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Protests to, IIRC, Beijing hosting the Olympics.
Nazi germany DID host the olympics.
This could probably use a better filename.
>37 posts
>only 5 posters
Guess I gotta contribute, then.
Aww, he kept my name recommendation. Thanks senpai.
Where is this from?
It was a good one kohai.
game called Long Live the Queen. It's on Steam
Long Live The Queen.
Thanks a lot.
Which is which?
Top one also has cat ears
If you want to play that, be forewarned:
The developer specializes in games that have so many fucking branching paths with so many flags that intertwine, reconnect, and fake-reconnect that you straight up can't actually glean anything from walkthroughs and guides after an hour of playtime.
And all with really low-end anime-style art assets that really should have been made by a professional artist.
It's not that bad. The hilarious failure states are most of the fun. Reaching the "true" ending isn't really the point of the game.
>The hilarious failure states are most of the fun. Reaching the "true" ending isn't really the point of the game.
So it's like Fate Stay/Night?
Haven't played, so I dunno.
Is that Santa Muerte?
Hey, I agree, for the most part.
It's just generally not what you get from the "kind-of a dating sim resource management visual novel thing" genre, especially western entries to that, which usually only really have the meat of the content when you are playing semi-optimally.
Long Live the Queen is probably the best game by the dev (Hanako Games, I think is the name. Google search bar is too far away to check). However, I have to give mad props to the Harry-Potter-but-with-more-weeaboo dating sim game they made, which fills the same niche while also making you really feel like a cute magical girl. That also has a ton of deaths and endings and branches within branches.
Yeah. You can tell because it literally says Santa Muerte on it, on the ribbon she's standing over.
Ha, didn't even look at that. It just seemed like it was from Wildlands.
rare snowpuppers
>no connection to tabletop games
>even less connection to reality
Yeah, the filename really needs an update to #MeToo.gif or Aziz Ansari's Dating Life.gif
What was this one called again?
>Sir Bearington
Is this Dominions?
This isn't for real right?
Did he die?
it is, his wife left him or something so obviously the best course of action was to shoot himself in the goddamn heart, ensuring a slow, incredibly painful death.
You can tell he's a pathetic attention whore too because he decided his suicide needed to be done in public so everyone can tell just how sad he was.
Oh, thank you, i thought it was by mistake.
He waltzed out of there after another 6 pack of beer and high fiving some broskis.
5.56 is designed to wound, sillybilly. Ofcourse he didnt die.
Gore shit shouldn't be posted on a blue board.
Also he didn't look too much in pain, standing completely still until he passed out from blood loss. And the bleeding seemed very slow compared to a heart shot. I think he missed.
If he died this should definitely not be on a blue board.
>If he died this should definitely not be on a blue board.
How does the fact that he died influence this? Wither you can't post gore or you can, what difference does it make if he died or not?
If someone was just injured it can be considered news reporting to some extent, even though the content is somewhat disturbing.
Having a video of a person dying however is definitely super fucking disturbing and shouldn't be on a SFW board.
Of course he didn't, it was a hoax, all people that were injured or "died" were crisis actors.
That whole thing conveniently distracted the global attention from various more important things and put the ire back on white people and gun owners.
user, this isn't /b/, shit like this isn't cool on blue boards by rote.
A-at least I try playing a different race and class each time with slightly altered appearance!
Why is it bad to play the same or similar characters in different games?
Not really Veeky Forums but I like it
Ossan half>shoujo half
Sorta, much more control as you can choose skills rather than making binary choices.
KT's leopard in the panties drawer is still my favourite bad end from TM
It's fine, you still ocaisionally see the scaffolding retards who get fried. Death is not an indicator of whether it's blue or not, hell most of our board is dedicated to death in any number of ways. The only thing that matters is how graphic it is, and that's not graphic at all, only a black spot and a blood flow.
Death is an indicator of whether its or its not sfw.
Are you baiting here or can you really not see the difference between death being roleplayed and an actual living person dying.
If it was a heart shot there wouldn't be much blood because there's be no blood pressure to causing weeping.
Also he probably felt jack shit that sort of thing usually puts you in a state of shock.
Oh sure, there's a difference. But death itself isn't nsfw. Just graphic death
If it's the same group but different games thats just assholish if it's between different groups it's just lazy. Both are looked down on under standard morality and expectations regardless of the activity or situation when it comes to groups.
Wasn't she raised by this wolfpack?
Depicting the death of an actual human being whether graphic or not is definitely nsfw.
Unless you're working in medical or forensics.
Dunno, i feel like NSFW refers to how much of an issue it is if someone passes by and sees you watching it. If we go by that there is no way someone dying of old age is less SFW then someone having his leg sawed off during a surgical operation.
But what if one likes playing a certain character archetype and not another?
I mean there's only so many variations on "short drunkard brawler with a heart of gold" that one person can come up with.
Also, i for example get invested in characters, and try to have actual backstories and personalities for them not just "dwarf fighter lol and we'll see where we go from there during the game. maybe he gets a personality"
Also why is it assholish to play the same character in different games with the same group?
>work at white collar office
>tell boss he has to come see this asshole
>show him webm
>asks why the asshole did that and there of all places
>show him
>boss just laughs
>says "wow, what an asshole."
>shoot the shit about why not just kill the wife instead for the next few minutes until some asshole fucked up collating somehow and had to go be eaten out by boss
Confirmed work safe.
I kinda doubt it aren't most feral kids impossible to properly reintegrate into society