Why haven't you converted an old shipping container into an isolated game cabin in the woods?
Why haven't you converted an old shipping container into an isolated game cabin in the woods?
I lack the skill and funds required for a project like that, and there aren't any woods near where I live.
I live in Nevada
There's no woods or shipping container around me.
Replace woods with.....cactaceous ravine?
Might as well just build a wood cabin with all the insolation that thing will require to keep warm.
>no woods or shipping container around me
Have a container shipped to you. Oh, and plant some trees.
Why haven't you converted an old meth lab into an isolated game cabin in the desert?
Problem solved
Because I'm not planning to murder my players OP jesus fuck.
My gaming group is not the kind of people I would wish to get isolated in the woods with.
We already built an isolated game cabin in the woods using a bunch of scrap lumber that was already on-site.
>Why haven't you converted an old shipping container into an isolated game cabin in the woods?
because i already have a cuckshed and i don't have any friends
> Playing isolated in the woods
> Not playing near a densely circulated area and let bystanders play in the game.
because it has nothing to do with Veeky Forums
I'll be your friend if you let me fuck your wife while you hang in your cuckshed user.
Not like it's not happening anyway really.
Why don't you just build a real structure that's actually fit for purpose instead of taking something that's too narrow and too long and has literally no features that make it attractive or even suitable to game in.
Delete your fucking pinterest and use your head.
something something cuckshed
We play in my basement. Mom makes hot dish casserole. It’s really quite warm and cozy in Winter. I live in Wisconsin no reason to go outside other than to play hockey this time of year.
I do
every week a bunch of dead teenagers end up there, apparently they had an orgy then they OD'd
My country sells WW2 infantry bunkers that could serve the same purpose, they are cheap but generally in pretty bad shape (despite never being used).
>we're gaming in that icebox, dave.... just look at that fire 30ft away and think warm thoughts, youll be fine
/tg in a nutshell.
This, desu
Haven't accumulated enough artificial crab meat yet.
Why do that when my parents let me use their basement for free? House is paid off, everyone is a NEET and my parents don't give a shit if I live here because I'm too autistic to live alone and we get along.
I have a room that was specifically converted to be a gaming room/study. It was once a garage, then my grandpa turned it into a living room sometime in the eighties.
It has two IKEA Ingo tables pushed together, seats about eight, or our group of six comfortably, a couch and television, my books (gaming and literature), a shelf for board games and minis, and my computer desk.
It's got its own door into the house that I can close if we game late at night because my group is loud and will wake up my kids. It also opens directly into the driveway so they can leave without tromping through my house at two AM
I already live alone. Building an additional cuckshed would only waste money and distract me from self-loathing and shitposting.
Because for this to work you need
>A shipping container
>Money for the above
>Money for transport/basic power/heating
>Money to make it viable for temporary habitation
>Friends willing to travel and share expenses
>Friends mature enough to spend 2-4 days playing something
>A good relationship with your players
>Faith that has been previously rewarded
All this assuming you want a man-hut out in the middle of nowhere where your group can spend a couple days once a month
Unlike this guy I am planning to murder my players and don't want them cottoning on too easy.
Mostly because I don't want people to think I'm a fucking serial killer, user.
You know who usually worries that people will think they are a serial killer?
It's serial killers.
It's really easy to build a frame and insulate from the inside. It's like their biggest draw.
I'd want to double insolate it and at that point it's more frame than container.
>Shipping container
>Not building a small log cabin with an iron stove with your buddies like a white person
Because of skinwalkers. I mean, can you imagine how fucking much they'd be 'that guy' if you played with them?
>everyone with pale or peach-colored skin is exactly the same
Because I'm not planning on killing my players and hiding the bodies.
>Build a nice little game cabin
>Lich gals take it over while you sleep
>My country sells WW2 infantry bunkers
I'll take two! They're small...
because I don't want to be found frozen to death hunched over the Settlers of fucking Catan
That is what they want you to think.
I have no excuse
Suddenly I want to play flames of war/bolt action in one of these bunkers. Everyone must wear costumes.
Just call the police or shoot them yourself for being on your property
You don't want to build stuff in ravines. They have a tendency to flood.
Because concrete is cheaper and stronger.
I saw enough Slasher movies to know how that ends
I do, except it's on my parents front lawn instead of in the middle of no where.
This my cabin
Those movies are gay as fuck and I dont think jason can stand up to 7.62x54R
I don't want to bring too much attention to my other hobbies.
>not owning a home with enough rooms to game in
>not having the living room set up for video gaming on the tv and the family room set up for board games and rpgs with substantial shelving and Veeky Forums art
Because I plan on gaming in an underground bunker. So I can play apocalypse world in the apocalypse.
this is why
Mate, we've all had gaming tables that would be improved by the sudden inclusion of a gigantic angry grizzly bear.
Because my province has fucking retarded zoning laws that prevent it.
"Roll for random encounter.. 16. That's a.."
