Pitch a campaign based on this image
Pitch a campaign based on this image
Lady Knight rescuing the Prince from a roaming warband of Amazonians.
Evil virgin wizards are sending their followers to attack harmless strip clubs
The king hosts the dick sucking contest. OP wins.
Can't. Have to fap.
Your sexy ERP VR Holo chat was ruined by some kid with scripts, are you a salty enough dude to backtrace the IP and find out where this kid lives? Obviously some sort of one shot or mini campaign.
Fun and sexiness all across the land is under siege by the forces of the dastardly Realists, sworn Enemies of the Fun. Can you stop them, or will boredom reign over all?
Sounds like Changeling: The Dreaming.
>that sadistic smile
Fat girls' version of Day of the Rope
>Pitch a campaign based on this image
sex negative feminists, lead by the evil mad philosopher andrea dworkin, wage a jihad against natural, normal, healthy, and fun sexuality. Their neurotic acolytes known as the dworkinites, cannot tolerate any human have fun and enjoying their free sexuality. Thus they attack innocent cultural institutions, such as this sexy opera house. Other victims are sexy stories, sexy art, sexy clothing. Motivated by their neuroticism, hatred, and jealousy, they seek to cleanse all culture from the expressions of sexuality. The jihadists murder all people that have normal sexuality.
The players must wage war against the dworkinist jihad, by finding their terrorist cells scattered thoughout the city and eradicating them
A chaos cultist who wants to earn slaanesh's favor goes around murdering everyone prettier than her, unknowingly earning the attentions of Khorne doomed to never be as pretty as she wishes to be.
Alternatively earning the attentions of Nurgle because she's a piggy under that armour.
Literally Dark Souls 1, the point next to a staircase with the knight who drops some shitty ring?
>understanding a feminist idea and being on Veeky Forums anyway
someone else on here is not a misogynistic piece of shit!
*high five
Considering that the character in the foreground reminds me of Poison,
>Final Fight: The Middle Ages.
I'm sure the guy who made this image thought he was striking a blow against sexist outfits in fiction, but it really comes across like he just wanted an excuse to draw a bunch of dead women
current year campaign hosted by soyboys wielding a nintendo switch and the communist manifesto
Dude just takes commissions, the request probably came from some fat chick with too much money to burn
How big is Poison's cock?
Having looked at some posts on the sight lately I've actually noticed this trend that sex negative anons seem to usee it as a shield to hide away and justify some darker proclivities they have.
As for a campaign, the female warriors of Bikuda are layed under siege by a betrayer, having covered up her natural beauty in shame, she's been brainwashed by the armored warriors of Virchast, who defame the women as impure sluts for their free and happy lifestyle. The last of this particular regiment shakes with horror at seeing the face of one of her sisters under the armor of her would be butcher.
Left alive, assumed broken. She helps arrange an elite team of mage to go an pUT a stop to this brainwashing and others like it
As big as the artist wants.
>DM has a guro fetish
It's weird though, since the corpses aren't very nude? I get that the last one standing is supposed to be the "final boss" of cheesecake armor, but besides the one in the corner the others are barely cheesecake. Impractical and revealing, sure, but nowhere near the same level as her.
What upsets me is that the outfits are not why those women would have lost.
They could be dressed as they are, armed as they are, and in that fight that fully armored knight lady is still absolutely fucked because she is outnumbered 6 to 1. All they have to do is knock her down and stab the shit out of her through gaps in her armor and she dies. Its an inglorious way to die, but not an uncommon one when facing a larger group of less equipped enemies.
Some of the bikini brigade still would have died/been serious injured, but they would have only the fight.
So the best explanation for the OP image isn't "hurr durr, look how stupid slutty armor is" and more a case of a well trained knight fighting people that literally don't have any combat experience at all.
