonette tits.

Which they clearly have. Again, check your eyes.

>old ones were wearing bikinis that stop at the top of the areola.

Yep. Those are.

They cover the bottom half of the breast, and none of the top.

New Witches have the same tops the old metals do, covering the whole breast and only showing tummeh and shoulders.

user is being a whiny little shit who’s in the wrong thread for preferring 8e to 6e.

You are legitimately retarded.

Cute bikini.

Not a sports bra like oldest and newest have.

Even oldest have curve of individual breast, new ones have nothing, they could cover them in burkas for what they care.