What are they going to do in 6.0, Veeky Forums?
D&D 6.0 Speculation
every class will be able to cast a spell at level one.
There'll be a warning saying if you're a toxic privileged white male who's gatekeeping, don't buy the book.
>Also, digital tools coming in 6 months, guaranteed!
/pol/finder, more like pathfinder.
more like pozzfinder.
more like faggot.
You should be banned
Has it already been almost five years since 5e?
>What are they going to do in 6.0, Veeky Forums?
Please remember that WOTC is owned by Hasbro. They very well might just shitcan it.
Eclipse Phase already does it. It's not that farfetched,.
you should touch my dingus.
It'll be simpler than Risus, so that girls can play. Anything else would be sexist!
What's with all the fucking /pol/fags recently?
He is not going to touch something that is in your butt.
Go and stay go
Go be underage retards somewhere else faggots
No you.
>The Player's Handbook was released on August 19, 2014.
Hasn't even hit 4 years yet.
What's with all the fucking whiny millennial babies who don't understand Veeky Forums has always had all kinds of shitstorm offensive comments on its boards?
I stoped being fucked over when I stoped playing DnD
you homo fruit
One of the douchiest /pol/lacks I've had the displeasure of interacting with is a fairly avid PF player.
Yeah, with those bigots we can't have a conversation about transexuals on fantasy worlds and how the TTRPG community is so unwelcoming to women and people of color with all it's rules and lore
Seems like 6e ought to be a ways off still. Which is good since I've yet to play 5e.
wtf is with the SJW's pretending they created this hobby that focus on war?
It does not look that way looking at your posts you stupid faggot
Veeky Forums has always had millennials too m80
It probably won't exist for a very long time, or it may never exist, because D&D's brand name is more important than D&D itself. It's why "The Worlds Greatest Role-Playing Game" is maintained by a skeleton crew.
Plus, it's sold more PHBs than 3.5e & 4e, and the occasional one to two splatbooks a year also sell extremely well.
What's with gay newfags not realizing that /pol/shit clogs up boards now and that these faggots lack any subtlety or actual comedy?
>whiny millennial babies who don't understand Veeky Forums
So /pol/ post posters?
I'll stop polfagging if you and your ilk stop sjwing in the RPG community. Fair?
>why can't they be as leftist as HP lovecraft? didn't he write for buzzfeed?
AIDS and pools were never subtle or comedic. You don't remember your history. This site was always crude & rude, not a night at the opera.
There's a different between saying "nigger" , "faggot", etc and expressing a shitty political opinion/exaggeration because they get asspained when they see a black guy in a fantasy book despite that being a thing since like the fucking 80's.
No you won't. Because to you'll chimp out at the mere depiction of a black person outside of a Ben Garrison comic.
SJW cancer didn't start until you milenials
that was just /b/ you fucking tard
somebody didn't live through the 70s
Anons keep biting that bait instead of reporting and moving on.
At some point Veeky Forums will realize people come here to politicspost and fetishpost because they get the attention they so desperately crave. Then maybe all of this will end.
Or maybe we'll continue to get one sentence + lewd picture/twitter screen cap threads that are tangentially Veeky Forums related.
Who's talking about blacks here you fucking nigger faggot?!
There's no difference except in your very limited headspace. All those things are impolite offensive commentary that isn't allowed in public and hence vented on 4chins. It's always been that way here.
It’s going to be an eternal cycle moving between AD&D, 3E/3.5, and 4th design ideals and changing slightly from the last similar iteration. 5E was trying to return to AD&D design ideals.
Next on the list in 3E. So I expect the next edition to be more complex.
The cynic in me says that Hasbro will shift focus over to a few select formats once 5e flags out in a few years.
Board games using recasts of old minis, the occasional PC game, and short-lived non-contenders with Magicc (see: Dice Masters). DDO will eventually be canned, Neverwinter will remain fairly obscure, and the Print on Demand / D&DClassics stuff will be folks' main outlet for actual tabletop. Possibly we'll see a modified DM's Guild license allowing for print copies of authorized materials.
And that shit was bannable faggot. Also mostly confined to /b/.
Veeky Forums used to stay on topic pretty well.
you were the first to say nigger, I bet you are niggers trying to gain some pitty points and trying to scream about oppression.
>why millennial babies
You realize millennials are nearly 40 now, right? How old are you?
Just because you read ED and use /pol/ and /b/ it doesn't mean that you understand Veeky Forums
Milenials existed long before the SJW boogeyman retard.
