How many Space Marines would be needed to take down one Chaos Knight?
How many Space Marines would be needed to take down one Chaos Knight?
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How many lascannon hits do you need to kill one? Multiply that number by one and a half, and that's how many you need.
Depends on who's writing it. Unless you mean TT stats in which case I'll assume you took High School statistics and leave you to crunch the numbers
A couple of Terminator squads can bring down a titan by teleporting into one of their legs and hammering it to pieces so the whole thing crumbles so something like a couple of squads of Vanguard Vets with Thunder Hammers could do something similar or a single marine on top of it plants a bunch of melta bombs in the carpace and blows a hole into the cockpit and kills the Knight or a single squad of Devastators spreads out and fires at it until it crashes down.
All possible scenarios, Knights are huge and dangerous but not huge enough to become impervious to infantry.
Depends on the amount of plot armor it has.
A standard meltabomb will punch through about 1 inch of plot armor.
Chaos Knights shouldn't even be a thing
>Knights are warriors of the Imperium
>In the Heresy, Knight Houses were a common supplement to Imperial forces
>Literally half the Imperium fell to heresy in the HH
>Spess Maroons, Admech, Guard, literally half of the Imperium's military
>But not the Knights, every single Knight stayed 100% pure even if they had no way of knowing they were on the wrong side until far too late
>Since then, Chaos has been a corrupting force on the weak willed, the extreme, the desperate, or the unlucky
>In 10,000 years, not even a single Knight has ever walked the left hand path for any reason
That's PUREST levels people don't expect from the Sisters of Battle or they Grey Knights, user. It also just doesn't hold up logically.
All of them
yeah nah get fucked cunt
You can't teleport through void shields.
Just one.
Unless GW's changed the lore again, Knight class walkers have a directional powerfield that can cover AT MOST 120 degree arc, not an all encompassing void shield...
One space marine can win a war.
18 unnamed marines or 1 protagonist
If I recall correctly they have 24 wounds
So in theory a two Seraphims with double Inferno Pistols is enough.
Since you ask for marines, any single marine that can do 24 wounds, but I think you need 4 marines. I do not recall any marine doing more than 6 wounds.
Maybe a HQ with melee could make 24 wounds
And be taken by the Inmquisition for interrogation right after that.
Please stop reminding me of that ending...
Now I am thinking about the fighting systems in which stats are not important, only how much you stacked the narrative your way to make your victory the most plot propable thing.
One or more.
Depends who is writting.
>implying real war doesn't literally work like that
the us armed forces are objectively the most capable and advanced fighting force the world has ever seen, yet for the better part of two decades we've been unable to subjugate desert shepherds with rusty kalashnikovs. why?
because in iraq and afghanistan, the people hate us more than they hate our enemy. in large part most of the people fighting american forces aren't even part of an organized group, they'e people who we have wronged in some way.
>american bombs killed my brother/father/son, i'll show those swine, *plants IED*
a war is won not on the battlefield but in the hearts and minds of the warriors
The people there are just savages that enjoy killing
How can you defeat an enemy that willingly blows itself up to kill its fellow countrymen?
which knights dont have
Exactly 4 lascannons. So one dev squad could do it.
>Knights patterned after (Chaos) Space Marines
Jimmies rustled.
Is the Space Marine a main character?
Horus powered down his flagship's shield to bait the Emprah into teleporting there.
This implies that you can't teleport through raised shields.
Ergo, void shields block teleportation.
see>A couple of Terminator squads can bring down a TITAN by teleporting into one of their legs
Depends on the plot armour.
If it's an even level of plot armour (as in a situation where it's mentioned as "oh shit look how serious the combat is over there" rather than a plot), then I'd say you'd need about 25 marines from a generic tac squad loadout to do it.
Well apparently a single squad of devastators was able to take down a chaos titan so maybe like, i dunno, half a squad of devastators?
Above user is speaking of the old Titanhammer formation, where you take like 20 terminators, led by Lysander himself, and wreck titans with thunderhammers.
Mathwise, they could bring down a reaver titan.
I'd say 15 marines. Knights aren't really good tacticians, so one marines shouold be able to kamikaze with a melta charge quite easily while the rest keeps the knight busy.
