I don't get it
Starfinder is the joke.
Me neither, but let's just laugh along. This is getting awkward.
Why is Pathfinder and Starfinder's art so fucking bad?
Can you name any rpg's with good art?
RIP everyone who bought a first edition print run
Games Workshop games can be pretty fucking amazing.
Mind, we are only talking about the art. Not the games themselves.
So... is the art the joke?
The art in the new Star Wars games is pretty okay from what I've seen
>Barely 6 months after release
>No LFG on Myth-Weavers or Roll20
Has a system ever died as fast as Starfinder?
Fantastic thread. Very informative.
Good post, I read it
Trudvang Chronicles
>Paizorager starts his third thread today
Annoying people is not the way to persuade them to your way of thinking, user.
5th edition D&D's art is fucking beautiful
No one gets the joke, not even op the fag lord gets it.
mouse guard
zak s stuff
scrap princess stuff
paizo has killed Starfinder?
seriously, I'm asking. I avoid the paizo site and forum like the plague that it is
Should I feel bad for FLGS' that still have over 2 dozen of these books?
Like most pazio things, it's shit. They had no idea what they were doing.
take this chart, the weights here are missing at least an extra zero, EVEN ASSUMING ULTRA THIN NEEDLE SHIPS. And before you say that it's not realistic, this isn't something that they would have had to put a ton of effort into. It's not hard to work out the average density of a spaceship and multiply for a cylinder of given length and radius.
Fantasy Craft has great art in it.
How hard is it to find the star?
Have you seen how many stars there's in the sky, user?!
It was dead on arrival. I think it's still officially supported but the release was such a fiasco that I doubt it'll ever recover.
Too bad the game's even more dead than Starfinder.
>Spellbound STILL isn't out after all these years
Tell me more. How hard did paizo fuck it up for the 3.5PF&Drones to give up on it?
Considering the type of people who eat up PF's shit like chocolate, I'm curious as to how badly it had to fuck up to earn their ire without actually being a competently made system.
Tales from the Loop has art from Simon Stålenhag which is pretty fucking great.
Pathfinder fans are unique in their hate for anything else including Paizo products. Starfinder is better than Pathfinder, but nothing turns a Pathfinder fan off quicker than improvement.
My wild guess is that StarFinder suffered the same fate as any game back in the 80's that wasn't D&D: Grognards immediately shit themselves in rage that anything that was not apart of the ivory tower they spent so much time mastering was brought into their presence.
It was doomed to appeal to Pathfinder fans, because Starfinder is not Pathfinder. It was doomed to appeal to sci-fi fans, because D&D 3.x rules are a shitty way to run a sci fi game. It was doomed to draw any fans away from any other game, because there are already other established (if very niche) sci-fi games out there.
I like Mg1e Traveller art even if it's simple.
But man, fuck 2e and the limited edition.
So basically, years of eating nothing but pure shit has made them incapable of stomaching anything with actual nutrition and flavor.
At the end of the day, you reap what you sow.
>>because there are already other established (if very niche) sci-fi games out there.
>Star Wars
>Very niche
Come on, user.
>doesn't appeal to pathfinder fans
>doesn't appeal to scifi fans
>so mediocre it doesn't even appeal to a general audience
Paizo's bankruptcy, lads?
You're not using the word "doomed" correctly.
There are no good space opera adventure games.
>thread about thing being dead/doomed/dying
>lots of posts asking why or how
>only detailed response starts with "my best guess".
So is this just pathfinder shits needlessly upset over this game existing at all like they've been doing since it was announced?
It strikes me that there's no real irony to the game failing so the only reason for you to post this is that something about the game upsets you a lot.
It's ok user your pathfinder isn't in danger, it's just a bad dream.
I still don't get it.
There's just so many bad ideas in that game.
So goddamn many.
not really.
>Tfw no elf swashbuckler gf
...such as?
sorry, there are no good space opera adventure games from this century.
>it doesn't appeal to sci-fi fans
That's the thing, isn't it? It can't even build its own audience because it's too rooted in its fantasy roots that Paizo used to try and lure their PF audience in (very bad decision).
I mean, who the fuck wants to play as a goddamn rat man?
>It strikes me that there's no real irony to the game failing so the only reason for you to post this is that something about the game upsets you a lot.
