/aosg/ - Age of Sigmar General

“There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetuated under the shield of law and in the name of justice. “ –Disputed

Stormcast Appreciation Edition

In before soyboy meme meister and lel I trell Sub Edition

Previous Thread: Teaser Trailer 1: youtube.com/watch?v=PlQqri1FuRQ
Teaser Trailer 2: youtube.com/watch?v=YYalTMkOGQU

Malign Portents Website is up!


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>another order battletome






Post your paints!
Guess armies based on peoples paints?

Don't worry after that is Chaos.

>trailer plays on elf fags and their cries for elves
>they listen to them before Death gets any new release




>MFW Aelves are more of a priority than death
Ha ha ha, eat my bone death fags

Actually looks semi-decent. Consider me mildly interested. This is the first Battletome that doesn't look like a pile of shit.

>new aelves
>use a fucking Samecast eternal for op general pic
Oh hey GW. didn't know you posted here

>Naga and Harpies and Blood Elves
Much WoW

tfw just bought 80 skeletons and heard the rumors from legions

Wow so nice i dont really like aelves but daemonic hybrid witches could be great

10 post made before the meme meisters and lel I trell strike again.


You have three options available.
>Paint them up as ghosties and put three on a base for Spirit Hosts
>Tomb Kangz


>10:37 – 40K Codexes should all be done in less than a year

Jokes on you. Dont buy a npc faction

>tfw Settra actually got the last laugh

tomb kangz arent even legal anymore are they?



so that's another rumor engine solved.
and does this mean theres going to be less "elf when" shitposting in these threads now?

Yep we Aelves are definitely good guys, nothing like Chaos at all.
On the plus side, snake tits.

Holy SHIT my wallet is going to be BTFO

>You wanted Aelves
>You got THEM

Seriously is like GW is pissing us on purpose whats next? More Samecast shit?

I think so, but by the looks of it the Death players will just step up their shitposting game to compensate.

Part. 1
>Herald on Disc or Foot
I think he really shines on foot. When you take him on the disc he trades “Fortune and Fate” for an additional 11” to his movement, alongside trading his unique spell “Pink Fire of Tzeentch” for “Blue Fire of Tzeentch” (although Blue Fire has an easier casting value, the damage does not compare to Pink Fire). I find he becomes overall less killy and very underwhelming when not taken on foot. The only time I could see taking a Herald on Disc or Burning Chariot is if you need more unique spells to get around the 1st Rule of One (each spell can be attempted only once per turn rather than once per wizard per turn. For example, after you have attempted to cast Arcane Bolt, you cannot attempt to cast it again in the same turn, even if a model has an ability that would normally allow it to cast the same spell more than once).

>I'm confused on if I should run my herald on Disc, or on foot. On Disc, he can backup the flamers/screamers, on foot, he backs up the Pinks. Which is best?
I generally go with him being on Foot, as the two units that make maximum usage of him are Flamers and Pinks, he’ll generally always be within range of one of them or both. The real juggle is having the appropriate units within range of your Aura of Mutability.
As for Screamers the only time I find you’ll be wanting a “complimentary” Daemon Hero is when they’re making an initial run towards an objective. But once they go hunting for warmachines, wizards, and monsters they usually end up getting bogged down which only ties up your Daemon Hero.

I liked the line you had never seen them like this before. Yes we had the Dark Elves were like this.

Also they make no sense as Order.

There are two brand spanking new dwarf factions. How little dwarf related shitposting is there in these threads?

Part. 2
>Ogroid Thaumaturge
He does have a pretty sweet model, you can always try to shoehorn him in if desired. I recommend giving him Infusion Arcanum or Treacherous Bond, I.A. making him killier and T.A. making him tankier. Also, make sure not to use the summoning derived from his Fireblast, as it’s exceptionally wonky (and currently not capable of replenishing preexisting horrors).

>How's the rest of the list looking? I'm real excited to get started.
Seeing as to how you’re basing your growing forces from the SC! DoT I say not bad. The SC! Is really the ultimate way to expand your forces due to its price efficiency (even better if you have a FLGS that’s runs price off).

Why are you mad? Aelf players have been posting about wanting models for months, and now they have some. There isn't really any reason to get mad at this just because its a meme that only stormcast get models.

brace yourself for
>muh classic potato sack mini-faction of two elf units is the best thing in the game and isnt getting any attention

Part. 2
>Ogroid Thaumaturge
He does have a pretty sweet model, you can always try to shoehorn him in if desired. I recommend giving him Infusion Arcanum or Treacherous Bond, I.A. making him killier and T.A. making him tankier. Also, make sure not to use the summoning derived from his Fireblast, as it’s exceptionally wonky (and currently not capable of replenishing preexisting horrors).

>How's the rest of the list looking? I'm real excited to get started.
Seeing as to how you’re basing your growing forces from the SC! DoT I say not bad. The SC! Is really the ultimate way to expand your forces due to its price efficiency (even better if you have a FLGS that’s runs price off).

Jesus Christ OP and you wonder why people hate SCE

Also what do these runes say? who knows elf?

>but I dont like witch elves because reasons... they arent as good as the other kind of elves that I like

I wish GW would just grow a pair and move DoK out of Order. Doesn't make sense thematically, far too many order factions as it is.

That said, still pretty hyped for these gals.

>but where are muh deep one sea elves?

