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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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What happened?
>Not Night Of A Thousand REEEs Edition
>Meme Wars Edition
Man, that was weird.
Not quite sure. Smart money's on an inexperienced mod, or fallout from a shitposter having also been the one to make an OP
user no, we're still recovering from the Potato Wars.
>Rise of the Shield Hero
No idea how you are gonna balance things if you have a Hero Origin.
Speaking of the undead, I finished chapter 2 of my Resident Evil Writefagging if anyone's interested.
Thread got deleted. Not sure about the details.
I thought it was decent for a sequel to a banned thread.
Just gonna throw this here for the Jumpmaker Sonic, so they don't have to.
Is there anything you wouldn't trade, to start a chain?
Thanks. I'll be re-posting slightly edited version in minutes.
Hope it was just a mistake, and not on purpose.
The ability to share the wealth when I return. Why should I have all the fun?
Oops, sorry about that then.
You might wanna get a trip while you are here, better safe then sorry.
Just make origins for each hero. Or give non-hero origins additional cp.
>Meme Wars Edition
Shitpost chain starring an Ugandan Warrior when?
Oh boy
I guess personal freedom? That would defeat the whole point
My personality and what aspects of my mind and memories that are critical aspects of it.
It's already begun. Haven't heard from Ugandanon lately, though.
You joke, but I was discovering Wizard People, Dear Reader the other day. And I was shocked at how a little effort put into practical effects made CGI from damn near 20 years ago look better than a lot of CGI today.
The ability to share things, my identity, personal freedom... honestly my hesitation on things is likely why I will never be chosen if such a thing existed.
Well, that was odd.
Fair enough then. Have a Date A Live build!
Drop-In [Free] Coincidentally, the best for both the discounts and scenario I want.
Roses and Violets [Free] Seems useful, though I'm pretty sure this is really redundant at this point.
Silver Tongued [Free] Moar charisma can't hurt.
Monsterbait [100] Fun.
Love Is In The Air [200] Pretty useful for the harem ending.
With A Kiss [300] Neat. Don't care much for power stealing, but /sealing/ people's powers with a kiss seems fun.
Incest is Wincest [400] Ahem. Yes.
Soul Mates [600] This is damn awesome.
Ethereal Beauty [100] Gotta look good and get the vanity perks.
Eye of the Beholder [100] Moar vanity and freaky looks.
Dating Simulator [Free] Kay. This is... odd. But fun to exploit.
Canon Companion - Reine [100] Sleep-deprived woman seems nice.
Those Who Hunt Spirits - Drop-In Ending
If You Say So [+0] Drop-In Shido... I imagine Shido just hit his head really hard a few hours before the spacequake. Losing his memory and instead gaining jumper's memory. And powers. And plastic surgery resulting in Ethereal Beauty (+other vanity perks).
Uncontrolled Mana [+100] That's okay. I've got mana to burn, and most of the important stuff doesn't need any fuel anyhow.
Barred Entry [+100] Yeah, well, screw you too. Eh. I'll just jump into space or just tank it, I guess.
AST Target [+200] Hiding from the government and/or powerful organizations... This is basically old hat by now. I always get these drawbacks and I've gotten very, very good at it.
Ratatoskr [+200] Ah! But they can't seduce me if I seduce them first! Ha! This is not actually true, but helps me feel better about it.
Spirited Here [+300] So, about half would like me, the rest would like to kill me... Pretty much balances out, as far as I'm concerned? I was going to have to seduce 'em all for the scenario anyway.
...I went maybe a little too heavy on the seduction/harem build, in hindsight?
Significant parts of my personality
Personally, I'd ignore it entirely. It's ridiculous to expect you to work around it when the movie takes place in the same area the game does, during the beginning parts of the game and mostly stars (Aside from the Kingsglaive members) people, objects, creatures and abilities that appear in the main game. Not to mention the jump including things that straight up do not appear in the movie or only do for the briefest of moments.
Make the jump without regard to the movie. People were generally fine with me doing the same when I said that that was exactly what I was going to do. If you keep worrying about the movie jump, you'll just end up with a crippled game jump.
