This is how I Chaotic Good.
This is how I Chaotic Good
Your idea of chaotic good is doing a combination PR stunt/advertisement for your (mostly) legal business venture?
There's nothing that says chaotic characters can't own businesses. They are just more prone to act on their whims and desires similar to chaotic evil except they might enjoy the idea of someone getting fucked over along the way.
Really, the only unrealistic alignment is neutral good/evil unless they are literal forces in the universe and you dedicate yourself wholely to that cause for it's own sake otherwise a lawful evil person isn't going to see themselves as evil.
Pornhub is a company that encourages societal decay for profit, and zen might be a decent example of neutral good.
What you call degeneracy I call free expression. Do you condem the beer when a person becomes an alchoholic? Unlike narcotics and ethonol you can't put something in porn to make it more addictive and it's only the person viewing it's fault of their own negative reactions and inability to distinguish fantasy from reality (i.e. women in real life not doing half the things women in porn do for example)
>What you call degeneracy I call free expression
But the effects of your expression are still negative
Yes because sexual prudes are turned off by the fact that people can be empowered by the use of their bodies for entertainment.
If you live in constant fear of temptation ruining your life you may as well live in fear of the rain because you'll get wet. The only bad is excess and that exists in all things.
Let me guess, "Blah, blah, sin!"
Nah, they stopped using the religion angle.
Now it's more like Russia's vaguely spiritual totalitarian "moral cleansing" shit.
hello mr mount stupid
No if anything it's a company that encourages pirating of intellectual property.
There are many metrics for immorality, removing unthinking cells from a uterus is not one of them.
>removing unthinking cells
killing you is ok then?
Shit, that was a grade-A comeback, I'm not even mad.
this guy gets it
i laffed
>Statistics about different things somehow correlate
Russia also has more bears than any European countries, do Bears cause HIV? I dont even care about your abortion argument, Im just not sure what youre implying by linking those two maps
If anything it kind of defeats his point, Russia's got some pretty strict porn laws to the point of banning websites. If he thinks there's a correlation between HIV, Abortion or Porn, then suppressing pornography INCREASES the chance of those things happening.
>Fucking rainbow Lithuania
> >1.9% abortions
> 251 HIV cases per million
Abortions cure HIV guise!
>removing unthinking cells from a uterus is not one of them.
Only if there white.
go back to Tumblr
Your sarcastic comment mocking the idea of correlation=causation unfortunately isn't even as stupid as all the farfetched conclusions I see people try to draw from data every day on this site.
A fetus feels pain.
A fetus has a heartbeat.
A fetus dreams.
For a group of people who want to "give voice to minorities", there sure is no leftist speaking for the unborn.
Depends on how far along the fetus is.
The argument against sexuality is, frankly, a losing one.
Sexual liberation and robust sexual education lead to a healthier and happier society. I don't understand the "moral" authoritarians who want to see a rise in teen mothers, unwanted childrens, out of wedlock bastards, STD outbreaks, and back-alley abortions.
>A fetus feels pain.
Not until the third trimester at 27 weeks.
So let's be clear about something. If someone is 27 weeks pregnant, if they've gone through 2/3rds of the pregnancy and are now seeking an abortion, it's almost universally because something has gone horribly wrong with the pregnancy.
>A fetus has a heartbeat
This is largely irrelevant. Sure, it has a heartbeat. What does that matter. This is an arbitrary standard. "Oh, it's got a heartbeat." Sure, it's a proto-human, it's going to develop the things humans need to survive like organs.
>A fetus dreams.
At seven months. Once again, if you're getting an abortion that late into a pregnancy, it's because something has gone horribly wrong.
I'm going to make an assumption that you eat meat, I think that's a relatively safe assumption here don't you think? The overlap between anti-abortion people and strict vegans is a pretty small overlap.
Animals that will be turned into meat:
1. Feel pain.
2. Have heartbeats.
3. Dream.
What is your justification for one kind of killing being okay, while a comparatively smaller amount of killing is not okay.
... alright if we’re debating ethics morality which is awesome, far better hopes then I have for this thread then let’s debate something more broad.
>Should Nyarlathotep be considered evil?
You are given the tools to go out and succeed driven partially by the desire to reproduce. short circuiting that drive by constantly watching porn is a detriment to you and your society
>Muh individual rights
>Muh enlightenment
>Muh dick
>Muh cum
There is no good that comes from it except the momentary pleasure of ejaculation.
If that is your ultimate goal we may as well become a planet of heroin addicts
Well, are we talking porn addiction or masturbation addiction?
Jesus where is all this Reddit coming from?
