Android: Netrunner General - /anrg/

>Android Netrunner General - Pick your Brains Edition
What are you planning for store champs, or are you more excited about Kitara? - White Nile should be some time next week

>What is Android: Netrunner?

>How to play Android: Netrunner (TeamCovenant)

>Where to play it online (replace spaces with dots):
Jinteki net

Try "Why I Run", great for prospective Runners looking for a hands-on demo on how Running works (replace spaces with dots):
www nagnazul com/whyirun/whyirun.html

>Deckbuilding Resources:

>More Resources, blogs, podcasts

Old Bread

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For store champs; I'm thinking a Smoke deck and either Jemison or PU for the corp.

Pretty excited for White Nile because it shows up before both of the store champs that I'm going to, so decklists might change if something especially cool is released.

>What kind of effect would an agenda need to have to be run over something like Obokata or GFI, the defensive agendas?

I don't know that any effect that isn't game-breaking is ever going to be deemed satisfying enough to some crowds, and with Elective Upgrade and Graft not being good enough, I'm not sure I want to know what will.

>Are agendas just a fundamentally broken concept?

I feel like a broken disk by now, but I think the core of the problem is disparity in value between agendas, with 3/2s being way too good. No 3/2 should come without strings attached. 5/3 are actually good for lowering agenda density. Problem is people want their cake and it it too: reduced agenda density, more room for tools, no heightened variance.
I think the base number of mandatory agenda point per deck might be off. Our local experiment of lowering it by two -before D&D was released - was generally well received.

>Outside of cards that enable trains, it's also just not worth it to risk building a gameplan around an agenda you may risk everything to score.

I'm not following the line of thought here.

>3/1s especially are in a weird position, because they are either so strong you can build oppressive decks with them (ARES, Underway)

Always funny to see the tables turning. Not so long ago Underway was one the uncool kids.

APEX is actually a reasonable choice for store champs now, even more so if it gets even more decent cards reasonably soon.

Underway still is "uncool" really, but atleast it's an agenda you can build around. Compare Illicit Sales and Superior Cyberwalls. Don't think we've seen fun Crisis Management decks either have we?

Stupid jank is best jank... deck was initially built for TWIY Grail, but now that we're in 2.0 I'm trying to transition into Sync...

Reeducation + Remote Data Farm. The first being pretty good if rushed early. The second allowing a later score of the former to be more damaging to the tempo of the runner, while also helping you more.
Given it's Sync I'm probably going to go tag heavy with Net Analytics support (a card I actually never slotted, this is itching me bad) since I want strong draw.
There's been that recent NBN theme of depriving the runner of options which I find deliciously creepy, and this is probably a good deck to try and live up to that, trouble is getting the right options - Snoop being gone, I'm thinking Waiver and Data Loop. Import Genetics Pavilion if manageable; Lockdown? Starve the runner for cards. Import some damage to live on that threat. Probably Salem.

The things we do for jank.

>Don't think we've seen fun Crisis Management decks either have we?

Not for fault of trying, but then I haven't given it another go since Flashpoint... with new options added, might be worth going back.

One thing about 3/1 is they're the agendas you can feel free to bait runners with. There's value in that too.
Going with my recent Nisei Division foray, I want to enable Voter Intimidation, I can throw the runner a Dedicated Neural Net bone (another card that doesn't get the love it deserves). Only need one scored anyway.

Certainly they do need to be stronger than 3/2s though. Strict minimum.

>Only need one scored anyway.
These kinds of 3/1s will probably be pretty good. I think there's room for two kinds: an strong on-score ability that is more of a win more and guarantee the game (Chronos Project), or a long term ability that isn't too oppressive, something weaker than ARES (the +1 to ice agendas). The latter has balancing problems because you don't want the long term ability to overshadow 5/3s that perform similarly.

I was asleep so I didn't get to make the general but for those excited for the stunning conclusion - Sovereign Sight is finally fucking out in Europe

Some of Europe.

Yeah, being able to bait - especially when you've got some nasty revenge lined up - is really nice.

