Why have Orcs been associated with rape in fantasy? What caused this trend? As far as I know, Tolkien specifically went out of his way not to say Orcs rape.
Why have Orcs been associated with rape in fantasy? What caused this trend? As far as I know...
Tolkien didn't create every single shred of orc lore, and 5e does say that half-orcs can now also be born from a loving union and not JUST rape, so that's something.
Alignment and the existence of Half-orcs basically. From there, it just kind of fell into place.
It's been a while, OP
Are you feeling okay?
Because of thier real world equivilants
>That last one
I'm just going to assume that's just his imagination rather than anything he managed to force people to play.
bad, evil guys usually rape
Orcs are bad evil guys
I don't see the problem here.
Do you have a problem with rape in general in fantasy settings?
Personally I had never heard of orcs raping more than any other evil race. Not sure where you're getting this "Association" from.
Indians? Serbs? literally any armed forces?
japan once again is to blame for something shit. They invented rapist pig-orcs and flooded their markets with it until, like rats bearing the plague weebs bought nippons poison ideas back to the real world
people always like to say everyone did it to make it seem less bad
Christ, you're a delusional idiot.
Orcs are associated with savagery, and rape is right at the top of the "signs you're uncivilized" stack. The fact that they're constantly at war only draws on this more, because "they're war criminals who rape and pillage" is as simple as it gets.
Soldiers don't usually rape the woman of the places they occupy in fantasy fiction, though, so Orcs end up as the only ones who do it (because they're not soldiers, they're monsters)
Like most bad Japanese fantasy ideas, they stole it whole cloth from D&D and exaggerated it to ridiculous proportions.
Well, they do stand for brown people...
>They invented rapist pig-orcs
When, exactly, did they do this?
orc = savage
rape = savage
Because of cucks and their fetishes
A violent tribal and stupid race of brutes fond of rape.
Orcs are niggers, you dumb shit.
I never implied it was "less bad" its awful. I just listed some "real world" rapists. Indians are known for being pretty ruthless (they raped that girl to death in a bus a few years back - one high profile case among thousands). Rape is incredibly common in wartime, especially before the Geneva convention.
Name a more well-known humanoid race that fits the raging barbarian image perfectly but is completely distinct from a human.
Only then you will get your answer.
Racism and anti-masculine sexism from feminists
Orcs are based and only nu-males and soyboys hate them.
This looks like a picture from the original Art of World of Warcraft book. Anyone else know what I'm talking about?
Would you date an orc a la Pocahontas , anons?
Female orc?
Yes, hell yes
because niggers
You're not worried about their barbaric customs?
They most likely do not practice safe sex
they also most likely smell like death
What the fuck does soyboy even mean?
Is it the new "Anything I don't like" insult?
I mean the line, "literally any armed forces" when not all armed forces did int he past (many did though).
a marginally newer version of "nu-male"
Yeah but if I were to live in a fantasy world, I would date one if not to experiment with.
Just the ones that are civilized of course so I wouldn't get raped and murdered.
Retards think that the plant estrogen in soybean-derived foodstuffs can turn people effeminate. Because it's plant estrogen, this is an impossibility; it doesn't work the same way as estrogen from animals and our bodies ignore it.
Snu snu user
Also fantasy setting, you just specified female orc, so I'm just going to fill in the blanks with my 10/10 green amazon femdom waifu
It's not completely impotent, just far less than mammalian estrogen. But you're right in principal, plant estrogen analogs are not physiologically meaningful at least in typical food stuffs. Soy does not turn men feminine, feminine men choose to consume soy
to make them sound more evil than the average PC.
I mean they're supposed to be bad guys but if you take out the rape stuff they're actually pretty civilized and reasonable compared to most PCs
I was gonna try and give a real reply, but holy shit, OP, you have an unhealthy fixation and should take your medication.
I can't help it, it's my fetish. I fear I may be autistic too.
>nu males and soyboys
think again heretic
Orcs are considered evil and savage
Its savage and evil to commit rape
I love these orc threads.