>was just about to buy the Skeleton Horde box because the mortachs give me a boner and I'm not enjoying my ghouls in FEC
>all this new shit hits

I'm not sure what I should do now.

says very clearly "dwarfs is a shits"


more order armies means more SCE allies since SCE ally with any order keyword

If they did that, they'd kind of have to be in a Grand Alliance with only the other Dark Elf factions, which I don't think is a good idea. I think Order is the least bad fit for them.

This general doesn't deserve posters like you

>LEGACY faction getting supported.

More Empire/Disapossessed Shitpost.

So, these guys are exploring Shadespire to find some damn pants, right?

>Blood Wrath Fury Grace Murder Glory Slaughter Vengeance

Move Morathi Aelves to destruction.

The guy who called Custodes and morathi weeks ago says we are getting 2 elf factions

>hate chaos (slaneesh)
>helped sigmar build the pantheon and rescue the other gods
>not death
>not mindless destruction
Order is the only one that makes sense

please buy the box so I wont feel as bad with my purchade yesterday of 12, 5 count skeleton boxes

i like the fyreslayer aesthetic but they really should have done more to differentiate the units from each other

I'm hyped for these guys, mostly because I play Fyreslayers in AoS, and Shadespire is my favorite board game currently.

idk whether I should model my Runeson with a jav or an axe.

Tbh I like the axe bc it'd be easier to pack up but dat javelin

Absolutely, and I get that showing a willingness to move factions around would be opening a can of worms. I guess it's just highlighting again that only having four grand alliances, while working well from a marketing point of view, is a clunky as hell

People who said morathi was going to be the slaanesh's replacement in the chaos pantheon proved wrong?

I run mine with the javelin, and the only issue seems to be that nobody in my meta runs too many monsters, but its damage potential is too good to pass up.

nah broseph, that would be Ynnead not slaanesh, and its Malekith not morathi. try and keep up

>Tfw not enough money for lania elf release

time to part out some shit

Stop already with this meme shit


please don't post 40krap in my sigmar thread k?

Slaanesh isn't going anywhere

Aside from the Runefather everyone else look so generic, and boring. This is probably the worst looking Shadespire teams.

Speaking of them, anybody remember those rumors that the Lion Rangers were going to get models soonish?

They've been saying that they'll support all the current factions without removing them, nice to see some proof of it.

I think the main issue is how broadly the Order faction is defined but how restrictively the others are. Order is anything that wants what we would consider a functional society without everyone being a skeleton, which the DoK do fall into.

>somehow manage to look more samey than stormcast.
I do like the leader though

reminder that DoK will be exclusively played by males as females continue to only play seraphon

what about seraphon

theyre literally daemons, they dont care about society

>squatted factions
>getting new models

Well, the Slaan do have physical form, and were literally created for the purpose of aiding the Old Ones in the stabilization of the Old World, which sounds very orderly to me. Just because their foot soldiers are star-daemons created from their memories doesn't really take away from what they are fighting for.

they dont give a shit about order, they just want to destroy chaos

You are entirely too helpful my friend. Thank you. So far for my plans I want to run a Multitudinous Host or the Warpflame Host...I don't know. What are some of the more fun battalions to build towards? Also I can't seem to find the points for Warpflame Host. Did it get removed?

I'm excited to get started. Do you have any other hints or anything I would need to know, starting out? Best way to fiddle with Destiny Dice? It seems I'm best to just buy Start Collecting boxes, heroes, and Blues/Brims and that's about all I need to do, huh?


Well, which GA would you put them in?

>i like the fyreslayer aesthetic but they really should have done more to differentiate the units from each other

Naked Barbarian Psycho is a decent look, and that's the reason why Dwarf Slayers were such a long lasting staple, but it's something that works best in moderation.

Even in Storm of Chaos's Slayer Army they realized that you needed to break that shit up with Mercenary Pirates and a psycho with an ax machine gun.


My point is that your definition of what fights for "Order" is obviously too limited

Ok, is pic related Morathi or is she the big winged-snaked-thing that was teased Either is fine for me.

Ok, fair point.

should have at least bring back the mirror CAD dorf for meme value

>daughters of khaine have basic shooting infantry bitches

well that plugs one major hole that was making them shit on the table

Holy shit, that face is awful.

Both likely.

Theyre both Morathi

She has two models

What don't you like about it?
Seems fine to me.

I'd plug her major hole if you know what I mean

According to a rumor she transforms between them in battle, with elf for wizard, and giant monster for fighting.
Has there been any transforming unit other then Morathi in fantasy since the werewolves of 3rd?

I'm kind of interested to see how they'll perform on the table. They should still, in my opinion, be focused on a more aggressive style than they're Freeguild counterparts, and the implementation of that will be interesting to see.

>being this much of a crybaby bitch

Lore of beasts let you transform into a monster in 7th/8th. Or just 8th, I forget.

>muh diaz daemonettes
>muh combat females need to be sexy
>muh combat heels

>yfw they have a ‘swallowed whole’ ability

So what utterly retarded but copywrite friendly names do we think the new Aelf units are going to have?

seeing as how they are brand new with a brand new codex they will out preform anything freeguild has by a wide margin. count on it.

That's not what I meant, and you know it.

Probably just Ironjawz except more fleshed out. Or Ironjawz + Bonesplitterz.

Bloodarrow Sepentresses.

Wytch Harpies
Wytch Feinds
Wytch Fires
Wytch Slithers


>Want elf?
>Have uggo mutant bitches!

Fuck you give elf now!

Wrathscale Pikedaughters.