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Fuck Tok
Exceptionally flattered that my CYOA is OP's pic.
I'll be monitoring the new thread: suggestions, input, criticism, encouraged.
One of you was kind enough to express an interest in Gods/Blessing and some Race options, but would love to hear what you other guys would like to see or things that might improve it.
he'd probably like that though.
>Novice Witch (Conjuration)
>Dual Talents: Shamanism
>Dual Talents: Necromancy
>Magic Island
Conjuration: summon and bind spirits/other beings
Shamanism: channel/communicate with spirits
Necromancy: manipulate and alter spirits' remains
I feel like I've got my bases pretty well covered to be a successful necrurge of some sort, and while my apprentice's resulting respect level of 6 isn't quite the 16 you could get min-maxing, I think I would be able to instruct her successfully. The magic island would be real neat, and (assuming I'm a successful "master" wizard) I could always get other accommodations if I felt like it. At the very least, I wouldn't want to live at the beck and call of royalty. I don't care how lavish a palatial life might be. I intend to gather unfulfilled spirits and give them little vignettes of life, or let them work around until they're tired and ready to move on. It will be the first spirit rehab center/corpse sanctuary. Earnest witch apprentice + flying island + benevolent necromancy... sounds like the setup to a Miyazaki film.
Fun little CYOA, definitely has a nice charm to it. I'm tempted to deduct points for the obligatory "lewd the little girl" option, but then again, this is /cyoag/, who am I kidding.
good 'ol 40k
its Australia Day here in Dingo Island and iv'e blitzed drunk on Bundaberg rum since around 2pm, hope you are all having a great day /cyoag/!
Vampire Queen
Bag of Holding
Fallen Star
Alright I'm game
Pit Cleric
>Ally Kingdoms
None. This path I walk alone.
Dragon Tunic - fashioned into a duster
Alien Ray gun - we're fudging this one to fit with tone. Its not a alien ray gun, it's a 6 gun.
Centaur Shoe - A man on his own could always use a little luck.
I don't know where the Preacher came from. All I know is he leaves misery in his wake. That's all the reason I need to hunt him down.
Speaking of cancer what's he working on next?
Stop celebrating Invasion Day.
t. abo
>still salty about being conquered by a technologically superior society
welcome to the losing side of history, you damn savages
>Polearm, Shield, Brawling
>Unflinching, Tactician
>Chastity Rune, Watcher Rune, Comfort Rune
>Repulsor, Atlas
>Absorbent, Weathered, Feather
>Toughness 3 (8)
>Natural Weapons 1
>Wings 1
>Breath Weapon 3 (6)
>Regeneration 3 (3)
>Strength 2 (1)
>Speed 1(0)
>Ward Cataclysm
>Heal Totem
>Band of Mercenaries and Fellows
>The Battlemage, The Shieldmaiden, The Longbowman, The Summoner, The Bombadier, The Repenting Samurai, The Fairy
As a rule, I'm the first in, and the last out of any conflict. My offensive abilities are rather limited, but I try to make up for it with my abilities as a tactician, my sheer implacability, and creating openings in the guard of profound opponents with my gift of wrenching absurdly large objects away from them. As I form the front line, I enable those with me to do their work unmolested, which is of particular benefit to the Summoner, the Longbowman, and the Bombadier, though I also enable the Samurai to fight all the more ferociously without fear of dying before his redemption is earned.
>Newtype 75
>Future Century 45
>A.L.I.C.E 35
>God Finger 15
>Trans Am 5
>Ranba Ral 0
>Rinko Iori -5
>Lockon Stratos -10
>Rain Mikamura -20
>Puru, plus 5 more Purus. 3 Marida upgrades. -30
>Zechs, with Mashymre as a lieutenant.
Well, we've got a mostly female cast with one guy guaranteed to die halfway through. How bad could this go?
I gots another one
>Ally Kingdoms
Avalon and Goliard
Troll Serape, Minotaur's Horn, A Pit
Legatus Drusus - Former Legate commander from Goliard, commanding soldiers mostly recruited from Avalon on a doomed crusade to retake Cannakill from the heretics and the undead. Blighted by leprosy during the campaign. Also began hearing the voices in the dark whispering foul blasphemy and heresy. When discovered was excommunicated as a heretic. Believes this is a test from God and will redouble his efforts to destroy the undead and purge the evil from this land.