But yeah, they need a neat, strong effect

Crisis Management is dumb, but it's kind of fun dumb - I do like the thematic effect, but if the runner is tagged when Weyland's turn starts then they're liable to be boned anyway - though not so much these days with one tag, but still

>a strong on-score ability that is more of a win more and guarantee the game

I was expecting Bifrost Array. A card that incidentally may be exemplary of the current agenda situation when you're down to it: effects are often secondary at best, Too often, you don't expect them. you don't plan for or around them. You don't build around them.

Conversely, in complete contraction, the way we evaluate them is kinda off, to go back to previous thread:

>PriReq is universally regarded as a shit 5/3

... is an interesting statement in and off itself. Some people look at it like, if they're not rezzing a Chiyashi, it's a shit card. Suddenly the scoring 3 points ceases to exist and it's all about the monetary gain. For that five advancement spending, people expect more than what they spent, on top of the points. And honestly, should they *reliably* get that? (in before "yeah but Corporate Sales Team!")

There's some interesting possibilities. Enabling a non-BOOM! kill. Part of the still in limbo but interesting Weyland 1000 cut style, what I called the"pincer effect" between BoN and's effect and Crisis Management's... needed something to more harmoniously tie the two but it was interesting...
I scored one against a tag-me deck... that changes the dynamic of the match for sure.

Not only Corporate Sales team, but the new 5/3 that gives the corp 9 over 3 turns when scored OR stolen. So, the designers seem to agree with people on that point.

I think it's really interesting how people ignore the agenda density and the 3 points and focus on the 3-access problem and the "swing-y" nature of free ice, which is ALWAYS free with it.
As you say, people get hung up on trying to get Yuge ice (which ofc you do want, but is it better than being +3 points)

Still, it and Sensor Net Activation show some interesting design and player attitudes - SNA gives you a bioroid, any bioroid, for free, for one turn. So it means you can work on a lower budget, and very much use it to surprise runners who are working under pressure, which might be neat?)

Both have the same thing with players really wanting the value (naturally), and that perceived lack of value discourages them being played

Yeah, getting shot a little every turn can really make the runner feel the pinch.

Side note, with both BoN and Crisis (and prisec, and DRT and Mr Stone, etc...) love, LOVE The Cleaners, which is one of those rare blanket effect 5/3s that people at least want to play.
It also feels super Weyland to have the men in black suits backing up every little bit of damage you do

Agreed or followed with the flow since they couldn't turn the tide.
I really don't like SSL to be honest.

Hey, at least it doesn't give the 9c immediately, that would be insane with HHN or Punitive.

Bifrost Array is pretty cool, though I think why it isn't more popular is that it's a win more that's also reliant on scoring an agenda, which is probably difficult. Probably fun if you're filled with 4/2s with when scored abilities.

>Suddenly the scoring 3 points ceases to exist and it's all about the monetary gain.
Think about it, would you rather a 5/3 that is an unreliable econ card, or a 5/3 that turns into a 2-pointer if stolen, or deals 4 net damage? Scoring them for 3 points is fine and all, but why add a card that is basically blank because you have no unrezzed ice, when you can use GFI or Obokata whose abilities will always fire? In a world where every 5/3 is blank, even PriReq is infinitely preferable. You mentioned effects are secondary, and it's true you shouldn't rely on effects on agendas and build a deck around them, but you do want *something*, and preferably aligned with your overall game plan.

Can Tag Prison with Crisis Management fit in BoN? Would be cool if so.

Scoring Two Cleaners with BoN - obviously no Crisis Management on top, but the cold winter sweat of the runner makes it all worth it.

The fact that it's influence free really depresses me. One would expect at least you'd have to pay for something so much above the power curve of 5/3 neutral agendas.
I mean the Fragments were powerful, but them being unique and limited to one per deck balanced them right back.

>Think about it, would you rather a 5/3 that is an unreliable econ card, or a 5/3 that turns into a 2-pointer if stolen, or deals 4 net damage?

First You're comparing an in-faction agenda and a neutral with influence one with a plain neutral. One would expect the plain neutral to not be as good. Or we have balance issues to solve.
Then, isn't that part of the current issue we've been discussing with self protecting agendas? Yhe competing agendas have to be insanely (again, the fact that Elective Upgrade is basically considered a meh rebound choice so often is fucking insane) good since...

>preferably aligned with your overall game plan.