Porn is bad because it dehumanizes sexuality. This isn't some "muh morality" thing, and is widely supported by the associated academic literature
>unthinking cells
Abortion stops a human heartbeat. More than just that it stops your child's heartbeat.
Perhaps not necessarily in the unfathomable grand scheme of things- but by human measure, he is the definition of malicious. He understands humans are sentient, and is able to mingle among them, but still chooses to treat them as playthings, delighting in causing madness.
No it doesn't, at conception it is human. It was deliberately created and now the parent's responsibility.
The point behind the attempt to unperson a fetus is to compare it to an inanimate or dying object but the fact of the matter is that you have to take violent action against that Group of cells or it will become a full grown human. It's a stage of development like any other human stage.
Ah, America. Founded by people that were so fucking uptight that the British didn't want them around.
Fucking Puritans.
>It's ok to kill you if you don't feel pain
>This is largely irrelevant. Sure, it has a heartbeat...
Inanimate objects do not have heartbeats unless you are going to argue that a child is first an animal before it is human.
You realize the human body does this frequently, right?
"Something in this setup isn't right for this conception to turn out well." *Miscarriage*
Apparently making the same decision, consciously, based on factors external to the body is morally reprehensible.
>he is described as a "tall, swarthy man"
I'll give you one guess
They are both closely tied, you will masterbate much more frequently with the presence of porn but there is also the satisfaction of seeing an "attractive" (wtf is with ugly pornstars lately) woman naked that gives the viewer pleasure
It's all intertwined
You can fix porn addiction via not watching it for a bit and enter a sort of cool down for a bit. As for masturbation addiction, no fap.
Do we want more arbitrary parts of the body to say when life begins? Because bones aren't formed until much later, and those are way more important.
You can make a heartbeat outside of a body. If you pump electricity through something, it'll function. We can create artificial organs. Does the beating heart disconnected from anything qualify it as life? If I surround it with stem cells, is that heart now alive?
A fetus develops consciousness at around 24 weeks. Abortion is, if I'm not mistaken, illegal by that time, and rightly so.
Fuck, 92 percent of abortions are had before the 13th week, which is when the brain enough to function starts to form. When it STARTS, not when it's actually finished enough to function. That brain is the thing that qualifies if something is alive or not, not their physiology. If someone is showing 0 brain activity but their heart is still beating, are they really alive, or are they as much alive as the heart beating in a test tube somewhere?
>"Something in this setup isn't right for this conception to turn out well." *Miscarriage*
And not a one of those things is "I feel like killing my child"
Most of the time it's like
>Oh fuck the pH balance is all fucked up and now the child is dead
The human body prioritizes carrying a child over just about every other bodily function that isn't threatening to the mother, after all who's going to carry the child if the mother is dead
God bless his heart.
Yeah but that's just showing that it's at very least a vice and at worst harmful.
So is a lot of things, but you gotta have one or two vices lest your life get boring.
>arbitrary parts
It's not arbitrary if it's identifiable as human
>you gotta have one or two vices lest your life get boring
That's just not true, especially in the context of a good aligned DND character.
You know there are such things as productive hobbies and habits
I personally count DMing among them
I can't say I wouldn't do the same, if I were effectively immortal and could access a planet full of xenos that couldn't really hurt me. I mean, shit, just imagine what sort of shenanigans you'd get up to if you were an astronaut and knew that taking your helmet off would make a bunch of aliums go ballistic.
I'd probably just do it over and over until I found some that didn't lose their minds, and start breeding them to create MyFace-resistant super-aliums. Once that strain of them ended up dominant, I'd find a new way to make them go crazy, like mooning them, and keep doing it until the process repeated itself with more ass-insanity-resistant aliums.
Of course, now that I've typed all that out, I suddenly understand Saturday morning cartoon villain motivations a lot better.
>I personally count DMing among them
That’s a vice if I’ve ever saw one.
What's that got to do with the price of fish? Whether you can recognise something as human has no bearing on whether it's formed enough to be considered alive.
Which is why countries where porn is illegal suffer from far more rape, right?
Alcohol fucks some people's lives up. We should all be encouraged to drink less, or at the very least drink responsibly, and most people who drink do so even if it's damaging on some level, generally speaking. Even if someone doesn't drink, they usually recognise it's other people's right to do so and that most of them do so responsibly. Way I see it, same with porn. Even if I disagree, most people are going to consume it responsibly and they're well within their right to do so.
If you mean that porn is bad on a societal level, then boy howdy do I have something to introduce to you called "The Prohibition Era" as a case study on banning a harmful vice. You could even extend that to the absolute failure that is the War on Drugs for a more modern example.
>whether it's formed enough to be considered alive.