Here's the answer you want, and mine.
No. Absolutely nothing i wouldn't trade for that. Nothing.
Even if it cost you E V E R Y T H I N G ?
Where can I find the latest version of Date A Live? I checked the uploads and couldnt find it
No worries. Better both of us than neither and losing document in deleted thread.
Hey Val how you doin?
where you at with that DCEU jump?
Right here: i.4cdn.org
post Date a Live pls
and explain why the first Spirit created all the other ones
are they all less than thirty years old then?
I like this build!
What do Power Rangers actually get out of transforming?
Here is slightly updated version of Power Rangers Zeo Jump.
Upped 50CP prices to 100CP, that was leftover from original plan that had a bit different pricing scheme, but didn't work out.
Added to note section how Royalty works for Drop-In and Power Ranger. Also changed wording for Hurry Up! perk.
Pretty much just Bee, really.
Sadly, haven't done much with it. Extremely hot yesterday, wasn't feeling that into it most of the day and then some idiot kids next door kept starting fires and screaming and playing music as loudly as they could from 5PM until midnight. So sadly, mind was on other things. Hopefully I can get it out today but...we'll see.
post it for approval by the thread you Etruscan harlot
>Hopefully I can get it out today but...we'll see.
Thanks Val. Sorry to hear you had to deal with that. Kids are just the worst.
Spandex costume, concealed identity, access to weapons and zords.
The ability to enjoy it(be it due to lack of at least the illusion offreedom, sensory deprivation, or emotional dulling)
Well, maybe not.
I'd like to think I would turn it down for this girl
But nah. She'd probably be here when i got back.
If not, there are enough drugs in the chain to flee that reality.
Or i'd just mindrape myself to believe she's there.
Reskin the benefactor.
Looks solid. Nice jump. Thank you for making it.
In the Irredeemable Jump, can you just use Pluto to mimic all the other powers you can buy? I’m not familiar enough with the series to know its limitations.
Power Rangers usually become stronger, faster and tougher after transforming, I think. In most of the shows I watched as a kid, they could get their shit pushed in by mooks before actually transforming. Once they do transform though, they tear right through them like they're nothing.
Eventually I guess you could but it'd take you a while and some of those powers aren't so useful you'd want to spend the time on them.
I get a 404 error when trying to open it
What are your favorite waifu qualities in Nubee?
>post Date a Live pls
>and explain why the first Spirit created all the other ones
Reine/Phantom/Mio/First spirit was born from an experiment that gathered all the mana of the world in a single place (dunno why someone thought it was a good idea). She fell in love with Shin/Shido after weird anime-like circumstances. But the dude dies, so she takes his soul, gives birth to him again and created a convoluted plan to make him her eternal lover.
The plan is basically creating copies of her power (crystals), refine them and put them into vessels (that created the spirits) and make the strange plot of the series so they will eventually pass the power into shido.
>Extremely hot yesterday
I see. So Val's appearance stat fluctuates on a day to day basis, and it apparently reached some manner of high point yesterday. The Bee must have been pleased. Perhaps that's why the jump was delayed a day?
>Hopefully I can get it out today
I'm certain NuBee will agree to let you "get it out" as much as you want
puerile giggle
> mindrape yourself to see the benefactor as your old girlfriend
There's something weirdly tragic about that.
You know with how often you have to explain it, maybe you should put it in the notes?
Thank you.
Definitely, although unfortunately in all 25 seasons they've released so far they actually haven't officially confirmed it. But it's pretty obvious what happens.
Uh...that's hard to say. I think it's PROBABLE the Eloisians or whatever they're called have no truck with magic because one little candle makes the Plutonian mortal, but then again the radiation shielding that did nothing against the Plutonian's parents also started to poison him when he absorbed it's dispersed energy so it's possible he just didn't use his powers as well as he could have.
And near the end of the series, he did get beaten up by the planet weight siphoning power.
thanks for the explanation Ricky
you're all right
Who that?
They never mention anything? That's pretty weird with the big emphasis on transforming and stuff.
