Valuable addition or pointless fetish bait?
Depends on your group. Veeky Forums deals too much in the hypothetical to have a valuable opinion.
They're ok but I wish they went back to just being one of many types of planetouched variants of humans.
Name something that isn't fetish bait
A boring execution of demonic humans.
Ironically, dicks.
valuable fetish bait
The only D&D I run is Planescape, where they're ubiquitous on half the Outer Planes, and my homebrew, where they don't exist.
The first time my friends convinced me to try 3rd edition, I remember that my disgust at seeing tieflings and aasimar as racial options for a standard setting was the first time I thought ''This is probably not a good idea".
Despite what tranny the janny might have you believe fetish bait isn't inherently bad
Pointless edgelord trash that caters to people who think the only way a character can be interesting is by having a long list of unique identifiers like a sjw on tumblr. I’m a bi-queer, snail-kin of african/ojibwa indian/polish descent who specializes in making skrimshaw for my local chapter of geocache maniacs
In the same vein as the Drow, I like their aesthetics but not their lore.
What i do is keep them around with just a different lore.
In the current setting I'm using, Tiefling and Aasimar were completely mandatory for the setting but they're both completely different from base game/volo's in terms of fluff.
>you literally seed the earth if you're any kind of botanist
Nice try.
You know nothing.
Tiefling and Aarsimar dynamic duo
I like them because they satisfy players who want to play demons without actually letting them play demons.
Which make the best waifus, tieflings or aasimar?
I don't know what they are like in the """""lore""""" but I would imagine they can fit in a setting a lot easier than dragonborn. I like the aesthetics and the idea of demon-people, but I dont think that they make good PCs. If I needed to make an NPC, i would probably just a good fiend instead.
hooved tieflings > feet tieflings
Fetish bait is never pointless.
Aaasimar are pure waifus, while tieflings are insatiable sluts. Depends on what you prefer really
I like them they are my favourite race to play as.
>tieflings are insatiable sluts
That's just a stereotype born out of human prejudice. All tiefling qts want is to find a nice boy to have vanilla sex with so they can raise a family together
We can run around as not-demons and not-dragons, so it's about time we had a not-skeleton race option.
Dread knights user, just find a lich or commit an unspeakable crime. Or a spawn of kyuss
In my setting they're not made from a human and a demon copulating, they're made from an ancestor of yours making a pact with a demon.
>You will never introduce a qt tiefling girl to your ultra religious parents
>Valuable addition or pointless fetish bait?
In the current lore they are just a group of bloodlines that were tainted with demonic essence by Asmodeus as some form of punishment, I think it's much better than the previous "my daddy's a demon" lore that 4e introduced.
They've never been human/demon offspring, that's half fiends. And even in the lore, tieflings can arise from a huge variety of Evil magics, from broken infernal contracts, pregnant women being too close to an Evil artifact, to the mother having been possessed at one point. Most people don't use any of the more interesting ways of creating a tiefling because most players and DMs are uncreative hacks.
Uhh, dude, 4e introduced the "demonic essence by asmodeus as punishment" stuff. And even then in older editions tieflings aren't the direct children of demons or devils, but often dozens of generations down the line.They might be at best the grandchild of a demon, and even then there are a thousand differnt ways beside fuckign a demont hat could make a tielfing. Why do so many fuckers on this site not know this?
NOHAMOTYO is a vicious beast.
No One Has A Memory Over Two Years Old
Depends on the setting, they're a valuable addition in Planescape.
False dichotomy or a bait thread?
Originally the former, now the later.
they only became a standard race to capitalize on the popularity of draenei
Everything could be potentially fetishy, but that doesn't mean everything is fetish bait. "Bait" implies that something is asking to be used for fetish purposes. Dirt is empirically not fetish bait because lots of settings and games have dirt and in almost none of them is it portrayed in a sexual manner.
>Uhh, dude, 4e introduced the "demonic essence by asmodeus as punishment" stuff.
Technically it wasn't punishment, it was a deal. Not!Rome found itself on the decline and at war with the dragonic empire, so it bargained with Asmodeus to gain access to legions of devils to support their armies and to empower their bloodlines.
That depends on how you play them. Most people I've seen don't play them as fetishbait.