So, like, some most dangerous game shit where you have a nobelwoman who gets her rocks off dressing up as a knight and hunting pretty peasant girls that she has had dressed up in ridiculous outfits and given "weapons" (noting how the only weapons they seem to have are barely longer than knives) and then killing them for sport. Its all to give the illusion of combat without any of the risks of fighting someone who knows what they are doing or has any real chance of hurting you back.
>So, like, some most dangerous game shit where you have a nobelwoman who gets her rocks off dressing up as a knight and hunting pretty peasant girls that she has had dressed up in ridiculous outfits and given "weapons" (noting how the only weapons they seem to have are barely longer than knives) and then killing them for sport.
Though, it's even less sporting than the original "Most Dangerous Game" story, because damn it, at least the guy he was hunting knew how to hunt too.
You just made Elizabeth Bathory cool, good job
crazy knight wants to be a woman so he kills women and skin them to make a suit
I love this interpretation. Sort of a good metacommentary on my issue with the whole bikini armor thing. Why does it get so much fucking attention when people could be discussing how poorly written female characters are in fiction, or the use of rape as a cheap plot device? Because it makes people feel clever in a way that requires zero thought or effort on their part
I mean, that particular guy in the story, yes, but Zaroff had made it a habit of hunting just about anyone who happened upon his island regardless of their skill.
Although on the other hand Zaroff is clearly genuinely looking forward to hunting someone who stands a real chance of besting him (the guy even injures him with one trap, forcing Zaroff to return home early in order to tend his wound - but before he does he calls out into the jungle that he's incredibly impressed). Plus at the end when the guy has broken into his house Zaroff congratulates him on surviving and is all set to let him go and admit defeat, it's just that the guy decided that, no, he had to kill Zaroff.
...huh, interesting that I remember the name of the villain but not the protagonist...
Yes. Whereas the actually Most Dangerous Game was about someone wanting the thrill of the hunt but being too much of a badass to take mere animals seriously anymore, this would be somewhat sicker than that.
Someone with a sadistic streak, who wants to be a knight (or maybe actually even is a knight) who wants to indulge in bloodsport but wants to do it 'safely'. When you are fighting an actual enemy you can't take time to really savor the slaughter and indulge yourself in some slow and painful humiliation, because they are actually a threat and if you underestimate them because you are trying to make a point he can still can an artery with his dying breath. And even if they are down for the count, they probably have a buddy ready to cut out your kidney in revenge.
These mock enemies, girls who have no idea what they are doing, scared out of their minds, with no concept of tactics and given improper weapons and laughable outfits? You don't have to worry about them. You can take your time killing them and enjoying it. They can fight back just enough to give you a thrill, because even a child with a knife is theoretically lethal, but realistically you are safe.
And there are almost certainly unhealthy reasons behind picking exclusively pretty peasant girls. Possibly sexual, more likely as a sort of rejection of what other knights might see HER as? It can be hard to get people to take you seriously as a lady knight, but that's going to be worse if you are a pretty lady on top of that. So slaughtering dressed up peasant girls gives some kind of self affirmation: "I'm not WEAK like you. I'm not playing DRESSUP like you. I'm the REAL DEAL."
That's how I would write this villain, if I had to base an encounter around her.
Sounds magical realm-y desu
Man that's fucked up.
Well...sort of. It's most likely the character's magical realm, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's the DM's. The DM is just giving us an extremely fucked up in the head woman.
Look at that picture. We are already deep in someones magical realm.
If you want to make a good story out of it, you have to embrace that fact and make it intentionally sickening. Don't glorify it, make it clear that this is the stance of the villain, and is all of the evidence that the party needs that said villain is fucked in the head and needs to be put down.
A memorable bad guy is one that makes the players somewhat uncomfortable the more they learn about their crimes. You don't have to do all shades of grey and moral ambiguity and 'what if the bad guy was right all along?', sometimes you can just present a twisted sicko that makes the players feel dirty putting the pieces together until everyone at the table agrees "We are not leaving this town until that motherfucker is dead".
