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Submission period for the City Collab is halfway through! You've got from now until the 5th of February to submit a city, after which they'll be packaged nice and neat with everyone else's and gifted to the rest of the thread. Here's how to submit yours:
Afterwards, save the link to edit your form and pay attention to these announcements, in case I need to reach you.
And here's a peek at the other submissions:
>Its a Tok spams his own shitty cyoas thread.
It's a "faggots bitch about content without providing better content" thread
I'm kind of conflicted on this one. The "allies" are just way too unsympathetic in my opinion to play it "normally".
Most of them are pretty ambivalent and even the good ones are associating with the bad ones and preventing you from putting a stop to them.
Betraying them, joining the apostate and fighting to stop the bad ones (or all of them) sounds like by far the best to me, but that kind of feels like going against the cyoa.
I don't know, maybe the gods are meant to be nice and I personally just don't gel with them, but I feel like the choices it presents and focuses on aren't really in line with the portrayal of the characters.
But user posted nothing, that is better than Tok's content
Taking the path of The Betrayer, and marrying The Apostate it's the best option in this scenario. Everything else is Stockholm syndrome. You either try to kill the pantheon or slave them so humanity can follow it's course.
>Pod Protocol
Cure Mortality
If you're gonna power fantasy, then you take the most power.
Spare Years - 120% [120]
Strength SS [60]
Agility SS [60]
Endurance SS [60]
Omega Psi [700]
Omega Psi seems to be a jack-of-all trades when it comes to powers, and a staple of the arrogant beings that claim to be gods. Not only will I make use of it to boost my raw destructive power, it is amplified all the more by my spare years. I plan to learn of combat styles as I travel, soon becoming deadlier than most in physical skill alone. Add that to the aforementioned Omega Psi, allowing me to do anything my fellow "gods" can do, and I will become unstoppable.
>4101 AD
The Betrayer
The New World
The Apostate
I shall journey the world and grow in power, refining the blade and ingraining technique. I shall be honest to The Apostate, and tell her that I share her views. These vile subjugators must be brought down so that the rest of humanity can truly ascend. I shall not only spread unity and hope, but I shall gift my powers so that others may join me, not serve under me like something lesser. To hell with Verdandi's false vision. I shall make my own. There is no need for a "golden age" of technology when everyone can bend the cosmos to their will. Something I'm sure these pretenders fear. They will find that I am another thing that they should fear, as I topple their thrones upon my fated return.
Dont end up like the autistic fedora tipping skeleton of mankind and were good.
Nature, bounteous as she is.
Fertility and knowledge, on which great things are built.
Average appearance.
Beast for my true and great forms, titanic in true form and small in great form. The small form is a raven, the true form resembles no single being.
Multi-domain (earth).
Animal affinity (raven), deceiver, and blood sacrifice.
Magical potency and physical strength.
My doom-flock of sixty demon birds (small beast) will nest in my great back. My agents are tempters of average size, twenty of them. And my great pack of feasters, 25 giant beasts of various description.
Bael seems handy.
Malphas and Sammael, I guess.
Sagacity, majesty, terror, and cunning.
Hey, I just see a bunch of elitists claiming to be something they're not and wanting to rule over everyone else instead of bringing about a true paradise like they claim.
Plus, I should never get bored if I make a fuck-ton of god-like beings my enemy. It should be fun to see who wins in the end.
I'll take particular joy punching this skeleton you mention. He sounds gay.
Feeling the hype
I realize now you were talking about Emps.
Maybe I should have gotten a mind upgrade...
>Mortal Form
Old Beggar
>True Form
Magical Potency
Mind Control
Enchanted Weapon (Polearm named Ziluxci)
Small (41 × 2 = 62 F.)
Average (62 F.)
Tempters (Small)
Spirits (Average)
>Greater Familiars
Thoggua the Devourer
Lord Belial the Conspirator
Anumon the Sneaky
Krill the Killer
>Familiar Perks
Great Hero
Mortals are so easy to manipulate that it's really saddening. I guess it's up to me to guide them. If only that "hero" would stop his crusade against me. No matter;he's digging his own grave by attacking the innocent and lawful followers of mine.
Spare years is a decade per one percent.