Actually, the real irony is that Starfinder ended up being abandoned by the same people that Paizo has been grooming for years to only accept Pathfinder because the system was "Pathfinder-y" enough even though it's a better system than Pathfinder, similarly to how 4e was abandoned by WotC's fanbase in favor of Pathfinder a decade or so ago.
It actually takes a high IQ to understand how many layers of irony Starfinder's failure went through before crashing and burning.
They fucked up so bad that a level 1 character piloting a spaceship has a much easier time of it than the same character at level 20 piloting the same spaceship. I just can't wrap my head around how even one person could think that was a good idea, much less a team of them.
>tfw the button fly looked like underwear at first because of the crease and I couldn't quite tell it wasn't skin tone but pants because b&w
>Thigh high swashbuckler boots
My dick just about exploded there,
>They fucked up so bad that a level 1 character piloting a spaceship has a much easier time of it than the same character at level 20 piloting the same spaceship.
How the fuck does that work?
Eclipse phase has half of a cool setting, which they ruined by making the other half a political soapbox.
Oh please explain how that is, mechanically.
This game had some lewd gals.
Mweh. I like the concept enough. I am a little concerned about the lack of any aparent growth, levels seem pointless when accuracy has the same success rate across levels, damage scales in line with no so that it's the same number of hits to kill at each level. But if you don't play for the power fantasy it works for all kinds of other stories.
Specifically: They suggest a CR based on the character's level for common tasks.
This CR scales faster than even a specialized character's growth in ability to do the thing.
So, if their GM is stupid enough to listen to Paizo, a level 1 has a better chance of succeeding than a level 20.
The people who want to play Rocket Racoon.
I agree their mistake was in thinking obsessive pathfinder fans would play anything besides pathfinder.
But I think you're wrong in thinking no one likes space fantasy. I think that's a niche that's not really being well exploited.
Anyone know how much play testing this system went through before release? Whole thing just seems half-baked and not very well thought through.
Hell, I could have broken a friend's campaign all because of a poorly worded and implimented armor mod.
Spaceships have a "tier" (level) that automagically increases to match that of the party. DCs of checks related to operating the spaceship increase with the tier, and they increase at a significantly faster than 1:1 ratio. And skill check bonuses typically do increase at a 1:1 ratio. So even if you specialize it to the exclusion of all else, making checks related to operating a ship will get harder as you level up until they're completely impossible.
Rocket is, well, a raccoon. Different thing, they're more aesthetic. Rats are just ugly vermin.
Paizo doesn't do playtests anymore because criticism is "toxic". Seriously.
So it's Elder Scrolls logic where the game becomes easier the lower leveled you are thanks to the way the game scales enemies to your level?
Dark Heresy
>I mean, who the fuck wants to play as a goddamn rat man?
they seem to be one of the most popular of the core classes for this game. I don't know where you get your info from but it ain't right.
You could have picked the lashuntas or kasathas but you picked the furry race as if there aren't two in every party.
>But I think you're wrong in thinking no one likes space fantasy. I think that's a niche that's not really being well exploited.
The reason people don't exploit it much is because sci-fags are on a similar spectrum as the people who enjoy playing PF exclusively. Hell, there are people who claim that Star Wars and Star Trek aren't Sci-fi because it features space magic and FTL technology.
> criticism is "toxic"
How are these people in business? How? How can you run a business and not be able to handle criticism?
Almost entirely because of the OGL and the backlash against 4e.
And most folks have no idea that they're hardcore SOCJUS morons.
Sort of. Funny thing is, this is a mistake that had already been made. One of the most spectacular failures of 3.5 was the Truenamer, a class that had to make a skill check to use its abilities, and the check DC increased by 2 every time the Truenamer gained a level. So not only did Paizo do something that was obviously retarded, it was something that had already been done by the game their own system is based on. Which they would have known if they'd cared enough about the game they were making to learn about similar games and see what they did right and wrong.
Well, they did almost immediately grok to the fuck up and issued a patch to the DCs a few months ago. But it's not like it will ever be forgotten. Or forgiven, no one on these boards would ever give up a reason to hate.
>How can you run a business and not be able to handle criticism?
Starfleet Battles used to be pretty popular back in the day. The game's creator was a complete sperg, though. And thanks to the magic if the internet, that word spread far and wide. Might have had something to do with the game's collapse in popularity. Well, that and overly complicated wargames generally falling out of popularity.
>that moment when you are trying to do the art for a game and wished it looked as good as starfinder.