I've never seen this, is it recent?
dumping a few personal favourites
Sakura best girl
>Best Friends 8
>Yuri Undertones 7
>Middle School 5
>D-d-date, Resort, Cheerleaders 3
>Be Attractive, Great Cook 0
I'm attractive, but not in a masculine way at all. It turns out this Anastasia thinks it's particularly decadent to have all kinds of girly fun, but with a boy! Of course, Anastasia decided I needed a disguise, so got to work promptly making sure nobody would question the two cute girls hanging out together.
Anastasia's a bit confusing, honestly. She says she doesn't like dudes, then dolls me up and can't get off me. I think she's just a pervert.
Personally? I don't care about stupid shit like that. I'm gonna be a goddamn banker. The banker with the best complexion you've ever seen, 'cuz even dudes get mileage out of product, and having a wife is great, even if she's nuts.
Last one for now.
The Vampire Queen
>Ally Kingdoms
Cannakill alone so far but rumors of him have spread to Avalon, and are whispered in Goliard.
Homunculi x 2 and Fallen Star
The Broken Man
Human turned Undead. Has been lashed to a breaking wheel. His limbs forever broken and useless, all he can do is speak. Uses his amazing oratory skills and intellect to inspire an undead revolution to overthrow the Vampire Queen. Seen as a messianic figure to his followers. Has two Homunculi servants. The first a young woman who acts as his handmaid to attend to his daily needs. The second a hulking undead guardian who carries the post his wheel is affixed to around.
Nothing. He's just fapping right now, no WiP.
I don't think you are meant to be able to take 'Dual Talents' boon twice.
A month or something ago. The issue was that the original file is a few pixels too long for Veeky Forums, getting a few issues with the upload and resolution ... which is why this one has been split in two.
>Sweet Angels
>Wild Niece
>Bathing Time
>Evil Step mother
>Cecilly, Nina
>Beth, Harriet
Looks like I'm picking up another job, 'cuz I've got a house of hungry mouths to feed. But it's okay. I've always wanted kids, and I've always wanted to help them do their absolute best.
The presence of a parent in the lives of children is important, so my second job will have to be something I can do from home. People seem to be extra illiterate nowadays. Maybe I'll look into becoming an editor?
Whatever happens, my priority is my children. Yes, my ex-wife's sisters kid is in my home, so she's my child as wel.
Most of them seem to have some strange ideas about what is going to be occurring in my home. Most of them seem convinced I'm going to sexually assault them, or something similarly horrible. I do admit, sometimes I pat Cecilly a bit much, but otherwise little is further from my mind. After all, what kind of father would I be if any of my children developed emotional scars?
I've had a talk with the older ones, and made it clear that that won't be happening. Dee seemed a bit leery, but Beth and Harriet seem to understand.
They also seem to have believed I had a wicked second wife who would do similarly horrible things to them. No second wife, and the woman who I think they were talking about is just Mrs. McKinsy, the 11th grade English teacher. She's married, though she is a bit of a hardass, and she comes over sometimes so we can collaborate and make sure our lesson plans work well together. Make sure she knows what my 10th graders are leaving with, and what the next ones should have.
I've still got a lot of work ahead of me. My daughters all seem to have developed some strange complexes that I need to help coach them through. For starters, Cecilly needs to be weaned off headpats, and begin to rely on her own self-assurances.
Well, maybe not for starters. It isn't hurting anything now, and it can wait for some of the others.
Proper lady(Alicia)
Evil Stepmother(Kathy)
Bathing Time(Lilia)
Wild Niece(Dee-Dee)
I've done this one before, but today I think I've found the perfect build.
What is your deepest darkest secret?
I follow both /cyoag/ and /jc/.
I find masturbating to CYOAs more interactive than regular porn.
I wish /d/ posted the Trap Hotel/Island CYOAs more often
Traps are not my favourite thing, sadly.
I'm not one to shove traps in peoples faces, but 2d are okay in masturbation sense.
>I'm not one to shove traps in peoples faces
I'm glad you think so, and I don't hate them or anything. They can be hot, I just find myself not enjoying dedicated trap settings/scenarios as much as a non-trap ones, or ones where traps are included optionally for variety.
If traps are optional in a CYOA then it's completely okay by me, I just never want to be the trap myself and to only fuck them; I never want to actually be the trap.
As long as traps aren't forced into a CYOA then I'm fine.