So you admit it's identifiable as human and growing what more do you need?
What ultimately changes between that point and a newborn?
>And not a one of those things is "I feel like killing my child"
Yeah, nobody says that.
It's an interesting point though. Humans in the animal kingdom are pretty unique in that our fetuses are incredibly parasitic, much more so than any mammal, which have much better control over whether or not they abort at any given moment. You could make the argument that our artificial abortions are just evening out the score, like wearing clothes, building houses, using weapons to hunt, etc.
The difference between porn and drink is that sobriety isn't a motivating factor for young men to succeed but a nutsack full of sperm is
Nah, but sexual prudism will keep America puritanical and behind the rest of the world.
>Yeah, nobody says that.
But that's what you are implying that an abortion and an unstable pregnancy are the same thing
So you are against masturbation and not porn then, right?
>he doesn't think consciousness is a burden that can only be alleviated by altering it with alcohol
>But the effects of your expression are still negative
So we should remove people's right to expression if it causes someone somewhere a negative reaction? You do realise that is a justification to censor pretty much anything, right?
>Behind the rest of the world because of prudishness
By that metric Weimar Germany was the most successful country in the world
Consciousness, which develops at around 24 weeks.
Being more strict, a functioning brain, which starts developing at 13 weeks.
So, to play it absolutely safe, I wouldn't want an abortion at anything past 13 weeks if there's no threat to the life of the mother or some defect with the fetus. Which, again, 92% of people already are.
Yeah nah, there isn't a single really succesful person that isn't emptying their load on a daily basis into someone
It has no brain function at that point.
I’m talking about the fact we see a nipple and freak but we’re okay with gore.
That wasn't me, the post you reply to is my first post in this thread, so I wasn't implying anything.
But, just to address that point, no, nobody says "I want to kill a child". If that was the case, nobody but psychopaths would do it. The decision making process is the same for both; either because of external or internal factors giving birth would be more detrimental than not, so you don't.
I honestly hope you are trolling and don't actually really have such a negative view of people who are desperate enough to go through with an abortion.
Clearly there is a line somewhere not to be crossed but that's part of the discussion once we have gotten to the point where we all recognize that free expression for expression's sake aren't a moral good unto itself
Or rather to turn it around on you
All things are allowed because it's freedom of expression.
No fuckwit, it's not inanimate, it's alive. In the way that a tumor is alive. It doesn't have sentience, it's just an unwanted cell growth.
It's no more murder than you are doing by not impreganting a woman every 74 days. Or in your case, being a kissless virgin.
There's no magical soul that's split in half, one living in all the ballsacks and one in all the ova.
Should we abort a twin for absorbing it's twin, since it's a murderer and retards like you always seem to be pro human murder.
No one thinks "I think I'll kill my child".
How is the woman's mind thinking external factors make it necessary to terminate this pregnancy not the body ending the pregnancy?
It's the brain not in the body, does it not receive stimulus entirely from the body?
Oh, wait. It's the ghost in the skellington/meatsack that makes decisions, right?
That doesn't motivate them to succeed, it motivates them to get off. That's why countries with more strict pornography laws are the ones with more rates of rape, teenage pregnancies, HIV, etc.
Besides, why does sexual frustration help a guy figure out his work? A mechanic isn't going to bust a nut from fixing a car, he's not motivated by sex to do that, he's motivated by money and/or genuine passion for the subject.
but then maybe I just don't understand men, guys are you motivated by being sexually pent-up to do better, because not having shlicked in weeks doesn't make me any better at anything.
>In the way that a tumor is alive
If left unmolested what happens to a tumor
If left unmolested what happens to a child in the womb?
>It was deliberately created and now the parent's responsibility.
Then who the fuck are you to judge? It is not your responsibility; they, the people who are, by your own admission, the ones responsible, decided the best course of action.
If by unmolested do you mean removed from the womb and left alone?
Or do you mean constantly cared for by the mother's body?
false equivalence, unless you can find two countries that are identical, except for their stance on porn, you can't really know what the root cause is.
That is why sociology is not often considered a rigorous science, because it is often impossible to a real control group.
I suspect you might find, a correlation along the lines of, a society that is willing to ban pornography is doing so for religious reasons, as seen in some islamic nations, women have a lower perceived value in those nations and their word is worth little in court.
Oh, so the second you're finished having sex there's a third person in the room because a fertilised egg has the POTENTIAL to be a child?
If a guy ejaculates he's commiting genocide because he's got sperm with the POTENTIAL to be a child everywhere?
If a woman's on the pill or chemical contraceptive she's a murderer because the 3 day old fertilised egg had the POTENTIAL to be a child?
