You know the drill. I'll start us off.
>it's roughly 1810-ish in terms of society and technology
Create a fantasy setting one fact at a time
Other urls found in this thread:
>rat folk are the equivalent of orcs
Social status is often determined by height
>One quarter of the global population has 1890s technology
Take that OP
And not the quarter you think. Not geographically determined
>A massive cliff separates the sea, dividing the world into two entirely different societies.
By have 1890s technology, it is meant literally because a wizard from the future has implanted blueprints for future technology randomly in a quarter of the population's brains. Normally no one is aware they have the info but some people do activate it by complete accident and these people and the information in their heads is highly sought after. The wizard has done this in order to change history for an as of yet unknown reason.
Vast new world, rumors of ancient abandoned cities and magic artifacts being found.
Identifying those who activated their future technology knowledge and keeping them safe until they reveal everything they have stored in their brain is a very important matter of national security for many kingdoms.
It's a matriarchy
>Straight marriage is illegal.
In fact, so is gay marriage. Marriage of any kind is forbidden.
>elves once ruled the world but their influence has waned over the eons and now only their Caliph rules a decaying empire and a fraying society
Young ne-er-do-wells pairs go to empty warehouses and secluded places to secretly marry one another
They better not be holding hands at any point.
Oh, but they do.
They even snuggle up against each other on couches while doing it!
>The global currency is squirrel pelts
The defining event of the last decade was a revolt by, and subsequent massacre of, elves in historically elven lands. This has led to politically instability anywhere with significant elven populations and a rise in race politics in mainstream discussion. The Caliph denies any involvement, but it is rumored that they funded the uprisings in order to bring attention to their dying society.
Are rabbit skins acceptable for change?
>Dysentry is both the most common and most deadly disease, 9 in 10 catch it, and 1 in 10 dies from it.
There are 21 huge floating fortresses of unknown origin that have been abandoned millenia ago. Only recently have expeditions begun.
The world is dotted with ruins of huge buildings made by some ancient unknown race of giants.
People shit in public and it's accepted and encouraged
The cities are all on the inside of giant spheres rolling forever.
Consuming animal flesh is seen as barbaric and all eating of meat is banned by secular and religious laws.
>Halflings are top dog in this world
Rifles are fucking heresy, putting spin on a projectile like that is basically witchcraft.