... they're always aligned with the "I don't want to lose" plan. They don't even *have* to care about anything else in the deck. That's when the self-protecting agendas start becoming a plight for being ubiquitous.
Which leads to...

>it's true you shouldn't rely on effects on agendas and build a deck around them

I don't think it is, if anything I lament the fact. It's just an observation of the way I see so many decks - thankfully not all - being built and played.
Some agendas are meant to be built around, you really have to in order to play them, and so in current evaluation get ignored by most.
Just going with the 5/3s, how many people build for Puppet Master? Project Wotan? Labyrinthine Servers? Hollywood Renovation? (actually that last I saw more in circulation). And there's some cool decks to be made with those cards. Interesting to play, interesting to play against. Even if not "tier1".
But then self-protecting has a flattening effect on the field, as far as I can see.

>Bifrost Array is pretty cool, though I think why it isn't more popular is that it's a win more that's also reliant on scoring an agenda

Looking at it the other way: it's a card you can freely bait with early game, can sacrifice without too much of a second thought if needed, and which has a potentially powerful effect if scored later in the game. Higher variance.

To me the problems are more:
- why would you play that when you could be playing Vitrivius?
- why would you play in a meta where no one is planning around scoring effect anyway?
- why would you play that with such a lack of sacrifice/theft punishing effect fitting the faction?

>Can Tag Prison with Crisis Management fit in BoN?

With difficulty. Very rough around the edges at best. At least from my builds and those I played against (granted those last few months I really haven't played as much as I wish I would).

Gonna make a jemison deck boys. Should I go for just ramping up to seven or govt takeover combo?

>First You're comparing an in-faction agenda and a neutral with influence one with a plain neutral
The comparison stands; the focus there was that people ignore that PriReq gives 3 points and instead look it purely for the potential economic gain. And that's a matter of course, when other points of comparison are standardized (five advancements, 3 points, reduce density), you can only compare the effects, and people naturally gravitate toward better effects. Even if you compare it to non-defensive agendas, depending on the deck, many would rather something with a more beneficial effect, even if you don't count on it firing. Now, if PriReq were a 4/3 however...

>Some agendas are meant to be built around, you really have to in order to play them, and so in current evaluation get ignored by most.
Made a big post dissecting 5/3s before realizing that we were in agreement. Yes, people prefer the defensive agendas, but perhaps it's just because there aren't any 5/3s that help the deck move towards their win conditions. Elective Upgrades, The Cleaners, and Restructured Datapool are some popular non-defensive 5/3s, and they all move the deck to their win condition, far better than playing a defensive agenda would.

Meanwhile, NBN has nowhere near the amount of cards to make use of Puppet Master without spending influence, Project Wotan is deck independent besides needing bioroids and is often "just" an additional credit tax, and while Labyrinthine Servers can be built around, it's much too variable to be reliable, not to mention relies on a careless runner. Hollywood Renovation is much better off, since there's already a 1 turn win combo with it, and even without, it actively helps an advanceable glacier plan (in-faction too).

It still comes to the matter of "reliability" in the end, and I think non-defensive 5/3s really need that in addition to being powerful in order to be considered. "If I score this, can it help me win?" basically.

Rush to seven seems better for an adrenaline rush.

Rush to 7, BoN does takeover better I think - or at least I've been successful with it

Door to Door might be the single most disturbing piece of art in W. I get that it doesn't represent anywhere near the casualty count of typical weyland "just blow up the whole building / block / distrct" cards, but there's something about it.

if you want to watch a film full of that card art's atmosphere, The Raid is a good pick

I would actually pick Dredd as being more on the mark, it had more civilians. The apartment block in The Raid seemed like almost every apartment was filled with heavily armed ninja gangsters, who can only be defeated by swinging them by the leg. SO MUCH SWINGING BY THE LEG. Neither quite had the cruelty of D2D though. In those movies, the people put up a bit of a fight mostly. ran away. Some of the innocent civilians even lived. Most of the senseless death was not shown.

Take a minute and look at that art again. Bottom left is either a guy holding a baby, or a kid holding a toy. Either way it's, as Maxx would say, "some ****** up ****, mother******."