Perpetuance Protocol Pod Program CYOA:
>[Cure Mortality] (+1000)
>Spare Years: [+30% Potential] (-300)
>Lifespan: [Immortality] (Free)
>Cosmetic Refinement: [Better You] (Free)
>Physical Augmentation: [Strength B] [Agility B] [Endurance B] (Free)
>BLACK OPS: [Omega Psi] (-700)
Valhala: Gods Year 63 [4101 CE] - Gods and Monsters
>[Elspeth: Goddess of Wisdom]
>[Yawgmoth: God of Machines]
>[Samael: Goddess of Envy]
>[God of Magic]
>[The Faithful Empire]
>[The Fallen One]
>[The Apostate]
Awww fuck. You're right.
Thing is, I remember reading that and understanding it, but then I went retarded and attributed one percent to year anyway.
12% is probably still a large increase for my base powers anyway.
Humanity has already ascended these heights, there is little reason to keep them from them.
>Earth, Nature
>Charity, Fertility
>Old Beggar
>True, Behemoth, Dragonic
>Greater, Small, Draconic
>Animal Affiliation, Small birds
>Ritual Summoning
>16 Small Tempters, 12 of them are further sub-divided into a pair of mentally linked creatures. They do the whole angle/devil on the shoulder thing, except both of them offer different temptations. Great at playing good cop/bad cop. 4 of 'em are just lolis, 'cuz that works.
>16 Small Angels Small and childlike, except one that's just a fat midget as a joke. Guide my followers to good stuff, protect them from minor evils, and such good stuff.
>2 Small Dragons, a Red one and a Blue one, that I sometimes use as my mouths.
>15 Average Tempters 6 Succubi, 6 Succubi (Male), 3 Professional hell-chefs.
>15 Average Angelic, going for the whole modestly slutty look for 12 of them. The remaining 3 are more of the well-dressed man here to serve you papers look.
>6 Giant Dragons 3 Barney, 2 Long, 1 Wyvern gifted to Phenex
>3 Giant Tempters, 3 big, meaty succubi who make big men feel loved like kids again. 1 of them has a penis.
3 Behemoth Dragons 1 Wurm, 1 Long, 1 Sea Serpent. Sometimes they enact cataclysmic battles between the land, sea, and air to get people distracted or moved.
1 Behemoth Angel Big and robotic looking. Think SMT's Metatron. Sometimes "smites" the dragons, sometimes masquerades as a statue for generations, sometimes beats other familiars to death with a big stick.
>Majesty, Sagacy, Extra Form, Superior Magic
>Rival Cult, some dumb bastards who think taking your money with you to the afterlife is cool.
Everyone deserves to be happy about the small things in life. A happy family, a goose in every pot, a verdant garden, and a god-approved way to get your rocks off and feel loved with no guilt or misdoing no matter how fugly you are. Yup, ours is a 24/7 free-love athon. With dragons. Probably not fucking the dragons, but that's your call.
>Everyone immediatly goes full edgelord and betrays the pantheon because the majority of them are pieces of shit
>Ignoring that everything could have a good ending as mentioned by Verandi
This is why we can't have good things
Most of the people choosing to fight against the pantheon don't believe Verandi and think she's the worst of the bunch.
Honestly hanging out with the Apostate really seems like the best choice. Maybe not officially taking the position of Betrayer, but pulling a Hestia and refusing to engage in the pantheon's bullshit.
>Domain - Ice
>Tenets: Knowledge & Fate
>Mortal Form: Mere Myth
>True form: Elemental Titan
>Multi-Domain (Mind)
>Magical Potency
>All Seeing
>Small Spirits (Start with 100x for 50 souls)
>Average Tempters, operate on Curiosity (start with 50x for 50 souls)
>Malphas the Sorcerer
>Sammael the Fallen
>Anumon the Sneaky
>3 leftover souls to join the Spirit host
>Familiar perks; Sagacy, Majesty, Superior Magic, Wizardry
"Grandfather always said there was old magic that lived in the cold. He joked that we should always stay inside on winter nights, but there was an edge to his humor, like he was laughing to hide nerves... and when he said we should never look into a whiteout, not even through a window, because the cold would look back, and the howling blizard speak, he said it with more conviction than he said anything.
Mom and dad told us he had a bad time when grandpa went to Olathoë, the old city of wizards at the back of the north wind, and it didn't set right with him. Whatever the reason, he always talked about moving south, but he never did get the chance.
