Character Art Thread
Sure, I'll get the thread going for you, OP.
While I'm just dumping, are there any requests? My folders are limited but I might have something you'd like.
Does anyone have more modern character art, preferably of teen characters?
Contributing with random art from my folders.
>modern teens
I very much like this style. What exactly would you call it (for searching for more)?
The artist is Ariel Perez, and he has done a lot of similar stuff.
Was planning to run a high-school paranormal adventures campaign soon.
Not sure if it has a specific name, most of this modern-knightly art I just find on other Veeky Forums character art dumps.
>The artist is Ariel Perez
Ah, thanks much.
Anyone got any pictures of red warrior guys? Sort of like pic related but with red skin? Really hard to find red skinned characters that dont have parts of them on fire.
requesting images that could be described by the keyword "anger"
Also on the topic of medieval modern bois
If you're into this kind of thing I recommend looking up the Vaulters from Endless Legend/Space, they have a great modern fantasy look.
Im looking for something like pic related, people with mischievous looks on their faces.
I know I'm late to the thread, but desert related characters would be much appreciated if you have any.
Thanks in advance
dumping biopunk for a bit
Anyone got some good stuff that'd work for 40k?