The protagonist was more of a reader insert
It's happened before in our group, we were doing a job for the money, we stuck with it after doing our part and getting paid because holy crap this bitch needed to die
Only in this case that motherfucker happens to be a fugly fat rich girl
Get a name and post in the gamefinder thread immediately
You are living in a matriarchy and it is that time of the month again. The city guards care more about fashion than function and so some butch lesbian in full plate on the rags is going berzerk for some inane reason like a rumour or gossip.
There already is a campaign
Sorry user, I already have a game.
Here, have a little snippet of something else that might be up your alley:
In a modern supernatural investigation game I am running, while tracking down a nest of these sort of city-dwelling spiders that lay traps for humans the party came across increasing reports of people being abducted, missing for a couple days, and then their bodies being found abandoned in the woods, and later in the river. The first few were poisoned or suffering extreme injuries, but the pattern eventually normalized into some kind of intentional slow blood draining.
The players, of course, hear "blood draining" and immediately decide that this is their next case.
Tracking the guy down, they manage to find some kind of weird murderdungeon safehouse, but the guy wasn't there and they end up spooking him and he gets away. While investigating the scene to figure out who the guy is and where they can find him and, more importantly, what the hell he wants with all of that blood? They find more evidence than they could have ever asked for.
Audio tapes. Recordings. Piles of them. They were expecting some kind of torture logs, but it was actually sadder than that.
Its the victims, obviously restrained somehow, and their murderer. Talking. With the victims obviously confused and scared and pleading to be let go, and the murderer trying to carry on some kind of conversation and getting increasingly frustrated that the victims wont play along.
Its not until the fourth tape that the guy finally breaks down and starts ranting and pleading with the victim, and the players start to get the story:
So this Edgar guy works in telemarketing and lives alone, and basically is a shutin. One night, while driving back from a movie, he gets into a nasty traffic accident. He is fine, but the driver of the other car is some old black woman and she is really badly hurt. He calls 911 and sits there with the woman, trying to keep her awake as she is bleeding out by talking to her, trying to keep her conscious. They just talked. But before the ambulance could reach them she dies.
It was the most emotional, impactful conversation of his entire life. A level of connection to another person Edgar had been deeply missing but hadn't realized until he had it and lost it.
And he has been chasing that feeling, that connection, ever since. Trying to make lightning strike twice. Dating wasn't doing it. Dating isn't HONEST enough. There was something about the sheer openness that comes from knowing you are about to die that made their conversation raw and brutal and real.
When Edgar first kidnapped someone, he didn't mean to kill them. He didn't want them to really die, he just wanted that connection again. But the woman didn't really believe that she was going to die. She was still trying to figure out a way out of it. She was holding back. So he had to convince her, make her think it was real... and went too far.
He experimented with different ways. He didn't want to cause them pain, he's not a sadist. But something like poison... they would just go into denial. They wouldn't believe they were really dying until it was too late to talk. Blood draining, that they could see. Understand the implications of.
The guy is just incredibly lonely. Not supernatural at all, just a weird, sad murderer of a man. But the more they listened to the tapes, the more they realized there was no way Edgar was going to stop. So they went after him themselves. He had revealed a lot of personal information during his side of the conversations, so it was easy to find him from there.
user is cripplingly afraid of sex and sexuality and the party need to help him cope, or put him out of his misery.
me and girl make forceful love
they hate cute girls because they can't be cute girls
Lady knight killing Vampires/Succubi/Demons masquerading as Humans
In the far future, some rich with a guro fetish have bought a planet where sexy women in sexy armor have to slaughter eachother. Due a discussion over bikini armor, theyve put in one fully armored woman and promised every other woman freedom if they managed to kill her
You know Poison is female, right? Poison being "male" is something the Nips pulled out of their asses to silence whining Americans because a girl gets punched in a fighting game.
Nah, as I recall (went and found the source a while back, after I first saw it here) the artist really *was* just that narked over the whole bikini armour thing.
I mean, I'm as in favour of realistic armour as the next man, but that pic is just creepy.