It was about six years after grandfather died that I received my own invitation to Olathoë, a chance to study at their grand academy. I went, of course -- who wouldn't? The greatest wizards all learn their craft in Olathoë, and there is no higher honor than that of a wizard you can get without blue blood
I found the atmosphere up there, in the ever-wintry north... cold, more than just the weather. The wizards, from master to apprentice, were absorbed with their studies, and without cheer the blue mage flames burning in the grand fireplace couldn't quite dispel the chill as well as the little wood fire at home. Yet, I did not think it too bad -- I made a few friends, and learned more of the Art than I had, in my ignorance, thought there was to know. Truly, I would have said then that Olathoë was the pinnacle of man's achievements." (1/3)
I can't honestly see that,she seems like a really good girl burdened with something really serious but important.
"The seasons turned, and the midnight sun exchanged itself for the long night. That's when the other apprentices started talking, telling the new crop ghost stories stories of the dark northern winters. At first, I didn't listen. I was not a fan of fancies nor horrors. But by chance, my ears caught words, to beware looking out into the blizzard when the wind howls, because it would look back...
The tale started like my grandfather's stories, his sincere warnings, but unlike my grandfather's words, this story went on. It was not, they said, the cold alone that would look back, nor the black wind that spoke, but the Riddler of Rime. He came, they said, to the best and the brightest, and for those who did not look away, nor curtain their windows, He would appear, with eyes of blue flame in which secrets burned, and whisper the truths of the cosmos. I was enraptured by the tale, and though it was told as a cautionary one, my heart beat faster to imagine it, and what knowledge could be imparted.
The tale ended with a halfhearted caution as to the ruin such forbidden knowledge could bring, but I wasn't listening to the teller any longer, my ears captured instead by the howl of the growing storm outside.
It was not that night, but one at the next storm, a week later, where my curiosity overwhelmed my fear. It was very late, as I was working far over time on some essay, and as my lamp dimmed I found my eyes drifting to the window, and the roiling storm outside. Soon, I felt as though I could not look away, the half-illuminated flurries drawing me as a moth to the flame. I gazed into the darkness, through the storm, enraptured. After an hour or so, when the lamp finally burned out, I thought I saw them -- two points of azure fire, blazing as eyes in the cold dark." (2/3)
At once, my hand darted to the window, but for what purpose I was clearly of two minds on, for my pinky and ring fingers tugged at the edge of the curtain, but my thumb came to rest upon the latch.
To close off the view, or to open it? Caution demanded that I avert my eyes at once, and hide myself from the gaze of that which was without. Curiosity, though, had the opposite demand. I had a chance, I realized, if this was no prank of a rowdy fellow apprentice, to learn something that they would not teach me at school. Knowledge, I tried to remind myself, that I was not meant to have. Knowledge, the imp of my own intellect reminded me, beyond the lore of mortals. I asked myself, in that moment, who I was -- was I the good girl who would heed her grandfather's warnings, and flee from revelation to the comfort and safety of the blanket of ignorance, or was I the wizard apprentice, who would look unflinching into the unknown, and abjure the thought that a question answered was not superior to one unanswered?
My thumb flicked the latch up, and at the pressure of my hand the window flew open, and the relentless storm blew in. The blue-flame eyes burned, and as the wind stung my cheeks and whistled past my ears, I heard in it a voice, and it began to tell me its story.
I graduated Alma Mater two academic years later, an entire year before I had even been set to. I may have been... smug, unsocial in those days. But it's only natural when you know something no one else does, and I had met the Riddler, solved its whispers, heard its truth. There were none -- no, few, my experience was not entirely unique -- that could compare.
I will not claim this knowledge is free, nor kind. One of weaker mind would have been broken, sanity and maybe soul lost to the Riddler's conundrums. But I endured, and not entirely uniqueley, and so I estimate there must be others then, who could learn the Truth and bear it as all people should.
Would you like to hear some of it?"
She's the one saying to take it slow with the technology.
Well duh,you can't just give people advanced technology from out of nowhere and expect anything good to come from it,you gotta ease people into this kind of stuff.
