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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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Rolled 286 (1d1080)
Rolling for jump...
>Earth Defense Force 2025
All I know about this is there's a ton of huge alien insects or something, so where can I get the multiverse's largest can of bug spray?
I cant get my pdfs loaded, anyon know if snd 3.5 has a spell to speak a language?
Yup. Tongues, translates all languages you're perceiving for you and lets you translate your own speech into one other language at a time, switchable at will. Lasts for ten minutes per caster level. Second level bard spell, third level wizard/sorcerer, fourth level cleric.
This is it, everyone who posts in this thread gets a visit from Jump-Chan.
Megasized bug spray cans are sadly undersupplied, pretty much everywhere you look. The good news is that all you really need is aerosolized poison, so if you're willing to put in the elbow grease, you can go as big as you'd like. Or, to do it even easier, pick up a normal sprayer and spacial warping abilities to scale it up as appropriate.
This might be a controversial opinion, but have you considered Tongues?
I'm ready. I'm not ready.
Unfortunately, there's no guarantee she'll make you a jumper. She might just come by to say hello. Still, that's nice of her, she didn't need to do that.
To insult us and step on us?
Thank you.
I'm so ready, I can't even proper express it in this reality.
If that shit happens to me, I'll wander off into the woods until nature takes its course.
I'm okay with this.
>Jump-chan: You've been selected to be -
>user: Yes! I'm going on...
>Jump-chan: - the companion of a Jumper.
Sounds pretty great to me.
You know what, sure. Fuckit, Im getting superpowers out of it and a form of immortality. Probably the only one able to murder and usurp them anyway considering they will trust me.
Is it now now? youtube.com
[Earth Defense Force 2025, 4.1]
In It To Win It (+100cp)
The Long War (+200cp)
Male, 24
Ranger (0cp)
Combat Training (-0cp)
The EDF Deploys! (-0cp)
No Such Thing As a Sudden Stop (-100cp)
EDF Training (-0cp)
Ranger's Regimen (-100cp)
Blood Brothers (-200cp)
Human Spirit (-300cp)
Pet Dragon (-150cp)
Standard Infantry Kit (-0cp)
Drone Subverter (-150cp)
Nova Buster X (-300cp)
Don't really have one, as I'm not making this build as part of my current chain.
Let the degeneracy begin.
A companion is fine too.
Slight update to Power Rangers Zeo Jump. As suggested, did add some intro fluff and to notes added some perk & origin interactions.
My time has come.
It doesn’t work.
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
Oh boy
What it doesn’t say is when. Or if it’s you in the current timeline.
Wait do we have a Kobayashi Dragon Maid Jump?
I am more than ready for this.
Yes. Look under M, since it's Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid.
Why do I like this image so much?
Because Alter & Modred are thots but really nice looking thots?
Took your sweet time, Jump-chan.
You can be a thot and a queen at once. Queen of thots.
This is pretty good, but it reminds me we'll probably never get a Bootleg Universe Power Rangers.
Is this gonna be one of those common free for all chain? Those never end well.
Hey Jumpers, what did you do about the Ardat Yakshi in Mass Effect?
>Hey Jumpers
Don't reply to me or my wife's sons ever again.
And here we go!
• Expanded description of the Ancient Knowledge Database
• Added a Note re the Ancient Knowledge Database.
• Added a Note re lost and destroyed starships and called it “Dude, where’s my Starship”
• Flipped imaginary table, subsumed ZPM notes into Items and Starships intros
• Because it was getting ugly and I wanted a bigger Epilogue picture.
Good thing I decided to come here today then.
Cured them. Plenty of biotech in my chain, not hard to fix a simple genetic defect.
Thanks. Bootleg Universe Power/Rangers Jumps would definitely be something I'd love to see happen, but unfortunately that won't be done by me because I don't have enough ideas for such Jump. Not really sure if 15-minutes video even provides enough material...
Question thread. Which would be more interesting or funny for a dungeon and more importantly the wizard in charge of the dungeon goblins or some other vermin race?
God, I wish.
I'm ready for it dear friend.
Goblins are good. So long as you are more pkwerful than them they will pretty much do what you want, though they are incompetant.
Considering the fact that by not race mixing the Asari race generate such abominations so they are required to race mix, and that no genetic information is transferred from the "father", makes them a parasitic race that steals Terran men and women from for filling their duty to holy Terra.
