So, Veeky Forums, on a scale of "actually original" to "Europe with the serial numbers filed off," how original is your homebrew fantasy setting?
Pic related is my homebrew fantasy setting.
Also, semi-related question: does making orcs stand ins for turks count as racist if the majority of the orcs are actually high elves that happen to speak orcish? (Just like how turks are, ethnically speaking, greeks who happen to speak turkish.)
So, Veeky Forums, on a scale of "actually original" to "Europe with the serial numbers filed off...
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If your pic related is a 9/10 on the actually just Europe scale, my setting would be an 8.
>From a scale of "original" to "Europe with serial numbers filed off"
I'd like to give myself a 7/10 for original points. I still like having a few Kings and such, but the landmass and basic rules of reality are different, and the societies are totally different as well. Plus, magic is commonly used by the people but I like the notFeudal aesthetic and warfare.
>Is it racist to...
No. Not even a little bit. Anyone who tells you presenting your fantasy races in X or Y way is racist is a fucking twat. ignore them.
Honestly, I’m still working on defining technology levels to explain why these guys have castles but these other guys are still running around with sticks and mud huts, but they have enough contact to come in to conflict. That and trying to define “adventurers” interaction with the world. That and how you justify a menagerie of races within an area when the logical conclusion to interspecies conflict is genocide. Worked up a fun concept for a province actually controlled by vampires and everyone is more or less ok with that, because they aren’t retardedly evil tyrants, and actually police their own so every night the commoners aren’t worried about getting eaten.
As far as cultural differences between like-peoples, you actually have a good reason for occupation, colonization, and education among conquered peoples, since genocide is less of an option.
>That and trying to define “adventurers” interaction with the world
Personally, I justify adventurers by making the main governments in the areas the players are in (The Kingdom of the Occident and the Umbrian Empire) completely broke due to war that's been on for more than 50 years. They can barely afford an army, which means a lot of problems that should be solved by the govt are instead solved by randos being paid by merchants and/or local nobles
>justify a menagerie of races within an area when the logical conclusion to interspecies conflict is genocide
That's a mistaken assumption based around projecting 19th century nationalism back into the past. Historically, there were many ethnically diverse nations that really didn't have many issues. For example, Poland-Lithuania had Poles, Lithuanians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, and a ton of other groups. Sweden had Swedes and Finns. At no point did the Poles ever try to kill all the Lithuanians or the Swedes all the Finns.
To provide a few fantasy examples from my setting, the Umbrian Empire has large populations of humans and goblins, plus a wood elf minority in the east. (Germans, Italians, and Slavs.) They mostly manage to avoid killing each other, simply because, by and large, nationalism (and thus all the unpleasantness that comes with it) hasn't been invented yet. Although despite not being invented in universe, it is spreading among the goblins. One of the players asked to do a isekai thing. Anyway, her character brought a few college textbooks with her by accident, and long story short, the goblins have 19th century political philosophy now and it's all her fault.
Give it to me straight doctor: Is it Fichte or Hegel?
Neither, it's Giuseppe Mazzini.The Goblins wish to unite the Umbrian Peninsula under proper Goblin rule as a successor to the original Goblin Empire. This is very much confusing the high elves, cuz the "Empire" of the Elves is actually the Goblin Empire's rump state, and goblin culture is still enough of an influence on them that they hold warg races and call themselves goblins. Anyway, the idea of anyone being a successor to the goblin empire is really dumb to them, because the goblin empire is still around, and they live in it.
oh that's innocent enough then, Mazzini's bound to be a very local problem
Yeah, but the players are working for the Umbrian Empire, which isn't a big fan of an independent goblin nation-state, because 50% of that nation state would be on land currently controlled by the Umbrian Empire.
>Swedes had Finns
The Hakkapeliitta were a finnish cavalry unit serving under sweden in the 17th century. They looked like ragged murderhobos compared to the swedes, but were highly respected for their effectiveness.
Integration is always an option.
I dunno. I deliberately started with as generic a fantasy world as possible, but then advanced the technology, magic, and society by like 200-300 years, so there's a lot of stuff going on that doesn't tend to show up in normal fantasy worlds, like dragons forming actual nations, orcs on their last legs and not a threat anymore, ongoing and notable colonization of a New World, merfolk kingdoms that are actually involved in the affairs of the world on a regular basis...
So...on a scale of 1 to 10, maybe like a 4 or 5?
I don't have anything to add to your worldbuilding, but the typography on that map is giving me a headache. The drop shadows are way too separated from the text, with Terra Nullus bring the exception. There identical colors for the borders and names combined with the too-thin text outlines makes some of them unreadable. The shadows for the city names make them hard to read too and doesn't let the state names stand out as much. The kerning on the curved names is pretty bad too, but that's probably not your fault.