Out of all people to mistrust their decisions you choose her? she probably lived by now a bunch of botched futures and saw thousands more
Most people seem perfectly happy to work with them, while some just aren't interested in the project but are otherwise friendly, one guy wants to work with them but be a secret check to their power, and I think two or three wanted to outright antagonize them. That looks like a pretty decent spread to me. As for the Spider's Thread, it really is a matter of interpretation as to who in this situation would be Kandata and the other sinners, and what exactly constitutes the spider's thread itself. Is it physical salvation through Genesis, or is it spiritual salvation through a united mankind? Are the Pantheon lowering the thread to man, or has the thread been lowered to them? Verandi's "Spider Thread" refers to a successful timeline, but what exactly does that entail? Successful for the Pantheon, for mankind, for both?
Maybe the Spider's Thread is Genesis, and the Pantheon are Kandata trying to monopolize the opportunity for salvation, and the good end is them falling from their divinity. Or maybe it's quite the reverse. In the end, even, Verandi's idea of a good end might not be something everyone agrees on, and her Spider Thread may overshoot the moral of the reference. Or maybe it is right on the mark, but her preferred timeline is the one in one thousand in which Kandata does not kick away the other sinners.
Well, these gods are essentially just very powerful human beings. She may be bearing such a burden with all the good will in the world, but still be wrong. The road to hell, good intentions, etc. etc.
I really adore this CYOA, since it's forcing us to approach what would otherwise be a powerwank fantasy with serious thought, weighing our own values and beliefs against the uncertainties of the situation and other players. There's definitely some very clear and very different worldviews emerging between us, and most of them all seem pretty valid in their own right even if totally contradictory.
Knowledge, Fate
>Mortal Form
>True Form
Average, Human
Mind Control
Magical Potency
Average x 100
>Familiar Forms
>Greater Familiars
Malphas the Sorcerer
Anumon the Sneaky
Lord Belial the Conspirer
Krill the Killer
>Familiar Perks
Majesty, Sagacy, Warriors, Superior Magic
I will present myself as a benevolent deity of knowledge and wisdom, my Prophet will establish a centre of learning and study. From their my followers will become the advisors of the rich and powerful. In time converting them too, hopefully zealots carries over to the decisions of these leaders.
I will buy souls for knowledge and power - probably under an alias, hopefully i'll just 'know' what they want, if not, ill send my prophet or Anumon to find it out. As for power, Krill will eliminate those in the way (adding souls to my collection via zealot) and Lord Belial will provide a safe haven for my university and followers in his realm. Also setting the national religion to me.
She named the Good Ending after one of the most famous examples of humans being punished for playing gods. She knows much more than she is letting on. Granted, I'd prefer to interpret it as her making sure the petty gods get their comeuppance but she is still being sneaky about something.
It comes down to alternate interpretations. Some see the restrictions she seems to be responsible for as unfair and manipulative -- essentially, done in bad faith, indicating that Verdandi in specific and the "Pantheon" in general would rather keep playing gods than ACTUALLY uplift humanity.
Others see her Spider's Thread as reasonable, perhaps even logically rational -- teach a man to fish and he eats for the rest of his life, even if teaching takes longer than throwing fish. How well can humans with a tech level of antiquity actually grasp Yawgmoth's advanced science? Would they understand it or would they just become reliant on divine handouts of inexplicable artifacts?
In a way, I feel like the anons that want to give Verdandi the finger are the more aggressively hopeful anons, that think humankind is better than her predictions would indicate.
Honestly if it wasn't for the fact that mankind did not only bomb itself back to the stone age but did it more than twice shows that maybe they need a guiding hand but the problem is whether or not we can actually do it, I do think some of them are pretty well suited to role but there's a few I really don't trust but they are doing some good things so maybe we can help with that.
I wanted to go for less time but...
let's see how this runs.
Operation: Cure Mortality (+2000 years CE, +1000 Aug years)
Era: 4101 CE
Augments: Open mind (500) All I need is Time...
Metaflux (0) ...And opportunity.
Domain: The Betrayer, "Balak"
Legend: The New World
So idyllic these supermen of this new age are, with no need nor want of earthly desires they think they be gods alone in such a peculiar world. Shameful creatures these beings, to think to forever chase a dream of utopia and a world with no struggles nor want. Where man becomes no more but a being of contempt with no drive nor mettle.
I will assure this does not come to pass. Even if I must raise the powerful cities of long dead ancients, lash primordial beast to machines of gleaming steel, and raise the very bones of the dead with the demons of a long ago age to sate these pitiful "Gods" I shall. Chaos sates the need of warding stagnation, but what men need in their hearts is challenge, adverserity, and great evils to bring out greater goods.