Er, I'd probably ask for a bit of a "what's going on" blurb in the introduction, even if it's just "Who, what, where and why" without much else. It helps to give an idea of what you're getting into without too much google-fu. Other than that, it's actually a super good power rangers jump.
What's a good jump to find a good dark skinned battle waifu who wouldn't mind traveling the multiverse with me?
Also, what are some good Jumps for finding a scaly waifu?
I want to avoid stealing another person's girl as much as possible.
...Does she count for the scenario reward, going Drop-In? Or the Spirited Here drawback?
Do you think a Poorly Disguised Successor from the Skullman jump would be able to match up to one of them?
I guess I'll post this again due to the last thread borking beyond all repair.
Jump 002 (IN): Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
Background: Salaryman
Drawbacks: Magic Deficiencies
+ Dead Eyes Fish
+ Computer Genius
+ I'm Glad That I Have You
+ The Place Where I Belong
+ Eternal 6 Pack [x3]
+ Cream Puffs
Companion Import:
+ Daro'ssi - Salaryman - D For Dragon!, The Gamer, Computer Genius, Manifest Dragon
"How are you even allowed to select that? It clearly says Dragon Only."
>"At this point, I'm basically a Dragon. You are what you eat."
"That makes even less sense!"
>"You're just jealous I've got dragon claw gloves."
"... MAYBE!"
Story Included in PDF (9 pages)
Warning: Adult Situations
I wonder who he will pick. The Dragoon, The Knight, or the Jackalope?
Is It Wrong to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon jump has powerful dark skinned amazons who like adventure.
I haven't the foggiest. What do you think Sonic07?
It is, but I've given up on them actually making sense too often. Only thing that I think they actually mentioned is that they get some basic knowledge of armed and non-armed combat...zord-piloting maybe as well, but I'm not fully sure. At this point they're so far past that point that it would actually be stupid to mention this...
>you Etruscan harlot
I'm not a harlot.
Nah, it's a big spoiler after all. I think it would be better if gets people interested in the series instead.
Thanks user.
No, use canon companion option and seduce her. She will probably go full yandere with that drawback.
How about Dragon Maid? You could probably get both at once.
link to Jump 001?
Quite a bit, actually. There's a lot of reasons I'd turn one down.
Aside from everything about him, you mean? haha. Probably the stuff that stands out the most about why I love him is his endless amount of creativity. He always has a new idea, a really cool and weird and fantastic idea, whenever he's doing something. Thinking up new monster ideas and it's some crazy alien hybrid creature. Some new device or even just a new story and it's all stuff I'd never have even considered.
Well, that and many other things of course. That inner fire he has when he gets angry or determined to stand up against something, even when he's so funny and gentle most of the time. How we either always love the same things or have entirely opposite interests, so he and I always have things to talk about and introduce each other to but can still greatly enjoy sharing many things as well and always try the stuff the other wants to show us. How he's able to keep pushing himself to do unpleasant things and stuff he'd really rather not do, especially when it's someone he cares for. Not to mention how utterly charming and cute he is of course!
NuBee really is just the coolest, cutest, bestest guy around.
Yeah, I guess so. Ah well, it's not too important anyways I suppose.
>No, use canon companion option and seduce her. She will probably go full yandere with that drawback.
Well, alright. Fuck... That's going to be fun then.
At least it means my build doesn't change, though I've got one more yandere to take into account.
On average, a single Kamen rider (as poorly disguised successor is themed after) is about good enough to take on an entire squad since they face the same amount of monsters but Riders do it solo.
So...probably? Rangers seem to get improved stats but not to the point of being able to solo their threats.
I'll do you one better. Intro + Jump 001 - Skyrim.
I hope you enjoy reading it.
Gonna second . That Dragon Maid Jump has you covered in all three respects.
Presea Testerossa. She's from Nanoha.
Short version:
Her daughter died. So she cloned a new one. But it was too sullen, unlike her real daughter, so she hates it and beats the shit out of it and tells it to collect magic artifacts to bring her real daughter back to life.
This attracts the heroes, shit happens, clone!daughter says she'll side with her mother no matter what as long as she loves her -- to which mom says "Fuck you, I never loved you."