There's also the fact that the American military worries about PR, and doesn't actively treat this like total war. If the military stopped caring about collateral damage, we would have ended this war in the first year.
Wouldn't be the first time the lore contradicted itself.
Has there been an in-canon instance of a Knight being taken down yet?
Pretty sure there hasn't.
People keep mistaking restraint for weakness
Sure worked out well for America in Iraq... And Afghanistan... And Nigeria... And Vietnam... And Korea... And Somalia... And Syria.... And everything else they've done since 1945
Go look at k/d ratios for all of those conflicts then tell me what happens when we stop holding back.
I agree user, restraint *is* weakness.
The next time America has to invade a country, the White House should take the leash off us and kick out the journalists and let us do our jobs, regardless of the cost in collateral damage.
Wonderful things user.
Strangely total war turning Germany and Japan into model nations is never considered by white leftists.
Forgot my picture. This is what it would look like if they took the leash off us for once.
It'd totally fucking rad.
Well half of that is still valid.
Kind of related to knight corruption. How does the machine spirit behave with chaos? Can a land raider crew fall to chaos and retain its spirit? I know machine spirits are used for safety since AIs can be corrupted, so can machine spirits not be corrupted or are they simply less indipendent and dangerous if corrupted? What does the dark mechanicus think about the machine spirits? Do they just say fuck it and throw in a daemonic possession if they need some ai thing or do they use MS for small things too?
here, you seem to have took my point in the wrong direction. much like in fiction, the superior force fighting the plucky underdogs often loses because the underdogs just want it more. It's not a question of technical ability, numbers, or warfighting capability, it's a question morale. It's about who WANTS it more. The locals believe they're resisting foreign invaders, and on the most basic of level they are objectively correct, we are indeed foreign, we are indeed invaders, and they VERY much indeed want us gone. Out enemies in those nations see themselves as fighting for their religion, which they hold dear, and their self determination. While we try and tide our soldiers over with vague notions of spreading freedom and democracy, that monolithic, secretive groups are the ones resisting us and not the common people of Iraq and AFG. Our troops, rather thanbeing ideologically motivated as in the past, fight so that they and their buddies make it home in one piece. No less honorable, but not conducive to overwhelming victory either.
Often times having a just cause, perceived or not is enough to turn the tide. We Americans were the beneficiaries of that at the birth of our nation and now we're feeling the other side. We're not losing because we're "weak", and we're not losing because we're "holding back", we're losing because we don't DESERVE to win, and everyone knows it on some level. The American public knows it, the troops know it, and certainly the Iraqi people are very aware of the fact.
America is literally the dominant super power.
Machine Spirits are naturally Chaotic
It is only through the work of the Mechanicus that they are brought into line with the will of Humanity.
But why tho?
Can’t most crisis suits and tau commanders solo these things?
The Tau can honestly one-shot EVERYTHING
The joke is that they're stuck in one-inch of the galaxy, with no way to conduct faster-than-light-speed travel
Just blow him up
Five Space Marines with bolters can not take down a Knight, are you fucking high?
I thought they could “skim” the Warp for FTL, but not enough to attract demons, or make the Galaxy spanning jumps that Humanity can do.
The joke is that they have the MOST advanced military, but they're literally stuck in a single system.
Because they have no psykers, then can't do FTL travel, so they're stuck where they're at.
We're losing because of PR and Geneva Conventions only we still adhere to.
>thinks the Iraqi people wanted us to lose
I was there, you turbocuck. I spent 32 months of my life in that country. They fucking loved us because we brought a stability they've never had before. They were able to go to bed at night not worrying if they were going to get snatched up by Saddam's death squads or the secular violence that still existed alongside it.
They begged us not to leave but we had to because some fucking asshole in the White House thought he knew better than we did and the rapid withdrawal went exactly like we all knew it would and that's why Iraq is a fucking ISIS hellhole to this day.
Restraint is exactly why we were able to get such positive results with Germany and Japan.
In both cases, rather than telling our troops to murder, rape, and pillage to their hearts content, we held back, helped create functional new governments that could maintain public order, and rebuilt their cities. And in return, they're both democratic nations that tend to side with us, the difference being that Germany's economy and outlook is tied to the hellish remnants that the USSR left of East Germany, while Japan and China never really settled their differences *because* we continue to consider China an enemy.
