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>Rules, supplements and stuff
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ME SBG models ...
owned: 80
painted: 64
This year
bought: 12
painted: 5
How bout you?
Played my first game of battle companies yesterday, whats the general opinion on the rules then? I quite enjoyed playing
Waiting on mine to come in. Harad and Mordor. Grabbed some Rohan stuff for my Frostgrave group I'm starting.
Looking good. How easy did they go together?
Own: Thousands
Painted: Maybe 200.
Wargaming just sorta takes over
I have like over 137.
Hardly painted any since I'm a lazy sack of shit (black one is just a strong tone wash so far, trying out different skin colors to make them look properly swarthy).
A lot of folks don't like them since they feel forced into a certain army composition and the randomized reinforcements is not well liked.
So I've read...
Did the prices recently go up on the webstore? I don't remember some of the plastics being that close to $40
Ya'know. I was wondering the same..
Saw the gundabad orc pack.. £40, oh wait resin! means we can charge looooads for no reason.
Half made me wish I still worked for GW for that there 50% -.-
>tfw it used to cost £60
I’ll take what I can get
If you'd worked there back in 2001 you could have been buying all those beautiful Perry sculpts in metal BY WEIGHT.
I was friends with one or two staff back then, wish I'd at least asked if they could have snuck a sly order in for me.
Because everyone will agree, user...
what kind of faggot wouldn't?
So are standards generally worth investing 25 points in? I don't really wanna hunt Army of the Dead banners from eBay.
Got some normans in today and gonna make myself some men of Minas Thirith.
Is there a good recaster?
if you can make good use of them ie. get the banner to help in many duels (3+) at once for many turns, they're good. but they're also a bit of a noob trap because they're expensive and essentially take out one model from combat who would be fighting if he didn't have a flag. i like a banner with my uruk blocks and minas tirith battle lines. however i wouldn't take one in games less than 500 points.
for the dead men... probably not so worth, that's my 2 cents
But if you take it, only oner per army is enough?
if you get two, that's 50 points gone on top of the carrying models because you don't want them to fight. that's a big part of your army, even 10%.
i don't especially like the discussion meta here (and elsewhere) that hordes are what matter and if you don't play hordes you lose. but you're actually weakening your army('s model count) hard if you take two in my opinion.
you realise that's £20 cheaper than what they were a couple of months ago, right?
Ok, thanks
i don't really know when it's really beneficial to have a standard in your army because i don't have enough experience but i think many people, myself included, really like to have a goddamn flag in their army. it's just cool. but two flags... too much
Banners are great, but they can make your army cost jump up quick. The 3" range takes some practice as well. The reroll in a to a single roll in a Duel Roll can be a huge difference.
Z is doing recasts of those guys for $8 for 4, assuming chinaman resin is your thing.