Guys, Its obviously not an abbo, I mean, the evidence is RIGHT THERE
I don't mind pretending to be a trap in a CYOA, but I dislike it when the world is all traps or the only fuckable options are traps. I mean I don't complain about those CYOAs, I just don't play them.
>I wish /d/ posted Trap Hotel/Island CYOAs
Unlikely to happen because of that one mod's efforts of purging text.
Also the available versions of those CYOAs are either not that good or unpostable in /trash/ (in some cases both).
I like SDA as a person. When he's not drunk.
Judging by how evenly spread people's picks always are, this is superb.
What the fuck.
Lughichi shares more or less the same major as me so...
Hard to choose from the factions.
The giants seem okay enough and i like the idea of them living in peach with people (Warhammers imperial and mootland ogres come to mind.)
The Nords have decent reason to try and reclaim old lands since they were the ones chased off in the past.
Montpellier is just an opportunist but since we are up against armies led by literal demons giving her prisoners who deserve such a fate would not be an issue.
Lord Pilecki needs someone around to help keep the darkness at bay andhey good to have the just and uncorrupted as allies.
Marching mercs have the right idea of guerrilla warfare when against so many foes on all sides and seem a good sort.
And of course the band of friendship and fellows is just the right touch of guaranteed good and vague enough to be taken to suit any situation.
Could other alliances be made after the initial 2? Want to reform Woadheim as a confederacy where each largely handle their own aside from a few central laws. Nords get their land, Giants get settling rights, so on so forth.
What's the cyoa where you can replace your own parts? It asks you to choose 5 different ones.
(page 1/2)
Page 2/2.
Thanks. Didn't know it got updated.
Why did I die so young?! I had so much to do!!!... wait, Woadheim?... uh, yeah, that's where I'm from, Woadheim (anything to get away from those crazy cultists!)
>Motivation: Ambition
Go big or go home
>Combat Skills: Bows, Throwing, Bludgeon
If it's far, bow
If it's close, chakram
If it got this close, it must be heavily armored, so mace
>Mental Traits: Trainer, Tactician
Guerrilla warfare is best warfare
>Demonic Runes: Chastity, Cleansing, Watcher
... fine
Guerrilla warfare means moving a lot, sleeping in the wilderness. So these runes are essential
>Enchantments: Not yet you don't! My ribs are still burning from all those holes your cultists made in me!
>Bow: Barbs and Seeker
Wounded soldiers slow down an army's charge better
>Chakram: Chill and Seeker
Stun-locking to I put some distance
>Mace: Resurrect and Vampire
All battles are of attriotion
>Armour: Seamless, Cooled, Unhindered
Gonna be fighting, hiking, and shooting a lot
>Avatar Form: least let us have a ceremony first! Sigh, Amorphous
Imagine Venom, but no pissy hosts required... oh wait, I'm the host
>Speed: 3
Sonic booms weaponized
>Toughness: 2
Thank god (not YOU!) for kiting
>Regeneration: 3
juust in case
>Breath Weapon(liquid nitrogen): 3
Easy clean up(evaporation), works on every body that requires heat to function
I'm also assuming I'm immune to my breath weapon, which is one of the few weaknesses associated with my form
>Wings: 3
Literal kiting, here I come
>Spells: !@#$ YES I WANT MAGIC!
>Southern Nights(Cataclysm): Harm(lightning), Pull
It will rain men and lightning
>Shock Troops(Cataclysm): Fortify, Chameleon
Buff my forces before an ambush
>Factions:'re kidding, right?!
>The Marching Mercenaries
Numbers, check! Training(skill), check! Guerrilla army, move out!
>Grr... The Hidden Blade of Woadheim
I wanna ______ Mr Holly!!!!
Well this is a step up from my time hitchhiking.
A pickup truck is more my style. I kinda want to solo this anyway and I need to stash my gear.
>small items
Walkman, 100%. I need my music.
Phone charm seems necessary.
Dog whistle is nice. Shame he can't come with me though.
>large items
Imperishable duffel is too damn useful to pass up.
Very cool cooler will save me a lot of hassle.
Acoustic guitar is what I had with me when I went hitching anyway. Not a bad way to earn change for the laundromat.
Comfy sleeping bag makes everything better.
Emergency kit is the perfect problem solver. Assuming the religious symbol includes a smudge stick I should be fine against anything really spooky, and the gun helps.
Gas can means I'll never get stuck. Just means I can take breaks and get free gas.
You know what, I'm not taking anyone. I'm saving my seat for hitchhikers. Paying it forward.