>Bottom left is either a guy holding a baby, or a kid holding a toy.
It's hard to discriminate the flesh lumps, but it looks like an adult man's arm draped over a feminine back, 2 people total

nah, that's definitely a little foot. only question is if its a baby foot or a doll foot. My guess is the former, because FFG are goddamn monsters like that.

Jinteki ain't no slouch on that front either to be honest. Horrifying as they are, I kinda want more

the plants and dead bodies reminds me of the Hitman2016 level in Bangkok where you can gas a hotel lobby with roach poison

I hope that's the reference

they're probably just clones, user, and as you know Clones Are Not People

>The comparison stands

It does, but then the question I guess is whether Priority Requisition is bad or whether the power-creep of self-protection is "too good" and as such destructive of the game design space. Does it close more doors than it opens? At what point does an effect-based, positively board-state advancing 5/3 is "good enough" to replace a self-protecting one? And is that point too high to be sustainable?

Interesting thing I forgot to mention is that Priority Requisition was already a "bad" agenda well before the advent of self-protecting 5/3s. when it had no such competition. Before the issue was that a blank 3/2 is better than a 5/3 with effect. At that point, being a 5/3 was considered inherently bad.
Which is a stigma still carried. Seems to me a lot of players condescend to play 5/3s more than they chose to, so to speak.

I can just imagine a good bunch of cynical engineers, business and marketing people purposely designing clones so that they would fail the Turing test, then turning it as a "proof" that those are not people.

>I can just imagine a good bunch of cynical engineers, business and marketing people purposely designing clones so that they would fail the Turing test, then turning it as a "proof" that those are not people.
Honestly, looking at the card, it just seems like a Clones Are Not People ad campaign (although it isn't explicitly typed as an advert) or political lobby maybe. Fabricating proof would likely be more work than needed - Jinteki probably just paid 4 out of 5 dentists to agree that people are not clones and left it at that.

Fresh spoilers.


Oooooooooohhhh shiny!

Given the conversation we ahd last threadd on crim extending the early game vulnerabiliy to sniping/camping, I must say Wari is, to quote a Japanese acquaintance... KA-WA IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.

The Weyland/Jinteki convergence of stack-trashing continues, which will be the one to pull it off first?

Ooh, Jinteki's doubling down on the traps (hur hur)
Looks alright, though I don't know you want to spend all your time installing trap ice

So, clearly your best way to use this lil' guy is to make like a good crim and cheat.
Interesting to see "return to HQ" as a crim-style attack, very neat.
It might be a 419 quote on there, but I bet Silhouette really loves Wari (assuming you pick the order of HQ success effects)

Super shiny!

What a disappointing card. Can't even repeat the expose effect and guess wrong intentionally, it trashes to even make the guess. Why would anyone put this in a deck?

To flood the hand. It's a Fisk/Leela card.


New player here, is now the worst time to get into netrunner? Should I have gotten into this back in 2013 when I first bought my core set?

I just bought the Worlds of Android book and I only own the original core set box. I love the setting and the feeling of playing the game with my fiance. We want to get into competitive play but the community is not as engaged with the game as the mtg community is. Like how do I start getting into this hobby? It's not easy to afford to buy the singles I need either

Clones have no business being in a place with that kind of pots I think. Looks suspiciously like a hotel place or something similar, as said.

"Good" non-defensive 5/3s are a fairly new thing, and the sheer power of 3/2s definitely overshadowed them, I agree. I do think they're getting closer to making good ones though, Elective Upgrades is probably the first where people went "hey, I can win with this!" in a long time.

Defensive agendas will probably serve as the default 5/3 choice for a long time, but there's potential there for non-defensive ones to shine I think. The real problem will come when Film Critic goes away though.

Neeeeat. Works super well with Silhouette and 419, has trouble elsewhere but derez Crims would like this too if they have slots available.

Wonder what Aimor is a reference to? And it just occurred to me that this is a great time for them to produce more trap ice since Aumakua is flourishing.

If there isn't a proper community around you, then it's probably best to just keep playing the core set as a pseudo board game, maybe until you can somehow get more players. Getting more cards will be detrimental towards getting play time, since you'd have to take time deck building for others as well, which is exhausting.