He did not even live through the 90s, he was born sometime in 2000s
>There's no difference except in your very limited headspace
>there's no difference between a genuine opinion and what amounts to just crass speech
>Who's talking about blacks
.Yeah, with those bigots we can't have a conversation about transexuals on fantasy worlds and how the TTRPG community is so unwelcoming to women and people of color with all it's rules and lore
>you're a toxic privileged white male who's gatekeeping, don't buy the book.
People only say bullshit like this because they're mad a black person showed up in a book.
I'm not taking issue with the word nigger though? As I don't believe the mere use of the word expresses an opinion. And where did I mention oppression?
Table top has always had a history of politics to some degree. Whether it’s your old fashioned Risk game, or legit war games that has had players be real generals to men of gentle leisure.
No, you're the one in the wrong here.
SJW's filling books with useless bullshit instead of mechanics, rules, and interesting fluff is an actual concern for tabletop games these days, stop being part of the problem you idiotic manchild.
they reached the internet in time for tumblr and sjw CANCER you turbo cuckoldzoid.
Oh boy, another quality thread about what is and isn't /pol/'s fault. Because edition wars clearly were too good for us.
You're not even /pol/ any more
He said stormniggers but it made think of age of sigmar's stormcast, and proper sadness and vitriol bubbled out of me.
>/pol/ kiddies can't even spell
This picture is so stupid, I can't believe you'd screencap your own opinion and then repost it everywhere.
>one paragraph max saying "Don't be a cunt"
>filling whole ttrpgs books with sjw crap
Your hyperbole skills are astounding. It must be sad to get cucked out of your hobby by a single paragraph. Fag.
It's exactly correct. It's the same underlying behaviorism that makes furries so reviled.
Welcome to Veeky Forums, son. Now get out.
>yeah man, why can't /pol/ be leftist? surely Veeky Forums was always a leftist communist propaganda
>oh let me slip an anti trump propaganda as well for ultimate pozz
Class feature by default gone and instead a multiple choice pick n mix system
>People only say bullshit like this because they're mad a black person showed up in a book.
No, these things you mentioned are related to the faggots complaining about the "unwelcoming enviroment" of the RPG community like non-whites and women were too stupid to comprehend such basic shit. There's kind of sexism and racism here, but not from the people you're pointing
I swear /pol/ is on it's way to making its own language
>Man, leftists are such easily-triggered, attention whoring, board infecting cancer
>Let's act exactly like them
>not being a faggot means being a leftist! Everyone who thinks I'm a faggot just wants me to join the red guard and ride Obama's drones to Afghanistan!
People can hate you for reasons other than your politics. People can even hate you who agree with your politics. Hell, people who agree with your politics are probably more likely to hate you, since you make them look bad.
>Milenials existed long before the SJW boogeyman retard.
that doesn't mean he's wrong, those are not mutually exclusive statements
the single paragraph is unnecessary and unwanted, fuck off
no, your opinion is not a universal truth
this might sound like oldfag elitism or something equally stupid but I've unironically been here since 2007, you get out
reminder to report /pol/posts
That's it. This thread brought me back. You brought this on yourselves, now deal with it.
>came for the habbo raids
I see. So you've been an intolerable faggot for a decade then.
Nobody knows who you are, you self-important imbecile.
>no, your opinion is not a universal truth
If I were wrong, your rebuttal wouldn't have said exactly nothing.
Veeky Forums literally used to have threads about the politics of slavery
'elf slave, wat do' wasn't just porn, it devolved into discussion of the applications of slavery in society and its' different legal incarnations throughour the world and history.
All for better world-building
Like it or not, politics play a part in games and sometimes you have to discuss the badwrong politics or people not being tolerant and accepting.
Also man up and stop being a whiny faggot.
I've been here since 05. You get the fuck out.
And stop being a cunt.
No, it wasn't you massive newfag. Veeky Forums used to have porn and drawfag porn and furries and raids and massive shitstorms and none of it was banned until nazimod.
Now we're turning into yet another fucking safespace where you have to watch your language or someone might get offended.
So you don't play or even know anything about Veeky Forums stuff and you are pants on head retarded, ok then. Fuck off
Good job missing my point you stupid faggot. There are millennials in their 40s now while whining about the SJW boogeyman is 2000s thing.
>the single paragraph is unnecessary and unwanted, fuck off
See that Veeky Forums has many that guy threads a single paragraph may be not enough.
