Well, Veeky Forums?
Well, Veeky Forums?
Because they seem to get all the best ass...
Is this a trick question?
Because the world needs a hero, and no one else has risen to the occasion.
I probably won't succeed. It might not even be possible for things to turn out like I hope. I'm probably going to die or suffer some humiliating defeat.
But, fucking hell, if this world is going to become a better place SOMEBODY HAS TO TRY.
Are you implying I'm not one?
No. My ideals change as I gather new information, so I will inevitably contradict myself in time.
Also, people are assholes.
because heroes of justice get to fuck saber
>not realizing that he just posted a ladyknight defending a damsel
Well, it's an interesting t/u/rn of events....
Someone's gotta
What makes you think I don't realize what I posted?
I am not a hero of justice. I have no grand desires to save the world. I am just a man trying to help others in need
Fuck the king
Actually, I always felt more sympathetic for the villains. They tried and failed, and I felt bad for them.
If you insist
Justice is arbitrary. It's not my place to enforce ideals onto the world.
That said, helping and protecting the weak and broken is a-ok, but that's not the stuff of legends. That's ok though, i'm not out to be remembered.
Because options B and C are to be buttfucked, tortured, or killed by asshole overlords/demons/eldritch monstrosities for eternity or end up forcefully drawn into their employ and constantly looking over my shoulder for some chucklefuck trying to kidney shank me to gain favor or a promotion. For option C this is assuming of course my boss doesn't decide to buttfuck, torture, or kill me first on a whim. Heroes of Justice are at least 60% less likely to do those things.
Because I just really want to kill things. If I can be morally justified in doing so then all the better.
>I should like to help everyone if possible. We all want to help one another. Human beings are like that. We want to live by each other's happiness, not by each other's misery. We don't want to hate and despise one another. In this world there is room for everyone, and the good earth is rich and can provide for everyone. The way of life can be free and beautiful, but we have lost the way.
I like to help people and I would like to think everyone would do the same.
Also I’m not edgy
Not if my sword has to be that stupidly wide
Because I got bitchslapped for that.
> Be without fear in the face of your enemies
> Be brave and upright, that God may love thee
> Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death
> Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong
This is canon.
Justice is simply one facet of properly applied emotionally-weighted logic. Ethical application of logic leads to a more efficient system, through which we all may acquire a higher standard of living than we could have attained previously; and as an opposition of properly applied greed, logic can evenly distribute the benefits and result in a more elegant system.
I pursue justice for precisely the same reason I would prefer to have a solid-state hard drive in my computer: If I drop it, it does not break.
where's the rest of the picture?
I want to fuck the king and her son at the same time. I want Arturia to use me to teach her son how to please a man. I want my dick between the king’s breasts as she and her son practice performing oral on me. I want the king to kiss feed her son semen and teach her to swallow. I want the king to ride my dick like a horse and I want her son’s vagina on my mouth. I want to cum inside the king as I eat out the king’s son. I want the king to part her son's legs and show me her vagina. I want Mordred to scream for her daddy as I pound her. I want to fill her with just as much cum as I filled her father. I want enjoy Arthurian-style oyakodon.
Did someone say canon?
Coz I enjoy justice. And enjoy being a hero. If I am fit for this path, then I shall share my bliss with all; if not - then so be it.
I'm no hero. Never was. I'm just an old killer... hired to do some wet work.
No one gets left behind
I know fate rules are a bit skewy but
>my wife's son (daughter)
Tesla is great and all, but he did not invent useful methodologies to utilize X-Rays and Radar. I'm sure he participated in some development, in fact I know he continued some Rontgen's X-Ray research, and was in fact allowed to because Rontgen was also a pretty cool guy and didn't patent his developments, but medical X-Ray imaging rightly goes to Rontgen.
As far as Radar, Tesla published something about using Radar to detect subs, thinking that the UHF band used in radar could penetrate water. It cannot. This was in the late 1910s. I don't know if he did anything else, but the leaders in Radar after world war I was Britain, and Tesla was based in the US.
Christian Hulsmeyer developed a working radar, though primitive in 1904.
I'm all for giving the guy props, but not if it takes away from other STEM bros from history like Rontgen.
[Autistic Aside Completed]
Fatefag here, I apologize to everyone who is thoroughly confused by this post.
I understand it
That doesn't make it better
Nasu deserves to die in a fire
I feel like I'm on /fgog/.
To punish the evil-doers.
And those who would do evil given the opportunity.
And their next of kin to set example.
Not yet.
There's enough evil people in the world who only look out for themselves.
We're here to make a difference.
Not 'til he writes Tsukihime 2, at the very least.
"Hero of justice" is way too strong of a name for what I do, girlie.
