>Running a custom system with friends. >Give player a magic item >Plan on revealing that the gun contains the spirit of a powerful creature that can either be an ally or a nuisance depending on how he interacts with it. >Gave it to him several weeks ago >He still doesn't use it >Even when they're fighting against an enemy that's moping the floor with them, only won because I started rolling shit and one character managed to kill the leader while their companions fled. >Ask him outside of game why he didn't use his magic item >He says, verbatim, "it's magic, which means I should never use it." Holy fuck, I wanted to throw a chair through a window, I've been waiting to drop this bomb on him for weeks and he STILL. DOESN'T. USE IT!
I mean, I shouldn't be mad about this but it's pretty frustrating when you drop a plot hook in someone's lap and they decide to ignore it for stupid reasons.
Anthony Gray
I think you just dropped the hook on the wrong person? If his character abhors the usage of magic why would he suddenly start using it?
Carson Wood
So normally i don't harp on my players about keeping alignment i just care that they stay consistent with their character. >party is being chased by some hunters with hounds >Ranger character who has been super animal friendly and tree hugger turns to the druid >Ranger:Summon some animals quickly >Druid:Why? >Ranger:I'll gut the animal and spread the blood around and it will throw off the bloodhounds. >Me:dude that's super fucked up >Druid:Yeah that's not gonna happen, and wouldn't your guy be against hurting animals? >Ranger:i'm Just playing my character
Nolan Green
>If his character abhors the usage of magic why would he suddenly start using it? It's not even the character who has an issue with magic items, it's the player deciding "it's a magic item with limited charges, this means that I am never going to use it for anything more than to fill a slot in my inventory because I might need to use it for something important someday."
Keep in mind, they were getting their asses kicked and he still never used it, even when I reminded him of it and people were like "hey, how about using that magic item you got a while ago?"
Although I think I did give it to the wrong player unfortunately but I guess it's only my own fault for trying to give him something to build up towards I guess.
Evan Rodriguez
When two people at my table who are in a relationship IRL attempt to start a relationship in game, but their characters are so polar opposite it causes conflict between them in game which eventually becomes IRL conflict.
Aaron Jenkins
I have a player that makes knowledge checks as if it was a means of gaining XP. There is only so many times I can reveal world details based on these roles.
There is one player who serves as the voice of reason in the party. out of the game, one of the lolrandom players confesses to me 'the dm' that that player is a cold stick in the mud.
My rage grows by the day...
several will roll dice, then declare what kind of check...WHILE i am describing shit or having npcs talk.
Jason Price
Just make it kill him for being a retard.
Xavier Adams
I have a yuan-ti character in my group that was cursed by another yuan-ti to become more and more snake like over time, and is actively trying to hide this fact from people in the world (to avoid being murdered). She's actually RPing this very well and not im-a-snake-so-i-want-to-edgelord-the-fuck-out-of-everything-ing.
One of my players thinks its funny to tell random NPCs in towns and what not that she is in fact a yaun-ti and every time I have to bail them out of 100% screwing over the other.
This has happened like five times now.
Worst of all I can't really screw over that one player for doing this because revealing this would actually be considered a good thing
Robert Williams
Shit in their gas tank.
Jacob Diaz
cant waste your ethers dude, only get so many of them
Connor Perry
when two people at my table are in an IRL relationship but they're both borderline That Guy and That Girl with drinking problems in fucking real life and so when they invariably get together in game I just set the campaign setting notes on the floor and pray for the next three hours to go by quickly.
Ryder Howard
Have the gun talk to him in his sleep. Or have it magically find its way to his hand.
Aaron Collins
player here, i wish the rest of my group had attention spans longer than that of a goldfish. I'm practically a backseat dm because i have to constantly keep them from getting distracted otherwise nothing will ever get done.
Hunter Perez
>the party face does all the talking all the time > player A: I cast X *rolls* Player B: no dont Player A: oh nevermind >DM describes a scene of dialogue between two NPCs Players: *hits blunt* wait what? >get panicky and snappy when their PC is close to death in a battle, even if theyre winning
Camden Hall
I have one player who consistently tries to turn every game he's in, regardless of tone, into an army sim in which the other PCs are just special characters that can be sent to head particular divisions of his legions that he can psychically update on precisely how to handle every situation via OOC orders and metagaming.