In 5e they're easily the most fun for lore, especially now they added Tiefling variants in Unearthed Arcana.
t. Abyssal Tiefling Warlock in a pact with Graz'zt
Depends on setting.
Why do you keep posting this thread?
The latter makes it the former.
>I don't know what they are like in the """""lore""""" but I would imagine they can fit in a setting a lot easier than dragonborn.
In their original lore they were just average denizens of a multidimensional city, no more notable than a sapient space badger or a mechanical cube person from the elemental plane of Order.
No, in their original lore they were distant descendants of people whose bloodlines were tainted by evil forces.
4e's lore wasn't the original lore, it was just stupid lore.
>mechanical cube person
thats something only a Tridrone or Pentadrone could say.
You have that around the wrong way.
Planescape existed befgore 4e did, user.
Buddy we're talking about Planescape here
Here''s how I play it, rate me Veeky Forums
My tiefling was raised by a single mother in a small farming/mining town. His true heritage I'm leaving up for the DM to determine if he wants a plothook, but in universe his mom is tight lipped on the matter, so the townspeople figure his mother was visited by an incubus and take pity on her rather than go full 'Scarlet Letter'. They cut off and cauterize his tail and shear off his horns as a baby, so he's left as an extremely dark skinned youth with long, quick fingers and a sharp mind. When he starts accidentally conjuring darkness and clouds of brimstone (his racial ability and his first feat, respectively) he decides he needs to strike out and learn proper magic rather than disappoint his parent and village friends, so he goes to the big city. There, his appearance is less extraordinary, and he's been slowly letting his horns grow back, while adopting an overly brash and confident personality to cover for his humble origins and I-had-no-dad complex, even going so far as to use a 'cool' street name. His 'banned' schools are really just all the classes at wizard school he couldn't be bothered going to...he doesn't think his mother would approve of him learning how to set things on fire, raise the dead, or enthrall people.
IMO tieflings that are raised as humans, but have some little flaws and complexes in the back of their heads, are best. See: Annah-Of-The-Shadows.
If they looked a littles less human then it would be cool
We have Aasimar (though Deva are still better) and Genasi. Really, what more do we need? The Chaos & Lawful planetouched have all been awful dreck.
Lucky boy
They're not only fetish bait. They are also an elf+ race, for when a player has been a regular elf too many times and no longer thinks it is exotic and seen enough, so they need a slightly more alien race that still looks human.
Don't know, I guess I'll just have to take at least one of each and try to figure it out.
More than one waifu will destroy your laifu
Fairly pointless, they don't really bring anything unique into the game not done better by other races or class features.
Tieflings are fine as long as you're not playing up the whole demonic shit. It can be a small aspect of your character but I don't think race should determine how anyone acts.
Let their experiences and backstory do that.
>Currently playing my tiefling as a Hellboy knockoff. He's a paladin that is foretold to become a powerful Oathbreaker Dread Lord but tells that prophecy to piss off since he knows deep down he's not some monster.
What I meant was I want them all rolled into one broader category of planetouched. 5e has a full racial writeup for tieflings in the players handbook but idk if genasi or aasimar are in any other books.
I prefer the way Fantasycraft handled it with just a starting feat you could choose to make your human a tiefling, genasi, or anything else.
Aasimar is for marry. Tiefling is for anal.
Genasi are in SCAG, the Princes of the Apocalypse adventure, and the "Elemental Evil Player's Guide" that was released as a player's tie in to PoA.
Aasimar are in Volo's Guide to Monsters.
So instead o being races in their own right you would prefer to see them all as one race, Planetouched, with each type of Planetouched being subraces? I dunno, I like that each one has some lore and unique abilities that make them different.
>(though Deva are still better)
My man!
Reminds me of another 4e Tieflings character. Someone made a Fire-and-brimstone Cleric who talked up their religion
Probably wants the ability to roll for unique stuff back, but I prefer the 4e style. It asks for commitment
Of course, with the return to the Great Wheel cosmology, unless they decide to give us a Nentir Vale Gazetteer, we're never going to see devas back again.
Heck, even 4e had some unique ability options for tieflings. You could be a Blood-Crowned Courtier and hulk out into a flying murder-demon once per encounter. Or you could be a Broken Mirror and cause people lethal bouts of bad luck. Or you could be a Blightseer and literally make people rot into a puddle of putrescence with your gaze.