So the heroes push her shit in, and just when mom's about to lose forever, clone!daughter busts in one last time with "Mom, please! We can be a family! I'll do anything, just please love me!"
To which mom says "I'm out" and jumps into a dimensional rift, where she is never seen or heard from again even as the series continues into its fourth season past a timeskip. She's dead. She's as dead as you can be without actually saying you're dead.
Anyway, to correlate back to my main point, there's just something tragic about that level of destructive fixation over something you've lost.
Precia Testarossa, cloned her daughter after she died and transplanted the memories of the daughter to the clone to try and resurrect her. It doesn't work so she decides to use the clone as a tool for an actual resurrection and horribly abuses her. The clone is seven when that happens and is abused and manipulated into almost killing someone for her as a nine year old.
She's not a very nice person.
I would say he would be about matched equally with entire Power Ranger team. In their Zords. But I'm not familiar enough with Skullman to really say anything, so decide as you feel makes most sense.
>I've got one more yandere to take into account.
Lot's of fun.
>his endless amount of creativity
>That inner fire he has when he gets angry or determined to stand up against something
>How he's able to keep pushing himself to do unpleasant things and stuff he'd really rather not do, especially when it's someone he cares for
Huh, I thought NuBee being Deku was just a meme. But he does sound like a top tier waifu
thanks! i'm reading it rn, enjoying the intro a lot
I can relate to the "let's get off this planet before shit really hits the fan" sentiment
the "questionable images" part made me laugh due to Ricrod's current cheesecake posting
I'd give almost anything to start a chain, so long as I mostly stayed myself and it didn't negatively impact my friends, family, or the world.
I feel like the potential good would far outweigh the risks in most cases.
>I would say he would be about matched equally with entire Power Ranger team. In their Zords.
Poorly Disguised Successor lets you run at 70mph, tank anything short of large caliber bullets, and lift several tons. Probably outclass the rangers on foot but those robots are a bit much.
Yeah you arguably have a moral duty to go on a chain,in order to eventually get back here to save everyone and fix everything.
Probably right. I would make comparison on Rangers vs. King Mondo (king of Machine Empire). In final episode. Battling it in normal size they had trouble with him, but in giant size vs. zords it was quite different as they succesfully chased him off. So probably similar thing with PDS, although both sides would suffer serious injuries/damages...
>Ricrod's current cheesecake posting
I can stop if you want.
Hey NuBee, are you still working on DS II?
it's fine my dude
can be embarrassing if people are around and look at my screen, but then again I probably shouldn't browse Veeky Forums in public anyway
Er, yeah. I'm chugging along on Hyrule Warriors and either rolling directly into a DS3 update or starting on DS2 once HW is done. Meant to reply to that last thread but it got deleted before then.
Will there be an Alva Armor option? That and the elite knight set are the best armors (looks wise).
Man, she sounds like a total bitch.
Cool man, thanks for answering. Looking forward to the DS III update way more than DS II.
>I probably shouldn't browse Veeky Forums in public anyway
You should, if someone says something, then send them to suck dick.
Everyone has right to live their own life as it makes them happier. Be eating chocolate or browsing this site. As long as you aren't hurting others...
>currently collegeposting
I dare anyone to say anything
I haven't even started taking notes really. I plan to reacquaint myself with DS2 when I get to work on it.
No problem user, I'm happy to hear.
I think you don't actually name the Jump in that doc.
>currently collegeposting
Is there something wrong with that? What else would you do?
I'm just happy someone is enjoying me work.
It was an actual reference to Ricrod. It made me laugh writing it too.
If you like that, just wait until you see where this is all headed. It might be a little smuttier than my normal stuff but I've still got a plan in mind for it.
A /jc/ board without Ricrod brand cheesecake? I'd revolt. Maple syrup in the harbor style.
People shouldn't be peeping if they're going to get all offended at what they see.
Precia is pretty fucking awful. The best that can be said for her is she was driven mad by the death of her first daughter. Everything she does following Project Fate is monstrously evil.
I don't. That's intentional. But if you look at the comments and the list of Jumps I've made, it can be figured out.
Could someone tell me where to find the Umineko jumps please. I can't see them in the drive.