He's prone to overequipping and insists that every party member should have an entourage of men-at-arms, a week's rations, at least two horses, a full set of fitted plate armor, four magical weapons, and a pony keg of healing potions to investigate a simple goblin warren.
This isn't just in Fantasy games either. He wants every Shadowrunner to have a full ring of expendable bodyguards at all times (including the infiltrator), milspec body armor (to meet with the Johnson), and three spirits and three drones keeping watch over them at all times.
He's thoroughly convinced that he's just helping the party and that his paranoia is going to be justified any day now. I would actually throw enough enemies at him to combat his gross overpreparation, but there's nothing more infuriatingly smug than a hypochondriac who actually has a fever, even if it's only by one degree.
Julian Watson
is your player burt gummer?
Alexander Ross
If you told them OOCly to cut it out and they haven't, then have the NPC he pulls this on next be a quest giver. The quest giver doesn't really care, but has no interest in someone with such loose morals that they'd rat out their "comrade". How you go from there is up to you.
Just small things like that.
Julian Collins
>make a living doing hardcore shit >always prepared for the hardest core shit >this is bad ?
Jonathan Wood
It's fucking dull as fuck though.
Mason Cook
You dont have to dump all thr action on him at once. Just give him what he wants for once to make him feel justified. Send the party on a long term operation/quest and deplete his resources over time. He wants supply and attrition to be a thing, let it happen now and then. Make them go a week of ingame time without resupply. If you want to spring some shit on him, make sure you deplete his resources naturally so he can feel accomplished when he succeeds and makes it out the other side. Dont give him time to overprep it. Semd them out on a milk run and black hawk down his ass.
Charles Sanchez
if he wants to play his character that way then fine, but he doesn't need to shove that shit down the throats of everyone else.
Thomas Miller
>Adeptus Evangelion >One player instantly goes for the Advantage that gives them immunity to fear. >Not even a Manufactured or Neo Spartan background. >They proceed to be completely nonchalant about anything that goes on.
Was not happy about that one, honestly kind of curious why that's even an option in the book to begin with. Was a good lesson in GMing though: Don't just gloss over what your players take.
Adam Gomez
Do you have a habit of fucking your characters with magic items? Like a lot of them wind up being cursed? If so, I think I found your problem.
Jacob Edwards
easy fix: time sensitive missions, be it overtly or in a hidden fashion.
His preparation will take too much time, they get bit in the ass by it.
Grayson Watson
He already has the junk, brosef. He doesnt travel without it. An effective caravan with ample supply makes travel faster, not slower.
Asher Howard
All that shit must cost buttloads of money to mantain. You should really reduce the amount of gold you give to your players
Ethan Barnes
>Do you have a habit of fucking your characters with magic items? Each time I gave a magic item like this, I treated it as a personal quest that the character learned how to utilize over time. With that being said, sometimes the spirits within have been assholes who will do pranks depending on the individual spirit but it was never anything that was actually risky to their character that would outweigh their usefulness and never during a situation like combat or important roleplay sessions.
Thomas Taylor
...I am also this guy. It's kind of fun to have a contingency prepared for everything and I have an obsession with small unit tactics.
Alexander Bennett
>PC's spend half the game reacting to each other reacting. I fucking swear to god I hate these people but they're the only ones in my area.
Angel Turner
They chase a kidnapper across a rickety bridge. Roll to balance your characters across, horses auto fail.
If they go around, the victim is now stew and no one will hire the heacily burdened mercs accept to be sherrifs and they are forced to retire.
Cameron Taylor
I don't give them any more than starting, he just dedicates time to raising funds through mundane shit so that he can build up money to get his army going, and then anally keeps books on the whole thing and refutes any claim I make about how much he's going to have to spend on food and on supplies. Issue with that plan: he outright refuses to consider the idea of taking any mission until he's built up at least a fireteam per PC. It's the worst when I have new players at the table, because one time I had a couple come in for a quick pickup campaign and he spent the first *four sessions* in the same town looking for secret magic items like this is goddamn Elder Scrolls or something, yelling at anyone who considered leaving to actually go play the fucking game and cowing them into staying until he was good and ready.
