How would you base a BBEG on the mythic Florida Man?
How would you base a BBEG on the mythic Florida Man?
>Try to kill florida man
>"Florida man rapes five homeless to death and eats one of them"
BBEG's been married for 400 year to Florida Woman.
He can channel confusion and disgust into superhuman abilities but only for a short amount of time. In order to keep his power high he must constantly try new shit and up the ante.
waa waa i don't like terms
stop gator abuse
Literally the herald of a Slaad Lord- See Tome of horrors for most recent Slaad Lords
So basically, the Warlock Invocation system, but instead of supernatural powers, he get's epic level feats?
He's an entropomancer, got it.
>Florida Man is a phenomenon of weirdness that permeates the Sunshine State
>as these stories travel they take on a weird life of their own
>researchers have noted with each new story, the others all grow in strength
>You come at the king, you best not miss.
He sounds like my players
funny meme, hon
Oh, is it my time to exist. Hello, Florida native, retired part-time Floridaman.
Floridaman is immune to the deadly effects of all known drugs
Floridaman is capable of producing drugs unknown to mankind
Floridaman can perform actions previously known as "impossible"
Floridaman spontaneously creates new laws just by existing
Floridaman is more a danger to himself than others
Floridaman is a recognized "act of god" by insurances
Floridaman has no clear goal
Floridaman does *not* ever have a purpose
Floridaman comes and goes, and is merely a title held, much like Thor
Imagine being so filled with rage your first instinct after a gator attack is to rape the gator
you newfag.
>Floridaman is a recognized "act of god" by insurances
Someday I’m going to run a campaign with the premise “Florida has metastasized and begun spreading across the world; are the PCs bad enough dudes to prevent the entire world from becoming Florida?”
Well I played him as sort of an anti-villain, but the gist was as long as he's not underwater he can recover from pretty much anything. If you put him underwater when he's dead (or drown him) he stays dead until such a time as he's pulled out of the water and then he's alive again.
Mine could enter a scene through any appropriate or inappropriate portal, which led to him falling through skylights or crawling out of a toilet and shit.
He has a preternatural talent with improvised weapons, so like he can blow up a police car with a shook-up can of PBR.
The character is over the top ridiculous, which is the point. If Florida Man isn't absurd there's a danger people will take him seriously.
When we had the Capeworld threads, we made up Floridaman to be a well-meaning spirit that wants to be a superhero. Like DC's Deadman, the Floridaman entity can't affect the real world directly, but it can posses people temporarily. It tries to do good deeds, but in the Worst Way Possible. Like stopping a bank robbery by huffing spray paint and masturbating in front of the building to bring the cops - whom he fights - to make sure they stay in the area.
Florida Man is an ancient swamp spirit. He takes the form of a 9-foot-tall ghostly alligator, and can shapechange into a white alligator at will.
It used to possess warriors and chiefs of ancient Native American tribes, causing them to go to war for his entertainment.
However, in the modern age, the invention of drugs and ATVs have changed his priorities considerably. He now possesses people for the purpose of getting high on meth and playing real-life GTA.
The original posters often said cringe too, it's just ugh took off more you double newfag.
>"next time you try to kill a man, you best get the job done. Now you're my bitch forever."
Also,make the BBEG a derranged, swamp dwelling wizard bent into procreating into existence his own race of crocodile men.
Doesn't that line imply the gator tried to eat him, but he won the fight? He deserves his own alligator sex slave, if you ask me.
I'm writing this down as a plot hook. It just happens my party is going to pass by a water god temple not too far from now, and that temple belongs to a local cult that believes crocs to be sacred.
Stealing this.
florida man is a meme you are surrounded by weirdos. It's just a quirk of law that media can access such specifics in florida, and not other places.
I already did that though.
It ended poorly. For the players.
t. Butt-hurt Floridian
More like Florida is always in the top five for the fastest growing populations in the country. It's a crazy mix of upper class retirees, hispanic immigrants, dirty south ghetto, and rednecks. None of which get along very well.
The good news is, between pollution, climate change, and all the fucking huge wastes of water that are the old folks gated communities. Florida will be 1 giant sink hole full of sea water soon enough.
Seriously, if u want a good laugh look up an article on our water situation. We're fucked down here. Oh and our governor is a snake man who made sure on one thing first things he did was downsize our EPA because it makes all the fucking teapartyers happy who are more worried about tax cuts than the future of our environment.
No way man, help that gator have a good time!
>How would you base a BBEG on the mythic Florida Man?