But this is a great Delta Green campaign right there.
nah, I didn't participate in the raids, you're clearly a retard who jumps to conclusions for no reason and your kind would not be welcome at any of my game tables. We want to play the game, not engage you in your shitty gender politics, now go and stay go.
You have literally nothing of substance to add to this, you've merely parroted bullshit that is blatantly untrue then get upset when no one wants to address your opinion or take it seriously.
I don't actually care, as I said I wasn't trying to be an oldfag elitist, I was just pointing out I'm not new, you stupid cunt.
Yeah, it had conversations about slavery, it didn't have neckbeards jiggling with rage over muh diversity.
>You have literally nothing of substance to add to this, you've merely parroted bullshit that is blatantly untrue then get upset when no one wants to address your opinion or take it seriously.
Again, if it were untrue, you would have rebutted with some substance by now. The behaviorism is exactly the same.
Again, no one mentioned diversity here. Hmmm
Literally no you
>shitty gender politics
But more discussion about shitty gender politics is exactly one of the things that's being brought in by the crossboarding cancer.
>'elf slave, wat do' wasn't just porn
It also wasn't very long ago.
I can. I very much can believe it.
There's a difference between politics and /pol/, and people don't hate /pol/ because of their opinions
people hate /pol/ because they're a bunch of self-congratulatory, self-righteous fuckwads who can give it but can't take it
Diversity in RPGs has political implications too, sorry that irritates you
What does a specific example of a /pol/ trigger word have to do with anything? In world politics, even around unsavoury subjects is fine. Constant, triggered, metagame whining about muh progressives is not.
The paragraph doesn't say not to be a cunt either you stupid retard, the only one in this thread that's pants on head retarded is you and every other SJW cunt trying to insert your bullshit politics into our games.
We don't want your fags in the middle ages, I'm gay and I think that's a stupid idea.
Your argument can't be refuted because there is nothing of substance to refute, you stupid fuck. Die in a hole.
No, it was brought in by SJW's, and anyone who complains about them is /pol/ because no sane person would ever argue with your totally progressive stance, right dumbfuck?
2007/8 was a decade ago, user
What year do you think it is?
fucking everything can be linked back to politics if you try hard enough
There's a difference between discussing politics in setting and using games as a flaccid excuse to discuss real-world politics.
I'm Wayne, the self-important retard who is aware that they're a self-important retard, and continually uses that fact to browbeat the thread into cancerous submission. You can't stop me, and you can't ban me. I'm immortal, immoral, unapologetic, and worst of all, I have opinions on Traps.
They don't actually give a fuck about offense being taken, they care about political control. They are neocommunists who offer nothing worthwhile and need to prevent other people from making worthwhile contributions so that they can compete.
In the same way that marxism controls economics so that communists can retain political power, neocommunists control socialization so that communists can retain social power.
Elf slave wat do has definitely continued to exist more recently than that. 2007/8 was like rubyquest era.
>people hate /pol/ because...
/pol/ is just a board you stupid fuck, plenty of people browse multiple boards, SJW's screeching about /pol/ every second thread is seriously the most annoying thing on Veeky Forums
Not everyone who is sick of your identity politics is /pol/, fuck off
>I came for the white power
>I stayed for the Veeky Forums games
>true story
I never said shit about identity politics, and you sound literally insane
>Your argument can't be refuted because there is nothing of substance to refute, you stupid fuck. Die in a hole.
Again, if that were true, you would have explained why by now. There was a simple, concrete and entirely true thesis made in the screencap: that the behavior by furries and /pol/acks is exactly the same. That they attention-whoringly inject their hobby horse in ever off-topic manner they can.
daily reminder to report /pol/fags
Actually, most people who are sick of identity politics want /pol/ to go.
That is specifically why you'd want /pol/ to go, they do literally nothing but talk about identity politics and claim it is in everything.
T. sick of identity politics, and hasn't seen an SJW try spamming here for over five years
>I'm gay
As an aside, how do you feel about gay pride parades?
Isn't it odd that instead of parading upstanding members of the gay community (doctors, teachers, cops, nurses, pilots, volunteers, and whatever), it's a spectacle of overt sexuality (because that's the only part of your identity that matters?) and debauchery with half-naked men in wild makeup with flamboyant outfit prancing about.
I'd imagine that's the group that shames you, not brings you pride.
Substitute 'sjw' for 'pollacks' and you've made his case for him. And who was first? It wasn't /pol/ that started inserting paragraphs about transsexuality and gender politics into mainstream RPG publications.