BTC dominance has dropped 20% in the last 2 weeks

>BTC dominance has dropped 20% in the last 2 weeks

Sell now before it's too late.

buy now before its too late

>muh dominance
stupid stat doesn't mean shit.

It'll be back to 20k USD soon.

There is no other real purpose for BTC than to be the standard for other coins. Losing this much market share spells doom. Just being realistic here. They tried to rebrand it as "store of value", but what good is it with such volatility. Let's face it, BTC is a decade old product in a rapidly evolving tech market.

>t. newfag

yes sell the bottom

The fud is real

BTC will not survive you fucktards

t. bought btc at 19.5k

t. delusional moron

Bitcoin was 100% dominance at one point. It was 50% dominance a month ago and it's down to barely over a third dominance now.

I sold my whole position of Bitcoin for alts. Dont get attached to it - no one gives a shit about tradition in crypto. I legitimately expect bitcoin to drop back to $1-5k over the next 2 years.

it's not fud bro, it's common sense.

>core has become an outdated mess, but its elitist dev team refuses to implement any form of overhaul
>crypto enthusiasts switch to superior options like bcash, monero, ethereum, etc.
>media hype is over
>normies that got into the game are shifting to XRP, because it's normie-friendly, professional, and the "future of banking".

bought btc sub 2k, try again sweetie

>I legitimately expect bitcoin to drop back to $1-5k over the next 2 years.
oh I have no doubt that you are this retarded :^)

Just bought 20k BZC, who cares, maybe it'll get to the normies.

Dubs speak the truth.

Never buy at the ATH. Now you can either hodl or try to get gainz by pumping on promising altcoins.

When you realize all the top 200 coins are BTC-pairs, you sound like a fucking idiot.

I bought sub 100 and I got rid of all of them at 18k

>recognizing a pattern is retarded
>ignoring a pattern is smart

Lose money all you want. I've doubled my "satoshis" over the past week holding high utility alts while Bitcoin has continued it's descent. I'm trying to help others see what's happening. Ignore it at your own financial risk

My tigger finger is already getting really really itchy to sell all of my alts and switch 100% BTC. If it goes under 10k I think I can't resist.

Its ogre
Darkweb adapts XMR LTC and even fucking Doge
This was unthinkable a mere year ago
Def a paradigm shift

>high utility alts

Sure they all sound cool. Super computers, blockchains talking to each other, facilitating this, enhancing that..
It's all bullshit.
Every day there's a new token that will facilitate the way companies and customers handle some sort of transactions. It's just crypto mumbo jumbo with no working product.

Except BTC had a single utility which was to send money reliably and that doesn't work anymore.

Accept it, it's done.

>95% of crypto is vaporware buzzword bullshit
>this means the whole crypto market is a joke

imagine being this retarded

Name one crypto that will control our lives in 20 years the same way the Internet does today.

last time the btc dominance was at an all time low it bounced back to and alts crashed horribly. Now is the time to buy btc

Ethereum, Ripple, Iota, XLM, Monero, [spoiler]link[/spoiler]

>Except BTC had a single utility which was to send money reliably and that doesn't work anymore.
works just fine for me

Deceased feline jump

you're absolutely right.
am poorfag so I only have my money in iota, xlm, and monero but I've over $1k from initial $750.
Look at trading pairs. ETH or BTC. sooo eth
iota for m2m transactions, xrp for banks, xlm for developing countries, and xmr for drugs. never discount the dnms

this. any stat based on market cap is BS. All it takes is some bots trading with each-other, pushing the price of alts up, and you will have lower BTC dominance. It literally means nothing. At the end of the day, BTC is still he most valuable crypto, because it has trading pairs with everythng (and because of some other things that I will not mention, because you're not ready for it yet).

There needs to be a real replacement before Bitcoin is finished, and I’m just not seeing that right now. Some day Bitcoin will be over but it’s not today. It’ll moon again this year, and that might be a good time to sell.

He doesn't know ETH is being accepted on more and more exchanges

I sell when it's in the green and I'll re buy when it inevitably drops. That's how I've been making the most money

Will never replace Bitcoin. You fell for the flippening meme. Take profit, increase your BTC value, but never fall for the flippening trap.

One word for you newfag

Why? Is it not shitty enough?

>There are hundreds and hundreds of altcoins pumped onto the market each month
>XRP goes on a run with a huge supply
>Surprised when BTC "dominance" goes down

Projects are opening at 1-2 BILLION market cap without a released product, and you're surprised that the dominance drops?

Same, got rid at 19k

feels good

>almost 2k shitcoins
>btc dominance

lmfao. i could make 3 crypto currencies in 30 minutes before i start work and that would fuck with btc dominance, whats your fucking point?