It's just thinly veiled gurofaggotry like any campaign that features warrior women in substantial numbers.
>pissed off about bikini armor enough to paint a sadistic snuff piece
>gives us basic bitch tier realistic armor
Throw a fucking tabard or surcoat over the armor at least.
Actually that makes rather a lot of sense, now that I think about it.
Kudos, user, that one's going into the snuff-fic ideas folder.
Why are you guys so mean to chubby girls? _We_ aren't so bad
Big enough that it would be painful for you
Let me explain: you're a woman. You're weak, you're boring, you're annoying and statistically speaking you'll demand more money from the state than you'll put into it over your lifetime. You're cruising through life on easy mode and all you need to do to achieve that is not eat like a fat fucking pig. If you can fail on Easy Modo, you're worthless. You're not a man, you can't just say "Oh, I'll spend decades working my ass off so I can bribe a hot chick into pretending my personal woes are interesting" because men, already used to providing for themselves, don't want your money.
Now fuck off. If you want to flaunt your gender you can post your tits on /b/ or reddit or whatever.
Yeeeah, I've also been feeling a lot of the sex negative bait has been coming from the same place as the -4 Str bait, lately. When you're so outraged at the feminization bogeyman that you can't even abide foxy babes...
On topic, I'd frame this more as some kind of cosmic fantasy, star-power up those swords a little more, robot up the knight a little more. Heels are...on point.
>When you're so outraged at the feminization bogeyman that you can't even abide foxy babes...
The problem is that feminists think they can play both sides of the board. They cry about the patriarchy oppressing their beautiful femininity and that their breasts are their weapons... until men start enjoying oggling naked chicks, then pornography is the exploitation of women and the sexualization of our culture means the objectification of women. There is no "feminisation bogeyman" as feminists are at the same time whining that women need to burn their bra's and crying because men like foxy babes in their fantasy.
The moral of the story: don't listen to women. Ever. Any man who has spent significant time with women will tell you to watch what they do, not listen to what they say they want.
Feminism is a component, maybe even the catalyst, but I feel there's a general backlash against femininity of any sort in these hobbies. Feminists and anti-feminists can both agree that the woman's heels in this picture are an apparent attrocity and deep down, those feelings are coming from the same place. If a female player wants to dress her character in heels, what of it?
Because most people that self-describe as "chubby" are in reality grossly obese.
>I've actually noticed this trend that sex negative anons seem to usee it as a shield to hide away and justify some darker proclivities they have.
Male feminists are the new nice guys, they're all secretly rapists or sadists
Oglaf: The Game
>but I feel there's a general backlash against femininity of any sort in these hobbies
Feminism is THE catalyst, considering we're seeing an agressive feminist colonization of male spaces. Capeshit comics have fallen (though maybe they're beginning to turn around) and vidya is being plagued as we speak, so other generally male dominated hobbies need to either resist or fall.
>Feminists and anti-feminists can both agree that the woman's heels in this picture are an apparent attrocity
No, you piece of shit. It's not an "attrocity", it's at best schlock. It's a staple of pulpy, low-brow and *gasp* fun fantasy. It's not my thing but I understand why some people like it. It's the same reason I'm watching Killing Bites this season. It's trash, but sometimes I like a little bit of trash.
>If a female player wants to dress her character in heels, what of it?
I have more problems with the fact that a female player is at the table in the first place than I care about what footwear her PC has.
>Male feminists are the new nice guys
I agree with that part of your post, but not the rest. You won't trick me, Satan. Nice guys and male feminists are the same: apologetic, weak men who believe that the key to winning female acceptance (in the broadest sense, though I won't deny romance sometimes plays a role) is abandoning their masculinity. This is why I say to watch what women do, not what they say. Women say they love sensitive men, Nice Guys pour their hears out in front of women they're interested in and then get cucked by the stoic though guy.
Nice guys and male feminists aren't creepy, they're the victims of feminism and single mothers with no idea how to raise boys (who are in turn a consequence of feminism). That's what happens when a group that believes in the arbitrary equality of the unequal influences the social, political, legal and even economic status quo.