Just pop up with the game somewhere, try and get games going, and enjoy what you can. Maybe if there's a store champs you can drive to you could go there once a month or something?

Some additional advice though, if you want to get competitive but still play casual games regularly, you could buy a revised core, then keep the old core separate. That way you could make competitive decks with the new core, and still play casual games with the old one.

As for expansions, if you don't want to go the usual route of "deluxes first, newest cycles second", there are a few decent buying guides out there that can get you towards building a competitive deck. Mostly on bgg and stimhack.

Well the first two cycles have rotated out and there's a new core set which rebalanced the game for the better. You should probably read up on that first so you know which cards from your original core set that are still valid. Generally, the meta is in a much better place than it used to be so from that perspective it's a great time to get into the game.

In my opinion the first priority to get into competitive side of Netrunner is to find a regular playing group. If there isn't one locally you could make your own and try to recruit new players. If that fails you can probably find a group on Stimhack, reddit or in this thread who are willing to play online over jinteki dot net.

As for getting cards, if you find it expensive to buy everything at once (which is understandable) use proxies and/or play over jinteki until you have a deck that you're comfortable with and then buy the necessary packs for it. If you have no idea where to start with deckbuilding, browse NetrunnerDB until you find something interesting. If you want specific suggestions, Comrades Val for runner and TeamCali CtM for corp is a good place to start and they provide fairly engaging match-ups against one another.

Here's something useful someone just posted.

So is the expose and bounce effect tied to the "name a subtype" effect, or could you expose without naming a subtype (and not bounce anything)?

>Wonder what Aimor is a reference to?

Abulafia in full production mode (and captcha still in free fall): Aimor search lands a Malawian rapper, a documentary about African migrants in China, the Aimor(é) people in Brazil...

Still, most likely, Teso language "aimor: to insult, to abuse".

>Elective Upgrades is probably the first where people went "hey, I can win with this!" in a long time

And as I said, the fact that people still reluctant to play is it maddening. That's two Biotic Labor worth in value on a three pointer.
You rush that, you can FA your next two 3/2s to victory. That agenda isn't "good", it's insane.

You have no heart.
Also, as I was saying: dismantling a remote, prolonging that early game criminal snipping phase. Also possibly slow down R&D/Archives protection against glacier decks I guess. Leela proved this can be really good when you can just open freeways to servers.

I agree with other anons: if you can find or make your group, the game is very much worth it. If you can't, better to keep it as a board game of sort to play occasionally.
If you miss cards, o shame in proxy-ing.
If you have no issue with playing online, don't hesitate to use to learn.

Are people that reluctant to play it? I don't think I've seen a recent HB deck on youtube that doesn't have EU to be honest.

Way I read it, the expose is a direct byproduct of the trashing.

>>Are people that reluctant to play it?

On release they definitely were (well out of TD). And while I do see it in play, when I talk with players it's more "well, I need to put a 5/3 in there for density purpose, and this is my only passable choice" than "I play that because it's so good".
Would love if the general meta was more enthusiastic about it though.

The people shitting up on Wari remind me of False Echo. Then I smirk.

The game is awesome, finding an active community is important though, but even more importantly DO NOT BUY SINGLES. You will get infinitely more game variation and enjoyability by buying deluxe expansions first and going from there. There is 0 secondary market for singles and if you buy any you are being ripped off. : \

Unlike Core 1.0 where Desperado and SanSan justified getting 2-3 core boxes, Core 2.0 doesn't really have singletons that *need* 3 core sets. More so then previously, players can easily get by with a single core set.

And, on the other hand, Core 2.0 actually has more 1 and 2 ofs, making the decision to buy 3 not quite so galling - you're not just buying for Desperado and San San.
A lot of the 1-ofs are strong, but they're rarely critical (though there's a couple where you really want 3 if you play them at all).


This cannot be stressed enough - Netrunner's non-varying packs mean there is NO singles market. Big boxes are the best "second purchase" - either the one for the factions you prefer, or the one with a "narrative campaign" which is a bit meh, but the cards are great and it has cards from 4 factions rather than 2.
Then look into the pack contents and see which ones you like - online deckbuilders are a huge part of getting into the game, and you can proxy them or Jinteki to give them a try before you buy.