Thomas Jackson
Have someone steal it, or otherwise take it away.
Asher Peterson
How about this? There's this dude that really admires this char and he never ever leaves. >You're such a cool strategist pc-san And this guy is even more anal retentive/paranoid than he is and keeps asking >Well what about this >Did you account for that >Well I heard about this magic item (that doesn't actually exist)
William Roberts
I don't think summoned animals can even really bleed. The instant you kill them they are just unsummoned, leaving no carcass behind.
Jose Nguyen
Xavier Nguyen
What sort of mundane shit allows for this many men/supplies? A wealthy merchant could at best afford a caravan guard of a dozen folks max. You'd have to be some sort of minor noble to have the funds to keep what basically amounts to a small standing army.
Lincoln Rodriguez
Has nobody in the region told him to fuck off with his PMC? I'd figure any mayor worth his salt would get suspicious when 50 or so guys led by a random murderhobo got together in a militia.
Jackson Mitchell
I think the dude just REALLY wants to play Mount and Blade instead.
Nolan Lewis
>1 in the morning >just want to go to bed >rules lawyer won’t shut up while we’re in the middle of combat >this gets dragged out for an hour
Noah James
>man the fuck up >tell him to stfu > wait ill do it for you shut the fuck up man i need to go somewhere ina bit can we at least get this bit done first >problem solved you fucking snowflake
Angel Martin
>he refutes any claim I make My dude you’re the gm Food is expensive around here, there’s a drought, carnivals in town so there’s only room for three people at one inn left in the whole city, the local lord is not comfortable with a small private army traipsing through his land.
Hit him with the narrative fuckery if he’s so obsessed with bogging the game down looking out for the crunch fuckery
Eli Carter
>several will roll dice, then declare what kind of check...WHILE i am describing shit or having npcs talk. "That's nice. Now, as the King was saying..." "But what did my roll get me?" "Nothing. Now..."
Nicholas Miller
1)You are the goddamn DM, he can't "refuse" to pay for food and supplies on all that shit. 2)If he is yelling OOC at other people for leaving you tell him to shut the hell up. That kind of behavior is unacceptable end of subject. 3)Put some goddamn spies in the people he hires, have them either leak info to some noble or mage or Johnson who doesn't like him if not straight up backstabbing him. Or when he drags those bodyguards into a fight way above them have em just bail. YOU are the DM, YOU control their actions, not him.
Zachary Edwards
Make the yuan-ti make another Hide-the-snake roll. If she fails, that NPC doesn't find out but becomes suspicious and begins watching her carefully, alerting her that she will need to avoid that NPC from now on. If she succeeds, the NPC assumes the accuser is cuckoo, and refuses to do business with or associate with the accuser at all.
I can't recommend punishing the whole party like this.
Mason Roberts
>He says, verbatim, "it's magic, which means I should never use it." I would absolutely boot a player who said that. One, that's the stupidest goddamn thing I've ever heard. Two, that's a player actively avoiding the plot and plot dodgers can fuck right off back to their tax codes or facebook or whatever it is that terminally boring people do when they're not allowed to work any more overtime at the factory.
David Martinez
When you keeps that many dudes around on a regular basis, how can you know for certain they are all trustworthy. Throw in a double agent or saboteur
Brayden Flores
Never said anything about punishing the whole party. Just keep him out of the meeting, and show that being a dick can have consequences.
Charles Bell
>Anonymous 01/27/18(Sat)16:38:10 No.57650184▶ To be fair if its anything like psyker shit from 40k then you wouldn't touch it with a twenty foot pole soaked in holy water.
Xavier Carter
so the yuan-ti gets in trouble, maybe gets badly hurt, maybe comes close to dying. Maybe they die. If ratting them out like that is as big a deal as you make it out to be, then the yuan-ti should be suffering the consequences of their team-mates' actions, or else you're running a game where actions don't have consequences.
Realistically, selling a team-mate out to the authorities should be treated the same as pulling a weapon on them. It's a breach of co-operation. If I was a (non narc, non yuan-ti) player, my PC would want to kick the narc from the team and have the player roll a new PC that can co-operate.