Take Jack from RE7. Add bath salts, a specific power of luck, and way too many favors done for the cops to stay locked up. Go hog wild and apologize for nothing.
Evil Druid.
No other way.
"Welcome to the family, son."
Floridaman is your average PC
Class weakness: Day shift strippers
he doesn‘t bother the outside world, but if any Heroine invades his Swamp Castle in search of glory, she better be prepared to face the consequences.
Hijinks ensue when the party realises he's got her confused with heroin
I'd play it but what system
I think this is a good start.
Is he a champion of Slaanesh or Tzeench? He's my next big bad for sure.
Nurgle. Specialized in STDs.
Oh makes sense. I wonder if the Floridan inbreeding would also be a nurgle thing. Does nurgle like genetic defects as much as disease?
>snake man
Hell no he ain't, he's fukkin Nosferatu that came to the Sunshine State as the perfect cover for his vampirism.
If it propagates, probably. But I was mostly thinking about how syphilis drives you insane well before it kills you.
Bullets can't stop him. But they do cause him pain.
May god have mercy if Florida man tries to help you.
You call Florida woman.
To be fair, it's a dick move to 69 someone, cum before them, and just stop. Like, seriously, have some fucking class.
he stops crimes by making everyone so afraid that he will "solve" their problems that no one does anything.
Jilberto sounds like the name of a Latino stand up comedian
best boy
It's a mix of both. Florida's laws do require police reports to be made public, BUT there is still a higher level of such incidents due to second OP's reasons. Florida is a perfect storm that brings out such comedic gold.
Florida Man is a living madness that possesses the inhabitants of a swamp entrenched country who use magic. Trouble is, EVERYONE in this country has some sort of magical ability. Because of this, any random person is capable of turning into Florida Man; preforming a feat of insanity so intense that it creates a feedback loop of Madness that forcefully exorcizes the Florida Man out of its latest victim.
I can't stop laughing
I want my next character to be Florida Man.
Its more likely that people from the northern hemisphere and warm/tropical climates don't mix. I mean, look at stralyans.
Is Florida Man something you want to summon?
Depends. Good if you want nothing but a horrific outcome, yes.
If you want to involved while doing the deed, no.
Old Man Henderson but evil.
>Arrested for giving wedgies
The Police are a little heavy handed in Florida it seems?
People may include; children and adults both male and female of all ages. So the charges may include assault leading to physical injury, sexual harassment and assault and child abuse. Or just simply running around giving wedgies isn't the most neighborly thing to do.
>Floridaman spontaneously creates new laws just by existing
a character that's so chaotic he passively makes everyone around him more lawful out of disgust would be pretty funny actually
>that temple belongs to a local cult that believes crocs to be sacred.
I take it their "god" is fat and dead?
There's something inherently funny about alligators being bullied
She really needs to teach that little guy to shoot a gun. TMNT meets Shadowrun as fuck.
What I don't get is why the florida man was arrested
He was in his own property, and to be fair the gator tried to kill him. The gator lost all it's animal rights.
Im so proud of my state
Wow. That was fun just to glance at.
hamburger man looks like he would murder for much less
>florida man bites police car
Wonder if it tasted like pork
There's a law against bestiality.
lame joke
Is Florida Man a champion of Slaneesh or Chaos Undivided?
Probably some Unknown Armies antagonist, some sort of spirit of the rebel or chaos bullshit.
Clearly a champion of Zurravisen the Undoer, renegade chaos god of fucking shit up.
It'd just be Old Man Henderson.
>the entire world from becoming Florida?”
How horrific
Nurgle, imo. Florida Man doesn't have a Tzeentchian bone in his body.
What about when he danced naked atop a cop car to save children from their vampire parents?
I honestly feel sorry for gators after reading this thread.
Floridian here, some of these reports may be inaccurate, but they are all still truisms.
I continue to be amazed that Floridians seem to make up a percentage of Veeky Forums posters far, far beyond the expected statistics.
OP's post is actually fabricated,but I would not try to claim that gator rape never happened IRL.
Fun fact: There are more New Yorkers and Ohioans in Florida than native born people.
Our Governor is not a yuan ti or a Reptoid. He is Voldemort.
>Florida man attack's moms boyfriend with samurai sword over missing can of shrimp
Everyone knows a Florida Man story but no one wants to be a part of a Florida Man story. Treat him like a trickster god that can anyone can become.
It would be too late. All adventurers would be the first affected and turned into Floridians.
This isn't too far from classical mythology.
As a Floridian, I don't believe this guy is also one because we love Florida Man.
>t. Gator Fucker