Share your Homebrew items, magic or mundane

Share your Homebrew items, magic or mundane.

Item: The sound of silence
Very rare
Requires attunement from a bard
This perplexing work of magic engineering takes standard ball shot but rather then firing the round it somehow turns it into a shock-wave of pure sound. The sound can change notes by operating the small buttons on top thus allowing it act as a +1 bard spell-casting focus, though a bard must fire a round to cast spells with this weapon.
To hit: 1d20+charisma+sidearm proficiency+1
Damage: 2d6+charisma+1 magic and thunder damage
range: 20ft-60ft

Item: Meownyr
Wonderous, rare
A +1 warhammer, that has an odd special trait. When it hits a creature, roll a d100. On a 15 or lower, roll a d6.
1-2: house cat
3-4: lynx
5-6: panther
The feline appears within 5 feet of you. The feline is friendly to you and your allies, and will fight to defend you if possible. The summoned feline has an extra attack action. When supplied with projectiles(musket shots, stones,etc) the cat will shoot them out of its mouth at a high speed, doing 1d8+dex bludgeoning damage. If this trait is activated, it can not be until 1d4+3 days have passed. If there are two cats alive and you roll lower than a 15, the d6 roll will not occurr
To hit: 1d20+str+1
Damage: (1d8/1d10)+str+1 magic damage
Range: melee



I love this pic

Item: The Barrow of Burden
Very Rare
Requires attunement (specific requirements)

What appears to be a rusted, man forged iron wheelbarrow. It has enough room to carry a handful of small sized objects, or a few medium sized ones. You must spend a long or short rest sitting within the wheelbarrow in order to unlock its magical properties

Effects: The barrow itself weighs 30 pounds. Whatever is placed inside, regardless of weight, will not affect the overall weight of the wheelbarrow. Whoever is attuned to the barrow of burden may speak to it. Its voice is calm and smooth. Asking the barrow for aid will summon two spectral farmhands. They will push the wheelbarrow in any set direction you choose, and you along with one other humanoid medium or smaller may reside in the barrow and take long or short rests as it moves. The wheelbarrow's move speed is 30ft. Each specter has 1+(1d4) hitpoints, and will vanish if confronted in combat. If slain, they will return in 7 (1d4+4) days. Until then, the barrow of burden functions as a normal wheelbarrow.





>Every man I kill I make a different instrument with his body.



the smoker of this pipe benefits from a boost to in wisdom.


If a character takes two ful, turns to eat the sandvich they regain HP to their maximum. Alternatively, as a free action, the character may throw sandvich to the ground and stomp on it to regain half of their HP instantly.

cracking stones
they make all the jokes.

Wild magic dice - This six sided dice is completely blank except for when rolled. When the die stops rolling a number appears on the top face. As an action, pick a target and roll the dice. A random wild magic surge effect happens to the target.

Estus flask - As an action drink from the flask and regain 2 hit dice+Con of health. The flask appears empty if you do not have at least 2 hit dice.

Red tear-stone ring - When the player's hp drops below 10 the user gain +10 damage

Ring of resurrection - If a player drops below 1hp this ring shatters and brings them back to 10 hp

Serpent's armband - On a critical, the opponent must make a dc15 con save. On a failed save they are poisoned and take 2d10 poison damage.

Phantom dagger - The dagger is a +2 weapon. The dagger completely ignores armor when attacking.

Bag of mundane shit - Once a day you may roll a 1d100 from the trinkets table. (GMGems pg24)

Mind Slug - This larva must be implanted in through the ear, after one week the player gains proficiency in two skills, one language and +1 int and -3 wisdom.

If you think something needs to be balanced give a suggestion.

the compelling microphone
allows you to communicate with anything with a mind even if they can't normally speak or can't speak a language you can understand however it must be in the form of questions and answers.

Roll a d20 for everyquestion asked. On a roll of one, random bystanders are compelled to run towards the user of the micrphone, stare into the middling distance, and shout distracting nonsense. Male bystanders are compelled to lift their shirts, female bystanders are compelled to scream " WE LOVE YOU, DAVID MAKALASTER!"

mind turtles

how to stat this?

A cursed item, it compels the wielder to scrimshaw increasngly intricate patterns on all available surfaces. It quickly causes loss of vision due to eye strain.

Illuminati pen - Meditate while holding the pen and a piece of paper with a question written on it. Once you're out of the meditative trance (30 seconds) the question will be answered.

More or less a free divination spell.

have a pet construct

More magic pistols please.

>have a pet construct

have a pet non-construct

what would you have this gun shoot. my get says to have it shoot beams of bubbles that explode violently on contact.


nice. have another.

Rice shotgun, or a single GIANT rice grain bullet?

have each grain of the shotgun rice enchanted with a fire spell.