Reminds me of a bit I saw in a comedy bit, most of it was just the trite "girl on xbox live!" Humor but as the guys were crouding her, the whiny sounding guy mutters this prominently among the rabble "I understand her feelings that means I own her!" Which is pretty much majority of white knights in a nutshell, I'm sure some sincere ones exist but they just pale against the ones who just want free pussy for being "nice"
Wait, what's inherently wrong with females wanting to play a fucking game?
>Wait, what's inherently wrong with females wanting to play a fucking game?
Nothing. Just not with men. Hell, preferably not even a system written by men. Keep them away from anything that can make them feel "unsafe" or "underrepresented".
So you're assuming all women
Are oversensitive femanists? I am saddened you've not met any sane women in your neck of the woods, where is this place you live, so that I may avoid it?
I just don't understand this, why do women not communicate honestly? Are the ashamed of what they want?
An Amazon warrior is exiled. She travels to foreign lands and learn their ways. Returns to Amazonia years later wearing plate armor and gets her revenge.
I'm not saying armor doesn't give you a huge advantage, but it doesn't actually make you better at fighting. Assuming the ~6 other women in the room were at least of comparable skill the idea that the single armored one whipped through them effortlessly is just as silly.
>all women
Without the hashtag?
>Are oversensitive femanists?
No, but the grand majority of women are at the very least condoning of their cause if not approving. There's a reason why the status quo is what it is, and not because of a small minority of women going against the silent majority that thinks all of this is bullshit.
>why do women not communicate honestly?
Not a PUA (honestly I can't even stand them long enough to pick them up in the first place) but in that sphere it's called a "shit test". The theory behind it is that they (perhaps subconciously) throw shit your way to see whether you fold like a pussy or manage to dominate them. In that way feminism can be seen as a gigantic shit test men as a collective failed.
Alternatively it may be because women want what they can't have, probably because they're used to special treatment due to vagina privilege. This leads to such things as the majority of women thinking married men are more attractive than unmarried ones.
power word kill: omae wa mo shinderu
From what I can see the issue stems from the saner women refusing to admit femanizm as a cause has been completely corrupted.
Also the "shit test" as a concept operates under the assumption that women have some inherent need to be dominated, this being programmed at their core to be incapable od knowing what they want, and... I just don't see that.
>From what I can see the issue stems from the saner women refusing to admit femanizm as a cause has been completely corrupted.
"Corrupted" from what grounds? It's been bad news since the days of the very first sufragettes and their overeagerness to hand out white feathers to the old, the underage, the infirm and those who returned from duty.
>Also the "shit test" as a concept operates under the assumption that women have some inherent need to be dominated, this being programmed at their core to be incapable od knowing what they want, and... I just don't see that.
Why not? It makes perfect sense as a reproductive model. In mamals women are the selective gender, therefore they have subconcious mechanisms to filter out unsuitable men in order to nab the finest candidate available. Even their attraction to married men makes sense, given that purely biologically speaking we're a polygynous species and monogamy is an artificial construct imposed for societal, not biological, benefits.
Oh, I see, you're one of those actual retards who thinks we are slaves to biology and using this whole thing to act on your actual beleife that women are inferor
Sounds like a lot of mental gymnastics to justify seeing the world as better in a way that personally would benafit you
can we get back to making fun of fat chicks?
Biology and instinct drives beliefs and culture. Humans aren't slaves to biology, it's far worse because at least a slave knows it's a slave or is too dumb to care.
Biology is the shadowy puppeteer of humanity and the strings are lose enough to fool idiots like you into thinking your actions aren't guided by it.
There's no real indicator of the timing on the kills, so it's entirely possible that they encountered the dame in groups of one or two at a time.
And by that very logic you trust the judgments that result purely of an instinctive drive to mate and do nothing of consiquence, you must be really fun at parties
>fat chick apologist
I don't trust the judgment to mate.