I suspect that the problem player already knows that there won't be consequences for their actions. They're being intentionally disruptive to get their kicks. Essentially, they're griefing because they know they can get away with it since - at present - 'getting the party into trouble' isn't breaching the social contract, but direct PvP would be.
You need to handle this like you would any other PvP: if a party member keeps casting Dominate on their team-members, is this OK? No? How would you deal with THAT situation?
But. Seriously, actions should have consequences, and 'a different player is to blame' shouldn't shield your PCs from the consequences of actions that players take.
Jason Carter
>assholes who will do pranks maybe your player doesn't want to be pranked by an asshole, user.
Brayden Walker
>I can't recommend punishing the whole party like this. wrong. If the party fuck up, they fuck up. If they don't want to suffer because one of them's being a lolrandum retard, maybe they should stop him acting that way. The problem is that, until you actually slap down a punishment for acting like this, the problem player is gonna know that he can do this without any real consequences, and carry on.
Connor Morris
I got that reference. Time to watch tremors
Blake Morales
Then the rest of the players will quit. The problem player is messing with another player, not with the DM. If the players are told to "deal with it", victory will shake out to who wants it more, and the asshole always wants it the most.
If the DM cracks down hard, the asshole will still mess with the game no matter what you do.
So the DM has to lay it up to a fair contest that is as open as possible, just as if two PCs were armwrestling for coins. The part that doesn't have to be fair is the reward for asshole winning can be meager.
Parker Wilson
OP here >To be fair if its anything like psyker shit from 40k then you wouldn't touch it with a twenty foot pole soaked in holy water. It's not, the way I treat magic items in my custom system is kinda like a cross between SMT and Soul Eater. The M.I. has a spirit inside, you can meet the spirit if you study the M.I. and as you interact with it, your bond goes up and you can unlock new abilities to use with the M.I. in question. >maybe your player doesn't want to be pranked by an asshole, user. Not all of them are assholes and the ones that are will generally only prank you if it would be amusing. I never escalate it to actual damage or death and if I do, it's generally only if they fuck up so hard that the relationship becomes abusive; like the one time a player ordered a golem tank every single trap in the dungeon even though it knew the spirit inside felt pain whenever the golem was damaged and then laughing its face whenever it complained.
Jayden Walker
>only prank you if it would be amusing see, I can see a player feeling like that's just their PC being humiliated (which is, like, the opposite of feeling cool, which is probably why they like D&D), and not wanting to touch it with a bargepole
Jack Fisher
>allowing the local corp assets to tolerate building an unsanctioned "PMC" that's barely a platoon strong and a legitimate (even a percieved) threat to them
yeah, no. local corp would fuck him so hard watching a video of it would make you a registered sex offender
Henry Brown
I mean, in an ideal world, you tell the problem player to knock that shit off. And if they don't, you boot 'em.
Realistically, though, the problem here is that the asshole has found a way to do PvP without being held accountable. A /lot/ of PCs I've played would respond to that by escalating the PvP, even if they weren't the target of it. Your players, for whatever reason, aren't doing that. Perhaps you should make it clear that this player is initiating inter-party conflict, and that they can respond in kind. I play a lot of VtM. A coterie-mate fucking up the coterie's masquerade for shits and giggles gets dealt with swiftly and brutally, because the Sabbat doesn't fuck around.
Hunter Scott
T. Mad and bad dms
Jeremiah Collins
Well I mean, if the first thing you do once discovering that the spirit inside your nifty thunder sword is a laidback thunder spirit is to scream at him and angrily tell him how he needs to whip himself back into shape, you can't really be surprised if suddenly you find yourself being hit with silence every so often when you're trying to chew someone out.
Keep in mind, if this particular player hadn't been so aggressive towards him on the first time meeting him, he wouldn't have been silenced every so often for his troubles. I even told him that out of game and once his character calmed the hell down and talked to him like an equal, they started to bond and he eventually got some nifty sound powers for his troubles and some character development to boot.
Of course, that's a moot point anyways because the player in the OP hasn't played in my games before and isn't even aware of the spirit within. He only knows it's magical and shouldn't be used apparently.