Seriously, 4e had some awesome stuff.
>Vanilla sex
>They have handlebars, user.
It would be nice if they put out some proper setting books for anything that isn't Forgotten Realms.
>Tieflings are fine as long as you're not playing up the whole demonic shit. It can be a small aspect of your character but I don't think race should determine how anyone acts. Let their experiences and backstory do that.
I'm playing a LE tiefling right now who's all about the contracts and pacts. I've got a guy in group who's one of those Ayn Rand cocksuckers and my intention was to expose how hypocritical and rife with abuse the whole Darwinist Capitalist thing is but all he sees is a generic "man at the crossroads" character. Totally ignoring my tragic backstory of being raised in a traveling caravan and being the only survivor of a trade war.
Feels bad mang.
Then I think about how my character is suffering from the same discrimination as in canon and may have become the very evil he sought to expose and I stare into the vast abyss of 2 meta 4 me and the abyss stares back
>getting a mustache ride from a tiefling
got 'em
Tieflings can only be 2 things in terms of story telling, a tortured soul or a lawful good paladin with devil horns for no reason.
They are terrible and mary sue prone as fuck
I carried over the whole "kingdom made a deal with devils to fight dragons thing" for our 5e setting, but mixed in the planescape body modifications as manditory and had set up a cult of Teiflings that had discovered that the patronage of certain demons could turn people into Teiflings and plotted to restore their nation to glory via the cult. Their main rivals would have been a human supremacist cukt of Pelor.
What reason would the other player's character have for caring about yours backstory?
Valuable *because* they're fetish bait.
But Forgotten Realms IS D&D, why else would all those novels be set there?
>Tieflings can only be 2 things in terms of story telling,
Only if you're a retard.
Demon girls are the best aren't they?
I was ass blasted my special snowflake demon character was being dismissed as a generic Faustian ripoff.
My autism is wide and deep.
pls more tieflings
I would, but D6DAF0.
>Tieflings are fine as long as you're not playing up the whole demonic shit. It can be a small aspect of your character but I don't think race should determine how anyone acts.
You're fucking retarded and only a privileged white person would think this way. I'm being completely serious.
Being a literal devilspawn will certainly effect how people interact with you, which would effect your personality and behavior.
>You're fucking retarded and only a privileged white person would think this way.
don't start
Look pal, I think you accidentally typed out "boards.Veeky" instead of ""
It's a simple mistake, I do it all the time
Best tiefling coming through.
>Race doesn't effect how people perceive and interact with a person
/pol/ is so contrarian they ended up sounding like liberals
Only someone with no exposure to a significant outgroup and thus not being treated differently for their race would think race is not a factor in personality.
Horseshoe theory confirmed
You know the other settings have novels as well, right?
I'm being facetious
I don't care about your political leanings, sir!
I've got a Tiefling Barbarian, playing an Andestral Guardian. With the whole demonic aspect to them, is there's any fun or fluff I could play around with in regards to calling upon demonic ancestors?
>not having significant outgroup exposure is the same thing as privilege
listen here double nigger, I live in way back on a mountain in bumfuck west virginia where there are people who are literally too poor to have electricity. people here (myself included) sometimes have to go out and bring home a brace of squirrels or a deer in the wintertime just to eat because we're deep enough in the mountains that the snowplows don't run and it's 100% impossible to get to the grocery store without hiking down the hill and hitching a ride from the main road. it is a thankless, miserable hardscrabble existence and i double-dog dare any motherfucker to go through some of the things I did growing up and still say poor whites are "privileged" when inner city blacks get their lives handed to them by the government on a silver platter. i may be "privileged" compared to some people in my area because I'm lucky enough to have a minimum wage job that barely pays enough for me to afford internet (mostly because my big-ass garden and shotgun allows me to save on food costs) but compared to some inner-city nigger who gets a check from uncle sam for doing nothing but shitting out kids?
i don't feel very fucking privileged
>buy xanthar's
>decide to try generating a backstory with the random tables
>literally the first result is a tiefling barbarian
>bullied as a child
>mother and girlfriend both died tragically
> has an older brother with hostile attitude
could I even play this without getting accused of being a weeb?