Here, I think Monty Python has something on this:
That is correct
We do need social pressures to direct those motivations into productive results
But that just shows how much had been eroded in modern society.
Sex should be celebrated within bounds of some kind of commitment
That's the way things used to be anyway.
Not him (also not american), but quite frankly I don't give a shit. I don't feel intensely liberated because I get to see the occasional tit when I'm watching TV. It doesn't really affect my day to day in any way whatsoever.
not pestered or molested; left in peace.
Btw if you leave a newborn by itself or even a toddler, they die too.
So basically banning porn is bad?
no idea, I am more on the side of how to conduct science than I am morality police.
Societal decay is a vague and meaningless concept that literally only exists to manipulate people into going along with authoritarian nonsense.
>third person in the room because a fertilised egg has the POTENTIAL to be a child?
Yes and that is reflected in the law as well
Killing a pregnant woman is double homicide.
And there's a difference between something like an abortion and something like plan b
While both are encouraging bad behavior, mainly sex for sport, I've is preventative and the other is killing a human, regardless of it's level of development.
>intense libations over nipples
I hope not or I’d presume you’d have a fetish. But it’s more a matter of America’s strange as fuck value system.
Banning anything is bad, as it makes people crave what they can’t get.
>Banning anything is bad, as it makes people crave what they can’t get
Citation needed
We ban many things as a society and the average person abides by these pressures
We even have a word for people who don't, sociopath.
>We need societal pressures to direct motivations into productive results
But we are. Young people are socially pressured to do well, to be successful, that's how society is and has always been, success is seen as a good thing, if only for materialistic reasons.
Hell, productivity is at the highest it's ever been, so if society isn't motivating people they're doing a really damn good job at producing regardless.
Sex isn't something sacred, it's an activity people do for enjoyment. Every time somebody doesn't do it safely with contraceptives and the such I want to slap them because they're as idiotic as a drunk driver, but sex isn't some kind of great ritual. It's just a thing people do that presents potential risks, same as a lot of activities.
>you can't really know what the root cause is.
Oh yes I can.
A country that strongly condemns porn is a country with strong religious influence in politics.
Religion-driven societies are historicaly and empirically far more misogynous than laicus ones.
As society values are driven by these misoginistic rulesets, the perceived value of the woman decreases.
As women are no longer on your same level, but bellow you, rape is not really a big deal.
And because your government censored porn, you can't calm your urges as easily.
Would you call a miscarriage, "molestation"?
Or just the body discontinuing it's support of the fertilized egg?
If you leave a toddler alone it dies but if you don't bust a nut up a fertile woman you're committing genocide.
Rape some bitches, leave a baby in the woods. Net result, positive.
This entire thread is law vs. chaos.
I'm sure the anti-porn, anti-abortion posters, if pushed, would eventually arrive at the conclusion that chaos and good are incompatible.
>This entire thread
Stop bumping this.
>But it’s more a matter of America’s strange as fuck value system.
Yeah but my point is that its not particularly important in the scheme of things
>women in real life not doing half the things women in porn do for example
Meh, If you are clean, charming and a bit playful most of them will agree to it.
Where porn is unrealistic is in the positions themselves, which are made so you have a good light and camera angle on the meat, or are just simply not the most stimulating.
Okay, things you screwed up.
1) assumed all religions to have the same values
2) assumed that the causes for rape have a singular cause and are not a complex social issue or mental health
Based on these, you seem to think the human mind is a 100% accurate input/output device. Stop and considered from your own life experience, if you give people the same stimuli do you always get the same response.
Your conclusion doesn't bother me, but your logic is faulty.
>1.3m abortions, 4% end up in foster care.
>1,354,166 unwanted pregnancies annually
>135,000 adopted per year. 1.2million not adopted.
>33% of those not adopted end up in prison... where they can be executed! Because once they're out of the womb, it's easier on the american christian conscience to treat them like shitty subhumans.
>do well
In some fields you are correct but as far as reproduction and relationships, at least in the United States, we are not encouraged to do well.
Pornography is part of this as is hook-up culture.
mom has no prenatal
kids have no care
kids have no meds
kids have shit education
just abstain
kid gets raped and pregnant in the shitter by the trailer park
we better make sure this cycle is perpetual
>Would you call a miscarriage, "molestation"?
No because the environment could not support the fetus, which in and of itself is sad, but it is not a conscious act.
Once again
not pestered or molested; left in peace.
Legal pornography is fine. Why a bunch of neckbeards who fap to underage hentai suddenly think they're the morality police I'll never know
Is that the fault of not having abortion or not being responsible with sexual reproduction