I'll take star wars, it's obviously more fantasy in a space setting with space wizards, which is what I'm saying there's a lot of thirst for out there, but if they're saying star trek isn't scifi enough then they've definitely gone off the deep end.
Any hard scifi fan knows that there are theoretical ways around FTL and that the point of most scifi is to have some bit of the impossible made possible to create a "what if" scenario in which to explore the outcomes such a development could create and its effects on society.
I don't think the person you're describing exists in any great quantity. Even without an imagination people learn to borrow things others have already imagined.
If you actually care about a game system not correctly measuring the weight of fictional space ships you're legitimately autistic.
Why the fuck did it even need to scale up? Like, fuck. I get that it's an important part of the game to keep some conflict, but that's just really shitty and unrewarding design for any sense of progression. Why not have more advanced ships, and you start off in a dinky thing and have trouble with it at first, but master it later. If you need "difficulty" progression give them more difficult tasks and don't make them roll for basic shit, or make them upgrade the systems and it's harder because of complexity and it being bolted on to an existing system (Higher risk, higher reward), or give them a new ship, or LITERALLY anything but that.
Fuck, I want to be mad, but I can't be. I'm just astounded how anyone thought that one up and kept running with it. That's just atrocious design.
>I don't think the person you're describing exists in any great quantity.
Oh you sweet summer child.
Coriolis Effect
swedish rpgs.
I think you're mostly full of shit here. You seem to be trying to form this into a story of someone's shitty politics causing a game to be disliked and turning it into a failure.
When their politics are only half as shitty as advertised, it had little to no effect on any significant group, the failure is not as big as you're making it out to be, and it's not failing as badly as you think it is.
Just. Everything there. It's all less interesting and deep than you're trying to make it sound.
I'm well aware of WotC's political alignments. It's a damn shame because some of what they produce is rather good but aside from that...
I generally don't give a shit about what the creator of a game does on his own time; private and professional lives shouldn't be intertwined anymore than they need to be.
Faux sci-fi.
PF fags, being reactionary as they are, wouldn't have accepted anything other than their brand of bland generic fantasy. The half-assed excuse of Golarion-in-the-future plus that hilariously retarded setting-wide amnesia shit, they didn't help at all, because there wasn't any continuity to clutch at either.
Sci-fi fags, on the other hand, say, people whose DnD is Traveller, they just hear
>3.5 based
>goblins in spaaaaace
So yeah, because of the setting (per se and together with the rule set), it was dead on arrival. A total mismatch.
You gotta remember that Paizo gained popularity by ripping off 3.5 and drawing in the hardcore 4e haters by saying "hey, we're 3.5 but fixed now"
Then they cultivated a community in which all criticism of PF were met with open hostility and bans on their official forums, which only encouraged people to double down, ignore criticism, and claim that anyone who hates PF obviously does it because it's popular, rather than being a poorly designed homebrew of another poorly designed system that even WotC is smart enough to try and distance itself from as much as it could in 5e.
As game designers, they are woefully inept, even by d20 standards.
I'm probably not the guy you think I am. I didn't even type anything about politics previously in the thread or allude to any present hot-button issues (SJWs, etc.).
looks like that was the conversation thread you were joining in on so I don't know what to tell you.
>I generally don't give a shit about what the creator of a game does on his own time; private and professional lives shouldn't be intertwined anymore than they need to be.
Well sure, but I was responding to this exactly:
>How can you run a business and not be able to handle criticism?
The creator of Starfleet Battles actively attacked his fanbase when they gave him any kind of feedback on his game - both good and bad.
>I'm well aware of WotC's political alignments.
>One paragraph and some black people in the art are enough to totally ruin a game for me
You really couldn't find a bigger bunch of over sensitive pussies if you tried
Ah, I see. Yeah, "attacking your own fans" is never a good business practice.
Reminder that this happened.
That's why I think this is nonsense.
Both of those groups are the assumed demographic and because it didn't appeal to them they (those groups) make this thread about the whole thing being a failure.
Meanwhile there's people not in either group who want to play a fantasy space adventure that wasn't last printed 40 years ago. Not as small a niche as people think, and not advertised to as it should have been.
They're not in the circles jerking off about the game failing but they're playing it.
they try so hard and get so mad.
The reason Starfinder is a failure isn't because it's too much or too little like Pathfinder. It's because the mechanics are a dumpster fire.
>A SINGLE tweet by ONE retard and I'm triggered beyond words
You're not exactly proving me wrong