Common Misconceptions About Yugioh

>There are no resources in Yugioh
While there is no mana system or equivalent, there are limited resources in Yugioh that players have to manage - notably card advantage and the 1 Normal Summon per turn. And yes, even with all of the crazy bullshit that's in the game, the Normal Summon is important to most decks still.

>Every game ends on the first turn because instakill decks are everywhere
People like to show off instakill combos in exhibition videos, but between handtraps and their own inconsistency, there's a reason why FTKs rarely ever become even slightly relevant. Many decks can put out enough raw power to deal one's full LP in one combat, but it usually involves magical Christmasland scenarios.

>The graveyard is a second hand and banished (exiled) cards are a second graveyard
Most decks have graveyard interaction. That's been a thing since the beginning of the game. Of course there's a lot of banishing, as interaction. Most decks don't have any way of interacting with banished cards.

>Yugioh is completely broken! Just look at cards like Pot of Greed!
Magic is completely broken! Just look at cards like Ancestral Recall!

>Konami doesn't care about investors/speculators/the secondary market!
As well they shouldn't. Which is more likely to make money for a LGS: Gambling on the value of old cards that are only legal in formats nobody plays, with the hopes that people will buy them for $100+, or having a mix of sealed product that is actually relevant to players and singles from recent sets that are relevant for casuals and tourney grinders alike?

>Konami designs your deck for you!
The name-based archetypes aren't as restrictive as they may seem on the surface. Beyond the archetype-name mechanic, they also all have one or more common mechanical themes (i.e., all have on summon triggers, all care about being discarded, all have similar stats, etc.), which allow for generic cards, or mechanics of other archetypes, to synergize with them.

Other urls found in this thread:

I know you're probably a Konami shill but I recently got back into your game because MTG is filled with fuck ups, congrats on winning my business for having good and cheap out-of season decks for casual pay with my playgroup.

Can anyone link to a good tutorial on how to play

>reads post
>goes back to ignoring yugioh

you could start with Yu-gi-oh Duel links on mobile, or, no joke, the Text to speech episodes on Yu-Gi-Oh do show both how to, and how not to play well.

Interesting. Alas, I have little to add to this discussion.

>inb4 you don't even play
I played for years (since English release) and recently got tired of konami's bullshit and decided to quit

>the one normal summon barely fucking counts as a resource and most good decks have a way around losing out on that

>a decent chunk of the banlist is due to FTK and when people talk about this in regards to YGO they are referring to OTKs and the nature of this game to be "here is my near unbreakable board did you draw the one solution your deck has" type of gameplay

>this just an out right lie, if your deck puts things there it has a way to get them back and that was certainly not the case when the game first started.

>if a draw two is all it takes to break a game then the game was very fragile to begin with

>no konami doesn't care about anything other than turning a profit, the way the reprint, the way they run there banlist, the out of control powercreep, and the fact they design a mechanic as inherently broken as links that intentionally made older decks worse all point to this. and they will go with the money even if they have to fuck over LGS's and consumers, which they do

you could just not
save your money, because if you play yugioh odds are your deck will be totally worthless in 3-6 months time with most if not all useful cards in it being powercreeped out or banned/limited.

the community is mostly utter garbage its infested with thieves and self-centered asshole with inferiority complexes. and typically there are 2 to 3 guys at every locals who take the game way to seriously and will bring a tier zero deck to locals and if by some miracle you win they will get super mad and will even at times resort to calling you a cheater

after your deck is ban or powercreeped out you will not be able recoup your losses either since the rest of it holds no value now that its not playable.

and hope you like buying packs because if you play for more than one format and don't just drop 600 on a deck. you be buying a lot since konami has and still does short print to the point of getting one card per case on some secret rares

>not playing a game strictly for fun

>text-to-speech episodes
>MST negates

You could just not play competitively. And Burning Abyss has been playable since release and will be meta once their Link is released in TCG.

BA, ABC, Infernoids and Paleozoic have all been consistently in the metagame to some extent since their release.

>Yugioh is only for faggots.
Not true. it's also for homosexuals as well.

If you're playing the game just for fun then OP's points don't matter and aren't advantages when comparing it to MtG or Pokemon, except for the price. But the price of cards doesn't matter for casual play in MtG or Pokemon either.