Sebastian Robinson
To be honest, I was more frustrated than mad. is also a different user who I don't really agree with because whether or not he uses the magic item is his choice and we're good friends as well.
Hudson Sanders
So force him. You need to break the poorly-set bone of jrpg item hording bullshit and that means you player must be made to weep
Carter Adams
>So force him. The encounter mentioned in the OP was set up to be harder than usual, not just to get him to use his M.I. but also to help me gauge the party's ability to deal with shit that's technically beyond their weight class.
The leader downed two members of the party and the rest were swamped by the leader's entourage who surrounded them and took potshots at them with arrows. When he told me "it's hopeless, there's nothing we can do" I mention OoC "well, you have that nifty magic item that you can use, it's certainly dire enough."
His response was "but what if I need it later?" I wanted to hit him and even the party was looking at him like he grew three heads.
Luckily for their sake, the dice started to roll low enough to where the rest of the party was able to kill the leader and intimidate his entourage into fleeing for the hills. After that we decided to call it and when I talked to him after game, that was when he said "it's magic, so I shouldn't use it."
Matthew Lewis
I am not the user who posted the initial vexation, but I wrote these: I have timid players in my game who would never go that far, it's just not their way. They might ask the player to stop doing it, and if he's an asshole as I suspect, he'll reply that he's just doing what his character would do and that he should be allowed to interact with NPCs. And like Lebowski said, he's not wrong, he's just an asshole. That's why I think Percyno-user should leave it up to a die-roll and take the game one step in either direction for that roll. It's a small enough step to be manageable but large enough to warn the asshole that you can't gamble for in-game chicanery without risking in-game consequences. When he can't get any potions or gear anymore because of something he himself did, he either settles down or shows everyone who he really is, allowing you to have full table support for ejecting him instead of the timid support of one player.
Brody Reed
you know how the army stops troublemakers from causing problems? They punish the whole unit, and the unit makes sure they don't do it again.
Ayden Jenkins
>that friend who doesn't plan out what they say beforehand God bless him at least he's trying to roleplay, but sometimes he'll start talking in circles because he jumped right into a conversation without any idea what he wants out of it.
David Cox
Teehee Maccaroni is the bane of my fucking existence.
Every fucking campaign that my GM runs inevitably at some point involves running into an NPC named "Teehee Maccaroni," who the GM affectionately describes as "an epic level sorcerer who's also a retarded nudist gnome."
Teehee Maccaroni wander the countryside with a unique Rod of Wonders powered by "retard magic" shoved up his anus, and he casts the Rod of Wonders by diddling his penis. He says nothing but his own name in different inflections and the phrase "I like-a the goodberry, gimme gimme the goodberry." The GM thinks it's hilarious to have this character show up during the middle of encounters we're struggling at and start jerking off magic everywhere.
But the worst part is his chant. He wanders around chanting his name, so when he's about to show up the GM will start low; >Tee-hee-hee, Maccaroni Maccaroni >Tee-hee-hee, Maccaroni Maccaroni And then get louder and louder until he's fucking shouting >TEE HEE HEE, MACCARONI MACCARONI! >TEE HEE HEE, MACCARONI MACCARONI!
And the table loves it! The other guys I play with think this is the best shit! Teehee Maccaroni has been our table's de-facto inside joke, our signature "running gag" for six years now. When that chant starts up, everyone else joins in like a ritual; the whole table is expected to start chanting "TEE HEE HEE, MACCARONI MACCARONI" by the end, and every fucking time I refuse because this is some embarrassing circa-2002 Penguin of Doom shit, it's always the same thing; "There goes user again! No fun allowed around user! user's just a big grouch who's getting angry because we're making him touch Teehee Maccaroni's penis again! Why won't you just let us have fun with this character, he's just here for dumb fun, you stick-in-the mud!"
These motherfuckers are all over 25 years old.
Teehee Maccaroni is going to be the death of me.
Kevin Rivera
What the fuck is going on in your sessions? Tee-hee-hee...
Camden Williams
Its your job as a GM to get players to use the things they have if they can't think of it. Have the item start glowing or something when you think they should use it. Do something to draw their attention to it.