If I were to call everything as it were:
>Dwarvenhiem is in the Western Shore of the continent
>Just west of there in the central part of the continent is the Wild West, where people of all races and creeds intermingle right over a giant crack that goes deep into the planet's crust, that hasn't been explored yet
>To the north is the Caliphate of a false goddess, and a sandy desert too hot to cross
>To the east, a Romanian/Britain highland forest kingdom hates vampires with unhealthy vitirol, but is otherwise normal
>Right next door is French Baltimore, an ancient city filled with high-class mages who literally live in a web of ivory towers and an abused but disgusting underclass who live at the very bottom of these things
>On the farthestmost tip of the eastern peninsula is Rhodesia. It was a jungle nation famous for silk clothes and elegantly fashionable tribesmen. It was destroyed by a magical experiment gone awry.
>South of the central badlands is the Amazon Rainforest of Spider Gorillas and barbaric gnomes. Get the fuck out, it's forbidden.
>Below that is the ancient land of the now-extinct colossi, basically Shadow Of The Colossus.
>Just below that is a fortress island the size of Madagascar. The Great Crusade lives here.
>To the South-east of that giant island is Finland, the /int/meme edition. It's just as boring there as the actual Finland.
I'd give myself a 5 for "Basic schlock" because "actually original" might just be too alien for me to relate to, and I tried to not make it basically Europe (although much of it is).
Yes, comparing your Orcs to Turks is racist against Orcs.
I use Greyhawk (586 CY) and have used it for 90% of my games because
A- ive used it since 83
B- not a fan of FR at all
C- weve had the same game group for 20 years, so...... yeah
Europe with the serial numbers filed off would be a good description of what we do. We like it, it works for us, though im sure most ppl here would talk shit on it
So is this the point where people in Greece wake up?
I have the Fantasy equivelants of: Andalusians, Byzantine Greeks, Poles, Ruthenians, Anglo-Saxons, Tatars, and Norse
But the thing is they’re still fundamentally human, compared to an orc or goblin village that may be causing all sorts of trouble.
Real world ethnic cleansing is a bit more difficult because it’s used as a political scapegoat to create an us vs them situation to seize power, which inevitably causes a bunch more problems because you start worrying about sympathizers and ethnically x but looks like us, and said cleansing not really solving your underlying problems. But a goblin village? That routinely causes trouble? Man you can wipe those little snots out with no worries. But like is said that’s the challenge I’m facing that I haven’t found a solution to yet. The potential solutions are that they don’t actually cause trouble and so don’t need rooted out, or they set up somewhere where it’s more trouble than it’s worth to wipe them out, that sort of thing.
Mine is literally Europe but stretched out into a ring shape. From top left to top right it goes Norway, Denmark, Benelux, England/Germany/France, Spain, late dark age Italy, early dark age Italy, Greece, balkans, Eastern Europe, Russia, Finland. In the middle of the ring is a liminal dreamlands/wilderness place, where I actually get creative and where the majority
of the campaign action is set.
I salute you user.
Probably a 6, because I ripped off England, a combo of southern France&Italy, and Eastern Europe for humans, Russia for dwarves, Elder Scrolls for my Elves, and Tolkein's Shire for my Halflings. I'd like to think my orcs are pretty original, but you can probably distill them into the lovechild of Mongols and Vikings with my muscular green femdom magical realm mixed in.
my homebrew setting goes all out with NotEurope, its deliberate.
I dislike going halfway there and making boring europe. Im making real europe but with more diverse and extreme landscapes.
I don't draw world maps. They're never needed.
At best, I just start a new campaign by filling in a blank sheet of paper with locations as the players visit them. Crossed a river before you get to this town? Draw the river, draw the town. They followed the river north for a while? Now I know that they're straight east of a castle they visited previously.
Drawing world maps is a waste of time in 99% of games because hardly any of it will ever come up in the game. It can be a lot of fun, but ultimately doesn't usually add to the game. The worst are low-magic peasants-covered-in-shit settings that have highly detailed coastlines around the entire planet and cartography that looks like it was done using satellite imaging.
It's more weeb Caribbean islands than anything
My setting is pretty different from Europe, not least of all because I based it on a terraformed map of Venus. I also deliberately avoided references to real world cultures like the plague.
Did you know that the capital of Bulgaria is actually called Wisdom?
Judge it yourself:
>Unique things about it:
>Sacrophysics justifies:
>Underdark-sized cave networks
>Anything with a single name can acquire a soul, from people to cities.