Also seeing as you love the fluff of the android universe, I will point out that the stuff in the OP has scans of the extra bits of fluff from the novellas (I don't think the novellas themselves are there though), as well as a scan of Worlds of Android

Most new players can easily get by with 2 Core 2.0s. Not that many 1-offs that new players really want 3 off. Only Ash and Aesop's really comes into mind, and there are better ways to get the 3rd copy.

>pic not technically related.

>not technically related.
Maker's Eye now

Yeah, I wouldn't say 3 for new players at all.

Indeed, and its a 1-off in Core 2.0 for some reason, but since Indexing is a 2-off, 2 cores resulting in 3 indexing and 2 TME should be more then enough RnD pressure for Chaos Theory.

'Just' 1 core with 2 Indexing and 1 TME is great pressure even then.

>its a 1-off in Core 2.0 for some reason
Oh. I haven't gotten the new core yet, so I'd forgotten - but yeah, one Makers' 2 indexing is alright, especially in CT's 40 card deck

Idk, it certainly won't be seeing a whole lot of usage in Shaper decks for one thing.

False Echo : Wari :: SMC : Special Order.

Frankly, new players can get by reasonably well with just a single core 2.0, with many of the 1/2-offs found in the championship decks rather then needing another core box.

That said, there should be plenty of discounted core 1.0 boxes about, so getting one of those to supplement the same 'missing' 1/2s is just a valid alternative.

Maybe, but I'm just reminded False Echo went from "binder fodder" to "ban that card" and all it took was one (1) other card that combo-ed with it. So yeah, shit card is shit because it has a powerful effect and designers knowingly put proper limiters on it.
Don't start me on SMC again.

Thanks a bunch, got a lot of options to think about now


Full Down the White Nile spoilers!

Need to sleep, but I will say the other leak user was right, Kabonesa Wu is pretty interesting jank, as is RNG Generator..

RNG Key is an Adam Card in disguise. Find the Truth makes it work.

A Sunny card too, since she has the lose click see the top card thing.

Plague, in light of our recent Khumalo conversation: terrifying.

Credit Kitting is going to leave a lot of people disappointed, but I'm loving it.

Takobi... need to crunch numbers on that, but Shaper Datasucker is both an interesting prospect, and something I think might have been better in, given the Stealth tptions in green

Kabonesa, fucking lovely with utility programs you're going to trash on use. Definitely makes me want to build.
Would she be better for raptors than Khan?

Tracker/Grappling Hook + Kongamato meta!

Emergent Creativity (Adam card, woo!)... I don't know. for nowI really don't.

Nightdancer. Now *thid* is a terrifying non-damage facecheck prospect.

Jua reminds me of Lockdown in the effect it can have on runner turn structure. Better because yelow on encounter effect. But yeah, definitely something here.

Forced Connection... I must say 4Im in love with all those new Weyland tagging options.

Equivocation as well

Thomas Haas is such a little smug shit even NGOs make more money, is that it?
Also, jank overtaking incoming: Adam Monolith deck.

Giving the Kabonessa/raptor angle a bit more thought, maybe with a refurbished London Library rig of sort, Chameleon/Brahman? Or Scavenge.

Freaking hell, it would work. Even drawing a monolith doesn't break the combo, you just discard it to make the other one free.

Independent thinking -> draw a whole bunch of cards -> Emergent Creativity a Monolith to install a Monolith, install your rig programs with Monolith discount.
Potential for a very strong start here.

Oh, and I guess we finally got our answer on who that raccoon logo belongs to.

Not too bad with Spy Cams as well, so yay for Geist!

3 archived mem
3 preemptive
3 genotyping 3 distract the masses
3 economic warfare
3 scarcity
3 stinson

Im ready

Plague is terrifying with Khumalo, that's basically 5 counters per turn to trash cards on a central. He definitely won't be left wanting for more counters.

We meet our racoon face runner, and a program tutor on demand is nuts. Definitely lots of potential applications, and definitely competitive if people find a way to get around that drawback. Kongamato is an Apex card in disguise. Takobi could be pretty good, might give heap breaker Exile some legs, though I'm slightly sad this isn't a Crim card, even if it looks nothing like one.