The text formatting is atrocious, and the abilities are way too verbose. There's plenty of other tcgs I'd rather pick up, and I say this as someone who continues to watch the anime to this day.

What in the fuck is going here? I know YGO has gone off the rails since 5D's but when did it go full on genocide route?

They're being captured by the enemy

> but when did it go full on genocide route?
When it introduced cross dimensional multiverse wars where duel schools are military academies to train armies to conquer other worlds

So we went from
>Card games in Egypt
>Card Games in School
>Card games on motorcycles
>Card games in space
>Ahh! Real Monster (the card game)
to "Gate: the card game?"

What the fuck is YGO supposed to be nowadays?

Sword Art Online with card games

nah, i think that's either late 5Ds, or Arc-V

the latest season, VRAINS, is about VR dueling, and the protagonist is batman

Wow, somehow even worse. So what happens, you get shot by lasers and your body goes to the shadow realm or some shit?

No, you get shot with the lasers and you're sealed inside a card. Arc-V is about multidimensional hopping, as there are other dimensions in the universe, each one revolving around a specific special summoning method (ritual, synchro, xyz, fusion, pendulum ) The Fusion Universe is full of evil, psychotic duel students who are used as a conquering army and have decimated the Xyz universe (from what I remember) and despite it being people sealed inside cards, it's pretty horrifying as people are "gunned" down indiscriminately and cities are burned to the ground.

>VRAINS, is about VR dueling,
I thought YGO was already VR thanks to the duel disks that Kaiba made. Now that I think about it, why hasn't anyone made a YGO VR simulator yet?

You die.

Anyone got a Cube list for older sets? I've got me some hardcore nostalgia going on. Stuff spanning from Blue Eyes to Dark Crisis, or roundabout there.

So which is it? Are you just sealed inside a card or do you actually die from it? Keep in mind, I haven't watched the anime since GX so I have no fucking clue where this shit has been going.

I know nothing about Yugioh - I watched the show and played a few games in person about 15 years ago.

I've always thought that Bill or Professor Oak would be used in every Pokemon deck. Likewise, I assume Pot of Greed would be used in every Yugioh deck. Is this true? Is the card just banned?

In Arc-V, you get sealed into a card. In VRAINS if you die in the game, you die in real life.

Damn, that gif is pretty fucking brutal honestly.

monarchs are hard to play

Only good YGO eras are goat control and synchro era post-cat, pre-xyz.

It's banned yes.

I remember when "removed from play" meant that shit was gone

Congratulations on answering criticism from 20010. Try answering problems from this decade, like $600 hand trap meta.

First half of XYZ was solid. It was good up until the Dragons at least then every set invalidated the last set

>Normal Summon is important to MOST decks

>the community is mostly utter garbage its infested with thieves and self-centered asshole with inferiority complexes. and typically there are 2 to 3 guys at every locals who take the game way to seriously and will bring a tier zero deck to locals and if by some miracle you win they will get super mad and will even at times resort to calling you a cheater

This in every aspect. Yu-Gi-Oh is banned from every store in my area. They were so repugnant that they drove away other groups from entirely different games. The theivery was so rampent that there's a joke that no one actually own any cards, there's just one community pool and everyone just steals what they need from everyone else. Also the core of the Yu-Gi-Oh community were pedophiles who kept cp on their ps vitas and traded the SD cards between themselves in store according to a couple of the community members. Only one store in my area still hosts Yu-Gi-Oh events for children and "tolerable" adults because they insta-ban anyone who even sneezes funny.

And the game is busted in half and broken beyond repair but that's not Yu-Gi-Ohs fault. The Japanese can't design a sensible card game to save their lives, even if they do have some really interesting ideas.

>This in every aspect. Yu-Gi-Oh is banned from every store in my area. They were so repugnant that they drove away other groups from entirely different games. The theivery was so rampent that there's a joke that no one actually own any cards, there's just one community pool and everyone just steals what they need from everyone else. Also the core of the Yu-Gi-Oh community were pedophiles who kept cp on their ps vitas and traded the SD cards between themselves in store according to a couple of the community members. Only one store in my area still hosts Yu-Gi-Oh events for children and "tolerable" adults because they insta-ban anyone who even sneezes funny.
Is YGO the PF of TCG's?