>dwarven geomancy allows for the cultivation of geodes into city-sized chambers
>international corpse smuggling fuels the war machine of the first lich and his crawling undersea necropolis, partially made of rotten flesh. Besides other things, it uses necromancy to create explosive undead, including whales.
>imperial bureaucracy uses around 30.000 seers to find out the worth of your taxes a month from now
>a nation of megatherium herders based on gaucho romanticism
>universal Soldier-esque frankstein-like steampunk cyborgs opress the populace serving a titanic analogic computer
>sea and moon goddess is a giant mermaid whose fins generate the sea currents. She spawns spell pearls and her bellybutton is a maelstrom leading to inside the moon. It is hollow.
>orcs are unplayable bone-scarred necrogenic apes
>the war god's avatar is made of 300 soldiers acting in perfect unity
>slavery is legal
>spontaneous combustion is diagnosed as a disease
>two gods don't exist 364 days of the year
>Repetition muskets
>a prison made from chained ship hulks in the midst of a lake
>therapeutic curses
>giant snakes made of corindon
>sea centipedes with fins instead of legs
>sultans are djinns and the superior caste of their land
>mountain dwarfs build citadels of pykrete
>two unique races
>handheld rocket launcher baskets
>dwarven war shovels and steel bows
>samurai use firearms
>a nation of megatherium herders based on gaucho romanticism
I like this
>slavery is legal
I hope this is used as a justification for elfgirl slaves
>samurai use firearms
Exactly like in real life, then?
There are actual retards that just remake Europe geographically and/or politically? I thought that shit was just for two-bit fantasy novels and Japanese isekai stories.
>I like this
Thanks, My ancestors deserve some recognition.
>I hope this is used as a justification for elfgirl slaves
It might be, I've seen a player do a brothel.
>Exactly like in real life, then?
Yes. Funnily enough, that ruffles a few feathers here and there, but it is cool to teach something new.
Mine's Southern/Eastern Asia with the serial numbers filed off, does that give me more or less originality?
You're a descendant of megatherii?
Trying to go for a 5 or 6/10. I want to evoke a sense of traditional high adventure and fantasy, but just under the surface is its own unique details. The lands are based in small part of genres of metal.
>western bountiful land, comparatively small, northwest is hills, southwest is the beginning of vast forest, but as the most inhabited region it has its fair share of ruins and dungeons just under the surface Power metal land
>vast eastward stretch of plains, sparse hills, forest and marsh - prime adventurer territory full of old forgotten forts, remains of lost kingdoms, orc holds, isolated hamlets, caverns and shallow valleys folk metal land
>north gets consecutively hillier and more mountainous, lots of tundra and tall black forests until it become frozen wastes, then, amidst towering mountains, a land of frigid, cracked, bitter, eternal darkness black metal land
>southwards is desert, but not natural desert, it was once a mighty land blown to ash and dust in age of storms, now all that remains are nameless tombs, furtive nomads and hidden cults of blood doom/death metal land
>the world is crammed full of the spirits and creatures of the planet, but in the farthest, deepest, darkest place are to be found nameless gnostic terrors and the secret nature of the world
Trying to add more regions, stuff like rogue islands that come and go along the coasts, placement of lakes and rivers, I don't want to go turbo-autist geography, just something fairly believable in terms of layout, but still fantastic. It is all inherently magical anyway.
Something that's important to consider when doing !notEurope is WHY the continent is the way it is geopolitically. The terrain and climate is all very important. There's a reason France and Germany are divided the way they are, why Italy's not melted into France or Austria, why Spain's seperated from the rest and why the smaller kingdoms of Sweden and Norway remained unmolested by continental powers for a very long time.
Natural barriers, basically.
As orher anons have said those are still humans regardless if you subscribe to race/culture.
And for your two human examples I raise you the Ottoman Empire and the Armenians, Russia and its Siberian natives. Although if you want pre nationalism I bring up the Romans and Carthage.
>Russia and its Siberian natives
At no point whatsoever did Russia attempt to exterminate the Siberian natives, not even under Stalin. You should be looking at the USA for that sort of thing.
You tell me. It's for a Zweihander game, with Chaos literally on every side.
Khorne in the south, attacking the Holy City of Not!Jerusalem from a massive pit to Hell that opened up in the Holy Land.
Nurgle leading a diseases horde from the East, fighting Vampire elves in Slyvania
The Pleasure Isles of Slannesh are a full of hedonist pirates
& Tzeneech is basically being Loki & doing Ragnarok, warring against the Not!Norse
The shadows and colors make the text impossible to read, 3/10
"europe with the serial numbers filed off" 0/10
"western canada and US" 10/10
Are you scared of that word or something?