Emergent Creativity is definitely cute, though i wonder if current Adam decks have enough left over programs and hardware to make use of this? RNG Key has some pretty nice synergy with Adam and Sunny as mentioned above, I like how they managed to make a neutral that benefited the mini factions the most.

I love LOVE Credit Kiting and how they managed to get around part of the siphon problem of giving runners too much econ. Definitely nice for installing Crim's expensive stuff.

NGO Front is Hostile Takeover 4 - 6. Probably better than the Refineries if you don't have Dedication Ceremony. Distract the Masses is a straight up Howard replacement for agendas in HQ, bet we'll see this around often. Nice duo with Preemptive Action.

Threat Assessment is weird, you'll likely never take the two tags unless you have Jarogniew Mercs down, or even then. It does mean it's basically a guaranteed "uninstall this card" I suppose. Jua will be nasty for those that like to run first install later, it's also best in front of unrezzed ice to force a facecheck.

Nightdancer is an upgraded Hourglass, I love it. Forced Connection is more upgrade spam, I love it. I think there might be enough upgrades to now make an unprotected remote and just put the tagging upgrades in, which is crazy, and unbelievably cheeky out of Weyland. Buuuuuuut dies to Dorm Computer.

Overall another exciting pack, dare I say the jankiest so far?

>Adam Monolith deck.
Now that's what I'm talking about!
Pure undiluted jank!

I wish they'd print more cards like Monolith. It was the card that got me into the game. Just a huge holy grail piece of equipment.

The Runner side is seriously lacking in good times for Timmy, and that's a real shame. When was the last time you went "HAHAHA, I GOT IT OUT FUCKER" as the Runner?

>Definitely nice for installing Crim's expensive stuff.
Not that nice. You need to have something that costs 8c to begin with in order to get the full use out of it. I guess for early Femmes it's nice but otherwise you're not really going to get the full use out of it.

Maybe for some sort of Nexus build. Femmes and Nexus for infinite free early aggression.

I'm not the type of person who goes "oh man, I used a Stimhack to get into what turns out to be a 4 credit server to steal an agenda because I'm dirt poor and want to avoid getting HHNed, WHAT A WASTE". An in faction Modded is perfectly fine with me, what with almost every breaker and console being atleast 4 credits. Helps that its any central too.

The big issue for Credit Kitting is that the game never had many 8+ targets (because, obviously they're "unplayable shit"), and several of the interesting ones have rotated.
We're left with 6 cards if I'm not mistaken: Femme Fatale, Morning Star, Mass-Driver, Rachel Beckman, Monolith and security Nexus.
At 7 credits we have the shards, but while paying for the install isn't useless,one will do it at times, it kinda defeats the point most of the times.
At 6 credits we have Ankusa, Dai V, Inversificator, Vamadeva, Maw, Liberated Account (actually not uninteresting target now that I think about it).
Anything below I don't think you'll want to credit kite. Still possible, but you have less constraining yet more efficient econ options for that... Add the competition of Rosetta 2.0 for programs to the fact that almost none of the cards up there are in blue, and yeah, Credit Kitting is a very cool card that is going to have a hard time simply for lack of worthy targets in the pool for now.

>When was the last time you went "HAHAHA, I GOT IT OUT FUCKER" as the Runner?

Technically not an econ cost, but does milling a full remaining R&D out of a Fear the Masses power turn count?
I guess the first versions of the Vanadis deck were something like that, with damage instead of credits as the cost.

But yeah, one can't help but think the backlash of the community against big expensive cards was so brutal it basically killed development for them. Not that there ever were a lot though.
And you know, as someone that played Blackguard, that shit was expensive but it had to. Once you got it going, it could be fucking brutal on the corp. I had games where the other player basically stopped playing and just looked at me do my thing. Oppressive as hell.

How does the credit per click come out to on a Kited Liberated Accounts, including the click and 2 credits for tag removal?

Well opportunity cost, its 1 click to run to hit a central, and then 1 click to credit kite, then 1 click and 2 credits to clear the tag. If we consider that the install click happens for both regular install and credit kiting install, thats 4 credits of opportunity cost to have it installed and no tag.

You saved 2 credits, and lost 2 clicks vs installing normally!