>All of these fucking metafags
( I'm assuming )

Jesus Christ Veeky Forums

Also only watch YuGiOh DM and Season 1 of 5Ds guys, literally the only two good shows they have.

>why isn't there a YGO VR sim yet

because Konami won't allow it probably, they want to develop it themselves to make mega bux but they probably won't be able too anytime soon seeing as they aren't a big tech company.

I'm actually headed to my LGS today and may pick up a few things from the old sets because this tread made me feel a bit younger.

That and the fact that Card Kingdom kind of pissed off a few thousand MTG players yesterday.

>That and the fact that Card Kingdom kind of pissed off a few thousand MTG players yesterday.
What happened?

they hired some feminist to write a arcticle, it pretty much called jace a cuck saying all mtg players should idolize him.

all you really need is the the last sentence.

pic 2

>create two 1/1 cats with trample
There's a lot wrong with this picture but this one made me go "what's the fucking point?"

Do they hire writers nowadays based on how little they know about the material they're writing about?

as both a YGO and MTG player I'm laughing my fucking ass off right now holy shit how did I miss this?!!!

The biggest problem with pot of greed was that there was no reason not to use it. In old yugioh basically everyone ran 3 pot of greed, 3 mirror force and 3 call of the haunted. Konami wanted to get rid of such a centralizing card.

card games in Egypt were lethal and used for wars though, just read dat mango.

>when you have 7 cats but can't get a boyfriend so you decide to write shitty articles on tcg websites

>card games in Egypt were lethal and used for wars though, just read dat mango.
I did, and at least back then they were stone slabs that housed monsters inside of them and duels were treated like stands battles as opposed to being a game for children.

We're at a point where cities are being blown up and people captured in cards for the sake of a children's card game, which is incredibly absurd even by YGO standards.

Eh, a kid was actually murdered in 5D's.

Every feminist cunt is just the female version of a neckbeard; a sad lonely creature who hates men just because they wouldn't give her the time of day back when she was younger.

Removed from play face down is the closest you'll get to ding dong gone forever in this game.

To be fair, if the cards are actually summoning monsters then it makes sense wars are literally waged in a duel system.
If a non-card using army is trying to fight against something like BEWD, do they really stand a chance?
How much ATK does an average fighter jet have?

>How much ATK does an average fighter jet have?

Should be way higher than that, 1400 is what a regular sword fighter has.

Fighter jets should have 2400 attack and be indestructible if they're fighting a monster that's level 5 or lower like satellite base.

Tell me when Vampire Lord is good again and I'll consider playing.

just play with cards with cards from 2002-2005. all of my friends made a format like that. We play it, it's actually p good.

>can’t even put in card numbers to get digital card
In the trash, even dark duel stories had that.

I would get back into YGO if even the big Duel fields became a reality, let alone the duel disks.

I thought they showed some developing YGO VR some time ago?

If I wanted to start watching the anime where should I begin?

Is it worth the early series slog for the payoff of the later seasons?

You forgot the part where VRAINS has bitcoin mining as a plotpoint.

First episode of course.
Regular anime has 5 seasons, then you can branch out and start any other series you want.

what's your favorite yugioh card?

Like, of all time? Yubel. Marshmallon comes second i guess.
When i was a kid it was Exodia Necross.

Can someone give me a quick rundown on the spinoffs? I havent seen shit after GX.

Whats this about motorbikes and space battles?

Anyone play 60 card Highlander? I think that captures the spirit of brewing a unique deck without purpousefuly making everything garbage.

This adorable mother fucker

the /dng/ discord has been has been playing 60 card no banlist highlander for the past few days.

Is there a points list of certain power cards to prevent players from running every single busted card in existance?

There isn't. I saw some of their games and it didn't seem too bad even with all the cards at one. I'm not in the discord, I just watched their games on ygopro, so you should try asking over at dng

Jesus, user. That would be rude if it weren't pretty close to the truth.

magic is run by Jews and Pedos. 40% Cards are literally useless, not because of power creep (which is an issue), because they literally no longer fallow the games format. Lol, at least I can still use my original deal from grade school. Likewise, all the gigatards have migrated over to magic the faggening. If you want a decent deck, for pennies, pick up some Yu-Gi-Oh.

bump from the bottom of page 10.
SO, I like the original anime (with the egyptian wackiness) and never played the game, but a few of my friends have got back into it.
How do I start? Is it possible to build and play 'themed' decks based on shit from the show without being a total fag?

