Is she the closest thing we got to a green villain?
How would you actually make a good green, white and blue villain?
For example green has big animals but they are mostly just hungry and not very evil. (see snakes, spoders and wolves)
Is she the closest thing we got to a green villain?
How would you actually make a good green, white and blue villain?
For example green has big animals but they are mostly just hungry and not very evil. (see snakes, spoders and wolves)
There was evil Garruk.
As for an bant villain, I would imagine a strict tyrant which demands conformity, since red and black are the colors of freedom and individuality.
Green isnt evil you fucking shitlord. White and blue are evil colors because all they do is oppress people. Green builds life no matter what that life choses to do, which is beautiful.
Parasites are not beautiful, I don't care what the fuck you say.
Sorry you cant stand that your body is being used as a conduit of life instead of being a tool to enslave and hurt. Excuse me, I have a turn 3 prime time to play.
>Green, White and Blue villain
Elesh Norn
>parasites are not beautiful
You ever been on broad spectrum antibiotics? Have fun shitting your brains out and suffering unbarable stomach and intenstinal cramps in a world with no parasites
Cancer would be green, honestly. The growth of life gone too far.
Is a class of parasite, yes. We already had this thread.
Vorinclex is still around in New Phyrexia, right?
Yes, good Bant is Bant. Bad Bant is New Phyrexia.
>Is she the closest thing we got to a green villain?
Before the retcon? Probably.
>How would you actually make a good green, white and blue villain?
Individually or a villain that's all three colors?
An eco-terrorist type character that wishes to return planes to their "natural state" by destroying all forms of civilization on them. Alternatively, a Garruk-like hunter looking for the "most dangerous prey."
An authoritarian ruler who's willing to commit genocides in his pursuit of peace, unity and order.
Literally just a mad scientist who doesn't care if an entire plane's pooulation end up suffering horribly or die because of his experiments.
Someone who believes that a perfect, harmonious society in tune with the natural state of things is attainable with them as the ruler. The current state of things just have to be uprooted first. All unwanted, unnatrual elements and people will be disposed off or "adapted" to the new perfect society. Strict laws will be implemented to force the population to live in accordance with the "natural state of things."
Not sure if you classify such as a villain, but maybe just a really big brainless monster that ravages everything in its path. Maybe something so big that is about to consume a plane or something. It doesn't necessarily needs to be evil to be a villain, maybe its just a Tarrasque-like (pic related) monster that needs to be put down or something.
Wrong. There is debate whether or not symbiosis should refer only to positive relationships or to all of them, but all parasites are detrimental to the host by definition
Vorinclex is pretty much half-tarrasque, half-malignant cancer. He believes only the strongest desserve to live and if you're not activelly striving to become the strongest either by improving your body or killing the possible competition you are not a real phyrexian. He's so retarded if he wasn't held back by Elesh and Jin he'd kill everything in New Phyrexia and eventually starve to death.
>He believes only the strongest desserve to live
Well, that is not what I meant, but it is also another way to roll a green villain. But I meant more like a brainless huge monster that has no ideals or morals, just consume/destroy things because that is what it does.
Ultimately, basically all non-sentient things will consume all resources recklessly given the chance, even if it causes its own extinction. Maybe yet another idea for a green villain could be a specie of non-sentient beings that just evolved so much more than other stuff that they will just keep procreating and consuming resources until the whole plane is fucked up. Basically like we did (as humans), but without morals or society.
His villiany stems from black though. Would still love to see his return.
Well, they just introduced an "evil Chandra" with that poorly named Minotaur dude.
They have "Evil Jace" with Ashiok.
I'm calling that there's an evil gatewatch coming, along with a small team for each Dragon.
Angrath aint evil, he just wants to go home and see his daughters.
While having an evil gatewatch would just add to the dumpster fire that is the Jacetice League, wouldnt mind seeing each individual member having a foil.
You haven't read the stories
None of the colors are inherently good or evil. Green is the color of nature, and nature has some pretty nasty elements.
Mtg elves are always assholes, so they're green villains.
A counter example is rats, that are black instead of green, and rats are not necessarily evil at all.
So green has evil elves and black non-.evil rats
Cancerverse would be green or maybe green/white.
Nothing ever is allowed to die, everything made of a uniform, fleshy, endlessly growing toothy mass, outside influences are combated and converted through force.
Those brain parasites that force ants to commit suicide would be green, and you could easily do an oppressive collectivist G/W society based around something similar.
It's been since fucking Kamigawa that we've had monoblack protagonist good guys which is bullshit but whatever. They could've done something cool with the aetherborn and not just made them murderous vampires
Black isnt the evil color. Black can be selfish, all or nothing etc... but not strictly evil.
Toshiro Umezawa and Chainer are black. Han Solo would be black
>doesnt want to be part of the life chunk
Anything natural is inherently good user. Just because you want to impose definition on what nature does doesnt mean its evil. Its simply there doing what it does.
Nature is true neutral not good or bad
Good or bad are human things
Are you trolling for (You)'s or don't you understand how nature works?
Yeah, Evil Bant would be like a eugenics based "paradise" of collectivism.
You're wrong, nature is inherently good. You just are too selfish to be able to see the totality of nature for what it is so you assume things that happen are capable of being bad. Your human need for relativity settles the difference by saying nature is neutral, when it is in fact good.
Why dont you explore the world and open your eyes to see for yourself?
