This is how I Champion of Khorne.
This is how I Champion of Khorne
i wish for honor hadnt been a ubisoft game.. it was so much fun when it worked
>Lucius the Eternal tier arrogant khronite
>Braggart: claims no "lesser" man could ever slay him
>Mocks, belittles and ultimately kills many a champion for their mutations and gifts
>States he could shame them all
>The red king listens and the pact is sealed.
>Eight hundred and eighty-eight champions must he slay in glorious single combat
>The Blood God's gaze protects him from lesser men, no bolt, bullet or energy weapon shall harm him
>But when the terms of the challenge are met he must fight the greatest warriors of a proud, dying impereium as but a man
>No demonic strength, no blinding rage nor thirsting warp-forged steel. Nothing but the arms of a traitor astartes pitted against like
This is how I Champion of Tzeentch.
Isn’t it spelt Apollyon? Why aren’t there more evil ladyknights?
She was the one willing to start a true world war just to reinforce her idea of a social structure that the "wolves" must rule over the "sheep." The only way to tell one from the other and to awaken the true nature of those worthy to be called such is to throw everyone into the crucible of war.
Dedicated servers and a bunch more shit coming in season 5 next month, bruv.
She very much believed in the idea that peace is a lie, not amongst the likes of the Knights, Vikings and Samurai, that to try and live peacefully and strike accords with others is to deny their true nature.
>muh sheep
>muh wolves
>muh sheep
>muh wolves
>muh sheep
>tfw no murder granny gf
>murder granny
This is the perfect name for Apollyon.
This is how I Champion of Slaanesh
As someone who never played For Honor, even I think Apollyon is awesome. Why does such a good villain have to be associated with a multi-player focused Ubisoft game?
She's not THAT good, but she does succeed in her plan of pitting the factions against each other, and the heads of each are still trying to find a way to pull peace together out of the hot mess.
>As someone who never played For Honor
Give it a go! Behind the Ubisoft bullshit there is a very entertaining game.
>even I think Apollyon is awesome.
I really like that they justified the required nature of the setting using the villain. It's a game about knights, vikings and samurai, the setting requires there to be constant war. But instead of just saying "that's just how it is, they're vikings and knights, they fight each other", they created a villain who wanted the unending combat and who put a ton of effort into creating conditions that kept the wars going.
Which is great because it lets the protagonists be good guys who want peace but in a setting where that was never going to be attainable to begin with. It's a shame they didn't really create very good protagonists for the players to take advantage of that- the side characters were pretty good but they went with the Master Chief "nameless hero who says things sometimes" route for the player characters instead of giving them much of a personality.
The PCs have some personality, at least.
The Warden believes in duty to both his oath and the people, and seeing the people suffer - even those considered his enemies - under Apollyon's machinations causes him to question his oath in the face of his ideals. This is compared to Mercy the Peacekeeper, who before that point never questioned her orders, prided herself on never developing ideals or attachments, and was actually quite the sociopath (e.g. mentioning how she couldn't properly grieve the death of another soldier because she didn't care).
The Raider was a Warborn who was on sabbatical innamountains before word reaches him that the various Viking clans are tearing each other apart due to lack of food and supplies. His response was to come down from the mountains, beat the shit out of every motherfucker causing internal pain for the Vikings, and forcefully united them all under one clan before going off to raid the Samurai for spoils. The unity and well-being of the Warborn came first, and to that end, he never feared death and insisted that if he were to die, it must be in the most glorious of battles.
The Orochi, praised as the greatest swordsman alive, was thrown in jail for talking shit to the Emperor, meaning he has ideals he strongly holds to; it's implied that the Orochi being in prison was the biggest reason why the Vikings got away with sacking the Samurai capital. Under the guidance of his allies, he repels the Vikings, finds out about Apollyon and her plots, and heads into Knight lands to stop her and bring peace to the world. He even spares the Warden from the first act following a duel, after seeing how valorous the Warden truly was.
All three PCs sought peace for their people and wanted to serve the common trust, and while their ideals ran anathema to Apollyon's, she still got the war she wanted.
This is how I Champion of ________ .
This is how I catfolk.
That's nice. One of the biggest complaints I heard from friends that kept me from buying it was that peer-to-peer makes command timings jump all over the place every match.
i want to make a zen khorne monk who's so mindful when he's killing that he isn't even mad. all he does is kill shit with a kind of vacant, serene smile
You know, it does beg the question, would a less by-the-book Champion be primarily expected to follow their god's *methods* or their *goals*? Because Apollyon has goals that would make Khorne proud but goes about them in a Tzeentch-esque manner.
Do the Chaos Gods value intent or methods more? Would an evil version Helen of Troy who uses sex appeal to further her goal of causing bloodshed be a follower of Khorne or Slaanesh? How about a brilliant mastermind whose plans involve biological weapons, is he Nurgle or Tzeentch?
Id say they empower both gods perhaps
Apollyon would defintitely fall into khornes realm
Evil Helen is doing crazy seductive sex shit so she would go slaanesh but the bloodshed she causes would go to khorne
Mastermind, if he is smart and tricky enough would Tzeentch but his viral weaponry would also empower nurgle to a degree, probably causing tzeentch to turn his arms into faces or something