Objectively speaking, there is NO objective personal benefit to reproduction.
The fact that most people get married and have kids anyways is proof people are guided by their instincts.
I can't even tell if this is ironic or not, and even if it is I wouldn't be able to tell on what level
is this a alt-right faggot posing as a feminist ?
is this a person who actually believes everyone else here is a woman-hating autist ?
I just can't tell anymore
just a passive agressive tranny
>Oh, I see, you're one of those actual retards who thinks we are slaves to biology
And I bet you believe evolution stops at the neck. We are indeed subject to our biology and can only master and redirect our biological desires through the use of reason. This is why we are (or were) socially monogamous despite being biologically polygynous: because we realize that our social advancement has far exceeded our biological advancement, therefore we need systems that to a certain extent discourage and punish unproductive biological behavior. This is why almost every civilization (notice I said civilization, you're "everyone fucks everyone" stone age tribes don't count) have made great efforts to suppress female sexuality.
This worldview doesn't benefit me at all. It makes me angry, miserable and has led me to despise women to the point where I can barely even listen to them for sustained periods of time. It's just the world view that explains the facts better than the view the mainstream has forcefed me since childhood. Perhaps I'm so mad not because of woman's inferiority in general, but because I've been lied to my entire life.
At what point did I defend women who were over weight?
Enjoy being a genetic dead end
Seek mental help
>Enjoy being a genetic dead end
The irony of this statement
You realize that this sentiment is exactly what I'm describing?
Please explain how descendents benefit you when you are dead?
Hell, explain how children benefit you while you are alive without using subjective arguments like satisfaction. Not to say the subjective arguments are wrong or pointless, but that YOUR BIOLOGY IS WHAT GIVES YOU THOSE EMOTIONS, TO CONTROL YOUR BEHAVIOR despite it's objective lack of utility.
If after this post you still fail to understand sorry but you are a brainlet.
Well you pretty much confirmed to me that this debate is pointless, so let's part ways now
It's not a debate retard.
I am informing you that, despite your belief in free will, biology guides your actions whether you want it to or not. Your belief in it being true literally does not matter.
Next time you masturbate, examine the utility of it beyond "it feels good" or "I'm horny". You could literally be doing anything else, some of which would make you money on top of being entertaining but you are masturbating instead.
>Hell, explain how children benefit you while you are alive without using subjective arguments like satisfaction
Not him, but allow me to explain exactly that. Satisfaction, love and the joy of founding a family are all valid reasons but since you clearly want to shy away from the emotional I'll reduce myself to the practical: children can aid you in earning money when you're young, and provide for you when you're old.
What's that you say? You don't need children because you have pensions? That's a good point, but who do you think pays for those pensions? Younger people ie. your own children.
What's that you say? The pension system has created a disconnect between those on the receiving end and those on the giving end, resulting in people seeing no need to reproduce because the state will take care of them anyway which ironically results in a state less capable of taking care of the old, forcing them to in a move of sheer desperation take in millions of low IQ, unproductive third world migrants in hopes that they can squeeze enough shekels out of them to pay for your diapers? Gee, it's almost as if this entire system is retarded and undercuts the very basis of a sustainable society or something. It's almost as if the system we naturally incline towards works best and excessive state intervention ruins a country.
That goes for any activity that exists purely for enjoyment, you yearn for a world where we are machines, and your view of the world makes me very sad for you.
Chop off your dick already, janny
>Conflating is-ought
Brainlets confirmed
>children can aid you in earning money when you're young
That's a nice utility, but that's not why your instincts tell you to have children or why people follow that instinct.
>and provide for you when you're old.
But when you are old you no longer are breeding and the breeding instinct is diminished
>the wall of text
Well yeah. I'm not saying the instinct to reproduce is bad. I'm just pointing out that the instinct is why people want to reproduce ( how do you know having kids is something that would make you happy without already having kids?), not objective benefits. And this is a "hurr I'm not controlled by my biology" debate.