And then the bear bursts through the window.
because I have no friends to game with and if I had the kind of money to blow on land and a cabin i'd make it to live there or blow the money on actual game stuff, rather than a random place people won't go to when they won't even come to my home five minutes from where they live.
>he didn't learn necromancy and turn the lich-girls into his undead sex slaves
pleb detected
looks comfy
Wow Billy Bob good fucking job, shoot the liches with a regular-ass gun, that'll solve the problem. The problem of the liches. The liches which have phylacteries. The liches that're making off with your game cabin as you wonder what went wrong.
Way to use all 4 points in INT you have.
No one who lives out in lich country has a "regular-ass gun"
This shit looks like it is impossible to heat it up - shitload of windows and sliding doors leading directly inside, combined with unsecured original door of the container and no sings of anything even resembling a chimney.
2/10 would get inside and freeze to death.
And if you don't have winters that can cause death by hypothermia while sitting inside unheated metal box - why the fuck you are using it in the first place, if you could just sit on a bench in the woods and play games in the open air?
Its such a small volume container that any real BTU's being spent on heating would more than outpace loss from drafty doors. Throw a woodstove in a corner and itll hold at 75 degress easy. Think of those saunas in vikingland. They're drafty as fuck, have zero insulation, and are in brutal temperatures. Internally, they're nice and toasty. Its all about heat output vs heat loss.
Shame that they are:
- impossible to heat up
- most of them are leaking due to being 80 years old concrete (and nothing can be done with that, since that's just the nature of the material)
- they are in Czech Republic
>vz 37 Ropnik
How hard it is to check what that is with google? Or reverse-search the image?
>75 degrees
How much is that in non-retarded?
>They're drafty as fuck, have zero insulation
Are you retarded?
>Rest of the post
Yes, you are retarded
....Not a bad idea. Although I already have a summerhouse that would need just cleaning and something to produce electricity for music/fridge for beer.
>all this bullshit
I don't think you ever saw a snowy winter in your entire, miserable Californian life. Not to mention one that kills Grande Armee
Learn American, commie
google is a useful tool in this
>Learn the system that is only used by one country
Fucking finally adopt metric, retards
Because I'm using a summer house set up on a community garden I inherited from my grandfather.
Imagine being this star-spangled stupid
> It would rust to death in weeks
> It would be FREEZING
> There are no woods nearby
> 'in the woods' is someone else's land
Sorry user, we both know no girl would ever come near you especially at night.
Shipping Containers are a meme among tiny house/shelter/survivalist fantasists, and are actually really quite shit. Build a nice smial instead.
Do not do this by burying shipping containers, you idiot.
Lich's aren't real user, they're just home invaders in facepaint
>they are in Czech Republic
How's that a bad thing? Cheap bear, good gun laws, very few muslim hordes
>only one country
Not true. Liberia and Myanmar also use retard unit system.
Apparently it's illegal in my state. Damn shame too Michigan has some good land.
The shipping containers are practically rust proof, you know, being shipped over the ocean and all.
The rust proofing isn't good for people.
Why do Americans always proudly bring the fact that two worst shitholes on this planet, with total national income of a small-sized city, are too poor to even bother with what measurement system is used in them?
Not to mention government of both wants to drop retarded, but as mentioned, can't fucking afford it, along with dozens of different things.
Ever considered they might be in a middle of nowhere, in a country that is itself a middle of nowhere for Europe? Or that Muslims aren't present, because it's a god-awful place to live and even they know about it?
Those bunkers were build in the '37 (the name literally means "model 37") to defend borders in Sudets. If you don't know what that means, imagine the most desolated part of Kentucky Appalachians and you shouldn't be that far off.
Canada, the UK, and Ireland also use it in a non-official capacity
By this logic, everyone is using retarded, solely because in most languages there are sayings and phases referencing retarded units.
Did he Catan?
Or, Europe gets offended again, the thread
Metric is retarded. It's arbritrary and just as weird as Imperial (who says it has to be a hundred to everything?) and is designed to convince peasants to abandon all traces of their old society in a fervour of revolutionary action.
In addition, using imperial helps to improve abstract thought and more complex understanding. Personally I want to not only dump Metric but also Decimalisation.
My fellow!
The original doors are airtight. That's the point of shipping containers.
>Not knowing both
It's not that fucking hard, retarded Europoor
and you need to move your units with those rod thingies generals use to push troop models in the movies.
Metric works great for scientific and engineering concerns, where scaling is important.
France over-did themselves on that one, they managed to surrender whole another country.
>impossible to heat up
They are near the woods usually - that's plenty a material to heat up with, just get in small iron stove and put chimney pipe out of the gun hole. They don't hold the heat very well though.
>most of them are leaking due to being 80 years old concrete (and nothing can be done with that, since that's just the nature of the material)
You could give in insulation / impregnation coat. That doesn't really solve the material problem, but makes it livable for another year of three.
>they are in Czech Republic
heard you were talking shit
>Ever considered they might be in a middle of nowhere
We got pretty dense population, at any given point you're no more than two hours' walk from some small village. The only problem is you might run into gypsies before you meet some people.
>literal cuckshed
no thanks