Justice moves at its own pace Thot. Not yours
I don't want to get banned user.
Improved your seiba
What is wrong with your video player, user? Why is there a grey overlay all over your shot?
I hear people give you free shit if they think you're a hero.
I'd prefer to be a Hero of Magic thanks.
Actually scratch that, I'll be a person of infinite potential in all things. Yeah, unlimited power sounds nice.
Also Saber is boring and a poor reinterpretation of King Author.
>King Author
Are you trying to say that Nasu wants to be the Seiba?
We all want to be the Seiba. Even does.
But alter is best waifu
surprised no one has tried to make a half decent fate Veeky Forums, I mean nasu essentially used a dnd character creation sheet for each of the servants
Of course people have. You haven't even attempted to look, have you? There's like three. Just googling "type moon RPG" gets you various results.
As long as i get to kill demons i don't give a shit what you call me
My goodness user, it is too early for this.
>I want enjoy Arthurian-style oyakodon.
Disgusting pervert.
Well, people do usually give you shit constantly for that, and I guess they don't charge you for the 'privilege' of being shat on, so you're technically right.
And that's the best kind of right.
Oh? I don't give a shit about justice. just here because the ranger promised treasure.
>only fucking one father
There is a reason why Mo-san's daddy comes in blue, white, black, blue with extra tits, black with extra tits, blue alien, and black alien varieties.
I mean, you could just link it, instead of posting it. Google failed me.
Then he'll be immortal you stupid stupid nerd
I'll take it.
You forgot "Black dressed as santa", and "Blue at the beach"
Because the Nasuverse seriously fucking needs SOMEONE to be a proper hero, being populated by so many magical psychos. I mean Emiya tries at least, but they need someone who knows the full scope of things to make a real difference.
Gelbooru, user, just start putting in tags. I've already narrowed it down to three pages of them together and the image is there, plus decensored version of what comes next. Minor effort, decent payoff.
Nasuverse needs to fucking die, because Fate/Zero is already the only good thing that will ever come of it.
Everything else is an unadulterated dumpster fire so poorly written and creatively bankrupt that the only thing it succeeds at is slightly masking the fact that it's pandering waifu-bait dressed up as a fantasy setting.
I said half decent
That’s a pasta from fgog I think
>two fathers and a mother
To be fair, many unfortunate molestation victims are stepchildren to their molester. I wouldn’t be surprised if some sick asshole married a woman to fuck his wife’s son.
Mother, father (female) and son (female)
I want Cattleya to ever so tenderly take my virginity and cuddle me in the afterglow.
>my Husband's (female) Son (female)
You seem mad. Have a kitten.
>the kitten lagged behind
Are you sure that's a kitten?
the best credit giving for science for me will always be the "who invented calculus" case.
Why does this shitty waifubait thread keep getting replies while actual thoughtful threads are dumped after a handful of responses, if that?
There's no helping it.
This is the future Veeky Forums chose.
Because i'd rather circlejerk about waifus than the millionth Warhammer/D&D thread
>Veeky Forums Anime Girl Shitposting About Nothing Because We Don’t Have Games Or Friends
I just like hurting people
The hotly anticipated sequel to Two and a Half Men
if those threads were good they would be alive, makes you think
Fuck off, Strange Fake is pretty decent.
>Fate/Zero is already the only good thing that will ever come of it.
>one of the worst is the only good thing
I'd watch that show.
Fuck, Delightworks, where's Morgan? I need to summon up Mordred's mama. Even though I haven't done as promised yet and summoned a chichiue.
Also put in the rest of her siblings, I want to assemble the motherfucking Orkney Rangers
Fate/Zero would have been better if it wasn't part of the Fate franchise and had Waver as the MC.
You've got El Melloi Case Files for that.
Literally no one is translating it.
Which is a goddamn shame. I want to read about Waver solving fucking magic crimes. Maybe the "fate" train will keep rolling and they'll make it into an anime Netflix can hoard soon.
Fucking Tsukihime remake will be done before SF finishes.
I wouldn't.
This show is so boring. I'd rather watch a show about lizard people being awkward. Episode 2 was my favorite episode of both seasons.
Hopefully. I'm a fucking neet, I could learn Japanese and translate shit, but I really don't want to learn a third language just so I can read manga.
Don't know about anything about being a hero, but if you let me build an army with the corpse of enemies, sure, i can be a hero
If he can do it, so can you
Unlimited Saber Works time?
Episode 2 made me question what I was doing with my life.
It's inevitable.
>But, fucking hell, if this world is going to become a better place SOMEBODY HAS TO TRY.
Even now there is hope for man.
Honestly, Strange Fake is my favorite. It really feels like a war. Not just 7 teams fighting each other. Strange Fake Saber best saber.