If its a gun with a spirit in it, the player should already be hearing voices and having the urge to use the item, or being told to use the item by the spirit.
You your imagination and GM skills mate, don't get angry at the players for not doing what you want them to do. You're in control, only you can make things happen.
Ethan Jenkins
fucking talk to him or kick him out
Luis Barnes
that sounds hilarious
Alexander Brooks
This screams copypasta so loud I googled it. It is.
Still, presumably at some stage this was once someone's life. Such pain, wow.
Christopher Rivera
Jesus, you're new.
You actually googled it, then posted about it like we didnt know.
Julian Rivera
>His response was "but what if I need it later?" I wanted to hit him and even the party was looking at him like he grew three heads. You know this guy ends his JRPGs with 30 megalixirs or whatever. You know, the rare "This shit fully heals you and gives you full mana, while healing your status conditions, whitening your teeth, and giving you a blowie" item. He never actually uses them because "I might need this later" and ends the game with 30, meaning this awesome shit was utterly dead weight. You need to break that mindset at any cost, or it will end in cancer.
Landon Hughes
>it's a magic item with limited charges This is a common problem for me in any RPGs, tabletop or video game. If I get anything that say, a really good buff that only lasts 5 hours but theres only one of them in the game. I just wind up never using it. But, if I have the ability to charge the item with a common item, I tend to use it every chance i get. Maybe make it so he can charge the weapon with metal, or money. Anything easy to come by so he doesn't feel like he is wasting a preacious resource, but instead tapping into one he can get back.
Jordan Foster
Teehee Maccaroni is the bane of my fucking existence.
Every fucking thread that Veeky Forums runs inevitably at some point involves running into an post named "Teehee Maccaroni," who the poster affectionately describes as "an epic level pasta who's also a retarded That Guy story."
Teehee Maccaroni wander the website with a unique Story Time Aura powered by "retard magic" shoved up his anus, and he casts the Story Time Aura by diddling his penis. He says nothing but his own name in different inflections and the phrase "I like-a the goodberry, gimme gimme the goodberry." The faggot thinks it's hilarious to have this post show up during the middle of threads we're struggling at and start jerking off (YOU)s everywhere.
But the worst part is his chant. He wanders around chanting his name, so when he's about to show up the poster will start low; >Tee-hee-hee, Maccaroni Maccaroni >Tee-hee-hee, Maccaroni Maccaroni And then get louder and louder until he's fucking reeeeing >TEE HEE HEE, MACCARONI MACCARONI! >TEE HEE HEE, MACCARONI MACCARONI!
And the thread loves it! The other guys I play with think this is the best post! Teehee Maccaroni has been Veeky Forums's de-facto inside joke, our signature "running gag" for six weeks now. When that chant starts up, everyone else joins in like a ritual; the whole thread is expected to start chanting "TEE HEE HEE, MACCARONI MACCARONI" by the end, and every fucking time I refuse because this is some embarrassing circa-2002 Penguin of Doom shit, it's always the same thing; "There goes user again! No fun allowed around user! user's just a big grouch who's getting angry because we're making him touch Teehee Maccaroni's post again! Why won't you just let us have fun with this thread, he's just here for dumb fun, you stick-in-the mud!"
These motherfuckers are all over 5 years old.
Teehee Maccaroni is going to be the death of me.
Jayden Davis
OP here >But, if I have the ability to charge the item with a common item, I tend to use it every chance i get. Well the gun already fires .45 rounds so I'll probably have the charges run off of the amount of bullets he has, which works since he's playing the gunslinger anyways.
Before you ask, .45 rounds are are common enough that you can find them without a whole lot of issues.
Jaxon Brooks
>One, that's the stupidest goddamn thing I've ever heard Being paranoid about magic is entirely sensible unless it's been firmly established that there's no way using magic can bite you in the ass(in which case it's a terrible setting and a terrible GM, anyway).
Isaac Diaz
Does your character like the Yuan-Ti? Does it offend your character's sense of honor or camaraderie to see someone risking a teammate's exposure like this? You have plenty of in-character reasons to shut it down even if society would regard exposing a Yuan-Ti character a good thing.