As a diagnosed autistic, you've got nothing to worry about.
Cuckposters are the absolute worst.
What rapes the female Orcs?
Honestly, probably male orcs.
Muslim refugees.
Like half of the refugees are Black Christians.
Huh, good work third post user.
Found the buttmad rapefugee apologist.
>North African
If they were really Christian refugee they would be the ones from the middle east. Some orthadox kurds. Coptic Egyptians. Catholic soccotrians / yemites.
Back to /pol/.
I blame Japan
It's your fault for bombing their countries, Amerimongrel.
>you just specified female orc,
>so I'm just going to fill in the blanks with my 10/10 GREEN amazon femdom waifu
Insult for people who eat soy based products and are generally effeminate
Larger, more amazonain female orc
>they attacks our country
>we strike back
>"Stop bombing our countries!"
>americans BTFO Abdul
>rescue his sex slaves
>proceed to cook them, feed them to POW's.
>laugh as muhammed is forced to eat his goatwife
>his entire family moves to london, rapes everything in arms reach
Let me laugh harder.
because weebs
>destabilize the Middle East
>invade countless nations to kill "dictators" and hunt "terrorists",
>why are they fleeing lol
Fucking kike puppet.
Cite your sources, rape apologist.
They mistranslated english stuff to Japanese.
Pipe down, Hitler
he's right, most of the rapefugees are nigger christcucks, along with mudslimes. abrahamic religion is cancer and needs to be wiped out. christcucks to the oven.
>implying we're going to stop
>he doesnt like mudslimes durka durking foreign countries
O i m laffin.
Please start by nuking Germany, France, and Sweden
Why does this always fucking happen
>Constantly bombs the dictators who keep the Middle East stable for the sake of Israel and Saudi Arabia
Fucking Amerigoblins, the best goys on the Earth. Eat shit.
Try to make sense next time.
>Why have Orcs been associated with rape in fantasy?
Cause D&D got popular in Japan
No, no guys. You are all doing it wrong. You're supposed to tell fake stories about orc rapes in you nonexistent campaigns.
Eat nukes, mudslime!
>doesnt realize that we know we're the badguys
>we dont care, cause fuck mudslimes
>he thinks we did it FOR israel and tne emirates
>doesnt realize we used them for an excuse
Theres a reason we call your hometown the sandbox. You're a test bed. We train soldiers by letting them kill your family, just in case your daddy ivan decides he feels froggy.
>abrahamic religion
You spelled Africans wrong.
You are literally allied with the worst Muslims, Saudi Arabia, and Jews, Israel. Fucking retarded Americans. Enjoy fighting for Greater Israel and Greater Saudi Arabia.
Russia is actually trying to put an end to the American destabilization and invasions in the region, that's why the Amerijews are so mad at them.
it is spelled "Niggers"
Eat shit and die, Nazi
>being against Salafists and Zionists makes me a Nazi now
The absolute state of Ameriburgers.
>mad at vatniks
>thinking we give a shit
R..russia stronk...
>Why have Orcs been associated with rape in fantasy? What caused this trend?
It's a good question. Really, I think it's only because orcs are supposed to be evil and monstrous, so them raiding some place isn't enough in a setting where even the PCs operate on the principle of kill stuff and take their money. Thus they must do things exceeding that, which means that they rape and/or eat their captives etc.
It sure is lucky that it's all a made up fantasy.
They are the same thing
itt: /pol/
Trump is a Zionist shill. Literally his first foreign policy visits were to Saudi Arabia and Israel. Absolute top goy.
Iran and its allies will prevail over the American-Jew-Saudi alliance and you can't do shit.
>Trump is a Zionist shill.
More proof that liberals are literal Nazis
based orc poster
what soyboys think soyboy means
what it actually means
probably warcraft porn
Can you imagine if warhammer orcs raped people?
I wouldn't have thought to do this. Posters like you give me hope for this board.
This means the most soy men are the lactose tolerant ones who drink real milk.
Regis approved