I used napalm upon them and the rest of their parasitic race.
Ouch, dat edge
what's she got in her left hand? looks like a broken lightsaber?
Yeah, the best I've got is it would be one of those toggle drawbacks or something.
I should complete some of my claimed jumps as an offering. That will get her attention...right?...right?!?!?!?!!!
>Cured them
>I used napalm upon them
Fun fact, all three of the ones capable of killing through sex are Samara's. The rest are those that exist with lesser symptoms, but Samara's brood are literally the worst.
Any Asari who runs is an Ardat Yakshi
Any Asari who doesn't run is a well disciplined Ardat Yakshi
thank you brother
Generic cartoon world has
>It’s a Gasser! (50cp)
>This is H-sized gas cylinder full of some sort of gas, not the liquid kind of gas you pour into a car, it’s a gas like helium, butane, laughing gas or nearly any kind of gas that you want to have in it. It continually outputs whatever sort of gas you want in unlimited amounts from an adjustable nozzle with a large selection of common fittings hanging around its neck. The tank itself is indestructible and is an off-white color with dings and scratches all over its surface. It also has a pressure gauge on it, which actually controls the pressure that the gas is expelled at and a series of hazardous/warning labels and content labels inside of a transparent pouch on the tank's side. You can change the gas inside of the tank by simply swapping the labels inside of the pouch to display the one you want. These are all mundane gasses, nothing magical or considered to be primarily used for warfare. Yes you can have vespene gas as it’s listed as being some sort of hydrocarbon gas. Its default gas is helium.
>For an additional (50cp) you can also select I’m-going-to-commit-war-crimes chemical warfare types of gasses including fictional ones. I hope you enjoy your deadly neurotoxin, you monster.
>No breath of the wild jump
I wish
Could also possibly work as DLC for MMPR Jump...
This pleases me.
You win this time awoo poster.
If you are desperate there's one over on the SB drive. I cannot comment on it's quality though.
If anything will, it will be offerings of newly finished jumpdocs.
Another thread killed.
Vietnam chain rules are best chain rules
And out of Samara's brood, Morinth is the one with a megalomaniac complex.
The game is going out of it's way to prove to you it's not a genetic thing. Morinth is just a shit.
>The game is going out of it's way to prove to you it's not a genetic thing.
Morinith could be better said to be weak of spirit. The problem that she ran into is that it's extremely pleasure and actually addictive once they've done it even once. It also makes them stronger. It's not hard to see why she might go a bit nuts.
Really? Okay then.
No, but seriously, Reincarnation is the best alt-chain rule. The rule basically means that perks, powers, and gear don't follow you between jumps, but mundane skills do. This forces you to rely on your own experiences, and whatever you get in the jump. The obvious downside is that it goes against the core nature of Jumpchain, The up-side is that it makes your individual choices have far more impact and neatly solves the power scaling problem.
I don't see how the complete abandonment of everything you've earned every other decade makes your individual choices have more impact, nor do I see power scaling as a thing that needs to be solved on a general basis rather than an individual one. If anything, it makes individual choices have less import when trying to do anything is futile in the long run.
Shut the fuck up user
I agree in I can see the appeal in no scaling issue, since it makes things more dramatic and requires actual effort, but I'd have to get something to keep jumping. Otherwise, I'd rather just pick a nice world and stay there. My "chain" would consist of two or three jumps, tops.
I am ready.
Sure, okay.
Yo Jumpers, when have you mistakenly or purposely made an absolute mess of everything?
So what will you tell Jump-Chan to convince her you should be sent into a chain?
"please. pleaaaase." then I'll start sobbing uncontrollably
it's a flawless plan boys
"I can't be me anymore, and I don't know how to change. Please help me. You don't have to send me on a multiversal journey, just one emotional health perk is all I'm asking for."
Please please please please
Look lady, I posted in the damned thread.
You owe me, so lets get going.
Bring it on.
Just wanted to mention that 'pick me!' comments with no other substantial content do not count.
I want to go and become better than I am now in ways that would make anyone envious so please let me go!!!
I just posted edited version of Power Rangers Zeo Jump...hopefully that helped convince her to visit me.
Do shitposts count?
I promise suffering
Either mine or someone else's
Should be a jolly good show
Let's hope
I will be a force of good, and make many others happy.
The others being apart of my harem of course.
Assured you machine
Only if they're accompanied by gifs