Warn the player OOC that your character doesn't like this kind of shit, and will take steps to remove the liability. If they keep doing it, kill the PC who keeps trying to expose her in their sleep, or else leave them behind at the next inn. You might have to work a bit to tailor the response to your character, but that's what good roleplaying is all about.
Adam Johnson
Sorry, misinterpreted your post. You're the GM, right? Let your players know that kind of retaliation is on the table, and let them take it from there.
Brody Butler
Only bitches avoid magic just because there's a slight chance of catastrophic failure. As a wise man once said "you gotta risk it to get the biscuit!"
Leo Carter
Sounds like he made the right choicd, and you probably have pulled this shit before and are too autistic to tell everyone hates it.
Cameron Kelly
Are you the guy who always comes into a THAT GUY thread to play devil's advocate by blaming the GM for everything?
Because choosing to risk a TPK just because you treat a magic item like an ether in a Final Fantasy game is pretty shitty behavior that needs to be broken out of sooner rather than later, regardless of whatever system you decide to run.
Noah Turner
No. Op has made it clear that he uses intelligent magic items to pull "hilarious" pranks on his players. If any magic item we find fucks us over you're goddamn right I'm going to see them as malevolent. Read between the lines, it's obvious that op is oblivious and less clever then he thinks he is.
Chase Campbell
>Op has made it clear that he uses intelligent magic items to pull "hilarious" pranks on his players. Where did you get that from? From what I understand, you only get pranked if you treat them like shit, which seems fair considering these are powerful spirits who appear to have enough sentience to have a personality to them.
I mean, if you were a powerful spirit and some guy decided to throw his weight around, wouldn't you want to fuck with him a bit? Hell, as a GM who has a player whose character is obnoxious, wouldn't you feel compelled to take the piss outta them a little bit once in a while?
Colton Reyes
You're allowed to leave a gaming table, you're not allowed to leave the army.
Dylan Gray
I got it from where he said his magic items play pranks on people. I know autism makes human behavior impossible to understand but at least try to pay attention.
James Hughes
You need to work on your reading comprehension and your bait man.
Gabriel Thompson
Just some kind of psychopath.
Asher Miller
I'm playing AS the magic item. As far as any of the other players know. I'm actually a Fiend of Possession, inside of my creation. It's fun!
Caleb Stewart
Ryan Kelly
It's like in dishonoured, for example, I noticed I almost never used any magic power that actually took up mana, because there was a limited amount of mana total and stabbing people was completely free
You're always sitting on a massive pile of nuclear weapons and firing pea shooters and giant monsters in the rare case that an even bigger giant monster might appear behind them and require all of the nuclear weapons
Really its just a bad mindset.
As a golden rule of GM-ing, don't get in the way of your PC's elaborate plans with little minor realistic rulings. It's a cool idea that would make the players feel smart and have fun.
Lucas Garcia
The next person they tell is secretly yaun-ti.
Thomas Turner
actually, yeah. This is a pretty elegant solution.
Sebastian Price
One campaign one of my players kept getting into bar fights, bad ones, every time the party went out for dinner. They ended up paying a lot of money in damages and bail and then bitched that they didn't have money for gear and supplies. I offered the solution of not getting into fights every time they got out, which the guy said was a good idea, then got into a fight anyway. So the next time it happened, they encountered Big Zach. Zach was a big guy, 6'8 and over 300 pounds, and he warned the poor fellow to fuck off three times. Because what he didn't know was that while Zach looked like a common drunk, he was actually one of the best martial artists to ever live. Two characters dead, a third lost an arm. Next batch of characters didn't start shit with unassuming NPCs
Jack Jones
No drugs at the table, should be rule #1
even alcohol if not everyone is drinking.
Jacob Robinson
Thomas Thomas
Well, you can be a farmer and love your animals and nature, but you are still going to butcher your cows and pigs.
If you are a ranger, you are in touch with nature sure, but it doesn't mean you are a hippie. You won't shy away from shooting a boar in the face to protect yourself, or using animals for your survival, be it for eating them or using their blood to throw hounds off your scent.
Dominic Foster
This is seems too specific wtf, is there a story behind this?
Connor Young
Go play RTS and stay out of tabletop RP then you micromanaging asshat.