I shall search the world and collect the power required to undermine and someday challange these "gods", and if it is they that waver under my strength let men seize their destiny in this world, for the so called gods could not defend their own.
Was going to post this the last thread but spent to much time writing it up lmao.
>Cure Mortality [+1050]
Hell ye
>Alpha/Beta/Delta/Gamma Psi [-500], Pheromones [-150], Angelic Transcend [-400]
I'm pretty fucking garbage at science, so correct me if I'm wrong, but since Beta Psi's whole schtick is Energy, would this allow me to create wind? Affect the tides? I literally have only the vaguest ideas of what could be done with it. My first choice was Metacognition, but I couldn't make the points work.
>Ignis, God of Fire
I thought about Marco. Like, I like the idea of being mentored by a cheeky, chaotic god, but knowing me, I'd probably find him more annoying than anything else. Verdandi or Elspeth are cool, too, but they're the opposite - a bit too serious for my tastes. So I think Ignis has the perfect balance for me - he follows his own agenda, simple though it may be, while still remaining to the group. Also I want to make him my bf. Though that brings up another question as to whether an Incarnate would be "physically" compatible with an Angelic? Would being composed of pure Psi energy allow him to interact with me, or at least the higher dimension portions of myself? Would our Psi abilities affect that? For now I'll just handwave it and assume we can be Psi-BFs. (Plus, the dichotamy of Fire God x Sea God? Yes pls)
>God of the Sea.... and Revelry(?)
I was really split between the Sea and Revelry. I'd prefer to not have any really major responsabilities, while still being a relevant member of the pantheon. I figure since the Sea doesn't require me to behave in any certain ways, there's no reason I couldn't fill both niches to a certain extant. And tbf, gods throughout mythology are often associated with multiple domains. I thought about creating a "Weather" domain, but, meh. Also I love the art for God of the Sea, does anyone know the source?
>The Faithful Empire & The New World
I think that regardless of my specific domain, I'd be a god intent on spreading happiness and togetherness (with, perhaps, a touch of hedonism). The Faithful Empire would be a perfect test of my abilities, as I try to unite us culturally. I doubt I would deal with them politically, but instead influence the masses with my spicy, fun-having ways. Afterwards I'll probably just explore the world, see what's happening. Maybe I'll run into the Apostate, too, but at a safe, non-stabbing distance.
I do really like this CYOA, or at least the idea behind it. The worldbuilding is spectacular, but from a gameplay standpoint, the only worthwhile time periods are 100yr and 2000yr, to me at least. 500yr is essentially a medieval slice of life with boring medieval waifus/husbandos, and 1000yr has a cool setting with some cool characters, but the whole straight/cis thing is just as boring to me as those "poof ur a girl" CYOAs. Sure it makes sense from a plot standpoint, so would, say, bisexuality. Idk I just feel like it could've been possible to do it in a way that is non-limiting, while still being interesting and creative ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. But fuck if I don't adore the 2000yr section.
I wish multipage CYOAs would link their posts together. Takes up so much less space when I can fold the posts together.
I love this, but I won't have the free time in the next few days to read it all much less make a build. Good work.
>not just being satan
posting a few one page CYOAs
Before you say, the best girl is Neptune
I always assumed the title of this cyoa was the character's name, but on a second look I can't tell if that is actually true. That is some wacky cursive.
I think it says Anastasia but in a different language and in a cursive font
It is, it's just written in cyrillic: aнacтacия
page 3
page 4
Neptune is not Pluto though
>Can't take Rivals/Stranger with Yuri Undertones unless you're a girl already
I've never seen this.. But obviously it's to do with the "mechanon" one, so I might as well post it.
Looking for a monster-hunter themed CYOA. It had companions you could choose from. Had some decent waifu bait. Was interesting because some of the characters weren't hunters, but cooks or tailors who made stuff out of the monsters you hunt.
That one is Well of dragons or something like that
Baal The betrayer god the bringer of light on to darkness
>Cure Mortality
>Delta psi 250
>Omega psi (Delta master) 950
>Skill + knowledge of Modern physical science 980
Extra 20
>The Betrayer
I dislike the others and both there goals and squabbles don't sit well with me. I think that man should live and die by its own hand, and so I will give them the power to do so. Being a master of both delta and by having omega should let me give mortals much stronger powers to mortals, which will make supporting the foes they have much easier.