Natural wonders are what I want to see and I'm not afraid of nature spirits. I've dealt with them before.
Serenity and silence are what I want. Towns should be a reward for moving forward, and I'm here to taste the land camping anyway.
Hitchhikers are the main attraction. Like I said, paying it forward. I think I'm sharp enough not to pick up death. If death himself decides my time has come, though, then so be it.
I highly recommend everyone here hitchhike at least once. You might learn something.
>cuddly onee-san literature major with long black hair
I feel like Sakura was made specifically to hurt me.
Nothing stopping me from lewding her after she graduates and ceases to be my apprentice.
>The Sister
Nifsara thought having me drop down from the sky to the altar of a church would be delightfully symbolic. She may or may not have missed the fact that the church was about to be looted by the Wehrknecht. After a short slaughter, Sister Irena timidly approached me and asked if I was an angel, or just an idiot that was playing in the rafters (not in those exact words).
She'll provide much needed healing to our troops
>The Templar
Right as we were exiting the church, Norman barged in, hammer flailing. After Sister Irene healed his ears and bones (note to self: tackles at max speed are very effective), he decided to join us until we got the children somewhere safe.
>The Giantess
Norman had another town he wished to evacuate. We found Lobog among the ruins, gathering toys for the children to play with. Our groups joined each other, and we headed towards the haunted forest.
>The Wolfmaster
While sleeping in the forest, my Watcher Rune woke me up, and I saw a shadow in the trees. Eva's bones were healed by Sister Irene (I covered her ears this time), and we were introduced to Gottfried Rommel, leader of The Marching Mercenaries. We finally had a safe haven.
>The Mutant Child
During a supply raid on one of the Butai 731's sawmills, the walls exploded, and out came a very angry mutant child. The freak withstood my max speed tackle, mistook it for a hug, and was so starved for affection he hugged me back and cried. He's been with us ever since.
>The King's Daughter and The Bombardier
They joined us after hearing of our exploits... ok, fine! The Hidden Blade of Woadheim approached me with information about them, as an apology for what their brothers from another dimension did to me... bootlickers!
And that's all I'll say about our adventures. You can get the rest from my companions. Now if you don't mind, Nifsara's been expecting me for a very long time...
Blood and Demons
I could bless food with the restoration aspects and give it to my knight who will in turn find it easy to recruit an army once they see it's power that I can also give all of them. Traveling with footsteps should also speed up this process. Setup the army and knight with the restorative food and be elsewhere while shit goes down, he should be able to handle things.
So what's the point of CYOA?
What's there beyond just creating your own character ?
They're good to get ideas from for table top games. Cool settings, interesting characters for NPCs. Can inspire writing and or world building. Some times they're just comfy or nostalgic and fun to read.
[spoilers]Also waifus. lots and lots of waiufs[/spoiler]
Motivations for coming here vary. Some people look at CYOAs as puzzles to be solved, and enjoy finding creative solutions to them. Some people use them as ideas for games. Some people are just here for escapist fantasy. There's probably more, but I think those are the most common kinds of people who come here.
I shitpost when I'm bored.
I'm almost always bored.
They provide a kickoff point from which you can start imagining doing something you couldn't otherwise. Character creation is a pretty reliable way to do that. Certain topics like waifus and super powers are popular and easy to make but there's really no limit to their diversity.
I personally really like the ones that spend time on world-building and give you more context within which you can use your gifts. Good writing is generally key.
>good writing is generally key
While right that's useless advice.
True, but there's not really much I could do short of telling people to put more emphasis there. It's not advice so much as something to note. Most of the CYOAs I've really liked were more text-heavy and very expressively written, but that's just me.
Montpellier could be given the undead you raise using your resurrection weapon enchantment
Vampire queen
Alumni ring
Bag of holding
Dragon tunic
Motivation: Penance
I was weak and that's why I died, I now must become strong and as such I will march the long march, or die.
Cleansing Rune
Comfort Rune
Against All Odds
The Wall
Blood and Guts
>Avatar Form
Strength: 3
Speed: 2
Toughness: 3
Regeneration: 3
Raw Material: 3
1st: Missile: Heal + Fortify
2nd: Cataclysm: Harm + Criple
Magic is for the weak, but one must not leave money on the table.
>Factions & Companions
Allied with: The Legate's Legion and The Hidden Blade of Woadheim
Using the very well disciplined Legion I can take over the world and using the Blades I can keep my grip. It won't be easy, or pretty as my foes are too fanatical to want or deserve mercy.