We won hearts and minds in both cases by not being dicks. The reason that doesn't work in the Middle East is because we're acting as an invasive force interfering with their internal conflicts, rather than simply another nation in an ongoing conflict, and because democratic nation-building doesn't really work out when the "nation" we're making is a pile of distinct tribes that all hate each other and would rather take our money than talk.
We got positive results in Japan and Germany for 3 reasons
1. We committed to a generational occupation on an immense scale
2. We demanded far reaching powers to interfere with their governance for decades
3. We didn't have to play nice with "allies" like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan; we told the Soviets to fuck off with their meddling and didn't let them overtly build schools and places of worship where they could install people to preach and teach radical and anti-American dogma to the friendly local population.
Our goals in the middle east will never be clearly achieved so long as we let the money and radicalism that SA sends to her neighbors flow unabated, and we'll never have victory in Afghanistan so long as we allow Pakistan to Harbor our foes without consequence.
Explain why South Korea is okay then
Except the Rock. Which can solo whole Tau expeditions in a day and then just up and leave to do secret things.
That's a relatively new thing. SK was a basketcase for a long time.
The korean war was a basketcase in general. With China entering the picture it's a wonder there's even a SK today.
Well, we certainly have the first factor, and mostly have the second factor in play also, but the mitigating circumstances that make up for the fact that we never went in and cleaned up North Korea are at least 3 fold.
1. South Korea was never our enemy.
2. The Hermit Kingdom's sponsors kept them on a leash for the most part. Our biggest issues with Un all stem from the fact that tubby isn't a dummy and he purged his officer corps and goverment of every Chinese agent he could identify, which has allowed him to slip his leash.
3. We pay billions to maintain the most heavily sensor ed and fortified border in the world. Mitchell really helps that the border is short.
Also, compared to Japan or Germany, South Korea is kind of shit, despite all this.
We won hearts and minds by killing people until their spirit broke, and then gave them money to rebuild. The Soviets raped and pillaged to their hearts content in Germany, and Japan was stripped of all of its territories and sovereign rights.
War is the process of convincing a population it is beaten, and we skip that to the rebuilding portion to our detriment.
Knights are like Titans
They can't be taken down by mere Infantry, they can only be taken down by other Knights or Titans
There that one sister that turned heretic, I can't remember her name. Fucking retarded that those groups gets no heresy loving.
Void shields need to be allowed to "cool down" after dissipating heavy firepower.
A Titan has maybe half a dozen void shields at most (on the largest commonly encountered classes of Imperial Titan). But as a large target it probably draws firepower from most of the enemy artillery and air support in the area, so there will naturally be moments when its screens are all cycling back to the state at which they can be reactivated; this isn't a problem as Titans are also incredibly well armored physically.
A starship - including and especially a fleet's flagship, such as Horus' own ship, which iirc was one of the largest vessels of its day - is orders of magnitude larger than even the very largest Imperial Titans, with a power output correspondingly larger. It can support hundreds, if not thousands of individual, overlapping void shields. In games these might be represented simplistically, but you might imagine the reality to be more like the scales of a fish, but layered several times.
It must be possible to walk through a void shield because they have no effect on melee damage, so they're not "skin tight"; but it must also be the case that they have an effect on teleportation beams (which are an energy beam, like a lascannon shot or whatever, even though they're non-contact), either dissipating them like incoming fire (which is a hell of a way to spend your Terminators) or deflecting them off-target (which in the end happened anyway with that particular mission). If the shields are layered, the effect is cumulative.
So in theory it's possible to teleport through void shields, it's just probably not a good idea.
Power fields and other kinds of shielding are a different argument, and Horus probably had some of those too.
>Because they have no psykers, then can't do FTL travel
Necrons can do FTL just fine without psykers.
Wow, Americans actually think they fought WWII in europe single handedly, don't you? I guess this is to be expected from Hollywood propaganda, terrible education and being raised by Call of Duty.
Depends on who they are. In Soul Hunter, Telos and 2 other marines avoided the auspex of a loyalist knight and took it down.