Here's the issue people don't understand about green as a villain within the color pie: Sapient villains vs. Sentient villains.
Green "evil" is primarily depicted as sentient monsters that stalk, lure, and brutally kill the innocent like baloths, shambling mounds, and werewolves. Whether or not they are "evil" to you doesn't change the fact that they are feared, kill people, and destroy lives.
Nobody is happy with this kind of villain because there's a lack of accountability. These villains are sentient "evil" but lack the true "evil" that sapient villains have which is accountability.
So how do we make a sapient villain in Green/Blue/White? Let's break this down into it's component parts based on the 2017 color pie on personality types...
>Green = Wants acceptance over all
>White = Wants peace over all
>Blue = Wants perfection over all
This villain would have to uphold these values while oppose Red/Black's natural goodness which is:
>Black = Wants power over all
>Red = Wants freedom over all
Bant, as a faction aspire to two major bonds:
>The Importance of Restraint
>The Importance of Responsibility
Bant, as a faction fights against Red and Black for specific reasons:
>Fights Red in the everlasting debate on whether or not freedom is more valuable than the security that Bant brings with it.
>Fights Black in the everlasting debate on whether or not the individual is more important than the group which Bant aspires to be constantly.
OK, recap:
Bant Villains need:
>Acceptance, Peace and Perfection
Bant Villains are "evil" due to:
>Restraint and Responsibility
>Fights for Security and the interest of the Group
Alright Veeky Forums, what does this look like to you?
Pic related. False prophets are bant
So you're saying that a neat Bant villain would be the far Left in today's politics? Sounds about right.
Claim a Rav maiden
Yup they just want to build life
Yup they are very dedicated to order and they maintain what they think is good
They are one of the most high tech species
>Juffo-Wup is All... omni-existent, spreading and changing the Non into Juffo-Wup. You are the Non, who must become Juffo-Wup or Void.
Green cannot be evil, it's neutral.
White, black, blue and red are human colors. Which is why they can be evil.
I didnt say nature is capable of being bad. You are just too selfish to see that nature is true neutral without good or evil inclinations or capacity, and you have to attribute it a postitive value. Your human need for relativity makes you assume nature could be relativistic by my standards and then your selfishness on top of that statest that it is not relative but good. Nature is not good nor relative, it is neutral. Good and evil and relativity are human things
Somehow this makes too much sense
>Is she the closest thing we got to a green villain?
OP is asking about green VILLAIN, not EVIL. Villains don't need to be strictly evil, basically all they need to be is against the protagonist (hero). A neutral green-aligned character can end up being an antagonist, even without being evil.
Though evil/good is relative, and one could see some evil on green behavior.
humans can be mono green, infact, humans are famously slanted towards white and green.
But isn't that just a less crazy Eldrazi threat? Big fucking monster that Chandra will set on fire?
No. They're just white.
so did nobody play lorwyn block? the elves were fucking evil as shit. they just killed everything they didn't consider beautiful. hardcore murder, execution style. yes they were green-black but the green ones weren't softies.
There is already an "evil Gatewatch". Tezzeret, Liliana, Ramaz and Vraska. Bolas only needs to recruit a white walker and I'm sure certain vampire would be very happy to find out the Eldrazi were mortal all along and he could have destroyed all three as an oldwalker if Ugin hadn't lied to him.
I dunno, Emrakul's colourless, and she's pretty similar to the cancerverse.
fucking thank you
everyone ITT be like "muh RULES OF NATURE ain't evil!!1!11!"
Well, I'm Boros by temperment, Simic by playstyle...
But, I wanna find out if Gruul fucks like a tiger.
I'd like to think I'm Gruul since I believe in the natural order of things and freedom but like everyone else, I'm sure I have aspects of the whole color pie.
Does anyone know if there's a more advanced test or quiz to find out what one's color(s) is/are? Everyone I find is middle-school tier 10 question OMG DO U LIEK DEATH AND DARKNESS THEN UR BLAK bullshit
>How would you actually make a good green, white and blue villain?
Easy. Just make it a human or a faerie.
Not really. Garruk was always a piece of shit.
I hate their Golgari. They made it look too knightly. That isn't Golgari at all.
Mycon would clearly be Black/Red. Literally infernal fungi.
Because they live underground and like volcanoes? Sure but their behavior is neither black nor red.
Perhaps a little bit black.
SC2 is really one of the most impressive settings ever to me, due to how different all the aliens are.
I should think the reason for Red alignment were pretty god damned obvious. Black/Red doubly so, but yeah, fungi tend to feed on rot and Mycon both do that and LITERALLY fucking resurrect as zombies. Yeah, they're black, friend. Their behavior is more colorless or red if anything.
>completely nonred behavior
Is that how it works? They are connected with lava and volcanoes because of their physiology, not because of their behavior.
Mycon do not "resurrect as zombies". They merely bring with them the consciousness and memories of previous mycon. That feels more white to me since these consciousnesses are there to provide religious guidance.
No, you god damned idiot. Red because they're quick to anger and literally rage with fucking fire. Now go neck your cancerous self. What a dipshit.
It's not anger. They literally say that it's religious conviction, it has nothing to do with feelings outside of that.
>Juffo-Wup fills in my fibers and I grow turgid. Violent action ensues.
I mean, compare that with for example the thraddash or the ilwrath (also religious, but they behave in a completely different way).
Slivers would be the prime Green villain if they didn't show up in other colours. Endless consumption and procreation fits green's identity best.