It really disappoints me that the only positive posting about yugioh on Veeky Forums in a long time is /pol/tards doing it just because they think WotC is full of SJW cuck soyboys, thus further tarnishing the reputation of the game.
Alright fess up, which one of you used the monkey's paw?

You can read the rules on it. They're pretty short actually.
Then see if your friends play with any changes(the ones I play with ignore link monsters but we moved the pendulum zone to the trap/magic card zone, this shit won't fly with other people but it's useful to know in their case) and how competitive they are to ensure your deck isn't too bad or good and you can look up popular cards and decks for archetypes or playstyles you enjoy, like only fire monsters, or Dark Magician/Blue eyes decks and so on.

>yugioh is the most /pol/ card game despite also being the least white one
So diversity is our strength after all?

>thinking a /pol/ raid is to blame for people actually getting back into a TCG that they played when they where younger because the one they're currently playing is filled with and ran by the worst kinds of people on earth

Some of us are actually getting back into the game because WOTC has shown no signs of changing anytime son and we want a TCG that we can enjoy and still feel nostalgic about.

This is our only option.

user gets it.

after seeing this thread I looked into the banlist and those "out of season" decks that are supposed to be cheap

I'll try to get my playgroup on board with this anyhow, the shit with Wizards has gotten to be ridiculous. I like GW but has a point from alot of the YGO stuff I've been looking at this morning they seem to have alot of arctypes and they look cheap as hell to build from the prices on TCGplayer.
>no 40 dollar fetchlands
>no shocks
>no duals

sounds ok to me honestly

I remember watching the show as a kid too, if user this it's a /pol/ raid he's fucking stupid shit was based of a goddamn EGYPTIAN fantasy game not some Nazi experiment. Fuck off with your delusion.

But pulling OTKs are the most fun part of this game

The problem is that while off season decks are cheap, strong decks are pretty expensive and staples change very fast as bans and new sets release. Competitive YGO asks you to get increasingly better "lands" every season since there's no rotation format. They will also gladly change rules to render your decks weaker, such as link monsters (can no longer summon more than one extra deck monster without them unless they are special summoned some other way) to force you to change your deck.

It's only cheap if you play casual, but then MtG (and FoW, Pokemon, pretty much any card game for that matter) is really cheap if you only play casual as well. Pic related is 70-80$ for a staple you need to use pretty much everywhere, but was released a year ago and might be rendered worthless at any time.

>It's only cheap if you play casual
>implying mtg casual is cheap

or it could get a reprint and make it accessible to everyone.

It'll get a re-print in a few months and drop to 5 bucks like a card called "Honest" did.

lol Honest is like a 50 cents or less on TCG now. because of Konami's reprint trigger finger The original your talking about is still 10 bucks though.

What would old players from 2002 build? I'm hanging out with my friends and we're reading the PDF anything that plays like a MTG deck would?

Blue-Eye White Dragon, Red-Eyes Black Dragon tribal, Agents and reanimator are easy.

The two tribal builds would be great for nostalgica if that's what you want. Now there is one card in the decks that is 12 dollars but it isn't necessary, it just gives creates hexproof until the end of turn.

The decks shouldn't be but under 30 dollars for each one you decide to build at most.

Goat Control 2018


I lost track of the game when the Monarchs were good and Black Luster Soldier was busted. How much has power crept since?


>Antagonists of the metaplot based on Jewish mysticism
>Protagonists based on crusaders and Gnosticism
>Expecting it to not be /pol/

Ygo best aspects are the combos and weeb stuff

We meme'd this a few weeks ago Card, we somehow made Scapegoat a good TGO card again lmao.

>those digits

What is every card we did suddenly becomes good?

No. more. Tric.

lol someone should send that to the guy.

Monarchs are ded, BLS is a ritual deck so its prone to bricking anyways. Meta is pretty diverse in the OCG though, since they're fucking madmen.

>shadow realm
Fun fact, the shadow realm was an invention of the english dub, in the japanese version you would just die.