>The fallen one
I'm really good at brain stuff, so ill try and fix him. Perhaps we could be friends if I can
>The Apostate
The Perfect ally if I can convince her with technical advances or empowering people also our kids would be fucking stronk
I don't trust and of them (why does the god of wisdom need the voice) and anyway working with them sounds really boring
>next in the series is literally about how you can't save yourself
Thats kinda my opinion (even though I hesitantly allied myself with them). Who's to say that time's definition of a good end is a good end to the rest of us. Or if shes lying or not. Hell she only has open mind and gamma psi. I have Omega Psi. With that I should at least be able to use my powers in the same (and better) way than she does it. That's why I let her be the ally. So I can learn Omega Psi skills from Elspeth and learn her future sight thing from verdandi. Then after seeing the future and developing this power I'll make a decision for myself.
I would imagine that immortality + metaverse + openmind would be the natural choice for everyone because of how much exploit potential it seems to have.
That said, what does the Spider Thread says about The Apostate?
I guess later I will look in more detail and make a build to each timeline - the others doesn't seem to have a combination as obviously exploitable as the first I mentioned.
Going by image only: Yuri of Sira (runner up: Mikon of Aon)
Going by text only: Chantra of Ithose (runner up: Yuri of Sira)
Going by text and image: Yuri of Sira
My mood changed over the course of this build. Soria of Belgal was most image attractive to me at first, then later I couldn't see how I passed over Yuri. Did I just get hornier, or was it a subconscious association of Soria's text, or something else?
Mortal form:
True Form:
Greater form:
-Souls of the damned +7 greater familiar
-Blood Sacrifice
-Physical Strength
-small Beast (hounds)
-superior magic
-Giant Golems
Greater Familiars:5
-Krill the killer
-Sammael the fallen
-Thoggua the devourer
Yeah that's the one. Thanks.
>"not for reddit"
its too easly croppable out
It should be a watermark
>She can see and fully comprehend time
>Somehow thinking that you can simply bruteforce your way
Is one interested in a super villain and super hero cyoa?
[+1000] Cure Mortality (The obvious choice)
[-700] Omega Psi
[-70] Metacognition
[-70] Man of Steel
[-30] Adipose Redistribution
[-20] Cosmetic Refinement (10/10 Appearance)
[-40] Physical Augmentation (S-Rank Endurance)
[-60] Physical Augmentation: (SS-Rank Agility)
[-10] Unspent (+1% to abilities)
Espeth, Goddess of Wisdom
Verdandi, Goddess of Time
>God Name / Domain
Mystro, God of Magic
The Apostate
Omega PSI seems nearly limitless in potential. Metacognition should help me create/learn new powers faster. The first rank of cosmetic refinement is free. I purchased the next two ranks of cosmetic refinement so that I can have a 10/10 appearance. I augmented my endurance and agility. I do not think that boosting my strength is necessary, since I can already move extremely heavy things with PSI. Man of steel offers some protection from the attacks of common people without having to wear bulky armor. It would be pretty lame for the "God of Magic" to be killed off by a random thug wielding something comparable to a handgun.
I will try to reason with the Apostate and bring her over to our side. To do this I will request that Verdandi turns back time and stops Tyrael from screwing up our first impression with her. I will be much more reasonable and less heavy handed with the apostate. If she still can't see reason then it's time to drop that mountain on her.
Sure, user. I'll have to know a little more about it when it comes out, but I do like Superheroes.
Only if I can lead a triple life as a super scientist, that does super sciency things in the day, a superhero that fights for truth, justice, by night, a super villain that collects sweet sweet loot whenever applicable. In a skimpy costume and high heels.
Omega PSI includes all other forms of PSI. You won't need to waste points on Delta PSI.
When will this be updated?
I'm surprised by how many go for the same cookie-cutter Cure Mortality builds. Maybe since Open Mind and Metaflux are so stupidly exploitable, but is Godhood really that much of a driving force for /cyoag/?
Also, I've yet to see a single "Cure Disease" build, so at least I'm glad none of us are dying/willing to throw themselves in an upcoming nuclear armageddon.