Oh, also, Beckman, one of the most interesting options, needs tag-prevention support to even be installed that way. Pretty awkward and again, kinda defeats the point.

Glad to see other people enthused by the idea. Cool thing about it is you don't even have to go all out on the randomness, play your usual Overmind Adam build, gather some of the pieces, and then IT for a a lot of cards and go crazy to town.
Trouble is going to have the mass of programs... 3 Overmind, 3 Multithreaders; conspiracy breakers look like they could fit like a glove too, but then what?

Desperado has an opportunity cost of spending a click for making a run for each credit gained, that meant you never even turned a profit on it!
I was thinking being able to install LA from 0 credits in a meta where Economic Warfare is a thing would be seen as not valueless (not necessarily great mind you, but being able to rebound from nothing is bound get some value). Guess I was wrong.

I think Jua is the sleeper OP card in this pack. A 2-for-3 Sentry is excellent, and usually costs more to break than it does to rez in the first place. It's got a punishing facecheck that loses a fair amount of tempo against opponents running anything more expensive than 2 credits - including most econ cards. The ONLY downside is that's it's not a "trash program" in-run unless it's the third piece of ICE on the server with two ETRs behind it, so there are some wonky problems with it when it's match point, but really, I wouldn't stick this on a remote anyways.

And that on-encounter ability is just the icing on the cake. Look at how much that saps the Runner's tempo. You never want to run last click but this thing forces you to do it if you want to install anything this turn. That means traps galore can ravage you all the way to Sunday. And it means no midrun SMC shenanigans, no Clone Chips.

I think it's going to be a force to be reckoned with.

There's definitely something to look out for at least.

As I was saying upthread, Knockdown was pretty interesting in how it could alter the runner's turn structure. Enter this with all the power of an on-encounter effect (I think the designers have been getting a bit too liberal with those between this, Thot and Data Loop... history will tell), and it's more likely to land in situation where it *will* influence runner turn structure. Especially with other "uninstall" cards in conjunction.

Fuck me with a chainsaw and call me a whore, stupid slow me, you know what's an interesting victim to Jua? SMC.

Well, holy shit:

o fuk

Account siphon is back baby!

Jesus. This is the power pack. What were they thinking, putting all the good cards in one pack?

>False Flag
I fucking love it. It's Government Takeover support and they actually lampshade that in the card itself. You do IAA - AAA and it looks like a Takeover but it's really 2 tags. It'll still be a terrible deck but damn.

>Better Citizen Program
whoa, speaking of 4/2s with crazy effects.

"lmao you know what'd be funny"
"if we released credit kiting 3 packs before the pack where we release cards to use it with"
"fucking lol"

"lmao you know what'd be funny"
"if we released a card for anarch that is objectively better in every way than a criminal card that we released not that long ago"
"lol that's not funny we always do that"
"oh yeah"

whatever i'm not going to complain in the same pack where they reprint account siphon only better

And what the hell is with that Jinteki ID? I have no idea what the use case for that is. Positional ICE enabler? A few free clicks per game? Letting your opponent into a double-advanced server for free, staring them in the eyes, and daring them to access? Could be interesting.

Well, people complaining about no AS variant,, you've been heard!

Can Zer0"s damage be prevented given the formatting? Going to say no, but...
Musaazi... only one credit to install. Interesting.

Amina, some will shout Leviathan 2.0, but I love the twist on it.
I don't know about value, but I love the design on Pad Tap at the very least.
Some Exile support woot! Another really cool Decoder option for Kit. Shaper Stimhack of sort.
That Sunny card is fucking mean.
I like Kasi String as an answer to Asset Spam.
Did Midori get promoted in that African Branch?
NEXT Diamond is an interesting direction.

They're really embracing that new tag paradigm, with more options across the board now. That's good I think.
Seems like Weyland is going to be on fucking point all cycle, in either power, fluff or cool.

>And what the hell is with that Jinteki ID? I have no idea what the use case for that is.

They release the perfect ID for Cell Portal right after they rotated it out! Clearly someone has been drinking.

If you're comparing Hippo and Wari, I don't think they do the same thing really.

Oh, and High profile Target make some tag-me builds squirm... which is really good. And I say that as a big tag-me player.