Why hello, Veeky Forums. Would you mind if we were to join your little "party"? We promise we'll play nice.
Why hello, Veeky Forums. Would you mind if we were to join your little "party"? We promise we'll play nice
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As long as you aren't an ass, sure
So how do you feel about a round of Heroquest 2?
I'm running Monte Cook's World of Darkness - you're a Demon so yeah man, come right in.
>you're a Demon so yeah man, come right in.
Eh, technically a God, but there's enough Demonic overtones that it likely doesn't matter.
Who's dis ?
Yay or nay?
It's The Oracle from Hello Charlotte. Basically, it's a
Dead Demon God Hivemind Parasite Meat-Cancer thing, that invests the mind of the main character(s), and seeks to get them to eventually breakdown so that they'll eventually accept it's "help" which inevitably leads to complete universal destruction.
Well, does he like Heroquest?
>Well, does he like Heroquest?
I imagine at He/They would play it, if only because it's more "Fun" than sitting alone in someone's mind all day, but he'd probably also passive-aggressively belittle everyone playing by dredging up very bad memories, or broken dreams, or failed aspirations, and other things most people dont want being brought up whilst playing a game meant to detach oneself from reality.
sure thing.
He doesn't get to be a part of my table when he is going to be a little bitch about it.
Need more eyes in here...
>Alucard and Oracle
Hmmm, not sure if want or not.
>mind invading parasite thing
Sure, you're welcome to fucking try with this party. The wizard's fought off bigger fish in your department, the paladin's a fucking paladin so go ahead, the barbarian's too dumb to care, and you'll have to beat all twelve of the rogue's personalities to have a chance at breaking him.
For being a forever GM and having no party for years now, I'd say welcome and bring a few friends. I can accommodate up to eight if you want a large party.
Granted, if they start acting a bit much and are detrimental to the enjoyment of others I'll have to ask them to leave.
Jumping *peppers*! Orz likes *parties*.
I doubt the Oracle will really care to to try and break them down then. It would probably just instead wait until it's mere presence simply kills them in like, a week, as it grows and gains strength.
>Haha this overpowered character I really like enter your party/fight your party/suddenly appears before your party, you're all dead :).
>Sure :) my demisexual level 20 schyzophrenic mage has already fought and won against twenty of your kinds, no problem kiddo.
>Um... no sweety, my overpowered character has the sharingan and also has reality warping and also magician can't smelt steel beams.
Like clockwork. We had this exact thread every week for the past six years.
Lurk more until you understand our board culture.
The Oracle doesn't "fight at all, user. Hell, the damn thing doesn't even have a fucking body (at least, not one that functions like one). It's literally just turbo-sized meat cancer with a fetish for ruining the lives of others. Sure, it can make you into a universe/timeline-devouring god-thing, but you need to be dumb enough to accept it in the first place. The most it can do otherwise is shittalk you.
Dude, there is more than one setting where people punched even things like concepts in the face.
Glorantha has swordmen so good they can cut waves so they separate movement from water.
Asuras wrath literally ended with the protagonist killing magic.
Some exalted characters can punch you so hard you turn into a duck.
Let's not get started on the crazy dick metaphor that is TTGL.
There are enough RPG characters that can handle an godling in his emo phase.
Eh, I know all of those RPG's and settings and most of them could certainly punch the Oracle into next Tuesday. But as I said, the Oracle doesn't "fight". It just lays about in the mind ffwhtever poor sod who has come to be infested by it, and tells them how much they universally suck and are despised whenever they go to sleep (though, in not so may words, of course), and tries to get them to accept it and it's power. It can't do much otherwise, being Dead and all.
Angels are my favourite mythical creature. Come onboard. Let us spread the Word.
And who the heck is that now? Another Divinity in his angst filled phase?
You guys need a stern talk with Orlanth (fictional Celtic Zeus+Wodan), looks like ye all miss a positive male role model.
Sure, they need a replacement GM anyway once i leave
Possibly Abyssal Phenomena?
Nah, get fucked.
Alright, fine. Just watch out for my magcat, it likes to get underfoot.
So is this nigga from a game or something?
You know, it's actually terrifying that despite their debatably-cute appearance and behavior, Magcats can, and -will-, eat people if given half the chance.
And then Asura punches it, because Asura's basic reaction to negative emotion is to kill the source of it.
So do pigs, dogs, cats and really determined ducks, not impressed.
At the end asura is literally powered by all his emotions.
Including melancholy.
Yeah but that doesn't mean that it can't be pulled into a situation where it has to fight.
This of course assumes that it has to interact with other settings where it cant just, as i assume from shown pics, torture little children for it's own amusement.
It may be a big fish in it's own little pond, but compared to the idea of evil from bersekr, Asura from Asuras wrath or the holy phallic metaphor that is TTGL, it's really not that big of a deal.
The whole argument really stands and falls with context.
>Yeah but that doesn't mean that it can't be pulled into a situation where it has to fight.
I only have a passing familiarity with the thing, but it strikes me that killing it is kind of like killing your own brain cancer. It's kind of hard to punch your brain cancer to death.
Addendum. Magic wish granting brain cancer. Fighting it would pretty much require you to kill its host. All of its hosts.
It's not invulnerable. As the OP has said, it's technically a dead god. It's been killed before, but can regrow back if a new host accepts it into itself. Let that thing inside you, and you're pretty much stuck with your magic brain cancer.
It's also a dead god that was killed by its own followers, the Pythias, the same race of beings whom it had united into itself through some nightmarish hivemind. And this likely came about due to it being such an utterly horrid entity all around, as well as its unnecessary cruelty. Even so, what with Pythias likely doing their damndest to ensure that it couldn't revive itself, it still managed to find a way to continue on despite its "death" through the body of one Charlotte Wiltshire, and all subsequent instances of her throughout myriads of timelines. Killing it for good would probably take some Nobilis-tier bullshit.
Yeah, but that only really applies in the confines of the mechanics of its own world, creating infinite variations of a character in infinite scenarios. Give it a more limited host, and it's much easier to kill.
you smell like rotting cheese. yeah, we do mind
~How Rude.~