Companions: The Sister, The King's Daughter, The Mutant Child, The Battlemage, The Longbowman, The Templar, The Wolfmaster
The Sister can tend to everyone's wounds and boost morale.
The Templar can act as bullwark against threats to the unit morale.
Infantile strength over here can help me take down titans and will be forever loyal.
The Battlemage and Longbowman can act as fine sergeants and their competitive nature will help draw out the cream of the crop.
The King's Daughter is a fine political tool for taking over the kingdom as she will give me legitimacy.
The Wolfmaster I took because it why not, Legion doesn't know what a Horse is so maybe with her help I can have a mounted legion.
Any good sci-fi CYOA about at the moment?
I miss stuff like Stardust, Spessrefuge and PACYOA
pic related the only CYOA you need
I'm working on a CYOA that would be called Scifi, but not space opera.
This one here might be more to your liking, there's a lot more to it than just waifu building.
but the legion only likes their emperor.
I did not think of that. Good point.
Deadline for the Collab is February 5th. I guess I should remind everyone that it's only one submission per person. Submit your own here:
Once you've submitted, save the link to edit your form and stay tuned. I'll use the space below for contacting you if you haven't provided another means.
To the author of Zlatbisa: I repeat, your submission is FAR TOO LONG. I am unable to add it in in its current state. I may have additional concerns, but I'd like to start with the obvious question of length. If you have not kept the link to edit your form, resubmitting is fine.
To the submitter from the end of last thread: Thanks, and I appreciate your honesty in that situation. I'll look forward to your CYOA!
God i miss /cyoa/
Here's a teaser list of submissions, with the intent of keeping everyone's work unique:
Well, this one has slightly less waifufaggotry than most and is right up there
>cockaigne, cannakill, alfheim
>ray gun, fallen star, alumni ring
I'm gonna fucking prove to all of you piece of shit druid loving kingdoms what pieces of shit druids are, when I, the bestest wizard, save you from this smelly hippy and murder him brutally
I'm assuming you're taking over the world in the name of the Legate's emperor? That's the only way they'll follow you.
Also, I'm a little fuzzy on how taking over the world or being strong counts as penance; especially when you're just putting it in the hands of another.
>All these stretched pictures
ooo user, ouch stop it.
Sorry, I didn't make Space Opera Battle Waifu, I just enjoy it.
If it's any consolation, I usually avoid stretching images in my own work.
TokHaar here, Update to Dungeons and Deviants! Version 1.4! Censored version now has images!
>3 New Perks!
Saw that I had some space left on page 3 and thought why not add 3 more options?
>The cost of all Supreme Talents have been reduced to 15 from 20.
Supreme Talents where oddly priced compared to everything else.
>Demonology references Dark Ritual, you can now make your own Succubi with Dark Ritual and use them for DnD, however some powers can't be bought.
I love to connect my CYOAs and this was something I should have done from the beginning. Thankfully a lot of anons made builds including their Dark Ritual succubi and that is how I got inspired to make this change.
>Profession can be purchased multiple times.
Now you can become the ultimate crafter!
>Slight change to Raiding Party's description.
Wanted to make clear that Battle Sluts is another CYOA.
>Lone Wolf does no longer reward any points, instead it makes all talents cost 5 points less.
The new rules fits this option much more, now you will be able to make that super strong lone wolf build some of you have been dying to make.
>All Upgrades to Death options have now been given a unique name and the requirement of the basic Death Option.
This was done to make it clear that you needed to buy the basic death option, before you buy the upgraded option.
>New image for the Upgraded Plot Armor.
I found a better image which I liked more.
>The censored version now has some pictures replacing a lot of the blanked out images.
The censored version is shit, but at least with some pictures it will be less shity.
Uncensored Version:
>I'm assuming you're taking over the world in the name of the Legate's emperor? That's the only way they'll follow you.
It doesn't matter for what flag or king I do it, it just matters that I do. Think something along the lines of Hannibal or Belasarius.
>being strong counts as penance;
It's quite simple my character takes his death as a form of weakness, maybe he died because he is weak now he sets of to prove he is no longer weak. This isn't just physical weakness but mental and moral as well. As for putting it in the hands of another, knowing your limitations and when to follow are also strengths and again because he also controls the assassin faction he can always deal away with the Emperor if the Emperor is trash.