What were your PC's teenage years like?
What were your PC's teenage years like?
My current PC is in his teenage years, he's 16, and he's actually pretty nice. A bit of a sperg about magic, a little awkward, but means well
Considering her name could be shortened to Jeff, pretty fucking shit
Fine, up until her mother possessed her, she got chained to a wall, and raped her brother. Things got better again after that though.
Being /ss/'d by the ladyknight he was squired to.
He must have some severe psychological scars from that
He spent them getting /fitlit/ in the temple of Lathander that adopted him after he was orphaned as a child.
He spent his formative years making terrible jokes and wanting to become some sort of comedic bard. His dad was deeply disappointed that his son did not learn a valuable trade and after many terrible performances, he realised his only chance at making his fortune was to take up a life of adventuring.
One of my characters basically IS a teenager right now. She acts out, trusts too easily, is trying to join a creepy mind control free love nature cult, and just rides the waves of emotions like a drowning woman in a hurricane.
Normal teenage stuff.
Confusing and awkward
Also doing things for rich noblemen and women to get by that has him trying to suppress the memory of and that led him to dedicate his life to his goddess in an attempt to clean some of the stain from his soul
Character one spent teenage years watching a tree grow. It's an elf.
Character two was learning thief skills.
Foraging and learning to fight and rid as part of a NotCossack Host.
Awkward, pimply and friendless because she was a nerd with big glasses and big books.
It's a requisite cliché for wizards.
trying to survive in the bottom hive, scrounging for food and ways to survive.
Put that to a beat.
We don't know yet.
Working the family farm
Like anyone else in his tribe, training, helping others hunt, working what ever gig they got protecting x or y as they traveled.
Awkward, like everyone else's. I don't really get the fetishization of teenage life in pop culture, both in the East and in the West. It's shit.
Very gay
>Dragonborn bard/steampunk engineer
Equal mixture of hedonistic debauchery and intensive practical study in the underdark free love commune he grew up in.
There was a time, not even that long ago, when this would be considered obvious b8..... now, its legit possible that people are now legit this fucking retarded
He spent his young years in a remote dojo high in the mountains.
While most of his coaevals were playing around in the warm homes, he studied the blade.
While they were sneaking out into sake houses, he sat over the books.
Whle they were boasting to each other about the deeds of their ancestors, he sought the path to Enlightnment.
And now that he's out, he has very little idea of how to talk to girls.
God I wish that was me
Getting over his mom's death, not talking to his drunkard of a dad, trying to support himself and his kid sister, all while working through the guard academy so he could defend his home town and feel a sense of pride and community.
Then his sis got cursed and he has to ADVENTURE! to undo it.
Another player is playing his dad, so we're having family drama about it. Fun stuff really.
Creating the evil armies of the undead before losing his powers and spending a hundred years in hiding. He is now a level one mage in the party and does not reveal himself to be evil or of any consequence.
Eh, it's rather an exaggeration of how it actually went, but more or less on point.
The surface world of the setting was more or less scoured of life and civilization and people fled underground before eventually reestablishing surface life, but rather grim and post apocalyptic. His home was founded by a bunch of hedonists in the classical Greek sense who wanted to create one enclave of happiness and art in a rather unpleasant world, found a nice cave big enough to build a city in and set up shop.
Spent his youth switching between the practical study of steampunk tech which was common in the setting as well as practicing the bardic arts because everyone was study some kind of artistry or performance.
Ended up hybridizing the two pursuits together to create the in-setting equivalent of heavy metal by inventing the guitar amp.
The samurai I'm playing in l5r is 18.
he spent much of his time training. Some in Crane lands, some in Dragon since that's where his mom is from and despite his mother's strained relationship with her mother, she is a believer in the importance of family and his dad was the sort to try to support things like that.
This meant, among many things, that he got to spend time with his cousin who is 2 younger than him. This is useful since they are both PCs now.
The last 2 years have been spent in the ass end of nowhere in the crane bread basket protecting the land, property, and souls there from bandits, predators, and themselves. It was an assignment meant to keep him out of sight and out of mind. Fortunately he and his band of Doshin ran into the party while hunting a really nasty group of bandits lead by a monster of a man. This lead to my character being recruited into the services of the emerald magistrate that the party is serving.
He's happy about this because he gets to start his career over while he's still young AND return to civilization.
>Ended up hybridizing the two pursuits together to create the in-setting equivalent of heavy metal by inventing the guitar amp.
Vacillation between scholastic overachievement and recreational felonies to seek attention from parents.
What the fuck are you even talking about?
Somewhat awkward. As an elf, from ages 13 to 19 was more or less like the human ranges from 8 to 11...which would be fine if she was born and raised among elves, but she wasn't, she was born and raised among humans.
So by the time she turned 20 she was only just starting puberty, while meanwhile over the same period her human friends went through puberty, got married, and even had some kids.
Pretty alright. Spent most of her time as the hunter of the family since her father was always inventing gadgets to help the town and her mum was busy at the church.